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食品安全   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了目前国外食品安全的最新概念,即不仅是食品的质的安全也包含食品的量的安全.同时还有使用者安心使用的安全.同时分析了食品安全与食品卫生、食品质量、食品安心的关系,并简要概述了确保食品安全的措施.  相似文献   

<正>随着人民生活水平不断提高,物质条件不仅限于满足生活温饱,还要考虑到食品品种及数量,食品安全卫生质量越来越引起当今社会的高度关注。为充分了解食品卫生的安全环境,进一步提高食品安全卫生质量,本文将重点对我国食品的抽检结果进行综合分析,为今后的质量监督管理提供依据。近年来,食品安全卫生是衡量一个国家是否具备严格的监督管理标准,同时也是发展人类生活水平的重要指标,合理制定食品卫生安全标准是有  相似文献   

食品安全、食品卫生与食品质量概念辨析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
从狭义上讲,食品卫生是指食品干净、未被细菌污染,不使人致病。食品安全是指食品及食品相关产品不存在对人体健康造成现实的或潜在的侵害的一种状态,也指为确保此种状态所采取的各种管理方法和措施。与食品卫生相比,食品安全更加强调食品标签的真实、全面、准确;更强调食品认证与商标管理;更重视食品食用方法的特殊要求;更关注个体的差异性。食品安全与食品卫生在公共管理方面的差异也比较明显。食品质量,是一个“度”的概念,是指食品的优劣程度,既包括优等食品,也包括劣等食品。食品安全指的是所有对人体健康造成急性或慢性损害的危险都不存在,是一个绝对概念。食品卫生与食品安全一样也是一个“质”的概念。笔者以为,应当借正在进行的《食品安全法》的起草,《标准化法》与《食品卫生法》的修改,通过法律的途径厘清三个概念。  相似文献   

正近年来,我国食品安全问题频繁发生,对百姓和政府监管部门都带来极其恶劣的影响。基于此,国家食品卫生法规、食品卫生监督体系也日益完善起来。食品安全卫生存在的问题法律法规不规范。我国对食品安全卫生问题也颁布了诸多法律体系,如现行阶段食品监管大法《食品卫生法》《中华人民共和国食品安全法》《食品安全国家标准管理方法》以及《产品质量法》等等,但是这些法律法规所管范围过于狭窄,监督范围不明确,有些环节存在交叉管制,有些监管人员对食品安全卫生问  相似文献   

目的提高农村地区居民食品安全卫生意识,满足居民的护理需求,保障居民饮食安全和身心健康。方法以榆林地区的50个家庭作为调查对象,采用问卷调查法结合访谈对居民对食品安全的认知态度、了解食品安全法规的程度、食品消费行为、关注食品安全卫生的程度、获取食品安全卫士知识的渠道及护理需求进行调查。结果大多数居民对食品卫生安全的认知态度较好,对相关法规的了解程度较高;农贸市场的消费人数占比较大,关注食品保质期和生产日期的人数占比较大;对食品卫生监管的满意度一般,对护理人才和护理知识需求较强。结论当地农村居民的整体食品安全卫生认识度不高,需要通过加大宣传教育力度和提高监管力度、加大护理人力投入来改善。  相似文献   

德国食品卫生与安全的法律基础   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
食品生产关系国计民生,食品安全涉及千家万户。保证食品安全,必须建立健全有关食品卫生和安全的法律法规。近10多年我国食品卫生安全的法律建设步伐明显加快,卫生法、粮油卫生管理办法、食品卫生监督程序、食品广告管理办法等构成了相对完善的我国食品卫生和安全的法律体系。为配合相关法律法规建设的调研,我们对德国食品卫生和安全的法律进行了初步研究。德国法律系统完整,法理严密,权限清楚,惩罚分明,可操作性强,素为世界法学界公认。此处简要介绍德国食品卫生安全方面重要的法律法规,以期起到参考作用。  相似文献   

近年来,食品包装工业发展迅速,同时大家越来越重视食品卫生和安全状况。食品包装不仅可用来盛装食品,还具有保证食品卫生安全和装饰的作用。作为食品安全的重要组成部分,包装直接与食品接触,其卫生安全性直接关系到人体健康,原材料的质量安全也得到广泛的重视。食品塑料包装的卫生标准目前我国常用的食品包装材料有金属,塑料、橡胶、纸、瓷器以及铝塑复合包装材料、纸铝复合包装材料。这些材料在加工过程中可能残留聚合物单  相似文献   

马长伟 《肉类工业》2001,(Z1):14-18
1 建立食品安全和卫生质量保证体系意义重大时间紧迫 食品的卫生和安全是当今世界食品生产与消费中最受人们关注的问题.近年来,媒体对国外疯牛病和二恶英等事件的宣传报导极大地提高了人们对食品卫生和安全的意识.即使在科学技术高度发达、被认为是世界上食品供给最安全的国家-美国,也不断面对食品安全的挑战 ,而不得不将其列为21世纪食品领域十大研究方向之首.在我国,由于饮食卫生问题造成的食物中毒事件也时有发生,给人民生命财产与健康带来了很大危害.因此,加强食品生产和流通环节的安全防护与监督控制,保证向消费者提供安全、卫生的食品是所有食品生产者首先必须牢记的原则.在我国加入WTO的日期日益临近的形势下,开展这方面的工作显得尤其必要和紧迫.具体到肉类加工行业,就是要为我国的肉类食品加工业建立起一套比较完善的能够与国际接轨的产品安全质量保证体系,从而使我国的肉类食品加工业可以直面加入WTO 后国际产品的挑战,同时为我国肉类食品进入国际市场提供保障.  相似文献   

目的探讨食品营养与食品卫生监管并重应对食品营养问题和卫生问题的"双重挑战",为我国有关食品安全政策与法规建设提供参考。方法通过分析现行食品安全法规中对食物营养规定的缺陷,探讨平衡膳食对食品安全的重要性,论证营养与卫生监管并重对食品安全"双重挑战"的重要意义与作用。结果现行《食品安全法》对食品安全的监管有一定的局限性,食品安全涵盖食品卫生与食品营养问题,注重合理营养的平衡膳食可以防范某些食品安全问题。结论食品营养与卫生问题同属食品安全问题,只有采用同等法律效力和政府作为的"监管并重",才能更好地保障我国的食品安全。  相似文献   

一、食品安全的概念 根据世界卫生组织的定义,食品安全(foodsafety)问题是"食物中有毒.有害物质对人体健康影响的公共卫生问题".按照国际通行的概念,食品安全一般是指卫生安全,不存在对人体健康造成急性或慢性损害的危险.而食品营养问题则另有专门的法律法规予以规范.  相似文献   

近年来, 我国食品安全问题频发, 引发各界广泛关注的同时, 也不禁令人思考食品安全问题频发的原因。其中, 思想政治工作的缺失作为其中重要的因素, 需要加强其在食品卫生安全的中的应用。从政治的高度来抓安全, 在食品安全方面更能够增强企业、政府、消费者等多方的安全意识。本文结合食品卫生安全管理问题对食品卫生安全领域思想政治工作展开了分析, 并对食品卫生安全思想政治工作开展情况进行了探究, 提出了全面、系统开展食品卫生安全管理思想政治教育工作的路径。通过各种途径实现思想政治工作的加强, 在全社会营造和谐、健康、安全的食品卫生环境, 有利于和谐社会的构建。  相似文献   

Research has shown that traditional food safety training programs and strategies to promote hand hygiene increases knowledge of the subject. However, very few studies have been conducted to evaluate the impact of food safety training on food handlers' attitudes about good hand hygiene practices. The objective of this meta-analytical study was to assess the extent to which food safety training or intervention strategies increased knowledge of and attitudes about hand hygiene. A systematic review of food safety training articles was conducted. Additional studies were identified from abstracts from food safety conferences and food science education conferences. Search terms included combinations of "food safety," "food hygiene," "training," "education," "hand washing," "hand hygiene," "knowledge," "attitudes," "practices," "behavior," and "food handlers." Only before- and after-training approaches and cohort studies with training (intervention group) and without training (control group) in hand hygiene knowledge and including attitudes in food handlers were evaluated. All pooled analyses were based on a random effects model. Meta-analysis values for nine food safety training and intervention studies on hand hygiene knowledge among food handlers were significantly higher than those of the control (without training), with an effect size (Hedges' g) of 1.284 (95% confidence interval [CI] ~ 0.830 to 1.738). Meta-analysis of five food safety training and intervention studies in which hand hygiene attitudes and self-reported practices were monitored produced a summary effect size of 0.683 (95% CI ~ 0.523 to 0.843). Food safety training increased knowledge and improved attitudes about hand hygiene practices. Refresher training and long-term reinforcement of good food handling behaviors may also be beneficial for sustaining good hand washing practices.  相似文献   

The study was to evaluate the food safety knowledge and hygiene practices among food handlers. A total of 42 food handlers in 13 basic schools under the School Feeding Scheme, Soweto, South Africa were recruited for the study using purposive and convenience sampling methods for the respondents and institutions, respectively. A piloted self-administered questionnaire was used. All the respondents were female (100%) with the majority being between the ages of 31 and 40 (40%) and had secondary education (63%). About (90.5%) of the respondents indicated that food safety is very important. Frequent hand washing (95.2%); cleaning and sanitizing knives/cutting boards (95.3%); checking best before date (92.8); keeping kitchen surfaces clean (80.9%) among others were indicated as very important food safety and hygiene practices. However, they failed to agree that frozen foods, particularly meat are to be thawed using room temperature (4.8%) and also in the lower shelf in the refrigerators (26.2) as the best practices. Spearman's correlation coefficient revealed that no correlation exists between food safety knowledge and hygiene practices (p < .05), but strong correlations among educational levels, knowledge, and practices (p < .05). Hence, training and workshops particularly in hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) is needed to cover-up the lapses.  相似文献   

Integrated hygiene and food safety management systems in food production can give rise to exceptional improvements in food safety performance, but require high level commitment and full functional involvement. A new approach, named hygieneomics, has been developed to assist management in their introduction of hygiene and food safety systems. For an effective introduction, the management systems must be designed to fit with the current generational state of an organisation. There are, broadly speaking, four generational states of an organisation in their approach to food safety. They comprise: (i) rules setting; (ii) ensuring compliance; (iii) individual commitment; (iv) interdependent action. In order to set up an effective integrated hygiene and food safety management system a number of key managerial requirements are necessary. The most important ones are: (a) management systems must integrate the activities of key functions from research and development through to supply chain and all functions need to be involved; (b) there is a critical role for the senior executive, in communicating policy and standards; (c) responsibilities must be clearly defined, and it should be clear that food safety is a line management responsibility not to be delegated to technical or quality personnel; (d) a thorough and effective multi-level audit approach is necessary; (e) key activities in the system are HACCP and risk management, but it is stressed that these are ongoing management activities, not once-off paper generating exercises; and (f) executive management board level review is necessary of audit results, measurements, status and business benefits.  相似文献   

The concept of food safety becomes critical when the food is prepared and served to hospitalized patients. This study was carried out to assess the knowledge and practices related to food safety and personal hygiene among food handlers in one of the teaching hospitals in Sri Lanka. An interviewer-administrated questionnaire, observations and discussions were used to gather information. All 31 members in food service management system included and out of them 52% were male and 48% were female. Their mean age was 42.6 years (range 21-59) and 52% of them had secondary education (6-11). The results showed that inadequate knowledge of food hygiene practices; 54.8% of workers did not know the correct refrigerator temperature; 51.6% of them thought that chilling or freezing eliminates harmful germs from food; 19.4% responded that fresh milk does not need refrigeration for its storage; 38.7% did not know that prepared food stored without covering can result in contamination. However, 80.6% knew that raw food should be separated from cooked food. The knowledge of workers regarding personnel hygiene was good: all workers responded that washing hands after using toilet is important. The observations revealed availability of two separate tiled floor rooms for the storage of raw materials; a separate place for cutting and washing; a tiled clean kitchen floor; and all workers had trimmed clean nails and short hair. However, there were some drawbacks on their food safety practices: keeping vegetables on the floor during raw material inspection; keeping cooked food containing utensils open prior to distribution; and unavailability of uniforms, gloves and masks for food handlers. Since, the workers’ knowledge of food safety aspects and the available safety practices were inadequate, it is important to improve their knowledge by education and training programs on food safety and hygiene to provide safe food for patients.  相似文献   

食品卫生关系到广大人民群众的身体健康,一直是全社会关注的热点.随着中国葡萄酒产业的快速发展,消费者对国产葡萄酒的关注度逐渐提高.葡萄酒卫生不仅影响产品质量,也关系到葡萄酒形象和品牌崛起.葡萄酒卫生涉及原料生产、加工,产品贮运、销售整个过程,涵盖为保证葡萄酒安全性、有益性和完好性而采取的全部措施.葡萄酒的质量安全风险主要由两部分构成:一是葡萄原料安全,二是葡萄酒酿造加工过程安全.在葡萄酒生产过程中,为了实现对其质量的主动精确控制,需要利用HACCP原理,通过危害分析和关键控制点技术,采取相应的预防和控制措施.此外,葡萄酒生产企业在具体实践时,还应加强卫生方面的组织管理,如设立食品安全小组,重视生产环境的清洗和消毒,保证员工的健康并对其进行适当的培训指导.结合我国现行标准和生产实践,从葡萄酒质量安全风险、葡萄酒质量安全管理原则(危害鉴别原则、企业实施原则、清洗和消毒原则)两方面,详细阐述了葡萄酒的卫生和安全管理,以期为葡萄酒及果酒企业的规范化生产提供参考.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了将快速、灵敏、方便、准确的食品安全快速检测技术应用在食品安全监督管理工作中的意义和作用,以及时控制、减轻、消除食品突发事故及有毒有害物质对人体潜在的危害、降低食物中毒发生率,提高工作效率,探索新的食品卫生监管模式,为促进我市食品安全监督保障工作的进一步顺利开展起到重要的技术支撑作用。  相似文献   

Surface hygiene is commonly measured as a part of the quality system of food processing plants, but as the bacteria present are commonly not identified, their roles for food quality and safety are not known. Here, we review the identity of residential bacteria and characteristics relevant for survival and growth in the food industry along with potential implications for food safety and quality. Sampling after cleaning and disinfection increases the likelihood of targeting residential bacteria. The increasing use of sequencing technologies to identify bacteria has improved knowledge about the bacteria present in food premises. Overall, nonpathogenic Gram‐negative bacteria, especially Pseudomonas spp., followed by Enterobacteriaceae and Acinetobacter spp. dominate on food processing surfaces. Pseudomonas spp. persistence is likely due to growth at low temperatures, biofilm formation, tolerance to biocides, and low growth requirements. Gram‐positive bacteria are most frequently found in dairies and in dry production environments. The residential bacteria may end up in the final products through cross‐contamination and may affect food quality. Such effects can be negative and lead to spoilage, but the bacteria may also contribute positively, as through spontaneous fermentation. Pathogenic bacteria present in food processing environments may interact with residential bacteria, resulting in both inhibitory and stimulatory effects on pathogens in multispecies biofilms. The residential bacterial population, or bacteriota, does not seem to be an important source for the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes to humans, but more knowledge is needed to verify this. If residential bacteria occur in high numbers, they may influence processes such as membrane filtration and corrosion.  相似文献   

震区任务部队食品卫生保障的做法与体会   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的总结震区任务部队食品卫生保障经验,为履行多样化军事任务部队的卫生保障提供依据。方法在现场调查了解灾区和任务部队食品卫生现状的基础上,确定震区任务部队食品卫生保障的关键点,针对性采取综合保障措施。主要做法:(1)提高认识,确保震区任务部队食品卫生监督质量;(2)明确责任,逐级负责,使食品卫生监督保障主动化;(3)就地从简,完善震区任务部队食品卫生保障制度;(4)严把食品采购、运输、加工和储藏关;(5)建立军地联动的食品卫生监督应急机制。结果基于以上做法,震区任务部队未发生任何食品卫生相关事故。结论结合灾区和任务部队实际,针对性采取食品卫生综合保障措施,可确保震区任务部队食品卫生安全。  相似文献   

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