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文章旨在基于模糊综合评价法构建烟草企业卷烟品规竞争力评价模型。首先,对品规竞争力与品牌竞争力进行了区分;然后,确定评价指标并运用层次分析法及熵值法确定权重;最后,运用模糊综合评价法和功效系数法分别确定定性、定量分析指标评分,得到了综合得分。通过与C品规同价位的其他品规进行横向对比,得到了C品规的综合评价。此外,文章还探讨了提高C品规竞争力的具体措施,制定了更加精准的市场营销策略。  相似文献   

卷烟货源投放合理性的评估是烟草企业做好精准营销的关键环节.本文在评价体系基础上,设计出用于评价投放效果的指标体系,并以中华牌卷烟在4个不同市场的营销数据进行实让分析,以阐述评价投放合理性的方法及对提高品牌实际投放效果的意义.  相似文献   

卷烟货源投放合理性的评估是烟草企业做好精准营销的关键环节。本文在评价体系基础上,设计出用于评价投放效果的指标体系,并以中华牌卷烟在4个不同市场的营销数据进行实证分析,以阐述评价投放合理性的方法及对提高品牌实际投放效果的意义。   相似文献   

形势与未来:烟草科技发展展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
综述中国烟草过去几十年、特别是近十年重要科研突破,总结中式卷烟产品在关键技术领域取得的重要创新成果,分析了我国烟草科技发展的现状与形势,在此基础上,遵循科技发展一般规律,围绕卷烟产品这一核心和中式卷烟产品开发基本原则,研判提炼各领域技术创新的共同要素特征,提出并阐释了"烟叶生产精准化,卷烟加工智能化,产品设计数字化,降焦减害持续化"的"烟草科技四化"发展趋势。结合中国烟草发展实际,得出今后相当长时间内中式卷烟仍将是我国烟草消费主流形态的判断,而实现"烟草科技四化"是支撑中式卷烟品牌稳定发展的必然选择,是进一步巩固卷烟民族品牌的认同度和市场竞争力的有力保障。   相似文献   

为从海量评价数据中提取消费者对卷烟产品的情感信息,利用词频、点间互信息和左右信息熵提取烟草领域的专有词汇,通过建立分词补充词典提高文本分词准确性;融合双向长短时记忆神经网络和注意力机制建立BiLSTM-Att卷烟消费者评价情感分类模型,基于2006—2021年2 066个卷烟品牌规格消费者评价数据,对BiLSTM-Att模型进行验证并与其他6种分类方法进行对比。结果表明:统一产品名称后BiLSTM-Att模型F1值提高1.78百分点;BiLSTM-Att模型在情感倾向二分类和三分类中的F1值分别为92.89%和80.12%,具有较高准确性。该方法可为卷烟产品研发、精准营销和品牌发展提供支持。   相似文献   

对中国烟草经济新常态影响因素进行分析基础上,梳理出当前烟草经济新常态若干主要特征,结合当前卷烟品牌发展突出特征和存在问题,从行业、工业企业、商业企业、工商零协同等4个层面提出了新常态下卷烟品牌营销策略建议。  相似文献   

2007年9月,一场规模盛大的真龙卷烟品牌工商协同营销座谈会在邕城举行,来自全国31个省级烟草公司的领导、217个地市级烟草公司的法人代表以及近500名业务代表出席了会议。会议达成了"全国烟草商业系统共同支持真龙品牌尽快做强、支持广西卷烟工业加快发展"这一共识。这是广西中烟坚持以"按客户订单组织货源"为纽带,努力构建新型工商关系,加速真龙品牌做强做大而组织的一项重要工作。任何一个卷烟品牌欲在市场上做强做大,没有烟草商业单位的支持和配合,只能是"空中楼阁"。拥有全国烟草行业商业系统的支持,就为真龙品牌的快速做强做大、争取提前一年实现广西烟草"百亿税利"工程奠定了稳固的市场网络基础。  相似文献   

中国卷烟销售网络建设已在国内走过了十多年不平凡的奋斗历程,全国的卷烟销售网路发生了巨大的变化,营销理念由交易营销向服务营销转变,流通模式由传统商业向现代流通转变,流通企业由"官商""、坐商"到"行商",并进一步向"服务商转变"。中国卷烟商业企业内部大发展的同时,外部的宏观环境也在悄然发生巨变:加入WTO之后,市场开放和充分竞争将成为大势所趋;世界烟草巨头对中国市场虎视眈眈;世界控烟运动不断高涨,中国加入《控烟框架公约》将导致行业的发展空间不断受到挤压。烟草商业企业必须居安思危、未雨绸缪,以市场经济为思维导向切实提高综合营销能力。本文从品类管理、服务营销、自建品牌等几个方面为切入点,探索当前商业企业提高市场营销能力的有效途径。  相似文献   

为配合上海烟草(集团)公司实现"以中华品牌精准营销推进经济运行工作上新水平",上海烟草包装印刷有限公司展开学习讨论,提出了以精细化管理理念,辅以柔性管理模式,来保障精准营销工作的实现,以提高产能确保产量,以提高生产管理的柔性和应变能力来确保交货期,以提高质量控制水平来确保交货数量.  相似文献   

浅议县级营销部如何构建面向消费者的现代卷烟营销体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
读了陈可忠在《广西烟草》杂志上发表的文章《柳州农村卷烟零售市场控制能力调查报告》,感受很深,笔者就目前柳城县营销部的市场营销服务工作作了调查和思考,笔者意识到,作为烟草商业企业终端的县级营销部,服务就是它的活力之源。县级营销部要始终把服务作为现行卷烟网络建设工作的灵魂和企业的立足之本,在为零售客户提供更为满意的服务的同时,要把消费者满意度作为衡量网建工作的主要指标,并致力于"服务品牌"的创建,让消费者能有"买烟就要买烟草营销部的烟"这一最直接、最习惯性的想法。笔者认为,构建面向消费者的现代卷烟营销体系,打造县级营销部独有的服务品牌,需要做好以下几项基础工作。  相似文献   

This study evaluates four measures of exposure to retail cigarette marketing in relation to adolescent smoking behavior. The measures are (a) shopping frequency in types of stores known to carry more cigarette advertising than other store types, (b) shopping frequency in specific stores that sell cigarettes in the study community, (c) the amount of exposure to cigarette brand impressions in stores where students shopped, and (d) perceived exposure to cigarette advertising. The study combined data from classroom surveys administered to 6th-, 7th-, and 8th-grade students in three California middle schools, and direct store observations quantifying cigarette marketing materials and product placement in stores where students shopped. Logistic regression models were used to examine how each exposure measure related to the odds of ever smoking and susceptibility to smoke, controlling for grade, gender, ethnicity, school performance, unsupervised time, and exposure to household and friend smoking. Frequent exposure to retail cigarette marketing as defined by each of the four measures was independently associated with a significant increase in the odds of ever smoking. All but the measure of exposure to store types was associated with a significant increase in the odds of susceptibility to smoke. Four measures of exposure to retail cigarette marketing may serve equally well to predict adolescent smoking but may vary in cost, complexity, and meaning. Depending on the outcomes of interest, the most useful measure may be a combination of self-reported exposure to types of stores that contain cigarette marketing and perceived exposure to such messages.  相似文献   

回顾了我国混合型卷烟发展的曲折历程;分析了近年来中式混合型卷烟所呈现的销量下滑、结构偏低、状态走弱的发展现状以及当前面临的消费需求不旺、行业政策不利和工商企业生产经营动力不足等方面的困难和问题;提出了应从保障烟草行业持续健康发展的战略高度来充分重视中式混合型卷烟发展的意见,并从政策支持、原料保障、产品研发、市场营销等方面给出了具体措施建议。   相似文献   

Objective: To use the product launch of Player's Premiere as a case study for understanding the new cigarette product development process during the 1990s. We determine the (in)validity of industry claims that: (1) development of the physical product preceded the promotional promise of "less irritation"; (2) "less irritation" was actually realised; (3) advertising informed consumers; and (4) advertising regulations caused the product's failure in the marketplace.

Setting: Court proceedings assessing the constitutionality of Canada's Tobacco Act, which substantially restricts cigarette advertising. The 2002 Quebec Superior Court trial yielded a new collection of internal documents from Imperial Tobacco Ltd (ITL), including several about the development and marketing of Player's Premiere.

Method: Trial testimony and corporate documents were reviewed to determine the validity of the industry representations about the new cigarette product development process, focusing on the case history of Player's Premiere.

Results: In direct contradiction to industry testimony, the documentary evidence demonstrates that (1) communications for Player's Premiere, which claimed less irritation, were developed long before finding a product that could deliver on the promise; (2) ITL did not sell a "less irritating" product that matched its promotional promise; (3) the advertising and other communications for Player's Premiere were extensive, relying on the hi-tech appearances ("tangible credibility") of a "unique" filter, yet were uninformative and vague; and (4) Player's Premiere failed in the marketplace, despite extensive advertising and retail support, because it was an inferior product that did not live up to its promotional promise, not because of regulation of commercial speech.

Conclusions: New product development entails extensive consumer research to craft all communications tools in fine detail. In the case of Player's Premiere, this crafting created a false and misleading impression of technological advances producing a "less irritating" cigarette. This product was solely a massive marketing ploy with neither consumer benefits, nor public health benefits. The industry attempted to deceive both consumers and the court.


我国卷烟产品发展方向的研究(下)   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文全面分析了国内外卷烟产品的特点及对消费者的影响,提出了我国卷烟产品发展方向和对策。认为消费者对卷烟产品的选择因素主要表现在安全性与吸食口味上,我国卷烟产品发展方向也应随之调整。即坚持走低焦油、低危害卷烟之路,发展低焦油烤烟型卷烟,加强混合型卷烟产品的开发和研究,开发趋于实用和环境的外包装等。采取积极有效的措施,抓好烟叶体系的建设,加强应用基础研究,实施大品牌战略。   相似文献   

本文全面分析了国内外卷烟产品的特点及对消费者的影响,提出了我国卷烟产品发展方向和对策。认为消费者对卷烟产品的选择因素主要表现在安全性与吸食口味上,我国卷烟产品发展方向也应随之调整。即坚持走低焦油、低危害卷烟之路,发展低焦油烤烟型卷烟,加强混合型卷烟产品的开发和研究,开发趋于实用和环境的外包装等。采取积极有效的措施,抓好烟叶体系的建设,加强应用基础研究,实施大品牌战略。   相似文献   

Smokeless tobacco (ST) products have the potential to be used as a harm reduction method for cigarette smokers. These products can deliver significantly less toxicants than cigarettes, although they are not toxicant free nor harmless. It is important to examine potential health risks and benefits of these products. These two small pilot studies examined the effects of two different ST products (Exalt and Ariva) compared with medicinal nicotine, another potential harm reduction product. Dependent, healthy adult cigarette smokers, who were motivated to quit smoking, underwent 1 week of baseline smoking measurement. They were then asked to quit smoking and were randomly assigned to use either an ST product or a medicinal nicotine lozenge (MNL, Commit) for 2 weeks, then crossed over to use the other product for 2 weeks. In the last week, following the sampling phase, subjects could choose the product they wished to use. Assessments were made repeatedly during baseline cigarette use and throughout the 5 weeks of treatment. Outcome measures included biomarkers for tobacco exposure and subjective, physiological, and behavioral responses. Tobacco-specific carcinogen uptake was greater from Exalt than from the MNL, and was comparable between the MNL and Ariva. Physiological effects and subjective effects on withdrawal and craving were comparable among Exalt, Ariva, and the MNL. Ariva was preferred over the MNL, which was preferred over Exalt. With the exception of medicinal nicotine products, low-nitrosamine ST products have the greatest potential to result in reduced toxicant exposure compared with other combustible reduced exposure products and have promise for reducing individual risk for disease. However, the population effect of marketing of such products as reduced exposure/reduced risk is unknown. The need for further research in this area and regulation of tobacco products is evident.  相似文献   

吴勇毅 《酿酒》2009,36(4):21-23
试客营销的概念来源于国外,它带有某种新产品测试、试用、体验之意。试客营销可作为危机下中小酒企搏击市场的新利器。中小酒企利用试客营销必须做好以下工作:①创建一个富有特色、个性的网站;②用分类广告吸引顾客咨询、试用;③利用数据库开展精确营销;④设法刺激消费冲动,实现口碑营销;⑤实现网上与网下试用结合,有效拉动销售。  相似文献   

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