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陈钢  陈国强 《印染助剂》2013,30(7):43-46
二烯丙基酒石酸二酰胺(DAT)是一种新型交联剂,在过硫酸钾引发下,可与经烯丙基缩水甘油醚接枝处理后的棉纤维形成交联,获得抗皱效果.探讨了反应温度、反应时间、NaOH、烯丙基缩水甘油醚和二烯丙基酒石酸二酰胺用量对接枝和交联反应的影响,优化了接枝和交联反应工艺,测定了整理织物的应用性能.结果表明,接枝反应优化工艺为:w(烯丙基缩水甘油醚)=5%,NaOH用量为1 mol/L;交联反应优化工艺为:m(DAT)∶m(织物)=1∶1,交联温度为85℃,时间为2 h.交联增重率随接枝增重率增加而增加,整理棉织物的折皱回复角有一定提高,但织物强力、白度有所下降.  相似文献   

研究了二乙酰酒石酸单甘酯(DATEM)的合成方法,并对工艺进行优化,力求以简单工艺制出优质产品.通过正交实验优化了二乙酰酒石酸单甘酯的合成条件,并由极差分析得出不同因素对合成产率的影响.通过红外光谱证实自制产品与市售产品官能团一致,并通过质谱分析了DATEM的主要成分.  相似文献   

二氢杨梅素月桂酸酯在猪油中的抗氧化性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李卫  郑成  宁正祥 《食品科学》2005,26(9):73-76
用月桂酰氯对二氢杨梅素的羟基进行酯化,合成了二氢杨梅素月桂酸酯。并对二氢杨梅素月桂酸酯结构进行了红外光谱表征。通过对二氢杨梅素及二氢杨梅素月桂酸酯在猪油中抗氧化性能比较试验,证实二氢杨梅素月桂酸酯能够持久、稳定地在猪油中发挥抗氧化作用,在猪油中的抗氧化能力比二氢杨梅素强,而二氢杨梅素在猪油氧化后期起到了促氧化作用。通过对二氢杨梅素月桂酸酯在猪油中不同添加量抗氧化试验,得出二氢杨梅素月桂酸酯在猪油中的最佳添加量为1.0mmol/L。  相似文献   

溢香轩 《酿酒》2002,29(2):33-33
二、巴斯德与比奥184 8年当巴斯德在科学会上宣讲酒石酸结晶时 ,下边坐的多是白发苍苍的大化学家。一个个瞪大了眼睛倾听巴斯德的宣讲。并带着赞赏的面孔不住的点头。论文报告之后 ,引起了巴黎学术界极大的震动 ,在很长一段时间里 ,人们的话题中都离不开这无名青年的重要发现。当时仅 2 6岁的无名青年巴斯德一举成名 ,成了伟大的化学家了。就在巴斯德宣讲论文时 ,在座的另有一位鬓发皆白的老者 ,在热心听取过程中 ,其面部上呈现出复杂的表情。是赞同 ?是怀疑 ?是忌妒 ?巴斯德宣读论文取得成功之后 ,噩耗传来 ,母亲病危。于是他跋山涉水回到…  相似文献   

聚乙烯醇和二羟甲基二羟涂层的作用效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聚乙烯醇(PVA)和二羟甲基二羟(DMDHEU)涂层对65.35涤粘混纺西服用织物的机械性能具有显著影响。在涂层溶液中增加PVA和DMDHEU的浓度后,提高了整个织物弯曲刚度,改进了织物折皱回复率。但对降低织物断裂强度及相应的断裂伸长率影响不大,而且据观察不论坯布还是染色布其变化趋势是相同的。  相似文献   

本文根据毛细管气相色谱的分析结果,探讨了使用戊二酮钐配合物-倍半氯乙基铝-三苯基磷三元催化体系时丙烯二聚产物六碳烯烃的分布与主要反应条件的关系,  相似文献   

气相色谱法测定豉香型白酒中的二元酸二乙酯   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
余剑霞 《酿酒科技》2001,(6):80-80,90
采用惠普HP19091F-413型0.32mm中口径毛细管柱,以肉桂酸乙酯作内标物,庚二酸二乙酯、辛二酸二乙酯、壬二酸二乙酯为标准物,直接进样,用FID检测,测定鼓香型白酒中的二元酸二乙酯。结果庚二酸二乙酯、辛二酸二乙酯、壬二酸二乙酯的相对标准偏差分别为3.19%、2.07%和2.92%。  相似文献   

已二醇二丙烯酸酯对真丝的接枝改性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了用二醇二丙烯酸酯为接枝单体、过硫酸铵(APS)为引发剂对真丝的接枝共聚反应,分析了接枝率的影响素,并测试了改性真丝的主要应用性能。结果表明:乳液和乙醇/水为溶剂的2种体系都能在真丝上获得较高接枝率。对于乙醇/水体系v(乙醇):v(H2O)=1:1,接枝单体20~30g/L,2%甲酸4ml,引发剂APS 0.5g/L,65~70℃接枝60min的接枝率高。改性后真丝的断裂强度、延伸度、吸湿性能都可获得改善,对酸、碱的溶解性提高,但染色性能提高不明显,对泛黄性改善一般。  相似文献   

李晓彬 《福建轻纺》2023,(4):17-22+32
二次装袋可使料袋避免在物流过程中被污染或破损,国内现有的二次装袋多为人工装袋后再进行手动热封,这导致包装后的外观质量参差不齐,加大了工人的劳动强度,还增加了企业的人力成本。为解决这些存在的问题,文章对储袋给袋机构、推包机构、取袋剔袋机构、张袋撑袋机构、推包定位机构、热封理袋机构等多项机构进行研究,开发出适应粮食、食盐、种子、奶粉等粉状及颗粒立体袋装后的二次套袋包装的全自动二次装袋机。  相似文献   

目的:开发抗肿瘤药二乙酰二水卫矛醇的合成工艺。方法:以卫矛醇为原料,溴化反应得到中间体二溴卫矛醇,二溴卫矛醇再环合得到二去水卫矛醇,二去水卫矛醇的3,4位羟基进行酯化,合成新的已糖醇类衍生物二乙酰二去水卫矛醇。结果:目标化合物的结构经MS和H-NMR谱确证,总收率为22.6%,纯度99.1%(ELSD-HPLC)。结论:合成工艺操作简单,生产成本低廉,利于工业化生产。  相似文献   

BACKGROUD: The diacetyl tartaric acid ester of monoglycerides (DATEM) is an anionic oil‐in‐water emulsifier. The effects of DATEM on bread vary with the type of flour. However, there is insufficient information concerning the effects of DATEM on the qualities of Chinese steamed bread (CSB) even though it is also sold as a CSB improver. RESULTS: The effects of DATEM on CSB varied with flours. The overall qualities of CSB made from either weak or strong wheat flours were improved by the use of the additive, but the effects for medium strong flours were slight and uncertain. The effects of DATEM on individual parameters, such as specific volume, skin and inner structure, were similar to those on overall quality. The addition of DATEM increased the gluten strength and the dough stability of weak flour, whereas it weakened gluten strength and strengthened dough stability of strong flour. The addition of DATEM weakened the gluten strength and gave variable effects on dough stabilities for two medium strong flours. CONCLUSION: The effects of DATEM on CSB quality varied with flour type, by affecting flour characteristics, such as gluten strength, dough stability and lipid content. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effects of protein quality, protein content, ascorbic acid, diacetyl tartaric acid ester of monoglyc-erides (DATEM), and their interactions on dough rheology and hearth bread properties were studied by size-exclusion fast protein liquid chromatography, Kieffer Dough & Gluten Extensibility Rig, and small-scale baking of hearth loaves. The effect of protein content was either positive or negative on hearth loaf characteristics, form ratio, and area, depending on the amount of the largest glutenin polymers in the flour. Ascorbic acid brought out the potential in the wheat flour known as protein quality. Ascorbic acid and DATEM strengthened the doughs and improved hearth bread characteristics.  相似文献   

复合乳化剂酶制剂对馒头品质的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了DATEM、SSL-CSL和脂肪酶单体及其复配添加对馒头品质的影响.通过质构仪测试、色差仪测试及感官评分对馒头品质进行了评价.结果表明,单一乳化剂、酶制剂对馒头品质有改善作用,而复合使用改善效果更为明显.最佳复配比例为3g/kgDATEM、1g/kgCSL-SSL、8mg/kg脂肪酶,馒头色度和质构改善显著.  相似文献   

将脂肪酶引入到面团体系中,与乳化剂双乙酰酒石酸单双甘油酯(DATEM)作对比,通过面包的比容和质构等评价指标,研究脂肪酶和乳化剂DATEM对面包烘焙品质的影响并进行比较分析。结果表明,相比于DATEM,添加脂肪酶可降低硬度和咀嚼性,提高抗老化特性,使面包芯组织柔软,并且感官评定得分提高。  相似文献   

为了改善全麦中麸皮带来的不利影响,本文尝试向全麦粉中添加双乙酰酒石酸单双甘油酯(DATEM,0~1.0%)改变全麦面团特性同时改善全麦食品品质。利用混合实验仪(Mixolab)、质构仪、动态流变仪、扫描电镜、激光共聚焦等研究了DATEM对全麦面团的混合特性、流变特性、拉伸特性和微观结构及其对全麦馒头比容、质构特性的影响。结果发现,DATEM使得全麦面团形成时间、稳定时间与回生值均升高,峰值粘度降低。DATEM添加增加了面团拉伸强度,弹性模量(G")和黏性模量(G"),但降低了面团延伸性。全麦面团微观结构显示,添加DATEM后面团内部断裂减少,结构均匀连续,面筋结构得到明显改善。DATEM使得全麦馒头硬度显著降低(p<0.05),由1546.70 g(对照)降低到680.56 g(DATEM 1.0%),当添加量为0.4%时,全麦馒头的比容比对照增加了1.2倍。  相似文献   

表面活性剂对面包抗老化作用的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了三种表面活性剂单甘酯(GMS)、硬脂酰乳酸钠(SSL)及双乙酰酒石酸单甘酯(DATEM)对存放一定时间后面包的抗老化效果。正交实验得出:抗老化效果显著性顺序为SSL(1.2%)、DATEM(1.5%)、GMS(1.3%);对面包比容影响DATEM(1.5%)>SSL(1.2%)>GMS(1.5%),综合考虑以SSL(1.2%)为佳。  相似文献   

The effects of microbial transglutaminase (TGM) on the viscoelastic profile of wheat flour doughs when added singly and in combination with hydrocolloids—hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) and a high ester pectin (GENU pectin type BIG, or BIG)—, amylolytic (-amylase) and non amylolytic enzymes (xylanase) and an emulsifier [diacetyl tartaric acid ester of mono-diglycerides (DATEM)] have been investigated by applying response surface analysis to a Draper-Lin small composite design of formulated dough samples. In spite of the major effects on mixing, textural, extensional and viscometric parameters, which were provided by hydrocolloid/surfactant combinations, incorporation of TGM into dough formulas improved some viscoelastic properties. TGM, when added to DATEM and/or HPMC-containing doughs, induced synergistic effects on mixing parameters, resulting in increased water absorption, development time and stability. Highly cohesive doughs with improved water holding capacity and gluten strength during mixing and fermentation, and suitable pasting behaviour during cooking were achieved using TGM/BIG/DATEM mixtures, mainly associated with suitable interactions of the pairs TGM/DATEM and DATEM/BIG.  相似文献   

Antistaling additives—distilled monoglycerides (MGL), diacetyl tartaric ester of monodiglycerides (DATEM), sodium stearoyl lactylate (SSL), carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) and fungal α-amylase—were studied for effects on rheological and fer- mentative properties of white/whole wheat bread doughs, made following straight/sour dough processes. A fractionated factorial design (L32) was used to evaluate single additive effects and interactions. Single addition of DATEM, followed by SSL, α-amylase and hydrocolloids improved oven rise and final volume. In presence of DATEM, synergistic (MGL) and antagonistic (SSL) effects of additional emulsifiers were found on gassing power. SSL was the only effective conditioner for enhancement of mixing properties. Dough plasticity was negatively affected by MGL addition and by CMC/HPMC in white/whole flours respectively. Some combinations resulted in detrimental dough handling properties.  相似文献   

潘丽军  方坤  马道荣  寿佳菲 《食品科学》2010,31(12):284-287
以馒头低温储存前后硬度和回复值的变化率为考察指标,通过单因素和正交试验研究不同酶制剂、乳化剂和淀粉等改良剂对馒头低温储存过程中抗老化效果的影响。结果表明,抗老化效果最佳的改良剂配方是α- 淀粉酶0.3%、双乙酰酒石酸甘油酯(DATEM) 0.7%、马铃薯变性淀粉3%。该配方用于馒头低温储藏,可使馒头感官分值为84.44 ± 1.49,硬度变化率为(6.07 ± 2.76)%,回复值变化率为(4.98 ± 0.58)%。  相似文献   

The effect of the surfactants glycerol monostearate (GMS), lecithin, diacetyl tartaric acid esters of monoglycerides (DATEM), polyoxyethylene sorbitan monostearate (PS‐60) and sodium stearoyl‐2‐lactylate (SSL) on the rheological characteristics of dough and quality of parotta was studied. Use of the surfactants increased stability as measured by the farinograph, valorimeter value, extensograph ratio figure and extensograph area, indicating an increase in the strength of the dough. Surfactants reduced the mixograph peak height, mixograph area, apparent biaxial extensional viscosity, compressive stress, force decay parameter, hardness and adhesiveness, and increased the cohesiveness of dough. The values for peak viscosity increased with DATEM, PS‐60 and SSL and decreased with GMS and lecithin. Among the surfactants tested, SSL and PS‐60 brought about the greatest improvement in the quality of parotta, followed in decreasing order by DATEM, lecithin and GMS.  相似文献   

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