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王德  黄万枢 《城市规划》2007,31(9):34-41,46
应用Hedonic住宅价格法对上海市210个住宅实际成交价格作定量分析,建立有效的上海市住宅价格Hedonic模型。并应用该模型对上海市轨道交通以及公园绿地对住宅价格的影响作出定量估测,结果表明,有黄浦江视线的住宅总价高33.96%,约38万元人民币;有公园视线的住宅总价高17.86%,约20万元人民币;到地铁站点地面距离100~600m的圆环内,距离每增加1%,住宅总价下降0.058%,平均每个站点的经济收益为2.76亿元,等。  相似文献   

基于Hedonic模型的北京住宅价格影响因素分析   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
近年来,如何准确地对住宅项目进行定价,已经成为受到各界普遍关注的热点问题。本文结合住宅市场的发展及影响其价格构成的因素,筛选出了影响最大的几个因素,又借鉴了现有关于Hedonic定价的理论方法和研究经验,尝试构建了北京市商品住宅价格的Hedonic模型。并以“天朗房网”提供的相关数据为基础,对模型进行了拟和分析,得出了可供实际应用的计量经济学模型。同时该模型经济意义也与一般的经济理论保持一致,使得模型具有普遍适用性,对研究其它类型房地产的定价问题具有一定的指导意义。最后,在与传统定价方法进行比较的基础上,展望了Hedonic模型的应用前景,并从多个角度进行分析,提出具体应用的可行建议。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,景观水对其周边房地产业的促进作用越来越明显,受到了人们的广泛关注。本文采用Hedonic模型,以漯河市沙澧河风景区周边的几十个住宅小区作为基础,收集了40个样本,以住宅成交价格为因变量,建筑面积、到南湖的距离、配套设施等属性为自变量,选取对数模型进行了回归分析,计算得到,住宅到沙澧河风景区的距离平均每接近1米,其增值百分比为0.1%。  相似文献   

发展绿色住宅对我国经济社会可持续发展具有重要意义,除了政府相关政策激励外,绿色住宅在商品住宅市场上的溢价是影响房地产开发企业建设绿色住宅的关键因素。基于我国近年获得绿色认证的新建商品住宅及相关的市场调研数据,利用特征价格法定量分析了获得绿色认证的商品住宅项目的市场溢价。结果表明,绿色住宅与非绿色住宅相比存在6.4%的市场溢价,其中获得绿标1 星、2 星和3 星认证的绿色住宅的溢价率分别为6.0%、8.6%和4.2%,显著溢价的存在表明绿色住宅得到了市场的认可。  相似文献   

市场学方法与城市规划研究   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
基于微观经济学的完全市场假说 ,以货币形式来计量居住环境的方法是城市规划研究的有效手段。本文运用Hedonic价格法 ,采用东京都独户住宅的数据样本 ,对居住环境因素对房地产价格的影响 (即外部性效果 )进行了实证研究。分析证明 ,日照时间、邻接公园、土地利用混合强度等地区性的环境属性具有稳定的外部性效果 ,并且这些外部性效果多受到地块规模的影响。这些结论对于独户住宅街区的规划设计和政策评价具有极其重要的意义。作为例证 ,本文就深受关注的土地细分化现象密集地区再开发中公园的规划等进行了分析。随着我国土地市场和住房市场的日益健全 ,市场学研究方法在城市规划领域的应用有着极其广阔的前景。  相似文献   

正对于城市设计质量的评估长期以来多以定性研究为主,而量化研究则因“质量”一词的主观性难以展开。本文以房地产价值为切入点,将空间“质量”与房产“价值”相关联,运用计量经济学工具,为城市设计开展定量研究带来了新的思路与方法。运用房地产市场的Hedonic模型(又称价格法或效用估价法)评价城市设计质量,本文提出了一套完整的方法论体系:作者将其研究领域置于城市设计和房地产学之间的交叉地带,在厘清二者定义与  相似文献   

徐玉梅 《建筑节能》2008,36(4):64-66
结合别墅式住宅用综合能源价格法对太阳能地板采暖与常规热源进了经济效益对比分析,又对太阳能采暖与生活用热水联合进行了节能效益分析、环保效益分析,得出别墅式住宅的最优采暖方案.  相似文献   

文章选择了合肥地区一典型住宅。对其进行了动态负荷计算。对几种常用的住宅空调方案.采用综合能源价格法进行经济性比较。得出各种空调方案的综合热价和价格比。为合肥地区住宅空调方案的选择提供了参考。  相似文献   

模块在建筑上的应用由来已久,在当代建筑(尤其是住宅)中的应用越来越得到重视。工业化住宅装饰模块化是发展工业化住宅的重要环节,该文通过对模块、工业化住宅装饰模块、模块化等概念的分析,总结出"工业化住宅装饰模块化"的定义。同时,该文结合其在国内应用现状的简述,指出工业化住宅装饰模块化的发展方向应该是一次装修到位和菜单式装修模式的"全装修"模式。最后,从"全生命周期"特征入手分析工业化住宅装饰模块化概念的内涵。  相似文献   

住宅垂直集中排烟气系统是为改善住宅内的居住环境质量.提高人民健康水平的一项新的措施.已在建设部及各地政府的重视下在国内得到应用。  相似文献   


Hedonic price modelling has long been a powerful tool to estimate house prices in the real estate market. Increasingly, traditional global hedonic price models that largely ignore spatial effects are being superseded by models that deal with spatial dependency and spatial heterogeneity. In addition, many novel methods integrating spatial economics, statistics and geographical information science (GIScience) have been developed recently to incorporate temporal effects into hedonic house price modelling. Here, a local spatial modelling technique, geographically weighted regression (GWR), which accounts for spatial heterogeneity in housing utility functions is applied to a 19-year set of house price data in London (1980–1998) in order to explore spatiotemporal variations in the determinants of house prices. Further, based on the local parameter estimates derived from GWR, a new method integrating GWR and time series (TS) forecasting techniques, GWR–TS, is proposed to predict future local parameters and thus future house prices. The results obtained from GWR demonstrate variations in local parameter estimates over both space and time. The forecasted future values of local estimates as well as house prices indicate that the proposed GWR–TS method is a useful addition to hedonic price modelling.


This paper attempts to estimate real estate prices from a Hong Kong perspective. A hedonic price model is estimated utilizing housing transaction data during a period of relatively stable property price movements. Empirical results suggest that while a residential property of larger size, higher floor level, and better view commands a higher transaction price, a property lying closer to the mass transit railway station also commands a price premium. The nonlinear effect of floor level has also been confirmed to exert an impact upon prices. Furthermore, an apartment located on an “unlucky number” floor is not preferred by homebuyers and is usually transacted at a price discount.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a methodology for a spatial cost index of housing that considers spatial heterogeneity in properties across regions. The index is built by combining three different techniques to reduce the spatial heterogeneity in housing: Quasi-experimental methods, hedonic prices and Fisher spatial price index. Using microdata from the Chilean survey CASEN 2006, it is shown that the quasi-experimental method called Mahalanobis metric within propensity score calipers (MMWPS) leads to a significant reduction in the potential bias. The technique matches dwellings of a particular region with other properties of similar characteristics in the benchmark region (Metropolitan region). Once the houses are matched, a hedonic price model is computed, and a regional housing price matrix is created using Fisher spatial price indices. The paper concludes the existence of price differentials for homogeneous houses across regions in Chile.  相似文献   


The paper describes an empirical study of house prices in Sweden. The purpose is to assess marginal (hedonic) prices of different characteristics of single family houses and to indicate regional variations in these. The method used—regression of house prices on attributes—allows us also to calculate regional prices of a house with a given set of attributes, i.e. comparing prices of identical houses in different regions. On the basis of a large number of sales it is possible to conclude that the real estate markets of Sweden do not differ qualitatively from those of USA and Great Britain. The same types of characteristics seem to have hedonic prices. The most important are the size of the building and the lot, the age of the real estate, the quality of its interior, and its location both in terms of accessibility and social environment. Regional variation in prices of ‘identical’ houses are substantial. The price level of the most expensive region is three times the price level of the cheapest region. Implicit prices on attributes also vary regionally, most pronounced in the cases of social environment, lot size, accessibility and living space.  相似文献   

Existing studies have yet reached consistent conclusions on accessibility benefits of buses. Most existing studies have been conducted in the context of the West, where bus patronage is generally low. In this study, we used a database of 22,586 secondhand residential properties in 358 residential estates in Xiamen, China to develop four non-spatial hedonic pricing models (one standard and three Box-Cox transformed) and two spatial econometric models to quantify the effects of bus accessibility on property prices and analyze how the introduction of spatial econometric models would influence estimates of such benefits. Our findings are as follows. (1) Access to bus stops is positively correlated with property prices. This outcome is in contrast with findings of mainstream research (or conventional wisdom). For every bus stop within 500 m, the price of a property is 0.5% higher, all else being equal. (2) Bus travel times to essential destinations significantly influence housing prices. (3) Spatial econometric models that account for spatial autocorrelation outperform traditional hedonic pricing models. A few robustness check analyses further guarantee the plausibility of this study. However, the price premiums offered by bus accessibility may be gradually decreased, even eventually discarded, because of declining attractiveness for bus travel and continuous transit service enhancement in the forthcoming years.  相似文献   

Equipment represents one of the largest input expenditures for the construction sector and other firms. Yet, prices of used construction equipment have not been widely studied in the economic literature. A spatial hedonic price function is specified and estimated for used excavators sold by auction in North America from 1996 to 2006. The results indicate that prices of used excavators differ significantly for various reasons. Controlling for characteristics of the machinery, we find evidence of regional price variation and ‘within sale’ spatial effects. Prices also vary between auction houses themselves.  相似文献   

The Annals of Regional Science - This paper employs the hedonic price method to examine whether the implicit value of the greenbelt is capitalized into apartment prices in the city of Vienna,...  相似文献   

住宅承载着众多不同属性,其价格则由所有属性带给人们的效用决定。随着居民生活水平提高,对于住宅所处城市外部环境要求相应提高,因此,城市环境的不同对住宅价格形成会产生差异性影响。通过采用特征价格法分析住宅中增加的由城市环境变化带来的单位属性和消费者愿意额外支付的费用就可以评估这种影响因素的隐含价格,从而揭示城市规划设计对城市环境的改变所带来的对住宅价格水平的影响。  相似文献   

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