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通过运用Schaal烘箱法对调味酱包作跟踪检测,证实了调味酱包天然维生素E的添加量对Racimat值影响极其显著,添加量为300mg/kg调味酱包的抗氧化效果明显好于添加量为50mg/kg的酱包;天然维生素E的添加量对酱包过氧化值的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

目前,鲜肉在方便面调味酱包中的应用不是很普遍,为配制更富有营养、口味更浓厚的酱包配方,作者在实验过程中发现,应用鲜肉可以达到比肉类提取物更好的效果,而且可以降低成本.因此,作者用红烧牛肉味酱料为例,介绍鲜肉在方便面调味酱包中的应用.  相似文献   

文章提出一种利用野生菌菇黑牛肝菌生产调味酱的工艺,采用影响因素分析的方法对影响黑牛肝菌调味酱风味的因素进行了优化和筛选.结果表明,影响调味酱感观的因子顺序为:菌酱比例>蒜泥量>食盐量.本课题为开发利用野生菌菇资源、提高菌菇的附加值提供了参考.  相似文献   

本文就色拉酱在常温下的贮存效果进行了研究。试验表明:色拉酱不加抗氧化剂在常温下可保质2周。BHT或BHT、BHA混合使用对延缓色拉酱过氧化值升高有效。色拉酱加抗氧化荆并以聚丙烯复合袋作包装,在常温下可保质至少6个月。  相似文献   

对酱类专用酵母抽提物进行了分析,通过应用对比实验和感官品评的方法,证明了此款酵母抽提物具有提升方便面调味酱料风味的显著作用。  相似文献   

为研究气调包装酱卤鸭食管冷藏条件下贮藏品质的变化,将未加抑菌剂的气调包装酱卤鸭食管在冷藏(0~4℃)条件下贮存12 d,分别测定其pH值、水分活度、硫代巴比妥酸反应物(thiobarbituric acid reactive substance,TBARs)值、感官评分及微生物菌相等指标的变化。结果表明:随着冷藏时间的延长,气调包装酱卤鸭食管的感官品质显著降低、pH值显著下降,而TBARs值呈显著上升趋势,水分活度呈下降趋势,但下降幅度很小;将分离纯化后的腐败菌采用16S rDNA测序方法进行鉴定,发现冷藏条件下气调包装酱卤鸭食管中的优势腐败菌主要有副黄假单胞菌、特基拉芽孢杆菌、肉芽肿克雷伯氏菌和香坊肠杆菌。  相似文献   

丁香和青花椒精油在酱卤鸭肉保鲜中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以酱卤鸭肉为研究对象,将丁香精油和青花椒油应用于热封包装的酱卤鸭肉保鲜,研究酱卤鸭肉在4℃冷藏过程中的感官品质、理化品质和微生物品质的变化。结果表明:采用丁香精油(0.05 g/kg)和青花椒油(0.1 g/kg)对酱卤鸭肉进行二次拌料,在不影响产品风味和质地的情况下,与空白组相比,在贮藏过程中,添加组的挥发性盐基氮(TVBN值)明显低于空白组,前期的2~6 d,添加组对脂肪氧化有一定的抑制效果,酱卤鸭肉保质期由10 d延长至12 d。丁香精油与青花椒油对酱卤鸭肉的保鲜具有抗氧化和抑菌作用。  相似文献   

采用schhal烘箱法,以过氧化值和酸价为指标研究了不同抗氧化剂对蘑菇酱抗氧化性能的影响。结果表明:相同添加量下,TBHQ对蘑菇酱抗氧化效果最好,但是0.02%TBHQ抗氧化效果不如0.015%TBHQ和0.005%BHT复配的抗氧化剂,抗坏血酸和柠檬酸均对复合抗氧化剂有较强的抗氧化协同增效作用,抗坏血酸的抗氧化协同增效作用优于柠檬酸。因此选用0.01%Vc+0.015%TBHQ+0.005%BHT作为蘑菇酱的抗氧化剂,可使蘑菇酱在20℃条件下的贮藏时间从256 d延长到576 d。  相似文献   

酱类食品是指以粮食为主要原料,经发酵酿造而成的各种酱类食品;半固态调味料,包括各种非发酵酱、复合调味酱。在购酱类食品时要注意以下几点:  相似文献   

目的 研究酱卤鸭翅储藏过程中,不同气体比例气调包装对酱卤鸭翅品质和保鲜效果的影响,并确定最佳气调包装条件。方法 将酱卤鸭翅置于3种不同气体比例气调包装中,分别在13 ℃储藏1、3、5、7、10天,测量样品pH、硫代巴比妥酸(thiobarbituric acid,TBA)值、挥发性盐基氮(total volatile basic nitrogen,TVB-N)值、菌落总数和质构。结果 30%N2+70%CO2气调包装组比其他两组的pH、TBA值、TVB-N值、菌落总数均低;30%N2+70%CO2气调组和50%N2+50%CO2气调组随着储藏时间的延长酱鸭翅的嫩度和硬度均上升,而70%N2+30%CO2气调组随着储藏时间的延长酱鸭翅的嫩度和硬度呈先增高后降低的趋势。 结论 酱卤鸭翅在气调包装气体比例为30%N2+70%CO2时保鲜效果最佳。  相似文献   

本文综述了活性包装薄膜的功能特性表征与对食品保鲜作用的研究进展,归纳总结了薄膜抗菌和抗氧化功能的表征方法,并从这两个方面介绍了薄膜对食品的保鲜作用,旨在为今后的研究提供参考。活性包装薄膜抗菌功能的表征方法主要有抑菌圈法、抑菌率法、微生物生长曲线法和包装食品直接测定法等,抗氧化功能的表征方法主要有自由基清除法、铁离子还原/抗氧化能力法和包装食品直接测定法等。薄膜对食品的保鲜作用主要体现在薄膜对所包装食品中微生物生长的抑制,对脂类、蛋白质氧化进程的减缓以及食品货架期的延长。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gelatin film is widely used for the protection of food quality. In order to improve its antioxidant activity, natural antioxidant tea polyphenol‐loaded chitosan nanoparticles (TPCN) were prepared and incorporated into gelatin film. The antioxidant effect of TPCN against the oxidation of fish oil was investigated, as well as the release of TP from nanoparticles in the film. RESULTS: The incorporation of TPCN greatly decreased the tensile strength and oxygen permeability but increased the water vapour permeability and affected the transparency of gelatin film. Scanning electron microscopy images indicated that extensive interference was embedded with TPCN in the film microstructure. The peroxide value of fish oil packaged with films incorporated with TPCN was lower than that of fish oil packaged with control films during the incubation period. The radical‐scavenging activity of films incorporated with TPCN was higher than that of control films, and increasing radical‐scavenging activity of the former was observed during the storage period. CONCLUSION: The antioxidant activity and properties of gelatin film were affected by TPCN incorporation and storage time. Also, the oxidation of fish oil was retarded. The addition of TPCN could improve the antioxidant activity of gelatin film, and the release of TP from nanoparticles in the film was achieved during the storage period. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The effectiveness of an antioxidant‐impregnated film to retard autoxidation of a packaged model product containing linoleic acid, via an evaporation/sorption mechanism, was evaluated as a function of storage time and temperature. The rate of loss of antioxidant from the package film structure was described by a first‐order expression. The first‐order rate constants were dependent on the initial concentration of antioxidant in the film. The rate of loss of 3,5‐di‐tert‐butyl‐4‐hydroxytoluene (BHT) from the package film structure was found to be much higher than the rate of loss of α‐tocopherol at both storage conditions (23 and 45 °C, 50% relative humidity) studied. A freeze‐dried model food product system was developed as the source for the autoxidation of linoleic acid in storage stability studies. The storage stability of this model food system packaged with antioxidant‐impregnated film pouches was evaluated. Hexanal as an index of oxidation from the model product system was collected by a dynamic purge and trap system and quantified by a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry procedure. The BHT‐impregnated laminate pouch showed a notable effectiveness in retarding lipid oxidation of the model product at 45 °C as a function of storage time. The control (non‐antioxidant) and α‐tocopherol‐impregnated laminate pouch structures showed no effect on retarding lipid oxidation of the model product during storage at 45 °C. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

文章采用响应面法分析添加竹笋对酱油制曲过程的影响,选取制曲时间、制曲温度、曲精接种量和竹笋添加量为响应指标,以蛋白酶活力为响应值,采用Box-Behnken法进行分析优化;同时采用高盐稀态工艺酿造竹笋酱油,研究竹笋酱油中活性成分总酚、总黄酮的含量以及抗氧化活性的影响。结果表明:竹笋酱油的最佳制曲条件为制曲时间62.5h,制曲温度31.5℃,曲精接种量0.23%和竹笋添加量6.50%,此时蛋白酶活力658.35U/g干基。与传统酱油相比,添加竹笋不仅可以改善酱油成曲中蛋白酶活力,还可不同程度地提高总氮、氨基酸态氮、总酚、总黄酮的含量以及抗氧化能力。其中竹笋酱油成品中总氮、氨基酸态氮、总酚、总黄酮增加百分比分别为9.24%、15.96%、4.55%和3.83%;体外抗氧化指标还原力和ABTS清除自由基能力提高百分比分别为10.08%和11.63%。因此,在高盐稀态酱油酿造过程中,竹笋可部分替代黄豆,作为功能性较强的新型酱油,该研究为新产品酱油的研发提供了一定的理论支持。  相似文献   

主要以丁香和肉桂为原料,经过恒温搅拌反复浸提制备得到具有抑菌效果的天然提取物,并用于香菇酱防腐研究。初步研究发现:当两种提取物单一添加质量分数达到0.9%时,对香菇酱中总的菌落和大肠杆菌的生长都有明显抑制效果,同时酱的气味略微加重。丁香和肉桂两种提取物均对酱的pH和Aw没有明显影响。  相似文献   

Corn Zein Packaging Materials for Cooked Turkey   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mechanical and barrier properties of corn zein films with butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), bacterial enzyme, and emulsifier additives were investigated and compared to those of polyvinylidine chloride (PVDC) films. No significant differences (P < 0.05) occurred in elongation, tensile strength, or Young's modulus among corn zein films. PVDC had the lowest apparent water vapor permeability (WVPapp), and no significant differences in WVPapp were found between zein films and PVDC. Cooked turkey breast was packaged, evaluated by a trained sensory panel, and analyzed for hexanal content. Turkey breast wrapped in corn zein film with antioxidant and emulsifier had lower hexanal content than samples packaged in PVDC.  相似文献   

利用鲁氏酵母和曲霉联合发酵米渣制作生酱油,评价其对产品风味和抗氧化活性的影响。结果表明鲁氏 酵母可以提高米渣生酱油谷氨酸、5-甲基-2-乙基-4-羟基-3(2H)-呋喃酮、4-乙烯基愈创木酚含量,增强还原力、 1,1-二苯基-2-三硝基苯肼(1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl,DPPH)自由基清除率、总抗氧化能力和·OH清除率等体 外抗氧化活性。米渣酱醪发酵至pH 5.0时接种0.025%鲁氏酵母发酵的生酱油品质最好,发酵45 d时,总氨基酸和抗 氧化氨基酸质量浓度较未接种组分别提高了24.76%和40.73%,还原力达到5 830.43 μg VC/mL。米渣生酱油的挥发 油、色素和截留分子质量小于10 kDa的组分均具有明显的DPPH自由基清除活性,并且呈现一定的量效关系。  相似文献   

该研究对比分析了1种黑豆酱油和4种黄豆酱油中总酚、总黄酮、色深物质、氨基酸态氮、无盐固形物、还原糖、总糖、总酸和游离氨基酸等成分的含量及两类酱油的DPPH自由基清除能力、ABTS自由基清除能力、还原力和金属离子螯合能力。此外,采用相关性分析、聚类分析和主成分分析法分析了5种酱油的抗氧化活性成分与抗氧化活性之间的内在联系。结果表明,除氨基酸态氮、无盐固形物、游离氨基酸外,黑豆酱油的其他6种活性成分含量均显著高于其余4种黄豆酱油(p<0.05);除金属离子螯合能力外,黑豆酱油的其他3种抗氧化活性均显著高于其余4种黄豆酱油(p<0.05);相关性分析结果表明酱油中总酚、总黄酮和色深物质是造成5种酱油抗氧化活性存在显著差异的主要原因,聚类分析结果和主成分分析结果均表明黑豆酱油的综合品质高于其余4种黄豆酱油。因此黑豆酱油的综合品质显著高于其余4种黄豆酱油。上述研究结果可为黑豆酱油抗氧化活性的深入研究和消费者选择合适的酱油提供数据支撑和科学依据。  相似文献   

消除酿造酱油二次沉淀的方法研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用明胶、蛋清液2种澄清剂对酱油进行澄清试验,并对处理后的酱油吸光度值、氨基酸态氮等进行了测定。结果表明,蛋清液是较好的澄清剂,其澄清度高且用量适中;明胶的处理效果稍差,且用量较少。经澄清后可以消除酱油的2次沉淀现象,得到红褐色透明的酱油。  相似文献   

The effect of blueberry‐extract incorporation into soybean‐protein‐isolate edible film on the quality of packaged lard was compared with vitamin E or butylated hydroxyl anisole (BHA) incorporations individually during the storage at 36 °C and relative humidity of 40% for 5 weeks. Blueberry‐extract incorporations into soybean‐protein‐isolate film showed a greater tensile strength, lower water vapour permeability and lower oxygen permeability than vitamin E or BHA incorporations individually. On the other hand, the antioxidant capacity of soybean‐protein‐isolate film incorporated with the blueberry extract was greater than that incorporated with vitamin E and similar to that incorporated with BHA. Moreover, soybean‐protein‐isolate film incorporated with the blueberry extract showed a greater capacity to delay the lard hydrolysis than that incorporated with BHA, and a similar capacity to that incorporated with vitamin E. Consequently, blueberry‐extract incorporations into soybean‐protein‐isolate film not only improved mechanical and barrier properties, but also delayed the oxidation and hydrolysis of packaged lard. Therefore, blueberry‐extract incorporations into soybean‐protein‐isolate films have potential as a packaging material which will preserve the qualities of stored lard.  相似文献   

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