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卓健 《时代建筑》2014,(6):138-143
在中国,建筑师对城市总体规划编制是陌生的。但在近年法国《巴黎大区总体规划2030》编制的过程中,却一直可以看到建筑师的身影。继2008年"大巴黎计划国际咨询"后,14支由建筑师领衔的多学科团队借助"大巴黎国际工作坊"这一平台,继续用各自独特的视角和分析方法,为未来大都市地区的建设勾勒出直观易懂而且打动人心的发展图景。文章拟借此重新提起建筑师如何参与城市规划工作的讨论,并通过大巴黎规划这个具体案例,说明建筑师参与规划可能发挥的积极作用及带来的贡献。  相似文献   

The 1919 Greater Paris competition was the first attempt at metropolitan planning in France. Paris was then the fourth largest city in the world. As in other metropolises, congestion and hazardous urban growth were its main problems. The need of planning was evident. However, the long-term city–suburb conflict, the legal constraints, and the political divergences hindered the realization of a comprehensive plan. In this context, an international competition was launched. The prize-winner was the French architect Léon Jaussely. Although Greater Paris competition did not result in a comprehensive plan straightaway, it constitutes a turning point in Paris’s planning history. Through research on unpublished sources preserved in different Parisian archives, this paper aims firstly to reconstruct the process of the competition. The thorough reports of the jury offer an entirely new approach to the study of this kind of competition, since they allow us to comprehend the preoccupations of the administrations in charge. Secondly, it intends to examine the projects, connecting their solutions with international models and debates. It focuses on those concerning the comprehensive plan and particularly on Jaussely’s awarded project. Finally, the long-term influence of the competition will be discussed and regarded within the international context.  相似文献   

大巴黎区域规划和空间治理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二战后,法国政府推行区域分散式发展政策,对巴黎的社会经济发展采取诸多限制措施。前总统萨科齐在任期间,重新开始推动巴黎的空间拓展与经济振兴,促进巴黎在大都市尺度上的发展和全球竞争力的提升。介绍了法国大巴黎区域的规划和空间治理的发展历程以及近年来推动区域整合以强化巴黎发展的一系列行政、规划措施。法国大都市区发展范式的转变对上海新一轮总体规划的编制具有很大的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

A key feature of modern planning history has been the identification of cities admired for their ‘good planning’. In varying degrees, they have stimulated emulation, selective or partial borrowing, or even direct copying of their admired planning features. Model cities at different phases of planning history include Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna, Moscow, London, Stockholm, Barcelona, Chicago, New York, Portland and Vancouver. In recent years, new models have emerged, such as Singapore or Curitiba. The article considers how such cities became or are becoming models. It examines the methods by which the knowledge and reputation of the ‘model’ are promoted and disseminated. The importance of key actors, and visits, conferences and exhibitions focused on planning issues are considered. So too are less specific factors which help draw the gaze of a wider world. The article also considers whether such cities were/are places where new planning approaches have been invented or where they were implemented on a larger scale. Overall the paper discusses a key and strengthening feature in the circulation of contemporary planning knowledge. It does not answer all the surrounding questions in any definitive sense but opens up new debates about planning and the processes behind its historical evolution.  相似文献   

国外典型大都市圈规划研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着我国城市化速度加快,大都市圈的形成和发展已成为我国城市化进程中空间格局演变的必然,如何进行大都市圈的规划也成为当前的热门话题。本文分别对巴黎、纽约、东京、伦敦和首尔等亚欧美洲五大典型都市圈的历次规划进行比较研究,最后总结其基本特征。  相似文献   

This paper outlines an historical institutionalist (HI) research agenda for planning history. HI approaches to the understanding of institutions, path dependence, positive feedback effects in public policy, and patterned processes of institutional change offer a robust theoretical framework and a valuable set of conceptual and analytic tools for the analysis of continuity and change in public policy. Yet, to date, there has been no systematic effort to incorporate historical institutionalism into planning history research. The body of the paper proposes planning history relevant definitions of institutions, path dependence, critical junctures, and incremental change processes, outlines recent HI literature applying and extending these concepts, and frames a number of research questions for planning history that these approaches suggest. A concluding section explores the potential application and leverage of HI approaches to the study of planning history and international comparative planning studies and outlines a research agenda.  相似文献   


Decentralization has actively engaged various fields of sociology, economy, and governance in the development of urban regions and territories. As a multifaceted strategy, decentralization contributes to enrich our understanding of national and international forces, power struggles, economic factors, and their impacts on the built environment. To frame the discourse of decentralization on urban development, three institutions of ENSAG Université Grenoble Alpes, Politecnico di Milano, and the Delft University of Technology closely collaborated to organize three conferences in Grenoble, Milan, and Delft, respectively. They called scholarly attention re-thinking of urban and regional planning of the twentieth century through the lens of decentralization’s values and ideologies. These three conferences laid out how decentralization and its evolution engaged with the field of planning, and in turn, affected urban transformation and regional development worldwide. Focusing on the role of decentralization in urban and regional planning, these scholarly events offered an innovative perspective on research on planning history. This report, therefore, reflects upon the discussions took place at these three conferences to outline the diversity of perspectives on decentralization and its role in urban and regional planning in the past, present, and future.  相似文献   

This paper is a ‘state of the art’ review of planning history in Britain. It outlines some of the main reasons for the expansion of the field of study towards the end of the 1960s. It then describes and accounts for planning history achievements since that time. It concludes with a balance sheet of successes and opportunities not yet grasped, and an assessment of progress to date.

Over the last 20 years there has been a marked upsurge of interest in the historical development of the industrial and post‐industrial city from the point of view of the planning and conscious regulation of the built environment. The field of study, which has attracted the term ‘planning history’, represents a fresh, additional perspective on urban affairs, to go alongside the insights gained from art history, urban history, historical geography, industrial archaeology, construction history and the study of urban morphology. Significant academic results have ensued in terms of research and publications, and there have been important consequences for the profession of town planning, which has benefited from a new historical depth and analytical judgement over processes of environmental change.

The planning history movement—we must speak of it in those words—is now thoroughly international; in Britain at least it has been captured by the Planning History Group, a world‐wide network of scholars established in 1974. It publishes its own in‐house Bulletin, now called Planning History, and it organizes International Conferences. Operating also from Britain is the publication of an international journal Planning Perspectives. The Society for American City and Regional Planning History (SACRPH) is a vigorous newcomer in the USA, building on the earlier work of the American Planning History Group.

This paper seeks to describe and account for the achievements in British planning history over two decades: the lines of development and where they have taken us in our understanding of (particularly) urban change. By way of introduction it is necessary to set the scene and outline some of the reasons for the emergence of the new field of study at the end of the 1960s. To conclude, we may consider some of the gains for scholarship arising from this new academic concern.  相似文献   

简单总结了不同阶段城镇体系规划理论发展的主要特点 ,分析了当前我国城镇体系规划实践中取得的成就与存在的问题。基于全球化和新国际劳动地域分工的背景 ,提出了基于都市区理论和产业空间规划、以都市区为核心的城镇体系规划新思路。在新的规划思路指导下 ,阐述了全球化时代城镇体系规划的主要研究内容 ,并结合广东省阳江市市域城镇体系规划 ,试图在实践中证实这一新思路。  相似文献   

杨博  王贵祥 《建筑师》2012,(2):51-58
中国五岳岳庙,自古以来作为国家官方祭祀和道教洞天福地的场所,一直备受隆崇,时毁时修,依存至今。五岳岳庙的礼制等级和建筑规制都很高.整个建筑群的基址规模也都宏大壮观,势必会对所在城市产生影响。本文通过对相关史料的搜集和整理,以中国五岳岳庙与所在城市相互影响为主要研究对象.着重对岳庙与城市的空间位置变迁、基址规模比较以及岳庙对所在城市的空间影响进行初步的探讨和比较分析。  相似文献   

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