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随着人们对健康、环保及美味食品追求,未来食品成为食品领域研究人员和民众广泛关注的话题。生物科学与食品技术的快速发展,越来越多的未来食品将走向人工合成制造的道路,成为今后很长一段时期内食品高技术发展的引导与驱动。合成生物学与食品科学技术在人造肉等未来食品定制化生产方面已经取得了一系列突破,并开始逐步实现商业化,成为现有传统农业与食品行业的有效补充和替代。作者以植物蛋白肉、细胞培养肉等典型的未来食品为例,通过分析其生物制造过程中的关键任务和主要挑战,综述合成生物学、组织工程、发酵工程等生物技术在未来食品中的应用,进一步展望了未来食品在生物制造中多学科交叉集成的前景。  相似文献   

对未来的憧憬与探索一直是人类的梦想。其实,设计师同发明家、科学家一样,都是在创造未来生活的无限可能性。一物多用,多功能合一则成为未来生活的主题词。  相似文献   

刘建利 《新食品》2009,(16):18-18
《新食品》组织的“行业未来五年发展趋势大讨论”很有意义。因为只有学会思考未来,我们的企业、我们的行业才能真正拥有未来。作为一个专注于生产与技术研究的人,我也愿意参与其中,并从生产和技术的角度,浅谈一点个人的看法,与各位朋友交流。  相似文献   

为精准掌握服装定制领域研究进展和未来研究趋势,文章借助文献计量学分析软件CiteSpace,通过描述性统计分析和科学知识图谱分析,挖掘服装定制知识领域的研究热点和未来趋势。结果表明:相关研究热点主要集中在人体测量与量身定制、虚拟展示与数字化定制、智能设计与定制需求、智能化生产与批量定制4个方向。未来研究可从创新人体测量方法、优化数字化定制技术、开拓特殊功能需求定制、推进智能化定制、促进定制供应链协调发展等方面展开。  相似文献   

周新谟 《新食品》2011,(24):182-183
把握未来的酒商才是真正的赢家。未来几年,随着市场的细分与消费的成熟,市场将诞生出不同的葡萄酒品牌,然而品牌之路却充满艰难险阻。欲争取未来的市场、获得品牌的成功,需有展望未来的视野,且要赢在当今。  相似文献   

一位著名的华尔街分析师预测,苹果与微软公司未来可能合并。其称苹果与微软不只未来几年必须合作,未来5-10年甚至可能合并,主因是两家公司面临谷歌、Android与Facebook的强劲挑战,需要抱团取暖。不过,听到的人纷纷以"那猪就会飞啰!"或"火焰地狱就会变成冰冻地狱!"等话来表达"绝不可能"的反应。  相似文献   

近年来,未来主义风格服装回归秀场,各大品牌都以其独具特色的设计拥抱“未来”、表现“未来”。这些充满“未来感”的服装虽然承袭了未来主义一贯对科学与技术的热衷,但已然脱离了早期“星战”“太空”主题的制约,更多以立体化剪裁造就的夸张创意廓形,体现冰冷质感的“太空用色”与跳跃且具有强烈视觉冲击感的“复古式”鲜亮色彩的对撞相融,以及3D打印等新技术的加持,实现设计上的不断突破、创新,更加广义地展现象征科技的“金属感”和象征未来的“梦幻感”,发扬未来主义风格服装的先锋性与前卫性,表达其对科技、年轻、速度、力量、密度等的偏爱与推崇。  相似文献   

随着新一轮科技革命和产业变革的纵深演进,新一代前沿技术与装备等在食品领域不断渗透融合,驱动全球食品产业向高技术、全营养、智能化、可持续方向快速发展。未来食品受到食品领域研究人员和民众的广泛关注,可为传统食品工业制造模式的变革提供关键支撑。针对未来食品发展的时代背景,本文将以植物基食品、食品感知科学、食品智能制造、食品生物技术和食品组学为代表,探讨未来食品面临的机遇与挑战,并展望我国食品科技的发展愿景与重点任务。  相似文献   

在中国经济快速发展时期,随着十八大"美丽中国"概念的提出,低碳节能的生活越来越多的与未来发展等概念与领域相联系。文章旨在通过以松江大学城为典型、以寝室楼道声控灯与纸质宣传单循环使用为内容、通过大学生视角来进一步分析中国高校未来在环保低碳方面与持续发展的紧密联系与模式。  相似文献   

3月29日,韩国设计师联合发布会在北京饭店举行。来自韩国的五位设计师YOO Hyejin、LEEJuyoung、Rubina、SHIN Jangkyoung和JANGYunjeon分别展示了他们的设计作品。YOO Hyejin设计师在过去想象过的未来的模样,从重新想起关于未来的片段想法中得到了灵感。与新艺术派中未来曲线的切口,下降肩,塑身造型的剪  相似文献   

《Journal of food engineering》2009,95(3-4):350-357
An experimental method for evaluation of an eggshell’s mechanical characteristics under impact loading is discussed. Proposed experimental set up enables recording of time history of the force at the contact area between the rod and eggshell, as well as the vibration response of the tested egg. By the gradual increasing of the rod impact velocity, a rupture force of the eggshell was determined. The value of this force depends on the position of the rod impact. This dependence is more significant than that of static loading of the eggs. The preliminary results also show the non-negligible dependence of rupture force on the loading rate. An introductory numerical simulation of the given test was also performed. The LS DYNA finite element code was used. Numerical results exhibit reasonable agreement with experimental results.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of pressure, displacement, and area shrinkage mass distribution with time between the human body and compression garment using finite element method according to ergonomics. After creating the function between pressure/displacement ratios and angle, it indicated that multiple relationship between pressure and displacement almost unaffected by wearing time. The corresponding displacement value can be calculated on the premise of the known pressure value at any point and any time during the wearing process by functional equation. Considering displacement distribution, we divided the lower leg into 12 equal regions according to angle, and then calculated area shrinkage mass of each region. According to area shrinkage mass distribution, the top part of men’s sock could be designed with different degree of tightness combined with subjective pressure comfort. All these solutions supplied a theoretical reference for optimal design of the top part of men’s sock.  相似文献   

针对儿童自我保护意识薄弱,监护者难以实时了解儿童位置的问题,介绍了可穿戴设备的物联网技术。从硬件技术、设计原理、面料、款式、色彩以及SIM卡安装位置等方面详细介绍基于SIM卡技术的儿童智能定位背包设计。以真人为试验对象,进行SIM卡定位监测功能测试,分别测试了不同距离以及有无障碍物情况下SIM卡的定位精准度。结果表明,SIM卡元件的测试数据相对误差在-2~3 m,证明SIM卡技术用于儿童背包定位是可行的。  相似文献   

啤酒废酵母自溶条件的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过单因素试验和正交试验对影响啤酒废酵母自溶的温度、pH值、NaCl添加量和自溶时间4个关键因素进行了优化,得到了啤酒废酵母自溶最佳工艺条件:自溶温度50℃,自溶pH值为5.0,NaCl添加量为3%(w/w),自溶时间24h,自溶上清液中总糖分含量达到2.27g/L,游离氨基酸态氮得率达到3.98%,抽提物得率达到54.12%。  相似文献   

A simple and fast method for the TMS derivatization of phenolic acids in a closed vial using microwave irradiation followed by GC/MS analysis is proposed. A full factorial design was used to investigate the effects of two independent variables, namely, time and power of microwave irradiation, on the yield of silylation reaction. The optimal conditions were tested against the classical heating derivatization procedure. No significant differences were found between the classical heating and microwave-assisted derivatization. Chromatographic separation of the nine phenolic acids examined was achieved in 16 min. The mass spectral fragmentation patterns of the derivatives obtained by the proposed method were identical to those from the classical heating. Four different batches of brewer’s spent grain were extracted and analyzed for the total phenolic acid content. Significant differences between the batches of spent grains were found for all analytes. The total phenolic acid content varied between 2688 and 4884 μg/g.  相似文献   

米琪  梁勇 《纺织学报》2012,33(3):108-112
节日服饰色彩作为节日的重要特征表现,反映了中华民族的精神风貌,也是节日的重要标志之一。在此期间,各民族的服饰通过色彩的装饰来表现出中国人重视节日、祈求美好生活的理想与信仰。中国文化与异质文化的冲击与接触带来了色彩应用上的丰富多彩和变化万千,同时,中国纺织技术的发挥和中华文化的灿烂成就了中华民族服饰的神韵和风采,也造就了中国传统节日与服饰之间相应成趣的关联。在现代的传统节日中,除了饮食文化和祭祀活动外,服装理应成为要体现出现代中国人的积极向上的时代特征与精神风貌,体现出传统节日的标志性、民族性、传承性、兼容性和时尚性。  相似文献   

Being able to stabilise milk fat globule particles after pasteurisation over time and reduce the phase separation and migration rate of the cream layer would be of great interest. This study examined the prolonged destabilisation of MFGM emulsions after blending with sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) with respect to particle migration, fat globule size distribution, phase separation, variations in the raw signal and serum‐phase protein levels. Low SHMP levels in blended MFGM reduced the interactions between fat droplets during heating. Low SHMP concentrations are recommended for stabilising MFGM.  相似文献   

针对以选点方式设定服装缝合信息带来的效率低下和二维空间中缝合信息显示杂乱的问题,提出一种在三维空间中以选取线段的方式快速设定服装缝合信息的算法。首先,为在三维空间中选取边框线段,建立服装层次模型;然后,为减少人机交互次数提高设定效率,绘制二维衣片边界并确定其边框,建立衣片边框及其边界点间的从属关系,从而实现选取边框对时便能自动建立所属边界点的对应缝合关系;最后,为避免缝合信息交叉显示,每设定一对缝合对应关系后利用三维空间的立体特征立即显示缝合信息。实验表明,本方法适用于多款服装缝合信息的设定,不仅能有效提高设定效率,而且使得缝合线的显示效果清晰直观。  相似文献   

This article presents an explorative study analyzing the market potential for timber-concrete composites (TCC) in the German construction industry. Data from official statistics on building activity in Germany for 2014 and the period from 2010 to 2014 were evaluated in the analysis, and interviews with expert architects and planners were conducted. The goal of the study is to explore the market opportunities of TCC. The experts who were questioned consider TCC as the key to opening the market for types of buildings in which timber construction has had limited application until now (multi-family houses and residential-like/multi-story non-residential buildings). Possible market potentials are calculated with the aid of a scenario which can also be adapted in the context of individual scenarios based on the given data. The study makes it clear that TCC is not only to be evaluated technologically (R + D, standards etc.); market development depends at least as much on soft (social) factors. In part, this concerns the identity of timber construction itself, which must deconstruct the mindsets that have formed over decades in the wood-based sector and are communicated in marketing. At the same time, a co-operation between concrete and timber constructors becomes necessary, which experts call a “clash of cultures.”  相似文献   

《Nigerian Food Journal》2014,32(1):126-132
The rice bran fermentation conditions for extraction of protein concentrate was enhanced by the use of baker’s yeast at optimized conditions using response surface methodology (RSM). A central composite design with three independent variables: fermentation temperature (25 to 35°C), yeast concentration (1 to 5%) and fermentation time (10 to 24 h) was used to study the response variable (protein yield). Results indicated that the generated regression model represented the relationship between the independent variables and the responses. Also, all linear terms, two quadratic terms (fermentation temperature and time) and all interactive terms had significant (p < 0.05) effect on the protein yield. The optimum conditions for yeast pretreatment of rice bran protein extraction were achieved at 30°C for 17 h using 3% yeast concentration to obtain a protein yield of 23.37%, which showed no significant difference (p > 0.05) from the response surface methodology predicted protein yield (23.02%). The use of baker’s yeast in the fermentation of rice bran for extraction of protein concentrate can be more effectively used to improve the extraction yield compared to natural fermented (15.43%) and untreated rice bran (10.16%).  相似文献   

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