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This paper considers the creation and the subsequent meaning of ‘redevelopment areas’ in Toronto in the 1950s. The city passed a bylaw in 1952 that defined blighted areas as suitable for redevelopment. One of these areas was the downtown district that runs between Wood and Wellesley streets. The history of the Wood-Wellesley redevelopment area between 1952 and 1957 was important in several ways: it built on but differed from similar activity in the USA; it discursively reflected the needs of the city to refashion itself as a modern landscape; it provided the city with the tools to turn planning ideas into action; and it gave developers the forum by which they could push for specific areas of the city to be opened up for investment. Politically calculated and heavily contested visions of urban space, redevelopment areas such as Wood-Wellesley were used by the state and developers to physically reconstruct Toronto’s downtown area for private capital, to create a new modernist landscape, and to reproduce new and to reinforce existing social inequalities.  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(2):175-190
The interplay between key stakeholders in urban development is one of the key concerns in contemporary international theory on urbanism and planning. This paper seeks to contribute to this concern, addressing the interplay between three key stakeholders (the state, the market and society) in the bottom-up planning processes of Tangxia Village, a typical ‘village in the city’ in Guangzhou, China. The mosaic spatial structure of Tangxia Village has been produced and overlapped by different planning processes, each created by various key stakeholders. The socio-spatial structure of the traditional rural settlement formed the basic layer of Tangxia Village, while newly added layers have resulted largely from the intertwining of regulated city development and unregulated self-development. Recently, a bottom-up process has generated a wide range of attention, as it has functioned very well in reshaping the space in Tangxia Village. This paper concludes that the integration of bottom-up processes and micro-strategies would strengthen the performance and efficiency of redevelopment strategies for Tangxia Village.  相似文献   

朱怡晨  李昂 《中国园林》2022,38(7):91-96
中国正面临工业遗产保护和城市可持续更新的双重挑战。分析美国工业遗产再利用与城市复兴相结合的成功案例——马萨诸塞州当代艺术博物馆MASS MoCA。MASS MoCA是通过当代艺术,推动位置偏远的中小型后工业城市成功转型为区域文化创意产业集群发展中心的经典案例。认为MASS MoCA成功的方法在于共享遗产理念下城市遗产与城市更新的相互促进,即基于价值共享、空间共享、利益共享下的可持续更新路径。MASS MoCA的案例研究将为我国以文化创意为导向的工业遗产再利用和中小型工业城市转型提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目前,南京历史文化名城保护工作仍处在十分复杂的状态:一方面,经过30年来的努力,其保护规划技术体系日趋完善;另一方面,在现实中又面临城市现代化发展与旧城更新的诸多压力。亟需我们在新型城镇化背景下,走出专业部门、专家精英主宰的现状,由单纯的技术层面转向更为宏观的社会经济层面,从多维视野探索历史文化名城保护的思路、策略与途径。论文正是基于这一观点,总结了前三版南京历史文化名城保护规划编制工作的发展历程,分析了南京大规模发展与旧城结构调整的现实背景,讨论了历史文化保护工作中存在的问题及成因,并从新型城镇化城市文化传承的角度,就南京历史文化名城的地位作用、格局保护、疏散政策以及保障机制等方面提出新的规划应对建议。  相似文献   

Today, China's inner-city redevelopment has evolved into the neoliberalism phase, which is characterized by market orientation, privatization, commodification, and short-term returns; this phase generally involves massive demolition and eviction, resulting in serious conflicts between land-based economic growth, heritage conservation, and social justice. The local community is susceptible to social, cultural, and economic impacts of redevelopment, as well as heritage conservation activities. Thereby, the perspectives of residents on these two components of the urban development agenda help to re-examine the demolition–conservation controversy from the perspective of social well-being. Based on an in-progress case in Tianjin, this study clarifies the multi-faceted paradox posed by the demolition–conservation dichotomy at the locality level. Further, the study performs an ex-ante investigation on the needs, concerns, and attitudes of the local community and dissects related contradictions with the local government's rationale for redevelopment, which is a prerequisite for facilitating responsive and democratic urban planning.  相似文献   

龚清宇 《城市规划》1999,(2):17-19,22
文章指出由于规划的“物质性传统”并非是近代城市规划的直接起源,在时间和意识上要略晚于“社经传统”,因而认为现代城市规划传统是“技术(工程)传统”是失之偏颇的,然而从近代规划的发展历程看,无论是郊区社区还是花园城市,近现代城市规划的思维基点是建立一个新结构,而不是在设法维护一个既有结构。“新城模型”的价值标准仍然深刻地影响着我们今天城市规划的思维方式,于是将针对规划新城的价值观、方法与经验引入既有城市的再开发规划,从而促发旧城的“新城化”现象。作者建议,今天城市规划的主要任务已经由新城建设转向既有城市的适应性维护,城市规划的价值标准也应随之作出反应。  相似文献   

This paper discusses Shantou's two urban planning efforts in the City Hall era of the Republic of China, revealing how the two efforts help Shantou to become a modern city by analyzing the planning processes including data collection, planning analysis, functional zoning, road system design, and old city redevelopment. As pioneers of urban planning practice, the city executives and technical experts of Shantou set a goal to build the city into a "perfect region" and "Garden City," aiming to create a precedent for "civil city development." Based on institutional construction and the introduction of European and American urban planning theories and experience, the rebirth of Shantou City with business characteristics had been gradually achieved by modifying and improving its city plans.  相似文献   

城中村改造中利益相关者治理的理论与对策   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
重新界定了城中村与城中村改造的本质,认为"城中村"的本质是各种利益相关者不同利益相互关系的联结,"城中村改造"的本质是不同利益相关者之间利益协调的合约再安排,而"城中村改造"的目标是为各利益相关者有效地创造价值。论文认为,城中村改造应确立"动态平衡地考虑利益相关者的多维利益要求"的基本原则,遵循改造后"实现价值的再创造"和"实现利益的重新均衡"的衡量标准,有效地协调并满足包括地方政府、村集体(及其村民)、开发商、外来暂住人群等核心利益相关者的多维利益要求。最后,论文尝试从城市规划角度构建城中村改造核心利益相关者"四位一体"利益协调机制,并提出若干政策建议。  相似文献   

本文结合莆田市梅园路片区改造规划与实践,初步探讨了旧城改造中如何妥善处理保护与发展的关系,并提出运用整体观念和环境观念指导旧城改造的设想。  相似文献   

与2010年上海世博会相比,1988年布里斯班世博会只能算是发生在一座小城市里的中型事件。现在,对原世博场地的再开发已进入尾声,正是回顾整个过程的时机。布里斯班曾经先后采用过3套规划方案,每套方案都是对前一次的彻底背离。规划从一个巨构综合体的宏观愿景逐渐演化成一个与城市结构紧密联系的、更加传统的区域。再开发的场地并没有成为展示迥异建筑形式的平台,而是步调平稳地演化成为一片舒适、易达又平等的休闲公园,以及内部的最正统的文化机构,有着新颖的功能混合。世博会最恒久的遗赠并未嵌入到布里斯班城市与建筑的肌理中,而是写在了参与1988年世博会的市民们的崭新面貌上——敢于尝试,并且自信满满。  相似文献   

Although the concept of ‘land use planning’ is now firmly enmeshed in American urban planning, its meaning still remains vague. This paper aims to clarify the meaning by examining the historical development of land use planning in the USA. At the beginning of the twentieth century, city planners viewed a city as an organic unit of public facilities. While city planning thereafter provided potential elements of land use planning, such as zoning, zoning surveys and land use classification systems, the idea of land use planning itself was actually derived from rural county planning and was initially utilized in urban county planning as a guide for zoning in the 1930s. After bringing about a change in the way cities were viewed, that is, as a pattern of land use and population density, land use planning was further employed as a guide for urban redevelopment policies in the 1940s, and finally reaching full integration into city planning in the 1950s and 1960s.  相似文献   

Urban redevelopment projects at brownfield sites are challenging, especially when heritage conservation needs to be integrated into urban development plans. In these processes, close cooperation between various actors is essential to develop and implement plans. However, many projects seem to fail or opportunities are missed. This paper sheds light on the barriers and drivers in the planning process of these projects and shows that cooperation and interaction strategies might enable actors to implement joint ambitions. Therefore, we conducted a comparative case study of 10 urban redevelopment projects involving cultural heritage buildings in the Netherlands. Our results show that there is no standard strategy. Various cooperation arrangements and interaction types are effective in dealing with complicating contextual factors and conflicts in the planning process.  相似文献   

刘晖  冯江  肖旻 《新建筑》2006,(5):7-9
历史文化名城面临高速城市化和大规模旧城更新的挑战,以佛山历史文化名城保护规划为例,阐述了针对地域性历史文化遗产特性而制定的历史文化名城保护规划技术路线,包括文物古迹分类评价和编码体系、文物古迹预警体系、名城展示体系和名城历史文化旅游主题路径等。  相似文献   

Urban development and construction has led to a series of problems,such as the deficiency of land resources,difficulty in old city renovation,and backward landscape construction,etc.Brownfield refers to the abandoned and polluted lands of industrial,commercial,or other uses,whose redevelopment can not only effectively stimulate the intensive utilization of urban lands and the growth of urban economy,but also improve the quality of the urban ecological environment.Considering that the research on brownfield redevelopment methodologies in China is still at its initial stage,the application of the theories of urban regeneration and landscape urbanism in brownfield redevelopment will be conducive to solving various urban problems and promoting brownfield land use values.This paper,based on an analysis on the theoretical connotations of urban regeneration and landscape urbanism and their infl uences on brownfi eld redevelopment,argues that the urban regeneration theory can serve as the"framework"while the landscape urbanism theory as"skeleton"of brownfi eld development,both of which can integrally form the"organic body of brownfi eld redevelopment."It further puts forward fi ve primary principles for brownfi eld redevelopment which are elaborated through a case study on Changchun Tractor Factory.  相似文献   

Property-led urban redevelopment in contemporary Chinese cities often results in the demolition of many historical buildings and neighbourhoods, invoking criticisms from conservationists. In the case of Beijing, the municipal government produced a series of documents in the early 2000s to implement detailed plans to conserve 25 designated historic areas in the Old City of Beijing. This paper aims to examine the recent socio-economic and spatial changes that took place within government-designated conservation areas, and scrutinise the role of the local state and real estate capital that brought about these changes. Based on recent field visits and semi-structured interviews with local residents and business premises in a case study area, this paper puts forward two main arguments. First, Beijing’s urban conservation policies enabled the intervention of the local state to facilitate revalorisation of dilapidated historic quarters and to release dilapidated courtyard houses on the real estate market. The revalorisation was possible with the participation of a particular type of real estate capital that had interests in the aesthetic value that historic quarters and traditional courtyard houses provided. Second, the paper also argues that economic benefits generated by urban conservation, if any, were shared disproportionately among local residents, and that local residents’ lack of opportunities to ‘voice out’ further consolidated the property-led characteristic of urban conservation, which failed to pay attention to social lives.  相似文献   

论土地发展权视角下旧城保护与复兴规划——以北京为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
郭湘闽 《城市规划》2007,31(12):66-72
在我国旧城保护与复兴规划广泛开展的过程中,土地权益动态增量的合理再分配是个新课题,它关系到社会的和谐与稳定发展。然而,由于传统土地权利体系中土地发展权概念的缺失,相关土地收益增量直接被个别强势利益群体占有,没有在各方利益群体中实现公平配置,从而引发了旧城规划实施中的利益冲突。同时,缺少土地发展权意识的旧城保护与复兴规划也面临着难以平衡经济投入和协调各方利益的双重困境,亟待探索适应于新形势的可操作途径。本文以北京为例,通过对中外相关规划制度的比较,从土地发展权建立的制度前提和运行方式两个层面探讨了值得我国借鉴的规划经验,并由此提出了以土地发展权为利益平衡杠杆,完善旧城保护与复兴规划的建议。  相似文献   

栾晓帆  陶然 《城市规划》2019,43(10):37-42
1990年代以来,中国城市通过建立土地征收-出让制度,极大地推动了工业化和城镇化的发展。随着城市边界不断扩张,农村宅基地被绕开以及大量外来人口中的中低收入人群的住房需求,共同刺激了大批城中村的出现。近年来,出于追求经济利益与提升城市形象的目的,政府试图加快城中村改造与城市更新,但常常推进缓慢,加剧社会矛盾。本研究引入"反公地困局"的概念及相关理论对目前城中村改造的困境进行分析,将其归纳为民间频发性"钉子户"导致的"漫天要价类反公地困局",以及政府常态性"多机构管制"所带来的"九龙治水类反公地困局";并提出未来需要通过两步博弈的机制设计来重设拆迁谈判机制,有效遏制"钉子户困局",同时通过"放权简政"式的规划体制创新来全面破解"多机构管制困局"。  相似文献   

深圳城市设计运作的路径演变是一个与城市发展高度契合的演变过程。文章阐述了深圳城市设计工作从空间控制工具,转变为发展策略,到如今进入存量用地再开发的时期,更加注重提升城市空间的质量和细节品位的演进过程。城市设计让城市更加有趣和有活力,而不是将城市变成只能鸟瞰的图案或是生产和消费的机器,这种价值观念的转变过程,或许对中国其他城市的城市设计管理有些许借鉴意义。  相似文献   

黄杉  余玉云 《山西建筑》2006,32(23):46-47
探讨了历史文化名城保护与城市建设的关系,分析了当前我国城市建设中出现的建设性破坏的危害性,并结合杭州的经验探讨了通过科学的城市规划来实现历史文化名城的保护与现代城市建设的有机融合,并提出了具体措施。  相似文献   

The development of the south bank of the central waterfront area of Rotterdam may be seen as the culmination of a process of reconstruction and redevelopment in the city that has been taking place over a considerable period, in particular since the destruction of a large part of the city's central area in the Second World War. This process has involved an evolution in the approaches to spatial planning in the city, as illustrated for instance by the development of high-profile and innovative architectural projects in recent years, as well as the development of cultural projects and the consequent adoption of a new cultural identity. Such projects have served to aid a re-definition of the city's image both within the Netherlands and at the international level. These achievements may be explained with reference to the wider urban policy context in Europe since the Second World War, the approach to urban policy in the Netherlands, and the approach to land use planning and regeneration adopted by the municipality of Rotterdam.  相似文献   

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