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钢异形柱压弯组合实用计算研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在L形截面钢柱的弯扭屈曲一般性相关方程和轴心受压实用计算研究的基础上,对L形截面钢柱压弯组合承栽力实用计算方法进行研究,化简L形截面柱弯扭屈曲一般性相关方程,考虑柱缺陷影响,用梁柱理论分析得出L形截面柱压弯组合实用设计计算公式,并通过几组L形截面柱偏心受压承栽力试验,验证了计算公式。  相似文献   

继文献[1]对L形截面钢柱的弯扭相关屈曲一般性方程研究后,又研究了L形截面钢柱轴心受压承载力实用计算方法,推导出了L形截面柱换算长细比计算公式,考虑了柱缺陷影响,给出了轴心受压稳定系数φ,从而得出L形截面柱轴心受压实用设计计算公式,并做了几组L形截面柱轴心受压承载力试验,验证了计算公式。  相似文献   

针对L形截面柱在双向弯矩鸭,幔作用下发生的双向纯弯曲耦合问题采用逆解法和应力函数方程进行了求解,并且得出I形截面柱发生双向纯弯曲耦合现象的主要原因是截面的Iye≠0的结论。  相似文献   

继文献[1]对L形截面钢柱的弯扭相关屈曲一般性方程研究后,又研究了L形截面钢柱轴心受压承载力实用计算方法,推导出了L形截面柱换算长细比计算公式,考虑了柱缺陷影响,给出了轴心受压稳定系数φ,从而得出L形截面柱轴心受压实用设计计算公式,并做了几组L形截面柱轴心受压承载力试验,验证了计算公式.  相似文献   

非均匀火灾作用下方钢管混凝土柱受力机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对单面、相对两面、三面及四面火灾作用下方钢管混凝土柱截面的典型温度场及其分布规律进行分析,研究方钢管混凝土柱轴向/侧向变形-时间关系曲线,得到不同受火条件对方钢管混凝土柱抗火性能的影响规律。结果表明,相对两面和四面受火的柱截面温度场双轴对称,因而截面材料强度场、温度应变、温度应力也呈双轴对称分布,柱受力机理与常温情况下类似;对于单面和三面受火情况,由于柱截面温度场单轴对称,使得柱受力模式与常温情况不同,受火过程中柱先弯向受火侧,然后弯向背火侧。与温度梯度产生的非均匀的温度变形和材料强度偏心相比,受火面的多少在更大程度上决定了试件的抗火性能,即在绝大多数情况下,四面受火、三面受火、相对两面受火及单面受火的方钢管混凝土柱的耐火极限依次增大。但在某些特殊情况(如长细比λ<30)下,三面受火的方钢管混凝土柱的耐火极限可能小于其四面受火情况,此时如按四面受火对方钢管混凝土柱进行抗火设计,将存在安全隐患。  相似文献   

框排架结构在轻工厂房中经常用到,但框排架上柱的计算长度如何取值没有解决。本文以弹性理论为基础,应用初参数法导出框排架上柱为等截面柱或变截面柱时的挠曲线方程及特征方程,并通过计算分析给出了框排架上柱计算长度系数μ的建议值。  相似文献   

环形截面钢筋混凝土偏心受压构件,其正截面承载力计算涉及解超越方程,为避免解超越方程的繁琐计算,本文采用简化公式计算法,使求解快捷,简便实用,可供工程设计中碰到类似受力的环形柱正截面承载能力的计算时参考.  相似文献   

建立火灾下钢管混凝土柱的受热分析模型以便于在抗火分析和防火设计中应用。首先基于传热学的基本理论确定了火灾下钢管混凝土柱与火场的热交换过程,然后根据能量守恒原理和热力学理论确定了钢管混凝土柱截面内的导热过程,推导了有限差分形式的截面温度场计算的基本方程,最后编制了数值计算程序来模拟钢管混凝土柱截面内的温度场。分析模型中重点考虑了水分和接触热阻对截面温度场的影响。数值程序的计算结果与试验结果符合得较好。  相似文献   

钢管混凝土柱是在钢管内填普通混凝土组成的构件,PKPM软件的构件工具箱中的钢管混凝土柱设计工具,提供了圆形截面类型及矩形截面类型,按不同规范对钢管混凝土柱进行设计计算的选择。本文详细介绍了圆形截面类型及矩形截面类型的钢管混凝土柱的设计方法及PKPM软件中的应用,供设计人员参考。  相似文献   

提出带暗柱异形截面短柱和带交叉钢筋异形截面短柱。通过3根Z形短柱抗震性能的试验研究,分析比较了Z形柱在两个工程轴受力方向的承载力、延性、滞回曲线和破坏特征,分析了暗柱对提高Z形短柱抗震能力的作用。进行了3根T形、3根十字形和3根L形截面短柱抗震性能的试验研究。试验表明,带暗柱异形截面短柱和带交叉钢筋异形截面短柱与普通异形截面短柱相比,承载力和延性明显提高,滞回曲线相对饱满,耗能能力增强。采用ANSYS程序对12根异形截面短柱进行了非线性有限元计算分析,计算结果与实测结果符合较好。  相似文献   

研究了带有腹板加劲肋的帽形卷边槽钢截面的薄壁组合柱的屈曲性能。这些柱由具有对称铺设角的层合板构成。采用有限元法对柱的屈曲性能进行分析。通过分叉分析以获得屈曲荷载及柱的振型。采用荷载-挠度曲线分析对柱的后屈曲性能进行研究。结果表明:铺设角和几何参数对柱的屈曲和后屈曲性能影响显著。本文的研究结果有助于研究如何提高组合柱的承载能力。  相似文献   

Thin-walled channel sections may buckle in a distortional mode when subjected to compression. A variety of cold-formed channel columns were tested recently to study distortional buckling in the inelastic range. This paper describes a comparison of a theoretical method for predicting the inelastic distortional buckling strengths of thin-walled columns with the column tests. The method is based on a spline finite strip buckling analysis which takes into account the non-linear stress-strain behaviour of the steel making up the test sections, and the fix-ended test conditions. The inelastic buckling analysis is found to produce accurate estimates of the test failure loads and failure modes  相似文献   

The paper presents a study of the behaviour of thin-walled channel sections compressed between fixed ends. The paper emphasises the differences between the behaviour of fixed-ended and pin-ended channel sections, arising mainly from the fact that the local buckling induces bending of pin-ended channel sections but not of fixed-ended channel sections.As a result of the different effects of local buckling, the strength of a fixed-ended channel section column exceeds that of a pin-ended column of the same effective length. The increase in strength is quantified for a particular channel section, and is studied through the transition from pinned to fixed-end support by analysing columns which are elastically restrained against rotations at the ends.The paper also investigates the imperfection sensitivity and post-ultimate behaviour of fixed-ended channel section columns. It is shown that fixed-ended columns are less sensitive to local imperfections and that they exhibit greater post-ultimate ductility than pin-ended columns.The study is confined to columns whose overall buckling mode is the flexural mode.  相似文献   

薄壁钢结构构件局部与整体稳定相关作用问题是一个相当复杂的研究课题,精确地分析必然要涉及到材料和几何非线性,给问题的解决增加了很大的难度。本文提出了一种有效的分析方法,把局部屈曲的薄壁压弯构件等效成若干个局部屈曲的小波段所组成的梁柱模型,通过建立短柱段超屈曲后的M-P-Φ曲线,用有限积分法获得压弯构件的相关屈曲承载能力。进行了冷弯槽钢截面柱的受压试验,试验与理论分析结果符合良好。  相似文献   

采用广义梁理论(GBT)的耦合差分方程解决了半离散法分析薄壁柱的畸变屈曲问题。作者近期发表的两篇文章对类似GBT的新型半离散分析方法进行了阐述。对横截面进行离散分析,寻找沿梁变化的解析解。采用新方法,利用齐次和非齐次方程建立确定梁全部变形的一般GBT方程并求解,从而使GBT的(复杂)变形方程变形为可降阶的微分方程。提出的半离散方法在广义梁理论(GBT)基础上增加了用于柱的失稳分析和失稳形态识别的几何刚度因素。通过势能的变化并在梁理论中引入约束条件,对初始应力下建立的GBT齐次微分方程进行修正,以分析其变形特性。对简支梁梁端施加横向位移和轴力,建立GBT初始应力方程,通过该方程寻求失稳的解决方法。根据已知的边界条件,利用三角函数关系式和求解特征值的方法求解这些可降阶的微分方程,使得屈曲形态和相关特征值与分叉荷载因素相符。因此,无需通过模态分解,可由耦合的GBT方程直接求得屈曲形态的解析解。通过实例分析了柱的整体失稳、屈曲变形和局部纵弯失稳,以及如何将新方法用于描述特征曲线和弹性屈曲曲线。将该方法的分析结果与ABAQUS、GBTUL和CUFSM软件的分析结果进行对比,验证了该方法的正确性。  相似文献   

This paper presents distorting buckling solutions for semi-discretized thin-walled columns using the coupled differential equations of a generalized beam theory (GBT). In two related papers recently published by the authors a novel semi-discretization approach to GBT has been presented. The cross section is discretized and analytical solutions are sought for the variation along the beam. With this new approach the general GBT equations for identification of a full set of deformation modes corresponding to both homogeneous and non-homogenous equations are formulated and solved. Thereby giving the (complex) deformation modes of GBT which decouple the state space equations corresponding to the reduced order differential equations.In this paper the developed semi-discretization approach to generalized beam theory (GBT) is extended to include the geometrical stiffness terms, which are needed for column buckling analysis and identification of buckling modes. The extension is based on an initial stress approach by addition of the related potential energy terms. The potential energy of a single deformation mode is formulated based on a discretization of the cross section. Through variations in the potential energy and the introduction of the constraints related to beam theory this leads to a modified set of coupled homogeneous differential equations of GBT with initial stress for identification of distortional displacement modes. In this paper we seek instability solutions using these GBT initial stress equations for simply supported columns with constrained transverse displacements at the end sections and a constant axial initial stress. Based on the known boundary conditions the reduced order differential equations are solved by using the trigonometric solution functions and solving the related eigenvalue problem. This gives the buckling mode shapes and the associated eigenvalues corresponding to the bifurcation load factors. Thus the buckling modes are found directly by the analytical solution of the coupled GBT-equations without modal decomposition. Illustrative examples showing global column buckling, distortional buckling and local buckling are given and it is shown how the novel approach may be used to develop signature curves and elastic buckling curves. In order to assess the accuracy of the method some of the results are compared to results found using the commercial FE program Abaqus as well as the conventional GBT and FSM methods using the software packages GBTUL and CUFSM.  相似文献   

Local buckling of steel plates reduces the ultimate loads of concrete-filled thin-walled steel box columns under axial compression. The effects of local buckling have not been considered in advanced analysis methods that lead to the overestimates of the ultimate loads of composite columns and frames. This paper presents a nonlinear fiber element analysis method for predicting the ultimate strengths and behavior of short concrete-filled thin-walled steel box columns with local buckling effects. The fiber element method considers nonlinear constitutive models for confined concrete and structural steel. Effective width formulas for steel plates with geometric imperfections and residual stresses are incorporated in the fiber element analysis program to account for local buckling effects. The progressive local and post-local buckling is simulated by gradually redistributing the normal stresses within the steel plates. Two performance indices are proposed for evaluating the section and ductility performance of concrete-filled steel box columns. The computational technique developed is used to investigate the effects of the width-to-thickness ratios and concrete compressive strengths on the ultimate strength and ductility of concrete-filled steel box columns. It is demonstrated that the nonlinear fiber element method developed predicts well the ultimate loads and behavior of concrete-filled thin-walled steel box columns and can be implemented in advanced analysis programs for the nonlinear analysis of composite frames.  相似文献   

The thin-walled composite columns with an open cross-section reinforced by intermediate stiffener under axial compression have been considered. The finite element method is employed to study the buckling behaviour of the thin-walled composite column. Eigenvalue analyses are carried out first to predict the buckling load and buckling mode shapes of the column, and then the geometric nonlinear analyses are performed to investigate the nonlinear buckling properties and post-buckling behaviour of the thin-walled structures. The type of angle ply symmetric laminate is used. The investigation is performed over several values of ply arrangement angle and various values of stiffener parameter. The numerical results show a significant effect of the intermediate stiffeners and composite ply angle on loading capacity and buckling behaviour of the thin-walled composite column. The research provides insight into the thin-walled structure and composite laminate, which is employed to enhance the loading capacity of thin-walled composite structures.  相似文献   

This paper describes a series of compression tests conducted on cold-formed simple lipped channels and lipped channels with intermediate stiffeners in the flanges and web fabricated from high strength steel plate of thickness 0.6 and 0.8 mm with the nominal yield stress 560 MPa. A range of lengths of lipped channel sections were tested to failure with both ends of the column fixed with a special capping to prevent local failure of column ends and influence from the shift of centroid during testing. The high strength cold-formed steel channel sections of intermediate lengths generally displayed a significant interaction between local and distortional buckling. A noticeable interaction between local and overall buckling was also observed for the long columns. A significant post-buckling strength reserve was shown for those sections that showed interaction between local and distortional or overall buckling. Simple design strength formulas in the Direct Strength Method for the thin-walled cold-formed steel sections failing in the mixed mode of local and distortional buckling have been studied. The strengths predicted by the strength formulas proposed are compared with the test results for verification.  相似文献   

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