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农村小额贷款公司作为农村金融体制改革中的创新组织,对促进农村经济发展、服务"三农"、缓解中小企业融资难方面发挥了积极作用。本文根据江苏省常熟市农村小额贷款公司的实地调研,通过对农村小额贷款公司运营现状、特点及问题的分析,结合常熟市农村小额贷款的实际状况,提出了完善农村小额贷款公司可持续发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

在我国新型农村金融机构中,为什么村镇银行发展缓慢,民营小额贷款公司发展迅速?通过建立一个代理理论模型对村镇银行和民营小额贷款公司的经理薪酬激励机制进行比较分析,发现相比村镇银行,民营小额贷款公司的竞争优势表现在:(1)小额贷款公司可以制定适应经营业绩的经理薪酬激励机制从而更有效率;(2)村镇银行在经理薪酬激励机制设计方面相比小额贷款公司面临更大的代理成本和道德风险。其政策意义在于政府应鼓励民间资本设立商业金融机构来解决农村和中小企业的融资难题。  相似文献   

小额贷款公司伴随我国农村新型农村金融机构的建立应运而生,在扶持低收入群体、支持农村金融发展、实现小康社会等方面发挥了至关重要的作用,也逐渐形成适应我国"三农"发展的具有中国特色的小额信贷新方式。但是,在发展过程中,由于其自身特殊性信贷风险管理问题日益浮出水面,严重影响了小额贷款公司的健康持续发展。因此,系统地分析研究小额贷款公司的信贷风险问题具有很高的现实价值。  相似文献   

本文通过对国际小额贷款市场近30年的发展情况进行分析探讨,从发展特点、经营模式、发展趋势、行业价值量几个方面对国际小额贷款的实际运营情况进行了总结和提炼。并对我国小额贷款市场的容量、结构特点进行了分析,提出了我国小额贷款市场运营的价值链和经营模式。  相似文献   

近年来,小额贷款公司迅速发展,在解决三农、小微企业、个体工商户的融资需求方面发挥作用逐步增强,已成为金融领域的重要力量。从银行角度来讲,与小额贷款公司的合作有利于间接实现业务空间的扩大,并实现存款、账户数量的拓展,因此,各商业银行纷纷加大了对小额贷款公司的营销力度。本文在简要分析四川省小额贷款公司发展情况的基础上,提出了银行与小额贷款公司合作的必要性,并对银行针对小额贷款公司授信业务的控制措施提出了建议。  相似文献   

银监会合作金融监管部日前消息,小额贷款公司转制为村镇银行的相关规定将于近期出台。这意味着,符合条件的小额贷款公司未来将有机会获得金融牌照。转制的基本条件是开业3年以上,连续两年盈利,且贷款的结构必须是小额贷款,要为农民服务,为小企业服务等。而按照该标准,目前暂时尚无符合转制条件的小额贷款公司。2008年5月,央行和银监会联合发布了《关于小额贷款公司试点的指导意见》,规定小额贷款公司从银行业金融机构获得融入资金的余额.不得超过资本净额的50%。目前这一比例暂时不宜更高。小额贷款公司用资本金来发放贷款,而不是用老百姓的存款发放贷款.如果把银行融资比例扩大了,  相似文献   

2008年5月,中国人民银行、银监会联合发布《关于小额贷款公司试点的指导意见》(以下简称《指导意见》),明确了小额贷款公司合法经营地位。由于小额贷款公司独立于金融体系之外,对其监管不适用于银行业的审慎性监管原则。本文从准入条件、经营监管以及转型监管三个环节,对我国当前小额贷款公司的监管政策进行了分析,并通过借鉴国际上有关小额信贷监管的成功经验,为我国完善小额贷款公司监管提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

从中短期来看,利率市场化给我国小额贷款公司带来的影响弊大于利。在利率市场化趋势下,清晰、精准的STP战略是小额贷款公司能够在竞争日益激烈的环境中不断壮大的先决条件。小额贷款公司应通过对小额贷款市场的科学细分,聚焦于某个特定的目标市场,构建精准的市场定位,以获取差异化竞争优势。  相似文献   

日前,广西壮族自治区人民政府下发<关于印发广西壮族自治区小额贷款公司管理办法的通知>,旨在将小额贷款公司的管理及发展推向更高水平.  相似文献   

近年来,小额贷款公司发展迅速,在扶持中小企业发展方面发挥了积极作用。同时在发展过程中也暴露出一些问题。本文总结了小额贷款公司发展过程中的主要问题,结合锦州市实际情况,提出了风险控制、人才管理等支持小额贷款公司健康发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

陈旭 《福建建筑》2012,(2):99-101
在农村电网规划中,配调一体自动化系统建设是一项十分重要的内容,也是利用新技术手段提升县级电网自动化水平的一项重要措施。农网配调一体自动化系统的建设,可以促进供电可靠性的提高,改善供电质量和服务质量,提升企业的经济效益和管理水平。  相似文献   

The state of human resources in China's construction industry presents significant problems for the national economy and for the efficiency of the construction industry. This paper considers policy and practical questions for improving the quality and efficiency of the large rural workforce in construction. Labourers from rural areas form 90% of the national workforce, yet 90% of them lack any formal job training. The existing problems besetting labourers from rural areas include low-quality outputs, low wages, poor living and working conditions, and high mobility. The proposed remedy needs to include: training provisions for labourers from rural areas to improve their working skills and overall quality; creating organized labour to increase the stability of the workforce; creating a proper labour-cost system; and developing a more complete labour market. Some privately owned Chinese construction companies are setting an example of innovative leadership in improving training and working conditions for labourers from rural areas and consequently are benefiting from increased profits.  相似文献   

The state of human resources in China's construction industry presents significant problems for the national economy and for the efficiency of the construction industry. This paper considers policy and practical questions for improving the quality and efficiency of the large rural workforce in construction. Labourers from rural areas form 90% of the national workforce, yet 90% of them lack any formal job training. The existing problems besetting labourers from rural areas include low-quality outputs, low wages, poor living and working conditions, and high mobility. The proposed remedy needs to include: training provisions for labourers from rural areas to improve their working skills and overall quality; creating organized labour to increase the stability of the workforce; creating a proper labour-cost system; and developing a more complete labour market. Some privately owned Chinese construction companies are setting an example of innovative leadership in improving training and working conditions for labourers from rural areas and consequently are benefiting from increased profits.  相似文献   

The natural experiment provided by the opening of a section that completed the A8 motorway in Mariña de Lugo, a rural area in Galicia (Spain), offers an opportunity to identify whether spread or backwash effects in economic activity are observed. The new section directly affects only a small strip of the territory—where the transition from the inland rural areas to the more dynamic coastal area takes place. This allows us to test a separate dual inner-coastal socio-economic performance after the opening of the new road—an analysis that has rarely been performed for rural areas in developed countries. We study the impact over population growth, employment and business financial results, using the differences-in-differences approach. The results we obtain are consistent with the spread hypothesis for the nearest municipality to the new road section, while the spread effects did not disseminate to the neighbouring municipalities. These global results hide a different performance at the sector level, positive for transport and manufacturing companies, and negative for retail firms and hospitality.  相似文献   

During the period 1993–95, four engineering companies were involved in six separate projects entailing the construction of a motorway to replace the existing A74 Glasgow – Carlisle trunk road. The construction contracts were undertaken in a rural part of south-west Scotland. This paper describes (i) the events which led to the serious pollution of rivers, (ii) the prosecution of offenders, and (iii) measures which have been taken to ensure that future road-construction projects in Scotland do not impact upon the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

The indigenous agri‐food sector in the Republic of Ireland has evolved to a stage where Irish companies are firmly implicated in a competitive European and global marketplace. Considerable restructuring of the sector has taken place, the central features of which are identified. One of the consequences has been a shift in the location of food industry employment to the more rural areas. Food chains and related state actions are described under three main product categories: agri‐industrial, organic and speciality foods. Small‐scale rural enterprises in the latter two categories form the main focus of the paper. Qualitative data from a study of these enterprises are used to discuss their recent growth and their production and marketing patterns, as well as their significance for rural development. They face particular problems in selling their products in a limited domestic market and in a context where more powerful interests are striving for greater efficiencies in food supply chains. The issues are analysed and producer options interpreted in terms of two general models: ‘incorporation’ into the dominant capital‐driven and globalizing market systems, or ‘adaptation’ by adhering to more localized and self‐controlled supply chains.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of devastated farms, villages and market towns in northern France was not masterminded by the state or carried out by its emergency agencies, which were concerned with filling trenches, removing shells, restoring farmland and patching up ruins. Segments of French society needed to mobilize themselves to declare their losses and claim compensation from the state. Proposals by French trades unionists to bring in German building workers to reconstruct rural settlements were rejected. Instead, general purpose reconstruction co‐operatives were established, first in Lorraine and then throughout the régions dévastées. It is argued that the differing attitudes to religion and trades unionism in the countryside of northern France were reflected in the varying efforts made to effect rural reconstruction during the 1920s. The dream of international labour solidarity through reconstruction was not realized. Rather, restoration of northern France was undertaken by private construction companies, often contracted to general‐purpose co‐operatives.  相似文献   

The Midwest is the largest Brazilian agricultural region, far from major power production units. The availability of energy close to consumption, or distributed generation (DG), can reduce distribution costs and losses. We verified the possibility of using electric power from sugarcane biomass to irrigate corn crops through interviews with sugarcane companies and farmers. Direct commercialization of energy from sugarcane biomass for irrigation is not viable due to energy subsidies received by irrigating farmers. Most sugarcane energy is sold into the national network, without considering its origin. DG has potential, but its development involves the increase of rural energy consumption, such as for irrigation.  相似文献   

我国作为碳排放大国,要实现碳达峰、碳中和的目标,乡村的低碳化发展将起到关键作用。随着乡村振兴战略的推进,乡村发展高碳排放加剧,同时亦展现了生态系统碳汇资源与新能源发展的空间资源优势。碳中和与乡村振兴两大国家战略具有紧密的内在关联,应构建“碳中和-新乡村”战略耦合机制,推动城市资本、人才、技术与乡村的丰富的生态碳汇资源、广袤的空间资源的良性互动,开辟城乡资本、资源流动的新途径。基于新的视角,依托广东省太阳能资源丰富,存量农房数量巨大的资源特性,探索了建设“乡村分布式光伏”的技术体系、实施路径及运营模式。最后从乡村新能源发展延展到对乡村绿色发展新模式——“碳中和新乡村”的思考。  相似文献   

Recent studies tend to indicate that no longer all presently agricultural land in The Netherlands is required for sustainable agricultural production. Apart from various urban uses and some projects turning agricultural land into nature reserves or giving it a secondary function, like national landscape parks or drinking water supply area, it is not easy to find alternative users for the land presently managed by farmers. At the same time, many urban companies or families are vainly looking for building lots away from our ‘compact urban areas’. This paper explores a way to bring this supply and demand together in a landscape-wise more than acceptable manner: the planning concept and experiment of ‘new rural lifestyle estates’.  相似文献   

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