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纳米二氧化钛整理织物的自清洁和抗菌性能探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将TiO2以不同用量涂覆在白色涤纶针刺无纺布和灰色高支贡丝锦毛织物表面,以光合细菌为目标,采用观察和稀释培养计数法(MPN)探讨了TiO2处理织物的自清洁性和抗菌性,结果表明,经过TiO2涂层的白色涤纶针刺无纺布随着TiO2用量的增加和时间的延长,其表面滴上的紫红色光合细菌菌液斑迹逐渐变小变浅,呈现出良好的自清洁性和抗菌性;经TiO2涂层的高支贡丝锦毛织物随着TiO2用量的增加,其灭菌率增大,具有明显的抗菌性。  相似文献   

使用TiO2及活性炭光催化分解HCHO的实验研究。实验表明,TiO2光催化剂可以快捷有效地降解室内:空气中的甲醛,又可以减少室内装修材料中游离甲醛的释放,是治理室内空气甲醛污染的有效手段之一。  相似文献   

目前,棉纺老厂滤尘设备已经陈旧,急须用新滤尘器代替。麻纺厂中尤其是亚麻原料加工厂、亚麻纺织厂劳动条件很差,空气含尘一般达到 30~100mg/m~3。国际上瑞典、联邦德国、瑞士、法国均研制出新型滤尘设备,其中联邦德国的LTG成套滤尘设备已引起我国某些麻纺厂及棉纺厂的兴趣。 LTG滤尘设备的特点是连续过滤、连续除尘,其不足之处是无防爆措施,笼式除尘器内吸咀及涤纶滤布易起静电,须要改进。 在 LTG滤尘机组内,含尘及长短纤维的空气先经笼式滤尘器(即圆筒)的一面的金属滤网,笼式滤尘器的另一面是密封板中的排尘管。纤维被吸附在金属滤网表面,粉尘进入笼内,由于笼式滤尘器安装在密封除尘室内,,内有一主风机将净化空气抽出,形成笼外是负压,进入笼内的粉尘经过笼内壁滤布过滤,粉尘被吸附在笼内滤布上,所以吸尘吸附在笼内。笼的一面金属滤网上吸  相似文献   

采用正交实验分析法研究了负载TiO2/ACF的非织造布净化甲醛的性能,选择TiO2量、ACF量和光照强度三个因素、三个水平进行相关实验。结果表明,低水平TiO2/ACF负载量净化高浓度甲醛时,ACF量为最大影响因素,光照强度和TiO2量的影响次之;A3B3C2(ACF 3.6 g/m2,TiO22.6 g/m2,光照强度20μW/cm2)为最佳方案,其净化率达79.2%,净化效力为50.9μg/g。  相似文献   

我厂将SZ-LTG15/30型内吸式滤尘器与FA212型梳棉机配套使用,通过近两年的运转,发现存在如下问题:(1)滤尘器运行后,主风机输送到一级过滤室内的短纤维和尘杂很快粘附于整个滤网上,吸嘴又不能迅速地吸除滤网上的尘杂,随着短纤维和尘杂絮层的不断补充,在一级过滤室内形成蜗流;使主风管和二级滤尘室的压差为零,造成滤尘器飞花四溢,影响环境;并造成滤网和滤布经常损坏。(2)由于滤尘风量不足,当梳棉机落物较多时,造成梳棉三吸管易堵。道夫处吸点风量减小,生头棉网吸不走,返花轧伤针布。返花再经粉碎辊反复搓转,形成棉结…  相似文献   

目的:研究空气净化器甲醛累积净化量影响因素。方法:参照GB/T 18801-2015空气净化器,研究在线分析仪法与化学法测试甲醛累积净化量的差异,分析单日加载量、滤材对净化器甲醛累积净化量性能的影响。结果:机器A使用化学法在线分析仪法同时测试甲醛CCM,测试过程中的CADR有差异,但CCM均为F3级;单日加载量为300mg、500mg或600mg时,机器B的CADR衰减差异较大,而机器C差异较小;滤网不一样的机器D、G、H,其CCM分别为F2、F3、F1档,滤网一样的机器E、F,初始CADR差异较大,但其CCM均为F4档。结论:检测方法及滤网本身对机器的甲醛CCM均有较大影响。  相似文献   

为开发出具有吸附甲醛功能的装饰织物,基于纳米TiO_2的光催化作用和活性炭的吸附作用,将纳米TiO_2和活性炭的混合分散液覆于棉织物表面制成具有吸附降解甲醛功能的织物。分析了影响织物吸附降解甲醛性能的因素,采用正交试验对分散液浓度、活性炭含量及烘焙温度进行了优选。试验表明:棉织物较理想的整理工艺为:分散液浓度75g/L、活性炭含量36%、焙烘温度178℃。认为:采用纳米TiO_2活性炭对棉织物进行整理,可使其获得较好的吸附降解甲醛的功能。  相似文献   

采用低温制备技术合成纳米TiO2水溶胶,并采用浸渍工艺使纳米TiO2负载在棉织物表面形成薄膜,然后用于水中染料和空气中甲醛的催化降解反应中。同时,将纳米TiO2水溶胶与有机硅复配制成纳米TiO2环境净化整理剂,探讨了有机硅乳液对纳米TiO2水溶胶净化性能的影响。结果表明,在光辐射的条件下纳米TiO2粒子能够使不同结构染料分子发生氧化降解反应,其对酸性红88的催化降解效果更好,并能用于高浓度染料废水的处理;紫外光辐射下,纳米TiO2对空气中甲醛具有更好的催化降解效果;有机硅乳液对纳米TiO2净化性能的影响很小,但能改善纳米TiO2在纤维表面的固着和织物的手感。  相似文献   

纺织工业部设计院提出的研制新型滤料,由上海新型纺纱技术中心签约承担,新型纺纱技术中心和上海无纺布厂、上海纺织工业专科学校共同研制。这次研制的滤料是用于仿西德LTG型滤尘器上的滤料(江阴纺机厂生产的SFU012内吸式滤尘器),与以往罗瓦等设备不同。过去二级滤料均覆在金属网板的转笼上而LTG型滤尘设备无网板,靠滤料本身强度来支撑含尘空气的压力,对滤料的强度就要求较高。经试验采用不同旦数的异形涤纶纤维以一定配比混合,用多股化纤长丝交织的夹网嵌其中做成无纺布,经针刺、复针刺工艺加工,可达到阻力小,透气性好,滤尘效率高。针刺号数和深度也进行了优选。经过一年多的设计试制和一系列测定以及工厂生产使用,情况良好上海纺织工业局组织专家、生产使用单位于2  相似文献   

胡杰  陈维国  王晟  王騊 《印染》2007,33(21):5-8
在纳米TiO2颗粒外层包裹有机物和SiO2,经高温烧灼处理,制备了具有独特中空结构的屏蔽型纳米TiO2,其粒径20nm左右,锐钛矿相的含量80%以上。屏蔽型纳米TiO2具有明显的分解甲醛作用;其中空屏蔽结构阻隔了与被整理物之间的直接接触,光催化活性比未改性纳米TiO2有一定程度的降低,经其整理的棉织物的光催化降强也小得多。  相似文献   

Conductive needle punched nonwoven fabrics are developed from staple polypropylene (PP) and varying weight fractions (10, 20 and 30 wt.%) of staple carbon fibres. A fibrous webs of staple PP and carbon fibres were formed at a wool-type carding machine, and these webs subsequently bonded on needle punching machine with 132 punches/cm2 and 13.5 mm needle penetration depth. The electromagnetic shielding effectiveness (EMSE), absorption and reflection characteristics of as-produced needle punched nonwoven fabrics were determined using a network analyser as specified in ASTM D4935-10 in the frequency range 15–3000 MHz. The surface resistivity measurements were carried out in accordance with ASTM D 257-07 standard. These results indicate that the EMSE values increase incrementally with frequency in the 15–3000 MHz range. The nonwoven sample with 30 wt.% carbon fibre showed the lowest surface resistivity of 3.348 kΩ and corresponding highest EMSE of ~42.1 dB in the 3000 MHz frequency range. In comparison, the highest EMSE values from 10 to 20 wt.% staple carbon fibre were found to be 15.6 and 32.2 dB in the 3000 MHz frequency, respectively. It was observed that the absorbance and reflectance curves of each nonwoven fabric move at opposite directions to each other. It was found that as the amount of carbon fibre in the nonwoven fabric increases, absorbance values decrease, but reflectance values increase. The resultant nonwoven fabric samples are expected to be used as garment interlining after thermal bonding and wall interlayer in the future.  相似文献   

本论文对不同纤维细度和面密度的ES纤维热风非织造布进行电晕驻极处理,通过对比电晕处理前后的过滤效率,分析ES纤维热风非织造布的驻极性能;通过对比ES纤维热风非织造布与PP熔喷非织造布驻极后的表面电压变化情况,分析ES纤维的电荷存储稳定性。结果表明:热风非织造材料的纤维越细、面密度越大,材料的驻极效果愈好;ES纤维热风非织造布较PP熔喷非织造布,其即时电荷稳定性较差,但是长期的电荷稳定性较好。  相似文献   

This paper reports the filtration behaviours of needle‐punched bulked nonwoven fabrics made from shrinkable and non‐shrinkable acrylic blends. The basic idea of the present work is to explore the possibility of structural changes in needle‐punched nonwoven fabrics made from blends of shrinkable and non‐shrinkable acrylic fibres, as in the case of an acrylic bulked yarn, to improve the filtration behaviour. In Part I and Part II of this series, compressional and transmission characteristics of these fabrics were reported, respectively. The effects of variables, namely fabric areal density, needle punch density and the proportion of shrinkable acrylic fibre in the blend, on various filtration‐related properties of needle‐punched nonwoven fabrics have been studied by relaxing the shrinkable component of the fabric using hot steam treatment. A three‐variable factorial design technique proposed by Box and Behnken was used to investigate the combined interaction effect of the above variables on the filtration properties of these fabrics. The fabric areal density and needle punch density were found to have a significant effect on filtration efficiency as well as pressure drop. The proportion of shrinkable acrylic fibre has little effect on filtration efficiency, but the trends are dependent on the needle punch density.  相似文献   

纤网型缝编非织造材料结构性能初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纤网型缝编技术采用织针勾取纤网中的纤维束形成线圈并编织,从而将纤网加固成纤网型缝编非织造材料,可作为室内装饰和产业用织物。通过实验研究了纤网型缝编非织造材料的纤网结构、拉伸性能、顶破强度等,并与针织物、针刺非织造材料进行了对比,探讨了影响纤网型缝编非织造材料基本性能的因素。  相似文献   

通过改变成网及固网的部分工艺,对不同生产条件下生产的产品性能,包括非织造布中的纤维直径进行了测试分析,研究了影响纺粘热轧法非织造布产品质量的内在因素。实验结果表明,在产品面密度不变时,力学性能随计量泵转速的提高而降低,硬挺度、透气性及非织造布中纤维直径随之增加,当泵转速达到一定值时出现断丝现象,产品的强力又开始下降;在泵转速一定时,面密度随轧机速度提高而下降,产品力学性能随之下降,透气性提高;在轧机速度一定时,产品面密度随泵转速提高而增大,力学性能、硬挺度随之增大,透气性下降。研究表明,网帘下的吸风量增加,会造成纤网中纤维变细,产品的力学性能上升,硬挺度与透气性下降;在其他条件不变时,随轧辊中油温的升高,产品的力学性能、硬挺度提高,透气性下降,但温度过高则会破坏纤维内部结构,其产品性能就会下降。  相似文献   

In this experimental study, the effect of needling intensity and reinforcement fabric on some physical properties of needle‐punched nonwoven filters was investigated. The needle‐punched nonwoven filters with different needling intensities were fabricated with and without reinforcement fabrics. Recycled polyester fibers were chosen as raw materials, and acrylic fibers were used in the reinforcement fabrics. The variation of physical properties of filter fabrics, such as air permeability, thickness, mass per unit area, and bursting strength, was analyzed with respect to the needling intensities as well as the reinforcement materials. The results showed that the burst strength of the filters increased by using the reinforcement fabric and increasing the needling intensity until a critical level. Moreover, air permeability of filters decreased by using the woven reinforcement materials and increasing the needling intensity.  相似文献   


In nonwoven filter fabrics, virgin polyester fibre is mostly used. Therefore, this study has been conducted with the use of virgin polyester fibre and recycled polyester fibre which is obtained after recycling of post-consumer bottle flakes to reduce the cost of filter fabric. The study is concerned to examine the effect of fabric GSM (grams/m2), needling density and depth of needle penetration on filtration efficiency and also to see the suitability of recycled polyester fibre in place of virgin polyester fibre. The study has shown that the increase in fabric weight resulted in increase in the filtration efficiency percentage. The increase in the depth of needle penetration resulted in increase in the extent of filtration efficiency initially; subsequently, it decreased. Similar trends were observed in case of both recycled polyester filter fabrics and virgin polyester filter fabrics. Though the filtration efficiency of filter fabrics prepared from virgin polyester fibre was slightly higher, the filtration efficiency of fabrics prepared from recycled polyester fibre was lower by only 2 to 3 per cent due to close difference in values of molecular weight (Mw) and polydispersity index (PDI). Therefore, looking to the filtration efficiency percentage, it may be suggested that recycled polyester fibre can be used in place of virgin polyester fibre for the manufacturing of needle-punched nonwoven filter fabrics.  相似文献   

蔺军  葛春英 《产业用纺织品》2004,22(1):19-21,29
合理的生产线配置、优良的设备状态是确保非织造布产品优良性能的前提。本文主要介绍了合理的非织造布生产线开清与成网设备的配置 ,并以青岛纺织机械厂最新生产的设备为例 ,简单介绍了非织造布生产线中所需的开清成网设备及其性能  相似文献   

无胶棉的纤维、性能及应用前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍热熔复合纤维的特点及其无胶棉的生产工艺 ,其与喷胶棉相比所具有的性能优势和产品应用前景  相似文献   

A uniform, porous, and bulky mechanically entangled fibrous sheet, i.e., needle-punched nonwoven, from eco-friendly and natural, low-grade jute fiber, has been designed and engineered to use as an artificial medium for germination of seed in place of soil. Needle-punched nonwoven fabrics of different bulk densities have been prepared from low-grade jute. Bulk densities of needle punched nonwoven fabric can be changed due to change of punch density, area density and depth of needle penetration. In this case, bulk densities of fabric have been achieved by varying the punch densities only, keeping the area density and depth of needle penetration same/ unaltered. As per experimentation, 500 g/m2 area density needle punched nonwoven with 0.116 g/cm3 bulk density shows the best quality of germination. This bulk density has been achieved using 160 punches/cm2 and 13 mm depth of penetration as per the system applied and fiber used. It may be a good alternative as a medium of cultivation. The design of the bed is also proposed in the article. It is observed that in this artificial system, cultivation can be made in hostile condition and plant growth is better than that in soil. Its moisture-holding capacity and temperature control of medium help in better agriculture. This is highly applicable in the regions where soil is either not available or not suitable for cultivation.  相似文献   

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