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城市污水管道预报健康度评价模型及其应用研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
根据现状管道破坏的可能性及其环境影响后果等因素,建立了城市污水管道预报健康度评价指标体系,基于灰色系统理论提出了城市污水管道预报健康度灰色关联综合评价模型,并运用此模型对四川岳池城东新区城市污水管道的预报健康度进行了综合评价.结果表明:运用灰色关联综合评价模型计算得到的预报健康度可为确定污水管道检测的优先次序提供依据,健康度较低的管道应优先被检测;在灰色关联评价法中,将模的大小与夹角的大小结合起来,可以较全面地反映污水管道与虚拟最健康管道的接近程度;采用多时段管道评价矩阵可避免评价模型的奇异性.  相似文献   

城市污水管道维护优化决策模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在研究污水管道维护费用函数的基拙上,提出了城市污水管道维护优化决策模型,并运用该优化决策模型对四川岳池城东新区123段城市污水管道进行了维护优化决策.优化决策结果为:需采取维护措施的污水管道共19段,约占总管段数的15.44%,其中两段污水管道采取"更新"方案、两段污水管道采取"软管内衬"方案、巧段污水管道采取"清淤"方案;其余104段污水管道无需采取维护措施而只例行检查.实例计算结果表明:应用城市污水管道维护优化决策模型得到的决策是有效的,可为污水管道的维护提供决策支持.  相似文献   

通过对多种风险评价方法的比较,确定采用模糊综合评价法对城市天然气管道占压隐患进行风险评价。应用模糊数学方法建立了城市天然气管道占压隐患的模糊综合评价模型。结合实例,编制模糊综合评价软件对北京市城市天然气管道占压隐患进行评价。  相似文献   

基于属性数学理论,建立了建筑施工安全评价的属性测度综合评价模型。从人员安全教育、施工现场安全生产管理、安全施工技术管理、施工人员健康防护、施工现场环境与卫生、分包管理等6个方面选定评价指标体系,引入属性数学理论建立评价指标的属性测度函数,通过属性测度分析,得到评价样本的综合属性测度值和综合属性分数,据此对施工现场的安全状况进行属性识别,并以实际工程项目对该模型进行验证。结果表明,该模型实用性强,评价结果客观、准确。  相似文献   

通过建立管道经济使用寿命模型和管道生命年限时间轴,对科学的管道更换时间进行了定量预测;结合工程实例验证了管道经济使用寿命模型的可行性和实际生产意义,为供水管网管理决策者对管道的最优化使用提供了分析依据;模型的提出也将供水管道的维护管理模式由被动检漏模式转变为主动控漏模式,合理地降低了管道漏损,提高了供水的安全性和可靠性.  相似文献   

污水管道主要起到排放城市污水作用,是市政道路工程的重要组成部分.污水管道施工效果对市政道路的运行具有直接影响.顶管技术是一项有效的施工技术,在污水管道施工中应用的也较为广泛,可满足污水管道施工要求.为进一步提高顶管技术在污水管道中施工效果,还需以工程实例为主要研究对象,科学、合理地选择和运用顶管技术,保证市政道路污水管道施工质量.  相似文献   

张鲁冰  寿志坚 《城市燃气》2007,24(10):23-27
本文从上海燃气管道的现状入手,结合具体的工程,提出了燃气风险评估系统模型,并且具体阐述了风险评估的测算与评分,该模型能诊断出燃气管道的状况,做到全面、系统地维护管理,实现燃气管道运行维护管理的科学化.  相似文献   

基于层次分析和模糊综合评判的管道风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了基于层次分析(AHP)和模糊综合评判(FCE)的城市天然气管道风险评价模型.以层次分析的思路构建了城市天然气管道风险的四级层次结构,用层次分析法分析各级影响指标对上级指标的影响权重,曲专家评分法确定最底层指标,结合权重用模糊综合评价方法评判各上级指标的状况,评判出城市天然气管道总风险的级别.  相似文献   

埋地燃气管道腐蚀状况的模糊综合评价   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
阐述了模糊综合评价模型的建立步骤,以埋地燃气管道腐蚀状况为例,建立了埋地燃气管道腐蚀因素集、评价集及权重集,进行了综合评价,得出了评价结果。  相似文献   

陈豪  杨应臣 《城市燃气》2007,390(8):15-16
聚乙烯燃气管道的实际工作温度最高值是重要的设计参数,由于管内燃气都是常温,管道实际工作温度取决于周边地温.本文通过多种方式,综合确定了深圳燃气管道埋深处的极端最高地温,对其他城市此类问题解决具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

基于GPRS的市政下水道气体安全监测预警系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为提高城市市政下水道气体环境监测的可靠性和实时性,开发了市政下水道气体安全监测预警系统,并应用于重庆市下水道.该系统是一种基于通用无线分组业务(GPRS)的下水道气体远程在线监测服务平台,由传感器模块、信号处理模块、数据传输模块以及监控中心处理层组成,可及时、准确地显示可燃气体(CH4)浓度超限的市政下水道所在位置.测试结果表明:该系统的年发送成功率达到99.0%,相对误差<2%.该监测预警系统的建设为防止下水道可燃气体泄漏引发爆炸、人员中毒等事故的发生提供了保障.  相似文献   

本文介绍计算机水力学模型在城市排水管理领域应用的初步探索。应用实例说明 :计算机水力学模型可在排水管网数据管理、排水管网瓶颈的诊断、运行管理策略的评价、优化运行策略研究等诸方面具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

Overflows from sanitary sewers during wet weather, which occur when the hydraulic capacity of the sewer system is exceeded, are considered a potential threat to the ecological and public health of the waterways which receive these overflows. As a result, water retailers in Australia and internationally commit significant resources to manage and abate sewer overflows. However, whilst some studies have contributed to an increased understanding of the impacts and risks associated with these events, they are relatively few in number and there still is a general lack of knowledge in this area. A Bayesian network model to assess the public health risk associated with wet weather sewer overflows is presented in this paper. The Bayesian network approach is shown to provide significant benefits in the assessment of public health risks associated with wet weather sewer overflows. In particular, the ability for the model to account for the uncertainty inherent in sewer overflow events and subsequent impacts through the use of probabilities is a valuable function. In addition, the paper highlights the benefits of the probabilistic inference function of the Bayesian network in prioritising management options to minimise public health risks associated with sewer overflows.  相似文献   

方适明 《城市建筑》2014,(9):298-298
本文综合归纳了市政工程中的污水管和雨水管的特点,并结合实际的设计经验,给出了合理化的设计方法,希望能成为后来工程参考的典范和依据。  相似文献   

Urban flood incidents induced by heavy rainfall in many cases entail flooding of combined sewer systems. These flood waters are likely to be contaminated and may pose potential health risks to citizens exposed to pathogens in these waters. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the microbial risk associated with sewer flooding incidents. Concentrations of Escherichia coli, intestinal enterococci and Campylobacter were measured in samples from 3 sewer flooding incidents. The results indicate faecal contamination: faecal indicator organism concentrations were similar to those found in crude sewage under high-flow conditions and Campylobacter was detected in all samples. Due to infrequent occurrence of such incidents only a small number of samples could be collected; additional data were collected from controlled flooding experiments and analyses of samples from combined sewers. The results were used for a screening-level quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA). Calculated annual risks values vary from 5 × 10−6 for Cryptosporidium assuming a low exposure scenario to 0.03 for Giardia assuming a high exposure scenario. The results of this screening-level risk assessment justify further research and data collection to allow more reliable quantitative assessment of health risks related to contaminated urban flood waters.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(8):723-731

This paper proposes a new performance index of foul sewer systems, i.e. sewer conveyance capacity (SCC) index, to quantify the surplus capacity for multi-objective optimization design problems. The use of the new SCC index is demonstrated using a hypothetical network and a real-world foul sewer network. Results obtained show clear trade-offs between SCC and the other two objectives considered, i.e., capital and operational costs and greenhouse gas emissions. The results show that the upstream sewers in the system often have a relatively large surplus capacity, while the sewer mains operate close to the design capacity. Moreover, SCC is compared with three common indicators at both individual sewer and system-wide levels. Strong correlations between SCC and other indicators are revealed, implying that SCC is a good representation of system performance and can provide a more comprehensive picture of the foul sewer system performance.  相似文献   

简要介绍了城市污水管网信息资料管理的现状和GIS的发展及特点,分析了城市污水管网信息资料的记录内容、特点和城市污水管网地理信息系统总体框架。论述了GIS应用于城市污水管网管理具有重要的现实意义和很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

The load of total suspended solids (TSS) is one of the most important parameters for evaluating wet-weather pollution in urban sanitation systems. In fact, pollutants such as heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phosphorous and organic compounds are adsorbed onto these particles so that a high TSS load indicates the potential impact on the receiving waters. In this paper, a stochastic model is proposed to estimate the TSS load and its dynamics during rain events. Information on the various simulated processes was extracted from different studies of TSS in urban areas. The model thus predicts the probability of TSS loads arising from combined sewer overflows (CSOs) in combined sewer systems as well as from stormwater in separate sewer systems in addition to the amount of TSS retained in treatment devices in both sewer systems. The results of this TSS model illustrate the potential of the stochastic modeling approach for assessing environmental problems.  相似文献   

管道沉积物是合流制排水系统溢流(CSOs)污染的重要来源,因此控制沉积物对于削减CSOs污染具有重要意义。在合流制排水系统截流泵站的上游管道中安装穿孔管,给穿孔管提供高压水产生7.5 m/s以上的射流以冲洗管道,同时在截流泵站内设置旋流分离系统来去除冲洗水中的沉积物。对于水层较浅、管径为DN400、管长为40 m、沉积层厚度为3 cm的管道,可使管道流中的SS从冲洗前的75~170 mg/L增加到2 500~3 000 mg/L,且在2~3 min内冲洗干净。旋流分离器对冲洗水中SS的去除率达到55.6%。两周一次的管道例行清洗维护,可使CSOs中污染物降低25%左右,减轻了受纳水体的污染负荷。  相似文献   

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