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长江三角洲功能多中心程度初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
功能多中心是多中心城市区域最为本质的特点和最为关键的演进阶段。基于欧洲POLYNET研究所形成的功能多中心测度方法,选取长江三角洲目前最受商务旅行青睐且使用最为普遍的城市间动车组(CRH:China RailwayHigh-speed)每日车次数作为替代数据,对区域的功能多中心程度进行测度,并与欧洲8个城市区域进行比较。通过测度和比较同时参考其他相关研究,认为长江三角洲地区的功能多中心程度较高,已经接近较为典型的功能多中心城市区域。  相似文献   

本文以移动定位大数据测度城际出行联系,分析长三角城市群核心区的功能多中心特征,并将其与理想模式进行对照,以期推进长三角城市群核心区功能多中心的研究,丰富功能多中心理论.文章通过手机信令数据测算了长三角城市群核心区城市之间在工作日、周末、节假日三个时间段的城际出行,从功能联系强度、功能联系对称性、功能组群三个方面测度功能多中心特征.研究发现,(1)当前长三角城市群核心区整体呈现内外交互的多中心模式,具有不平衡的功能多中心特征.同时,功能多中心具有时空特征,工作日、周末、节假日三个时间段的特征有显著差异.(2)与理想模式相比,周末时段内功能多中心程度最高,工作日时段内功能多中心程度最低.三个时间段内的功能多中心不平衡特征受区域发展不平衡的影响.本文建议长三角城市群空间规划从以下三方面作出规划响应:一是围绕上海、南京、杭州和宁波形成都市圈;二是构建城际铁路与高速铁路相互结合的交通设施体系;三是保障商业和公共服务设施均衡化,以构建相对均衡的功能多中心格局.  相似文献   

彼得·霍尔等鳊辑的<多中心都市区:向欧洲巨型城市区域学习>一书,通过对欧洲八个典型巨型城市区的实证研究,揭示了多中心都市区结构的内部特点及运作规律,文章是对该书的引介和简要评述.  相似文献   

多中心性是(后)现代城市和区域空间演变的共同趋势。本文介绍了多中心性最新发展理念和在现代城市发展中的特点,并以荷兰兰斯塔德地区、欧洲空间发展远景规划和美国大城市地区为例进行典型分析和比较,总结多中心规划或发展在不同尺度和不同维度的特点。最后,在规划实施尺度、战略规划、形成动力、中心区载体、空间与社会经济联系、规划的制度建设和整体考虑社会环境等方面对我国城市和区域规划提出了建议。  相似文献   

国外多中心规划理念与发展经验对中国的借鉴作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
多中心性是(后)现代城市和区域空间演变的共同趋势.本文介绍了多中心性最新发展理念和在现代城市发展中的特点,井以荷兰兰斯塔德地区、欧洲空间发展远景规划和美国大城市地区为例进行典型分析和比较,总结多中心规划或发展在不同尺度和不同维度的特点.最后,在规划实施尺度、战略规划、形成动力、中心区载体、空间与社会经济联系、规划的制度建设和整体考虑社会环境等方面对我国城市和区域规划提出了建议.  相似文献   

上海市多中心城市结构的实证检验与战略思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
上海在十余年前就提出了构建多中心城市结构的政策主张,希冀以此缓解单中心城市结构导致的城市拥挤等问题.为了检验这一政策的实施效果,对上海多中心结构的形成进程进行了实证分析.首先从居住中心和就业中心两个角度对上海的多中心结构进行了测度,指标分别采用分街道的居住人口密度和就业岗位密度.数据的时间序列对比分析显示,上海基于居住和就业功能的多中心结构尚未形成,且随着时间推移,单中心城市蔓延趋势明显,给下一步多中心结构的形成带来巨大的挑战.为了探寻这一现象的形成机制和原因,运用了住宅选址理论分析框架,同时结合上海实际对该理论进行了扩展和修正.最后就上海多中心结构的战略走向提出了相应观点.  相似文献   

扎克瑞·尼尔世界城市网络测度方法评述及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何测度和衡量世界城市在网络中的位置和地位是世界城市网络研究的重点和难点。扎克瑞·尼尔提出递归中心性、递归作用力和转变中心性的概念,为世界城市网络测度提供了一种新的视角和方法。本文在对世界城市网络测度相关文献进行回顾的基础上,重点从中心性与作用力的关系及测度模型等方面介绍及评述扎克瑞·尼尔世界城市网络测度方法,并提出世界级城市发展和构建的几点启示。  相似文献   

紧凑城市理论在不同的时代背景下都有与之对应的内涵发展。在信息化时代背景下,城市居民生活方式发生改变,导致城市功能与形态的重构,有必要在此背景下对紧凑城市理论进行适应性发展。文章首先梳理紧凑城市理论在不同时代背景下的发展历程,进而思考信息化时代对城市功能和形态造成的影响,并指出在信息化时代人类赖以生存的空间由单一向多元化发展。最后,文章认为未来城市的功能分区将更为模糊,土地利用更加兼容混合,城市由单中心向多中心乃至泛中心的网络状结构发展,在此基础上提出紧凑城市新的测度指标,测量信息时代的城市紧凑度。  相似文献   

作者提出,城市的发展在客观上存在着多中心型城市区域结构,并着重谈了四点:一、欧洲情况;二、意大利情况;三多中心体系是一笔财富;四、“全部”城市化。  相似文献   

通过对国外近几年关于"流空间"视角下区域空间结构研究的文献梳理,发现研究领域集中在区域中心性测度方法,从功能性角度识别多中心空间结构,传统腹地和网络腹地的划分以及中心地理论、城市网络理论和引力模型等理论验证四个方面。四个方面的研究深入都与"流"类型及其测度方法演变密切相关。不同类型的"流"数据在区域空间结构研究中起到了重要推动作用,尤其是手机信令数据、互联网数据、手机通话数据等大数据能更好地反映区域城市之间的空间相互作用,为"流空间"视角下的区域空间研究提供了新的机遇。以"物流"数据测度的"流"分析、整合大数据和传统数据、进一步认识不同类型"流"差异及适用环境将是未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

多中心是一个涉及地理、经济社会、政治或行政等多个方面的动态的概念。为了更好地在城市区域规划中理解和应用这一概念,首先从空间形态、功能和治理三个层面阐释多中心的多重内涵,进而通过对多中心的尺度依赖与过程依赖的阐释,说明多中心概念的动态特征。最后,审视中国城市区域多中心的发展,指出其发展的特征与可能的演化趋势。  相似文献   

This article describes the planning concept known as ‘Functional Warsaw’ (Warszawa Funkejonalna) prepared in 1934 by the architects and urban planners Jan Chmielewski and Szymon Syrkus. This planning exercise can be considered both as a most spectacular example of progressive trends in Polish urban planning thought in the inter‐war period, and as an attempt to respond to the challenge created by the widely known ‘Charter of Athens’ regarding the postulates of the functional urban region.

The article is divided into four sections. The first considers the national background in which circumstances conducive to development of urban thought in Poland created favourable conditions for the relatively early practice of regional planning. The next section deals with the international context, the influence of the foreign avant garde movement as represented in CIAM (the International Congresses of Modern Architecture). In the third section, the authors’ model of the functional urbanized region is described; some critical comments are offered. In the last section the impact of Functional Warsaw is considered against the development of spatial planning not only of Warsaw but of the country as well.  相似文献   

城市土地结构指的是城市土地在不同城市产业部门间具体的量的分配,城市土地结构问题主要是这种不合理的量分配问题;它可归因为包括计划经济决策机制及城市发展政策等在内的多种方面。区别于运用分形理论、熵论、功能论等研究城市土地结构问题的是本文运用耗散结构理论,以广义流Ji和广义力Xi为模型参数,构建动态的、系统的、历史性的城市土地结构优化模型Max f(Ji,Xi),可用于分析影响城市土地结构优化的关键因素。  相似文献   

Landscape change and the urbanization process in Europe   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
Urbanization is one of the fundamental characteristics of the European civilization. It gradually spread from Southeast Europe around 700 . ., across the whole continent. Cities and the urban networks they formed were always an important factor in the development and shaping of their surrounding regions. Polarization of territory between urban and rural and accessibility are still important aspects in landscape dynamics. Urbanization and its associated transportation infrastructure define the relationship between city and countryside. Urbanization, expressed as the proportion of people living in urban places shows a recent but explosive growth reaching values around 80% in most European countries. Simultaneously the countryside becomes abandoned. Thinking, valuing and planning the countryside is done mainly by urbanites and future rural development is mainly focused upon the urban needs. Thinking of urban places with their associated rural hinterland and spheres of influence has become complex. Clusters of urban places, their situation in a globalizing world and changing accessibility for fast transportation modes are some new factors that affect the change of traditional European cultural landscapes. Urbanization processes show cycles of evolution that spread in different ways through space. Urbanization phases developed at different speeds and time between Northern and Southern Europe. Main cities are affected first, but gradually urbanization processes affect smaller settlements and even remote rural villages. Functional urban regions (FURs) are a new concept, which is also significant for landscape ecologists. Local landscape change can only be comprehended when situated in its general geographical context and with all its related dynamics. Patterns of change are different for the countryside near major cities, for metropolitan villages and for remote rural villages. Planning and designing landscapes for the future requires that this is understood. Urbanized landscapes are highly dynamic, complex and multifunctional. Therefore, detailed inventories of landscape conditions and monitoring of change are urgently needed in order to obtain reliable data for good decision-making.  相似文献   

空间再造:公共规划视角下的空间规划创新   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
梁盛平 《规划师》2011,27(3):20-25
20世纪80年代以来,中国城市化进程加速,城市形态发生了天翻地覆的变化,超常建设与公共空间的失落、城市病态主义与公共空间创新误区、疯狂复制速度与城市形象简陋等现象也随之出现,因此应从公共规划的视角进行城市空间的创新.空间功能性创新表现为城市功能的深刻转型,空间经济性创新包括空间的经济最大化价值创新和空间经济的性价比创新...  相似文献   

Landscapes are complex adaptive socialecological systems that encompass human and natural and built environments, and provide essential public and common goods to societies. Facing fast socio-economic, environmental, and policy changes and increasing uncertainties, building resilience has emerged as a main objective for landscape planning, design, and management. A key strategy to make landscape social-ecological systems resilient is to form appropriate governance forms that can be responsive and adaptive to external shocks and other stressors. Polycentricity is such a form that has been proven to enhance resilience. By analyzing a variety of cases, it demonstrates polycentricity — both its breadth of inclusion and collaborative degree — can affect governance outcomes. This is the best of times to become more plural in theory and methodology in order to have a stronger capacity of navigating the complexities of landscape social-ecological systems.  相似文献   

这座连接着深圳和香港的联检楼是国内此类建筑物中规模最大的一个,其总建筑面积为五万平方米,日均客流能力为二十五万人。从城市规划角度着眼的设计理念十分明确:试图将一个纯粹的巨大方形结构从周围大片无序的建筑形态中凸现出来。这座建筑物具有一个折叠形的基本形态,这种形态蜿蜒着形成了地面、外墙面和屋顶结构。建筑中面向客流的出入口部分被设计成开敞空间。  相似文献   

Functional or land-use mix has been seminal to urban design and planning for over 50 years. Mixed-use reduces the need for travel, increases walkability and generates street-life intensity. In this paper we review existing methods of measuring functional mix and rethink the ways in which it might be conceived, measured and mapped within a framework of assemblage thinking. We suggest a live/work/visit triangle as a promising method with a focus on the interconnections between functions rather than functions in themselves. Mapping techniques are developed to reveal the ways functional mix changes at different scales from streetscape to walkable neighbourhood. This approach is tested on detailed floor area databases from the cities of New York, Barcelona and Bogotá. Rather than reducing mix to an index, such mapping reveals each city as a mix of different mixes. These maps can be understood as urban X-rays that enable interpretation and diagnosis of urban functional mix.  相似文献   

Connotations of genius loci of urban public spaces were explored, geographical position and composition of Daihu landscape design in New Shouzhan District, Changle City, Fujian Province was introduced. Design concepts, layouts and patterns were summarized by combining with geographical and cultural conditions of the study area. Functional zoning of Daihu landscape design was analyzed, human-centered site planning stressed to realize functions of new urban public spaces, regression of cultural and humanistic properties of these spaces, so as to provide diverse options for the future construction of urban public spaces.  相似文献   

Two themes dominated the study of socio-spatial change in Central Eastern Europe (CEE) after 1990. One was that the development of urban regions in CEE after the demise of socialism is characterized by suburbanization. The second topic raises the issue of growing residential segregation. Unfortunately, studies on patterns of residential segregation are still scarce in the CEE context, in particular those that employ traditional measures of segregation. Relying on solid empirical materials from the 1988 and 2002 National Censuses, the purpose of this paper is to map and analyze the patterns of residential segregation in the ?ód? Functional Urban Region, an old industrial urban region in Poland undergoing a rapid deconcentration and shrinkage of the core area. This contribution concludes that the first decade of systemic transition resulted in decreasing residential segregation, as gauged by global measures of segregation.  相似文献   

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