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竖直下降两相流具有与竖直上升两相流不同的相界面结构特征及输运特性。本文对竖直下降管内的气水两相流进行了实验研究,运用微型四头电导探针对7.5、31.5及55.5倍管径横截面处的空泡份额、相界面浓度、气泡直径、气泡频率及气泡速度等相界面结构参数的局部分布进行了测量。分析获得了相界面结构参数的沿程变化规律,并研究了气相表观流速对相界面结构发展的影响及一维相界面结构输运特性。发现竖直下降泡状流的升力指向管中心,导致相界面结构参数基本呈中心峰值分布;气相表观流速的增大会提高空泡份额和相界面浓度分布的峰度;竖直下降两相流在距入口31.5倍管径处基本达到充分发展。  相似文献   

研究两相流相间阻力特性对系统程序关键本构模型封闭具有重要意义。本文基于竖直圆管开展了空气-水两相流实验,采用四探头电导探针对空泡份额、气泡弦长和界面面积浓度等气泡参数的径向分布进行了测量。结果表明空泡份额和气泡弦长呈现“核峰型”分布,而界面面积浓度并没有表现出随流速的单调关系。进一步开发了泡状流和弹状流的相间曳力模型,考虑了液相表观流速与管径对气泡尺寸分布的影响,建立了临界韦伯数与不同液相流速的关系。计算得到的空泡份额和界面面积浓度与实验数据整体符合较好,验证了模型的可靠性,为两相流相间阻力特性研究提供参考意义。  相似文献   

竖直圆管内泡状流界面参数分布特性   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
采用双头光纤探针对内径为50 mm竖直圆管内空气-水两相泡状流界面参数径向分布特性进行了实验研究。气液两相表观速度变化范围分别为0.004~0.05 m/s和0.071~0.283 m/s。结果表明,竖直管内向上泡状流局部界面面积浓度(IAC)、空泡份额及气泡频率径向分布相类似,即气相流速较低时管道中间很大范围内以上3个局部界面参数几乎恒定,近壁区迅速下降到较低值;随气相流速的增加,局部界面参数在管道中心出现峰值。本实验中气泡聚合与破碎现象较少发生,索特平均直径沿径向近似均匀分布,且随气液两相流速变化很小。通过气泡横向受力解释了局部界面参数分布的影响机理。  相似文献   

倾斜管内上升泡状流界面参数分布特性实验研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
采用双头光纤探针对倾斜圆管内空气-水两相泡状流界面参数分布特性进行了实验研究,包括局部空泡份额、气泡通过频率、界面面积浓度及气泡当量直径径向分布特性。实验段内径为50 mm,液相表观速度为0.144 m/s,气相表观速度为0~0.054 m/s。结果表明倾斜管内向上泡状流气泡明显向上壁面聚集。局部界面浓度、空泡份额及气泡通过频率径向分布相似。倾斜条件下局部界面参数分布下壁面附近峰值相对于竖直状态被削弱甚至消失,上壁面附近峰值被加强,中间区域从下壁面往上逐渐增大,且随倾斜角度的增加变化更加剧烈。气泡等价直径随径向位置、气相速度及倾斜角度的不同无明显变化,气泡聚合和破碎现象较少发生。通过气泡受力分析解释了倾斜对泡状流局部界面参数分布的影响机理。  相似文献   

竖直圆管内泡状流空泡份额径向分布实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
常温常压下,采用光学探针测量方法,对圆管(内径50 mm)内空气 水两相竖直向上泡状流空泡份额的径向分布特性进行了实验研究。结果表明,竖直圆管内泡状流空泡份额的径向分布随气液两相表观流速不同而变化。液相流速较高时空泡份额分布呈“壁峰型”,即中心区域变化平缓,近壁区出现峰值后迅速降低;液相静止时,随气相流速增加,空泡份额增加速度沿径向向外逐渐减小,气相流速较大时分布呈“核峰型”,即空泡份额随径向位置向外呈减小趋势;液相流速较低时分布呈现出过渡型。探针测量面积加权平均空泡份额与通过重位压降得到的空泡份额的相对偏差小于10%。  相似文献   

研究了不同螺旋直径螺旋管中泡状流的相界面参数(空泡份额、相界面浓度、气泡尺寸等)的截面分布特性。通过图像法标定了电导探针的测试精度,并通过合理地处理双头电导探针,得到了螺旋管中泡状流的空泡份额、相界面浓度和气泡数量频率的定量分布云图。为进一步量化地描述相界面参数的分布特征,采用统计方法定义了截面平均参数、相界面离散系数和气泡平均聚集坐标来表征其特性。实验结果表明,随着管道旋转直径的增大,气泡截面平均空泡份额有所下降,分布范围缩小,平均聚集坐标向上方和外侧移动,气泡尺寸整体上有所下降。  相似文献   

研究了不同螺旋直径螺旋管中泡状流的相界面参数(空泡份额、相界面浓度、气泡尺寸等)的截面分布特性。通过图像法标定了电导探针的测试精度,并通过合理地处理双头电导探针,得到了螺旋管中泡状流的空泡份额、相界面浓度和气泡数量频率的定量分布云图。为进一步量化地描述相界面参数的分布特征,采用统计方法定义了截面平均参数、相界面离散系数和气泡平均聚集坐标来表征其特性。实验结果表明,随着管道旋转直径的增大,气泡截面平均空泡份额有所下降,分布范围缩小,平均聚集坐标向上方和外侧移动,气泡尺寸整体上有所下降。  相似文献   

利用双头电导探针技术测量了水平管内空气-水两相流的局部统计特性。分析了两相流局部统计参数如局部空隙率、气泡频率、气泡速度、气泡尺寸、界面浓度等参数随气液两相流量的规律变化。研究发现水平管内相分布与垂直管内相比呈现出更为复杂的形态,水平管内局部空隙率、界面浓度在同一直径方向的分布呈现类似分布,在管内除沿水平管径,即90°线外,沿其它直径的分布都是非对称的。界面浓度在管内最高可达600 m - 1,反映靠近管子上壁的热质交换最强烈。  相似文献   

竖直圆管内低压过冷沸腾相分布特性实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
实验采用双探头光学探针对内径24 mm竖直圆管内低压过冷沸腾局部空泡份额、界面面积浓度及汽泡尺寸等局部相界面参数径向分布特性进行了研究。实验结果表明:竖直圆管内过冷沸腾相分布形态呈现轴对称特性,随着热流密度的增大,相分布形态出现近壁峰值并逐渐向中间峰值分布形态的发展,较高热流密度工况下出现轴心峰值分布;随着质量流速的增加,局部空泡份额减小,并出现中间峰值向近壁峰值分布形态的转变;随着压力的增大,局部相界面参数减小。  相似文献   

借助双探头光纤探针测量方法,对管内竖直向下空气-水两相流动的界面参数局部分布特性进行了实验研究。实验段采用内径50 mm、长度2 000 mm的圆管,气液两相表观速度范围分别为0.004~0.077 m/s和0.43~0.71 m/s。实验结果表明,不同于竖直向上两相流动中局部界面参数径向分布呈现的“壁峰”或“核峰”型分布,向下流动中局部界面参数径向分布呈“壁峰”或“宽峰”型分布;向下流动时空泡份额截面平均值均比向上流动时大119.6%~145.0%,界面面积浓度截面平均值比向上流动时大18.8%~82.5%;向下流动时界面参数分布表现出明显的均匀化趋势。  相似文献   

采用光纤探针测量方法研究了垂直上升管中空气-水两相流动的局部界面面积浓度(IAC)和空泡份额等分布规律。实验选用的圆管直径为100 mm,气相、液相表观速度的范围分别为0~0.1 m/s和0~1.0 m/s。结果发现,影响径向IAC分布的因素主要为气泡通过频率。基于Ishii-Kim界面输运模型,对轴向IAC进行了计算;通过分析4种气泡间相互作用对IAC的影响,发现工作压力是影响轴向IAC变化的主要因素,最后给出了引入工作压力影响的轴向IAC计算关联式。  相似文献   

空泡份额和界面浓度是两相流动中重要的相界面参数,准确获取窄矩形通道内搅混流和环状流工况下空泡份额和界面浓度是构建和完善两流体模型的关键。本文针对横截面为65 mm×2 mm的矩形通道开展了气液两相流动特性可视化实验研究,气相折算速度jg=1~9 m/s,液相折算速度jf=0.1~1.5 m/s,流型包含搅混流和环状流。提出了基于高速摄像法获取搅混流和环状流下空泡份额和界面浓度的分析计算方法,利用该方法所得空泡份额与窄矩形通道内经验关系式计算值的相对偏差约在10%以内。此计算方法可为研究复杂流型下窄矩形通道内的相界面参数提供理论依据。  相似文献   


The two-phase flow in helically coiled tubes (HCTs) is rather important in many industries, such as the heat exchange facility in nuclear power plant. In this work, a double-sensor conductivity probe was used to study the air/water bubbly flow in HCTs. The cross-sectional distribution profile of the interfacial parameters (void fraction, interfacial area concentration, bubble size, etc.) of air–water bubbly flow were systematically studied. Through carefully processing the raw data collected by the double-sensor conductivity probe, the distribution of the void fraction, interfacial area concentration, the bubbles number frequency over the cross-section are demonstrated, as well as the bubble velocities and sizes vertically in the dense region. Some statistical parameters of cross-sectional-averaged quantities, coefficients of variation, and bubble aggregation core coordinates are defined to quantitatively describe the distribution characteristics of interfacial parameters. The measured data are helpful for improving the understanding of two-phase flow characteristics in HCTs.  相似文献   

To enhance the multi-dimensional analysis capability for a subcooled boiling two-phase flow, the one-group interfacial area transport equation was improved with a source term for the bubble lift-off. It included the bubble lift-off diameter model and the lift-off frequency reduction factor model. The bubble lift-off diameter model took into account the bubble's sliding on a heated wall after its departure from a nucleate site, and the lift-off frequency reduction factor was derived by considering the coalescences of the sliding bubbles. To implement the model, EAGLE (elaborated analysis of gas-liquid evolution) code was developed for a multi-dimensional analysis of two-phase flow. The developed model and EAGLE code were validated with the experimental data of SUBO (subcooled boiling) and SNU (Seoul National University) test, where the subcooled boiling phenomena in a vertical annulus channel were observed. Locally measured two-phase flow parameters included a void fraction, interfacial area concentration, and bubble velocity. The results of the computational analysis revealed that the interfacial area transport equation with the bubble lift-off model showed a good agreement with the experimental results of SUBO and SNU. It demonstrates that the source term for the wall nucleation by considering a bubble sliding and lift-off mechanism enhanced the prediction capability for the multi-dimensional behavior of void fraction or interfacial area concentration in the subcooled boiling flow. From the point of view of the bubble velocity, the modeling of an increased turbulence induced by boiling bubbles at the heated wall enhanced the prediction capability of the code.  相似文献   

This study investigates the profile effects of the boundary conditions in two-phase flows, such as the inlet void fraction, interfacial area concentration, and phase velocity, on the predictions of flow behaviors downstream. Simulations are performed for upward air-water bubbly flows in a 48.3-mm inner diameter pipe by employing Fluent's two-fluid model together with an interfacial area transport equation (IATE) model. The IATE was developed in the literature to model the interfacial area concentration by taking into account the bubble coalescence and disintegration, and phase change effects.In this study, two types of inlet boundary conditions are considered, one being a uniform-profile boundary condition in the radial direction with area-averaged experimentally measured values while the other being a non-uniform profile condition based on the actual measured profiles at the inlet. The numerical predictions of downstream profiles of the phase distributions indicate that the two types of boundary conditions yield similar results for the downstream flow behaviors for the bubbly flow conditions investigated. In addition, the results with and without the lift force demonstrated that the lift force is essential to obtain accurate lateral phase distribution.  相似文献   

Effect of flow-induced vibration on local flow parameters of two-phase flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A preliminary study was conducted experimentally in order to investigate the effect of flow-induced vibration on flow structure in two-phase flow. Two kinds of experiments were performed, namely ‘reference’ (no vibration) and ‘vibration’ experiments. In the reference experiment, an experimental loop was fixed tightly by three structural supports, whereas the supports were loosen a little in the vibration experiment. In the vibration experiment vibration was induced by flowing two-phase mixture in the loop. For relatively low superficial liquid velocity, flow-induced vibration promoted the bubble coalescence but liquid turbulence energy enhanced by the vibration might not be enough to break up the bubble. This leaded to the marked increase of Sauter mean diameter, and the marked decrease of interfacial area concentration. Accordingly, flow-induced vibration changed the void fraction profile from ‘wall peak’ to ‘core peak’ or ‘transition’, which increased distribution parameter in the drift-flux model. For high superficial liquid velocity, shear-induced liquid turbulence generated by two-phase flow itself might be dominant for liquid turbulence enhanced by flow-induced vibration. Therefore, the effect of flow-induced vibration on local flow parameters was not marked as compared with that for low superficial liquid velocity. Since it is anticipated that flow structure change due to flow-induced vibration would affect the interfacial area concentration, namely interfacial transfer term, further study may be needed under the condition of controlled flow-induced vibration.  相似文献   

The local void fraction, bubble size and interfacial area concentration for co-current air-water bubbly flow through a horizontal pipe of 50.3 mm internal diameter were investigated experimentally using the double-sensor resistivity probe method. The local and area-averaged void fractions and interfacial area concentrations were analyzed as a function of liquid and gas flow rates. These parameters were found to increase systematically with decreasing liquid flow and increasing gas flow. However, variations with the liquid flow were not as significant as with the gas flow. A consistent variation of the gas phase drift velocity and distribution parameter with the liquid flow rate was observed. It was demonstrated that presentation of the average void fraction in terms of flowing volumetric concentration was more appropriate for horizontal bubbly flow. Several bubble break-up mechanisms were discussed. It was concluded that average pressure fluctuations generated by the turbulent liquid fluctuations acting across a bubble diameter are the only mechanism which causes distortion of a bubble. Based on this force and the competing surface tension force, a theoretical model was developed for mean bubble size and interfacial area concentration. The theoretically predicted mean bubble size and interfacial area concentration were found to agree reasonably well with those measured by the double-sensor resistivity method.  相似文献   

This paper describes an experimental study of the internal structure of air-water flowing horizontally. The double-sensor resistivity probe technique was applied for measurements of local interfacial parameters, including void fraction, interfacial area concentration, bubble size distributions, bubble passing frequency and bubble interface velocity. Bubbly flow patterns at several flow conditions were examined at three axial locations, L/D = 25, 148 and 253, in which the first measurement represents the entrance region where the flow develops, and the second and third may represent near fully developed bubbly flow patterns. The experimental results are presented in three-dimensional perspective plots of the interfacial parameters over the cross-section. These multi-dimensional presentations showed that the local values of the void fraction, interfacial area concentration and bubble passing frequency were nearly constant over the cross-section at L/D = 25, with slight local peaking close to the channel wall. Although similar local peakings were observed at the second and third locations, the internal flow structure segregation due to buoyancy appeared to be very strong in the axial direction. A simple comparison of profiles of the interfacial parameters at the three locations indicated that the flow pattern development was a continuous process. Finally, it was shown that the so-called “fully developed” bubbly two-phase flow pattern cannot be established in a horizontal pipe and that there was no strong correspondence between void fraction and interface velocity profiles.  相似文献   

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