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一、车间安装通风吸尘装置的必要性和盈利性分析木材加工车间必须安装有效的通风吸尘装置。这主要有以下三个方面的原因: 1.安全。木材加工车间各加工工序产生的剩余物很多,包括锯屑、刨花、砂光粉尘等,如不及时排除,就会很快堆积在机器周围。这会影响操作工操作,严重的还会发生事故。 2.卫生。空气中夹杂大量粉尘,工人呼  相似文献   

韩爱民 《纺织器材》2009,36(3):47-47
我公司于2008年3月安装了1台单路控制S型高压雾化加湿装置,经过半年的运行,效果很好,满足了车间均匀加湿、降飞花、粉尘的需要。为此,设备管理部要求在织布二车间也使用雾化加湿装置。为减少开支,两车间使用同一个雾化加湿装置。但安装后,雾化装置水量供应不足,出现自停,影响加湿效果。  相似文献   

浸出车间出现溶剂突发性燃烧可进行高密度泡沫喷淋,10 min内喷淋2 000 m<'3>混合泡沫进行覆盖灭火是行之有效的.但在预处理、精炼、小包装等丙类车间安装烟感器和喷淋装置误报警多,如果出现粉尘起火在系统内瞬时燃烧,喷淋只能降温而不能灭火.可在可能产生粉尘起火的设备内部,如烘干机、蒸脱机内安装蒸汽自动控制阀;燃煤锅炉因为要经常扒渣,炉渣本身带火,因此只能在锅炉房安装灭火器和消防栓;原料筒仓起火原因是原料自燃,仓内无法安装喷淋系统,消防和安全措施只能针对粉尘进行设置,如倒仓;平房式粕仓不能分隔,只能在室内安装灭火器和室外消防栓.  相似文献   

分析了面粉打包秤运行时粉尘产生的机理和现有吸风装置的不足,从有利于粉尘的排放和粉尘的捕捉等方面提出了打包秤夹袋料筒的结构改进和上部吸风的方法,即将夹袋料筒及其上部的料斗做成双层结构且吸风口不连接到其他通风除尘风网系统.  相似文献   

分析了面粉打包秤运行时粉尘产生的机理和现有吸风装置的不足,从有利于粉尘的排放和粉尘的捕捉等方面提出了打包秤夹袋料筒的结构改进和上部吸风的方法,即将夹袋料筒及其上部的料斗做成双层结构且吸风口不连接到其他通风除尘风网系统。采用引导、自然排放和吸风作用相结合的方法解决粉尘飞扬、扩散问题。  相似文献   

打包是一种以运输、储存为主要目的的压缩性工业包装 ,是棉花初加工中的最后一道工序 ,直接关系着轧花、剥绒等全部工艺流程的正常运行 ,一旦打包机工序出现问题 ,则前面的工序往往被迫停车、停产。因此 ,我们对棉纤维不但打包 ,根据国家标准 ,还必须管理好打包设备 ,防止设备损坏和人员伤亡事故的发生。打包车间工作人员除定期检查维修保养打包设备外 ,还要根据各厂打包机机型做好安全操作与防范工作。MDY2 0 0 A型液压打包机 ,是我国 2 0世纪80年代先进机型 ,使用较广。我公司 1 991年先后安装了两台 MDY2 0 0 A型液压打包机。我们使…  相似文献   

本文通过对哈尔滨亚麻厂的现场测试,对亚麻粉尘的特点,车间粉尘浓度的分布,主要使用的LTG、XLZ滤尘器内的粉尘浓度分布及粉尘粒度分布进行了研究,取得了生产车间主要产生粉尘设备各部位的粉尘浓度,以及滤尘器粉尘浓度和粒度分布等数据。  相似文献   

通过对大豆浸出厂预处理车间的分析,并结合实验数据,认为大豆粉尘属于爆炸性粉尘,预处理车间应列入爆炸危险环境.同时,对照国内外有关粉尘防爆标准,对预处理车间进行了危险区域划分.  相似文献   

正一、概述MCLW-6型多转笼除尘机组是国家"十一五"科技支撑计划科研成果,由中华全国供销合作总社郑州棉麻工程技术设计研究所研制,适用于棉花加工、纺织企业对含有纤维性粉尘空气进行过滤,降低含尘气体排放浓度,并可同时回收含尘气体中有用纤维。2014年在南疆塔河种业4台126机采棉车间的籽棉清理环节安装了4台多转笼除尘机组,机组采用PLC进行控制,自动化程度高,运行稳定,使用至今,有效地减少了车间的粉尘排放,取得良好的除尘  相似文献   

棉花加工厂的籽棉轧花后需要打包,而铁丝是捆扎棉包必不可少的材料,每个棉花加工厂每年都要用很多铁丝打包。目前,打包铁丝都是用化学纤维编织材料缠绕包装成捆。棉花加工厂采购打包铁丝后运回厂,卸入厂区再进库房,使用时由库房分批领出运人打扣车间,成捆的铁丝在打扣车间被剪开化纤外包装,加工成棉花  相似文献   

Perfluorinated alkyl sulfonamides (PFASs) which are used in a variety of consumer products for surface protection were investigated through a comprehensive survey of indoor air, house dust, and outdoor air in the city of Ottawa, Canada. This study revealed new information regarding the occurrence and indoor air source strength of several PFASs including N-methylperfluorooctane sulfonamidoethanol (MeFOSE), N-ethylperfluorooctane sulfonamidoethanol (EtFOSE), N-ethylperfluorooctane sulfonamide (EtFOSA), and N-methylperfluorooctane sulfonamidethylacrylate (MeFOSEA). Passive air samplers consisting of polyurethane foam disks were calibrated and used to conduct the indoor and outdoor survey. Indoor air concentrations for MeFOSE and EtFOSE (1490 and 740 pg m(-3), respectively) were about 10-20 times greater than outdoor concentrations, establishing indoor air as an important source to the outside environment. EtFOSA and MeFOSEA concentrations were lower in indoor air (40 and 29 pg m(-3) respectively) and below detection in outdoor air samples. For indoor dust, highest concentrations were recorded for MeFOSE and EtFOSE with geometric mean concentrations of 110 and 120 ng g(-1), while concentrations for EtFOSA and MeFOSEA were below detection and 7.9 ng g(-1) respectively. MeFOSE and EtFOSE concentrations in house dust followed levels in indoor air. However, resolution of the coupled air and dust data (for the same homes) was not successful using existing KoA-based models for surface-air exchange. The partitioning to house dust was greatly underpredicted. The difficulties with existing models may be due to the high activity coefficient of PFASs in octanol and/or a situation where the dust is greatly oversaturated with respect to the air due to components of the dust being contaminated with PFASs. A human exposure assessment based on median air and dust concentrations revealed that human exposure through inhalation (100% absorption assumed) and dust ingestion were approximately 40 and approximately 20 ng d(-1), respectively. However, for children the dust ingestion pathway was dominant and accounted for approximately 44 ng d(-1).  相似文献   

在设计制丝线环境除尘系统时,根据物料下落时诱导空气压力分布的特点,将吸口设置在正压区,尽量消除扬尘区域内的正压,使扬尘区域呈负压状态,可有效地控制扬尘外逸,改善除尘效果,节约系统的运行成本。同时给出了制丝线环境除尘系统中几种常见吸口的设计要点和参考数据。  相似文献   

The Cutler sampler, an electrically powered suction device for obtaining mites from air or surface dust is described. Mite numbers in air inside cattle byres ranged from 417 to 611 per 1000 litres of air while hay was tossed into mangers during cattle feeding. Mites were still present in air one hour after hay tossing. The numbers of mites per gram recovered from bed dust ranged from 35 to 4000 but were usually between 300 and 800.  相似文献   

赵晨  王宜  曾靖山 《中国造纸》2016,35(9):38-42
采用工业除尘领域滤袋材料的清灰检测方法对两种拥有不同表面能的空气过滤材料自洁反吹性能进行了检测。结果表明,在初期过滤阶段,相比100%植物纤维制备的滤材,含有60%低表面能纤维的滤材的不粘灰性能明显;在深层过滤阶段,滤材孔径会影响滤材的自洁反吹性能。  相似文献   

We installed a ventilation system that minimizes airborne bacteria, dust, humidity, and ammonia levels; conserves animal heat during the winter months by precise control of the amount of fresh air admitted to the calf nursery; and prevents cross transfer of airborne pathogens between neighboring calves by providing uniform air distribution throughout the calf nursery. Because of the effectiveness of air filtration and uniform air distribution within the nurseries, respiratory problems of calves were reduced greatly. Airborne dust and bacteria as small as .5 mu were filtered from the air.  相似文献   

气力除尘技术在木材加工行业中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了木材加工业除尘技术应用的现状,提出了新的设计方案,安装技术和建议。  相似文献   

任吉云  姜舒 《棉纺织技术》1999,27(6):352-356
在均匀吸风的基础上进一步讨论了定量吸风管道的描述方法,给出了定量吸风方程和方程的数值解法,最后给出了管道系统设计通用程序的编制方法及计算实例。  相似文献   

Chemicals identified as endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) have widespread consumer uses, yet little is known about indoor exposure. We sampled indoor air and dust in 120 homes, analyzing for 89 organic chemicals identified as EDCs. Fifty-two compounds were detected in air and 66 were detected in dust. These are the first reported measures in residential environments for over 30 of the compounds, including several detected at the highest concentrations. The number of compounds detected per home ranged from 13 to 28 in air and from 6 to 42 in dust. The most abundant compounds in air included phthalates (plasticizers, emulsifiers), o-phenylphenol (disinfectant), 4-nonylphenol (detergent metabolite), and 4-tert-butylphenol (adhesive) with typical concentrations in the range of 50-1500 ng/m3. The penta- and tetrabrominated diphenyl ethers (flame retardants) were frequently detected in dust, and 2,3-dibromo-1-propanol, the carcinogenic intermediate of a flame retardant banned in 1977, was detected in air and dust. Twenty-three pesticides were detected in air and 27 were detected in dust, the most abundant being permethrins and the synergist piperonyl butoxide. The banned pesticides heptachlor, chlordane, methoxychlor, and DDT were also frequently detected, suggesting limited indoor degradation. Detected concentrations exceeded government health-based guidelines for 15 compounds, but no guidelines are available for 28 compounds, and existing guidelines do not consider endocrine effects. This study provides a basis for prioritizing toxicology and exposure research for individual EDCs and mixtures and provides new tools for exposure assessment in health studies.  相似文献   

Hexabromocyclododecanes (alpha-, beta-, and gamma-HBCDs) and tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBBP-A) were determined in indoor air from homes (n=33; median concentrations sigma HBCDs = 180 pg m(-3); TBBP-A = 15 pg m(-3)), offices (n=25; 170; 11), public microenvironments (n=4; 900; 27) and outdoor air (n=5; 37; 1). HBCDs and TBBP-A were also determined in dust from homes (n=45; median concentrations sigma HBCDs = 1300 ng g(-1); TBBP-A = 62 ng g(-1)), offices (n=28; 760; 36), cars (n=20; 13,000; 2), and public microenvironments (n=4; 2700; 230). While sigma HBCDs in car dust significantly exceeded (p < 0.05) those in homes and offices, TBBP-A in car dust was significantly lower (p < 0.05) than that in homes and offices. No significant differences were observed between sigma HBCDs and TBBP-A in air or dust from homes and offices. Compared to dietary and inhalation exposures, dust ingestion constitutes an important pathway of exposure to HBCDs and TBBP-A for the UK population. Specifically, using average dust ingestion rates and concentrations in dust, dust ingestion constitutes for adults 34% (TBBP-A) and 24% (HBCDs) of overall exposure, and for toddlers 90% (TBBP-A) and 63% (HBCDs). Inhalation appears a minor exposure pathway to both HBCDs and TBBP-A. On average, dust is 33% alpha-, 11% beta-, and 56% gamma-HBCD, while air is 22% alpha-, 11% beta-, and 65% gamma-HBCD.  相似文献   

从五金制品抛光粉尘的特性出发,根据抛光工艺、工件材料等提出粉尘捕捉方式和粉尘治理采用的形式,详细介绍捕捉技术及风量计算、治理系统风机选择及相应的风压、风量计算和辅助设施设置原则。对设计关键技术进行详细论述,对抛光粉尘治理有着重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

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