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随着人们生活水平的提高和食品安全问题的频频发生,消费者更加关注食品的来源。果汁产品的产地溯源也面临着巨大的挑战。本文综述了近年来几种常用于果汁产品产地溯源技术的应用研究进展,主要包括质谱技术、色谱技术、光谱技术和其他技术,并展望了今后果汁产品产地溯源技术研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to develop an analytical method to assure the geographical origin of Styrian pumpkin seed oil, a high priced local product which is protected by the European Union. The development of such a method is not only of interest for scientists but also of importance for producer that want to guarantee the purity and quality of their products as well as the consumer wanting to know the origin of the food products.Since the rare earth elements (REE) concentrations are extremely low in pumpkin seed oil a fast and sensitive analytical method with ICP-MS had to be developed and validated. In the current project, pumpkin seeds from different regions in Austria were sampled. The REE patterns in the extracted oil of these seeds were determined and a preliminary classification with discriminant analysis was successfully done on a statistical basis.The study demonstrates that pumpkin seed oils from different geographical origin show variable rare earth element patterns making it possible to trace the origin of these oils.  相似文献   

The efficient development and production of high quality emulsion-based products depends on knowledge of their physicochemical properties and stability. A wide variety of different analytical techniques and methodologies have been developed to characterize the properties of food emulsions. The purpose of this review article is to provide a critical overview of the most important properties of emulsions that are of interest to the food industry, the type of analytical techniques that are available to measure these properties, and the experimental protocols that have been developed to characterize the stability of food emulsions. Recommendations are made about the most suitable analytical techniques and experimental protocols needed to characterize the stability and properties of food emulsions.  相似文献   

Chemical compositions in tea leaves are influenced by their growing surrounding, and the content of these components are related to the quality of teas. The determination of the concentration of chemical composition in teas will predict the ranking of teas and indicate the geographical origins. This overview concerns an investigation of analytical methods that are being used for the determination of the geographical origin of tea. The analytical approaches have been subdivided into three groups: spectroscopic techniques, chromatographic techniques, and other techniques. The advantages, drawbacks, and reported applications concerning geographical authenticity are discussed.  相似文献   

水产品产地溯源技术是监管水产品质量安全的重要工具,不仅有利于保护消费者的合法权益,而且为保护地方特色产品提供了保障。近年来,质谱技术、光谱技术以及分子生物学技术等迅速发展,突显了其在水产品产地溯源中的重要作用,通过检测水产品的矿物元素组成与含量、同位素含量与比率、有机物组成、DNA图谱等信息,结合统计学分析手段,可建立水产品产地溯源指纹图谱。本文综述近年来常用的水产品产地溯源技术的应用研究进展,并对水产品产地溯源技术研究的发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

植物源性食品原产地溯源技术研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
食品产地溯源技术是有效实施食品原产地追溯、保护名优特产品的重要技术手段。国内外对植物源性食品产地判别的研究日益增加。植物源性食品的溯源对象已由葡萄酒、茶叶、咖啡、橄榄油、蜂蜜、果汁等扩展至小麦、土豆、番茄、大蒜、蘑菇等食品;其分析技术主要为矿物元素指纹分析、有机成分指纹分析、近红外光谱指纹分析和电子鼻;植物源性食品产地溯源在研究地域差异的基础上,已开始关注地域特征成因分析及品种、年际、加工工艺等对溯源指标的影响。但对于不同亚地区的食品来源区分还存在较大困难,溯源模型的稳定性研究仍旧缺乏。本文旨在为植物源性特色农产品和地理标志食品的产地溯源、确证及监管研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Olive oil represents an important ingredient in the Mediterranean diet and is appreciated both for nutritional and sensory properties, often related to geographical origin and cultivar of olive fruits employed. Fraudsters trying to seek financial gain can adulterate the product causing economic repercussions and, sometimes sanitary risks. The “protected designation of origin” (PDO) label insures a relative protection of both consumers and honest producers, since it prescribes production techniques and specific geographical origin, but one of the main problems is to set down objective tools to control these specifications. We reviewed numerous studies using various analytical tools to discriminate PDO olive oils’ geographical origin depending on (1) volatiles compounds, (2) fatty acid and triacylglycerol composition, (3) trace elements, and/or (4) stable isotope ratios, but we highlighted that, despite their efficiency, none of them could provide an irrefutable identification. However, 87Sr/86Sr signature revealed to be an optimal geographical fingerprint in the same purpose for other food products like cereals, orange juice, coffee or alcoholic beverages. Such 87Sr/86Sr studies do not exist on olive oils, probably because of analytical issues, but we propose that developing complementary 87Sr/86Sr studies could be a promising tool to re-enforce the characterization of PDO olive oils.  相似文献   

BackgroundDefining the exact shelf-life of a shelf-stable food product is still a real challenge for food manufacturers as there are many variables to be considered. Currently, many shelf-life determinations of commercial shelf-stable products are based on trial-and-error methods which could pose risks resulting in brand damage (overestimation) or food waste (underestimation). Because degradation reactions determining shelf-life are really complex, predicting quality changes remains a challenge; consequently, a scientific approach which considers multiple variables is greatly needed. Recent advances in analytical methods (e.g. GC-MS fingerprinting) and data analysis techniques (e.g. multivariate data analysis and kinetic modelling) can play a key role in this context if they are used in (accelerated) shelf-life studies. Moreover, the role of sensory evaluations should not be forgotten as changes in sensorial properties or decreases in consumer acceptance levels as a function of storage time are in most cases the primary reasons for defining the end of shelf-life.Scope and approachThis review paper focuses on research progresses in this field and addresses future challenges for quality investigation during storage and prediction of shelf-life dates. As proof of concept, the paper focuses on investigating quality changes of pasteurised shelf-stable orange and mango juices during storage.Key findings and conclusionsIn the study of shelf-stable orange and mango juices, the (combined) analytical targeted and untargeted fingerprinting approach proved to be a useful approach for identifying major-quality related chemical changes and was able to select shelf-life markers (i.e. quality parameters with a clearly observable time- (and temperature-) dependent change). In studying the kinetics of change of the monitored quality attributes, it is tempting to think that the fastest reactions will determine the shelf-life of a shelf-stable product. However, consumer acceptance through sensory evaluation plays also an important role in determining the acceptability limit and therefore the best before date. The integrated science-based approach put forward can be used to investigate quality changes of a wide range of shelf-stable products during storage.  相似文献   

The complexity of meat composition and the requirement of high analytical rates to prevent frauds and, in general, to assess food quality are stimuli to find analytical methods able to detect appropriate indicators of a given quality. We present here an evaluation of 1D 1H HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy for the selection of potential molecular markers of one specific quality, geographic origin. Dried beef samples of certified origin were tested, and preliminary results on a limited sample set confirmed the good aptitude of this method for rapid food analysis, demonstrated earlier on dairy products. Fat content as well as specific metabolites, probably linked to feeding system, are shown to be good candidates for markers of origin. These results are in agreement with recent studies on the relative impact of genetic and dietary conditions on the metabolic profile of animal specimens. 1H HR-MAS is thus an interesting tool for pre-screening potential markers, that can complement standard chemical and biochemical analysis.  相似文献   

农产品溯源技术是为保护地区品牌和特色产品,防止食品掺假和食源性疾病扩散,确保食品安全,降低公司召回成本而建立起来的一项追踪检测技术。建立高效的食品溯源体系是保证食品质量安全的关键,近年来稳定同位素技术因没有放射性、灵敏度高、可靠性强等优点,已广泛用于鉴别不同产地、不同食源的各种农产品,成为追溯食品来源的一种有效手段。文中系统阐述了稳定同位素技术在谷物、肉制品、果蔬、果汁饮料、葡萄酒、乳制品、水产品等各类食品在产地溯源方面的应用,进一步剖析了稳定同位素技术在我国农产品产地溯源中的优势及局限性,并对其发展前景进行展望,以期为我国农产品溯源体制的建立提供借鉴,推动稳定同位素技术在食品溯源中的应用。  相似文献   

Quality control is an important aspect of food production and processing from the point of view of providing foods of acceptable nutritional value, and for providing safety of products. Several characteristics such as size, shape, density, maturity, moisture content, oil content, flavor, firmness, tenderness, color, defects, blemishes, etc., are routinely used in the quality control of agricultural and biological food products. Until recently, most analytical techniques used in quality control required isolation of the food component of interest. The original properties of the product are, therefore, destroyed during sample preparation and analysis. Oftentimes, such analyses are expensive, time consuming, and require sophisticated instrumentation, and hence are not suited for "on-line" quality control of food products. Recent progress in the development of instrumentation utilizing the optical properties of food products has provided several nondestructive techniques for quality evaluation. Most optical methods of nondestructive nature make use of the characteristic absorption spectra of components of interest. Such methods are highly sensitive, rapid, and reproducible, and have been successively used in routine "on-line" quality control of a large number of samples. In this article, theoretical considerations in the development of nondestructive analytical techniques based on the optical properties of several agricultural and biological products are briefly reviewed. A major emphasis is placed on quality control methods that are particularly useful in maturity and/or ripeness evaluation of food products, the detection of external and internal defects, and the subsequent development of automatic sorting machines for on-line measurement of quality.  相似文献   

Pig derivatives such as lard and pork in any food system are prohibited for consumption by Muslims and Jews. For this reason, analytical methods offering accurate and reproducible results are needed to assure the halalness, kosherness, and wholesomeness of food. This article describes some analytical techniques, namely Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, chromatography-based techniques, differential scanning calorimetric (DSC), and electronic noses for detection and quantification of pig derivatives (lard, pork, gelatin) in food products.  相似文献   

Although several meta‐analysis studies have been published comparing the quality of food derived from organic and non‐organic origin, it is still not clear if food from organic production per se can guarantee product‐related added value to consumers. This paper aims to summarize the status quo in order to identify research gaps and suggest future research challenges. Organic food is described according to a quality model already published. The influence of organic production on food quality is structured in primary production and processing. Furthermore, organic food authentication is discussed. Organic food seems to contain fewer pesticide residues and statistically more selected health‐related compounds such as polyphenols in plant products and polyunsaturated fatty acids in milk and meat products, but the health relevance for consumers is not clear yet. Comparing food from organic origin with so called ‘conventional’ food seems not to be appropriate, because ‘conventional’ is not defined. In organic food quality research a system approach is needed from which systemic markers can be selected. Research on the impact of processing technologies on the quality according to organic principles seems of high relevance, since most of the food is processed. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Application of immunochemical assays to food analysis.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Immunochemical assays are powerful bioanalytical techniques with application to several areas in food science, including food analysis, microbiology, nutrition, food safety, food quality, and process control. In principle, immunochemical techniques can be applied to the analysis of any compound, with only one specific antibody needed that can be obtained either from laboratory animals or, when available, from commercial sources. A well-designed immunochemical assay can detect targeted compounds at levels as low as 10(-12) M. Immunochemical techniques require little or no sample pretreatment, making these analytical procedures relatively rapid. The initial cost of developing an immunoanalytical assay may be high, but when the procedure is well established, the cost per test is often a fraction of that for other analytical methods. For these reasons, immunoanalytical assays provide an attractive alternative for the food analyst who requires either inexpensive qualitative screening tests or reliable quantitative methods with a high degree of sensitivity. This review concentrates on the use of enzyme immunoassay to address analytical problems in food chemistry and the analysis of various food components.  相似文献   

实现农产品产地溯源的无损检测,是建立农产品质量安全追溯体系的重要途径,也是保障食品安全质量、维护消费者合法权益的有效手段。相比于传统的检测方法,无损检测技术因其能实现不破坏被检样品的同时获取内外部有效信息的优点而被广泛应用于食品的产地溯源领域。本文主要概述了近红外光谱、高光谱成像、拉曼光谱三种光谱检测技术的原理及其在不同种类可食用农产品产地溯源中的最新应用现状,得出各光谱检测技术在农产品产地鉴别方面具有一定的可行性,同时对未来的研究方向作了展望,以期为农产品产地溯源的无损检测技术体系研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Major advances in the field of chemometrics combined with the use of vibrational spectroscopy have proven essential for the identification and quantification of food contaminants. These techniques, which have guided the work of regulatory agencies overlooking the food industry, can be readily applied to monitor food processing, quality control, and quality assurance. These processes can ensure product authenticity with respect to variety, geographical origin, and presence or absence of contaminants. Food analysis by vibrational spectroscopy provides overall chemical composition of the tested food sample; therefore, it is widely considered to be a highly reliable and empirical fingerprints of that samples. In 2008, melamine adulteration of milk powder in China resulted in devastatingly adverse effects for both consumers and the overall Chinese economy at large. As a result, regulatory agencies have markedly increased their interest in using fast, reliable, and accurate methods for identifying food contaminants. In this article, we provide a detailed overview of the uses of vibrational spectroscopy methods and chemometrics for the detection and quantification of melamine in dairy products.  相似文献   

With the development of cereal grain market and convenient transportation of food all over the world, the potential for distribution of mislabeled products increases accordingly, highlighting the need of consumers pursuing for high-quality cereal grains with a clear geographical origin identity. Appropriate analytical methods to ensure a fair competition among producers and to protect consumers against fraud are extremely required. Currently, stable isotope ratio analysis and multi-element analysis gradually become the promising approaches for cereal grain traceability. In recent years, a growing number of research papers have been published on tracing cereal grains by stable isotope ratio and multi-element analysis combining with other instruments. In these reports, the global variety of stable isotope compositions has been investigated, including light elements such as C, N, H, O, and S, and heavy isotopes variation such as Sr and B; in addition, more than 50 elements were applied in the geographical origin analysis of cereal grain and favorable results were obtained. In the present paper, an overview about geographical origin traceability of cereal grain by stable isotope ratio analysis and multi-element analysis is provided.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins are small toxic chemical products formed as the secondary metabolites by fungi that readily contaminate foods with toxins in the field or after harvest. The presence of mycotoxins, such as aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, and patulin, in fruits and their processed products is of high concern for human health due to their properties to induce severe acute and chronic toxicity at low-dose levels. Currently, a broad range of detection techniques used for practical analysis and detection of a wide spectrum of mycotoxins are available. Many analytical methods have been developed for the determination of each group of these mycotoxins in different food matrices, but new methods are still required to achieve higher sensitivity and address other challenges that are posed by these mycotoxins. Effective technologies are needed to reduce or even eliminate the presence of the mycotoxins in fruits and their processed products. Preventive measures aimed at the inhibition of mycotoxin formation in fruits and their processed products are the most effective approach. Detoxification of mycotoxins by different physical, chemical, and biological methods are less effective and sometimes restricted because of concerns of safety, possible losses in nutritional quality of the treated commodities and cost implications. This article reviewed the available information on the major mycotoxins found in foods and feeds, with an emphasis of fruits and their processed products, and the analytical methods used for their determination. Based on the current knowledge, the major strategies to prevent or even eliminate the presence of the mycotoxins in fruits and their processed products were proposed.  相似文献   


Tiger nuts and tiger nut milk are well-known Valencian products, and step-by-step these tubers and the tuber-based beverage are becoming more and more relevant products in international markets. However, the increasing demand and success of Valencian tiger nuts did not allow protected designation of origin (PDO) tuber to supply the domestic and international markets. Therefore, the verification of the geographical origin is highly required. In this research, the main objective was to combine an advance analytical method and chemometrics tools in order to decipher the geographical origin of 45 tiger nut samples from (i) ‘Xufa de València’ PDO and (ii) African samples. The analytical method, based on solid-liquid extraction followed by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS) metabolomics approach, highlighted sensitivity and wide linear dynamic range in order to simultaneously analyse polar and non-polar metabolites. After data processing, a pronounced sample clustering according to the geographical origin was clearly observed using unsupervised models, and supervised models revealed that tiger nuts lipidome was associated with the geographical origin. As a result, African samples highlighted an overexpression of phospholipids, such as phosphatidylethanolamine 34:1, and triacylgricerols crosslinked to environmental stress and alteration of membrane lipid compositions.  相似文献   

Tiger nuts and tiger nut milk are well-known Valencian products, and step-by-step these tubers and the tuber-based beverage are becoming more and more relevant products in international markets. However, the increasing demand and success of Valencian tiger nuts did not allow protected designation of origin (PDO) tuber to supply the domestic and international markets. Therefore, the verification of the geographical origin is highly required. In this research, the main objective was to combine an advance analytical method and chemometrics tools in order to decipher the geographical origin of 45 tiger nut samples from (i) ‘Xufa de València’ PDO and (ii) African samples. The analytical method, based on solid-liquid extraction followed by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS) metabolomics approach, highlighted sensitivity and wide linear dynamic range in order to simultaneously analyse polar and non-polar metabolites. After data processing, a pronounced sample clustering according to the geographical origin was clearly observed using unsupervised models, and supervised models revealed that tiger nuts lipidome was associated with the geographical origin. As a result, African samples highlighted an overexpression of phospholipids, such as phosphatidylethanolamine 34:1, and triacylgricerols crosslinked to environmental stress and alteration of membrane lipid compositions.  相似文献   

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