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饲料中各组分的颗粒大小,对于某些种类的动物至关重要。一般地说,增加石灰石或蚝壳的粉碎细度,有利于动物消化。但是,饲料中的这些钙组分,应以能向动物提供钙的最大生物学利用率的细度为宜。试验表明,产蛋鸡饲料中具有大颗粒(1400μm~5600μm)石灰石或蚝壳,能增加蛋壳强度。  相似文献   

为了分析骨粉的粉碎程度对其消化率及骨粉的氨氮含量的影响,本文以猪大骨为原料,经高压蒸煮酶辅助水解后粉碎,制得颗粒尺寸大于150μm、小于37.4μm,以及尺寸介于150μm~92.9μm、92.9μm~75μm、75μm~58.9μm、58.9μm~48.9μm、48.9μm~41.8μm、41.8μm~37.4μm的骨粉,并对其氨氮含量、脂肪及水分含量,蛋白质消化率,碎骨蛋白的形态及碎骨的外观结构进行分析,结果发现,所得碎骨中尺寸小于37.4μm骨粉占83.2%。粉碎的骨粉随着颗粒尺寸减小,其中的脂肪含量增加,氨氮含量减小。粉碎骨粉中蛋白质的消化率随骨粉尺寸减小呈现增加趋势,尺寸小于37.4μm骨粉的消化吸收率显著(P0.05)高于其他尺寸骨粉。粉碎骨粉的电泳图显示,粉碎骨粉中低分子量蛋白含量呈增加趋势。骨粉的微观结构显示,粉碎骨粉的表面呈圆润光滑状态。  相似文献   

为探究不同口腔加工方法对体外淀粉消化特性的影响,以青稞馒头和小麦馒头为实验材料,研究了5种模拟口腔加工方法(切块、切块加涡旋、切块加研磨、切块加涡旋并与人工唾液混合、切块加研磨并与人工唾液混合)对淀粉消化特性的影响,并以体内口腔加工为对照,以期优化馒头类产品的体外模拟淀粉消化方法。结果表明:体外模拟口腔加工后的食团粒径(155~350μm)和含水量(62%~64%)均高于体内口腔咀嚼(110~300μm、57%~59%);而模拟口腔加工的食团硬度(0.73~3.77N)低于体内口腔咀嚼(2.44~4.39N)。与未添加人工唾液组相比,添加人工唾液后得到的模拟口腔加工食团在物理特性和消化特性方面均更接近于体内口腔咀嚼。所有的体外方法中,切块加涡旋并与人工唾液混合的方法最能够模拟体内咀嚼,可作为馒头类制品体外模拟淀粉消化过程中的前处理方法。机械破坏的方式和水平以及固体颗粒与唾液混合的方式都会影响团块的形成,进而影响馒头的消化动力学。相关性分析结果显示,馒头类制品在消化后期的最终水解率与粒径呈显著负相关(r=-0.93494,P<0.05)。考量各指标,切块加涡旋并与人工唾液混合的体外模拟口腔处理方式最适合馒头类制品的体外模拟淀粉消化。  相似文献   

饲料原料粉碎是饲料生产过程中的一个重要环节,在猪饲料生产中,饲料原料粉碎粒径大小对饲料生产加工过程;猪对饲料养分的消化利用及猪的生长性能都会产生重要影响。综述了粉碎粒径的测量、粒径对能量和养分消化吸收率及猪生长性能的影响,粉碎粒径对猪溃疡及对饲料生产加工过程中饲料流动性的影响,以便于在粉碎加工过程中能够借鉴应用。  相似文献   

膨化豆粕对肉仔鸡消化吸收率及增重的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在饲料配方相同情况下,以膨化豆粕代替普通豆粕饲喂仔鸡;肉仔鸡对蛋白质的消化吸收率提高11.5%;31-49日龄肉仔平均日增重提高15.9%,结果表明:膨化豆粕无论是消化吸收率还是增重速度都明显好于普通豆粕。  相似文献   

为了探究热加工后引起的乳脂肪聚集对其消化吸收及脂质代谢的影响,采用体外模拟消化,测定聚集乳脂肪和未聚集乳脂肪消化过程中脂肪颗粒粒径、电势、脂解速率的变化。通过动物实验测定大鼠粪便内脂肪含量,不同时间段血清和肝脏中甘油三酯、胆固醇的含量。结果表明:聚集乳脂肪组在胃中(7.40μm)的平均粒径(6.19μm)较初始阶段(4.54μm)显著增大(P<0.05),未聚集乳脂肪组在胃中(9.26μm)(6.00μm)的平均粒径较初始阶段(2.80μm)也显著增大(P<0.05);聚集乳脂肪组的电势变化幅度小于未聚集乳脂肪组。聚集乳脂肪组的脂肪酸释放速率和释放程度小于未聚集乳脂肪组,说明聚集乳脂肪比未聚集乳脂肪的消化速度慢。大鼠体内试验结果表明,聚集乳脂肪组的脂肪排泄率(8.68%)高于未聚集乳脂肪组(6.66%),说明聚集乳脂肪的生物利用率低。灌胃6 h后,聚集乳脂肪组血清甘油三酯(0.57 mmol/L)显著高于(P<0.05)未聚集乳脂肪组(0.45 mmol/L),聚集乳脂肪组胆固醇(1.76 mmol/L)也显著(P<0.05)高于未聚集乳脂肪组(1.46 mmo...  相似文献   

锂鱼鱼种饲料最佳粉碎业度的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选用同一配方饲料 ,粉碎至三种对数几何平均粒度 (177,189,2 2 9μm) ,并经调质制成颗粒饲料 ,对鲤鱼鱼种进行饲喂试验。结果表明 ,三种粉碎粒度的颗粒饲料的水中散失率分别为 13 .5 4% ,15 .12 % ,16 .74% ;在相同环境条件下 ,饲喂三种粒度饲料的鱼体增重率分别为 2 4.7% (177μm) ,14.9% (189μm) ,8.9% (2 2 9μm)。粒度为 177μm的饲料的粗蛋白消化率较 189μm的饲料提高 4.2 6 % (P <0 .0 5 ) ,较 2 2 9μm的提高 14.6 8% (P <0 .0 1) ;同时 ,粒度为177μm的饲料的干物质消化率较粒度为 189μm的饲料提高 3 .6 3 % (P <0 .0 5 ) ,较 2 2 9μm的饲料提高 10 .86 % (P <0 .0 1) ;粒度为 177μm的饲料的消化能较粒度为 189μm的饲料提高 12 .78% (P <0 .0 5 ) ,较 2 2 9μm的饲料提高2 6 .5 8% (P <0 .0 1) ;综合实验结果 ,粒度 177μm为三种试验鲤鱼鱼种饲料的最佳粉碎粒度  相似文献   

在养牛场里,多用粉碎的散体饲料(干草、茎秆、谷物混合物等)加入营养液(糖蜜等)来配制混合饲料。在粉碎的饲料里含有0.01~60mm 的颗粒粒度成分。颗粒在气流中的速度为0.5~6m/s。众所周知,不管混合机的结构和定量程度怎样,饲料的混合质量随组分的数量比、颗粒的形状和大小、以及其他因素差别的减小而提高。  相似文献   

为了比较大豆分离蛋白、南美白对虾肉及虾粉对大米-玉米-小麦混合粉挤压膨化性能的影响,首先测定了这三种添加原料的基本成分,然后测定膨化制品的膨胀度、体积密度、水溶性指数、吸水性指数、硬度、脆性;并通过SDSPAGE及红外光谱初步探索比较添加不同种类蛋白质对膨化制品性质的影响。研究结果显示,添加南美白对虾肉的膨化制品的膨胀度高于添加大豆分离蛋白及南美白对虾粉的膨化制品,而体积密度、硬度低于其他两种膨化制品;添加南美白对虾粉膨化制品的水溶性指数、吸水性指数高于其他两种膨化制品;蛋白质含量高会导致膨化制品膨胀度低,体积密度高,硬度高,孔隙壁厚;添加一定量大豆分离蛋白的膨化制品在2500~4000 cm-1红外光谱下吸收强度最高,且挤压膨化产生了更多的糖类羟基;添加新鲜的南美白对虾肉比另外两种蛋白质膨化制品效果好,且南美白对虾肉蛋白添加量为2%较为适宜。  相似文献   

研究了燕麦β-葡聚糖以及蛋白质对燕麦全麦粉中淀粉消化特性的影响,并对这一影响可能存在的机理进行了探索。燕麦通过磨粉,过筛后,按照颗粒大小分级成了不同的燕麦粉样品。检测表明,不同颗粒大小级别的燕麦粉具有不同质量分数的β-葡聚糖和蛋白质,不同的糊化特性,燕麦的消化速度则随着颗粒的增大而减小。蛋白酶预处理燕麦全粉提高了淀粉的水解速率,但外加β-葡聚糖到消化液中并没有对淀粉原有的消化特性产生显著影响。共聚焦显微镜结果显示,燕麦粉中蛋白质、β-葡聚糖和淀粉可能共同形成了一种聚合结构。因此,燕麦粉固有的β-葡聚糖可能与其他成分,如蛋白质交联而形成一定的空间结构,降低了消化酶与淀粉的接触度,从而延缓了燕麦粉中淀粉的消化。  相似文献   

本文综述了谷物淀粉结构、组成等理化性质,分析了淀粉理化性质、谷物细胞壁、抗营养因子、加工过程中淀粉的变化、动物消化道生理状态等因素对家禽日粮中淀粉利用效率的影响,为提高淀粉在家禽日粮中的营养价值提供理论参考。  相似文献   

糖尿病等慢性病是全球范围内重要的公共卫生问题。淀粉摄入是导致餐后血糖升高的主要原因之一。近年来研究表明,多酚类物质能够延缓淀粉的消化速率。糙米富含丰富的酚类物质,作为重要的全谷物来源,其营养健康功效在全世界得到广泛共识。糙米酚类物质特有基团如酚羟基对消化酶类产生一定的抑制作用,在加工过程中淀粉自身结构的改变也使消化酶类对其的作用减小,不仅能有效控制淀粉的消化速率及消化率,还能改善食品品质。本文从糙米中酚类物质及其抗氧化活性、淀粉消化过程、糙米多酚对淀粉消化特性的影响及其作用机制等几个方面进行综述,旨在阐明全谷物糙米酚类物质延缓淀粉消化的科学依据,为开发适用于慢性病人群、肥胖人群、超重人群、老年人群等的全谷物糙米基和淀粉基食品提供参考。  相似文献   

Digestion is the key step for delivering nutrients and bioactive substances to the body. The way different food components interact with each other and with digestive enzymes can modify the digestion process and affect human health. Understanding how food components interact during digestion is essential for the rational design of functional food products. Plant polyphenols have gained much attention for the bioactive roles they play in the human body. However, their strong beneficial effects on human health have also been associated with a negative impact on the digestion process. Due to the generally low absorption of phenolic compounds after food intake, most of the consumed polyphenols remain in the gastrointestinal tract, where they then can exert inhibitory effects on enzymes involved in the degradation of saccharides, lipids, and proteins. While the inhibitory effects of phenolics on the digestion of energy‐rich food components (saccharides and lipids) may be regarded as beneficial, primarily in weight‐control diets, their inhibitory effects on the digestion of proteins are not desirable for the reason of reduced utilization of amino acids. The effect of polyphenols on protein digestion is reviewed in this article, with an emphasis on food processing methods to improve the antinutritive properties of polyphenols.  相似文献   

采用电火花沉积法制备了金属结合剂金刚石砂轮。利用扫描电镜表征了沉积砂轮的显微结构和沉积层与金属基体的结合界面,考察了不同进刀量下电火花沉积的金刚石砂轮的磨削性能。结果发现,使用电火花沉积工艺可以制备出金属结合剂金刚石砂轮,沉积层与金属基体结合牢固,但沉积层中存在大量气孔;用电火花沉积工艺制备的金刚石砂轮,在进刀量为5μm/s时,其对硬质合金的磨耗比为37.2;工件表面粗糙度Ra为0.36μm,电镀砂轮加工工件的表面粗糙度Ra却为0.67μm。  相似文献   

近年来基于食品成分之间相互作用调节食品质地与功能特性的研究成为食品学科的研究热点。多酚与淀粉的相互作用在食品中广泛发生,二者的相互作用对调控加工食品的风味和质地、提高多酚的生物利用度、抑制淀粉的老化以及降低淀粉的消化吸收速度等具有重要作用。综述了多酚与淀粉的复合作用、多酚对淀粉消化酶活性的抑制以及多酚对肠道葡萄糖吸收转运的抑制作用,为利用食物成分与淀粉的相互作用开发预防和控制高血糖症的新型食品提供了参考。  相似文献   

Physical and chemical processing of feed ingredients and feeding management strategies are major instruments of manipulating amount and site of starch digestion in the gastrointestinal tract. Generally, as rumen escape of starch increases, postruminal starch digestion increases, and there does not appear to be a limitation to intestinal starch digestion. However, the efficiency with which postruminal starch is digested decreases, which represents a limitation that warrants investigation. Even though digestible dietary starch is presented to the intestine, there is no net glucose absorption at the portal vein, and plasma glucose levels remain relatively unaffected. This result may be associated with the large metabolic requirement for postruminally absorbed glucose, which is preferentially used for oxidative metabolism at the visceral tissue level. In addition, peripheral glucose concentration is highly regulated. A possible implication is that the exogenous glucose supply may spare endogenously synthesized glucose for gut metabolism, allowing more to be directed to the mammary gland. Amino acids also may be spared (less metabolism of dietary and tissue amino acids in the gut). Current production studies yield no clear evidence as to the benefits of postruminal digestion of starch to enhance milk yield or to change its composition. However, studies suggest that starch digested postruminally is used more efficiently for milk synthesis than that digested in the rumen.  相似文献   

The regularities of interactions of the main groups of substrates during membrane digestion, their mechanisms as well as physiological and possible clinical significance are characterized. Mono-, bi- and multisubstrate processes of the hydrolysis of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and phosphoric esters have been investigated using new experimental models. The authors show that the activity of enzymes ensuring membrane digestion is affected by various food substrates which do not serve as substrates for a given enzyme. The inhibitory and stimulating effects have been observed in the process of interactions between different groups of food substrates (for example, lipids and peptides) as well as within a single group of food substrates (for example, between different peptides, peptides and amino acids etc.). The existence of species, ontogenetic and organ characteristics of the processes of interactions at the stage of membrane hydrolysis is shown. The analysis of the mechanisms of interactions permits us to conclude that a number of enzymes accomplishing membrane digestion are allosterically regulated systems. The possible alterations in the regulatory properties of digestive enzymes in pathology are considered.  相似文献   

为了调控发酵米制品的消化性能,采用小角X射线散射、凝胶渗透色谱及体外模拟消化等多种现代分析技术,系统考察原花青素在大米淀粉发酵过程中对淀粉结构和消化性能的影响。研究表明,在发酵过程中原花青素与淀粉分子间存在相互作用,进而提高大米淀粉颗粒的抗消化性能,且在原花青素的添加量为8%时RS含量可达66.85%。在原花青素协同微生物发酵过程中,原花青素抑制微生物胞外酶活性并降低了淀粉分子被降解及聚集态结构无序化的程度;原花青素与淀粉分子形成淀粉分子-原花青素-淀粉分子的复合结构,促使淀粉半结晶层状结构中半结晶层厚度增大、无定型层厚度降低及聚集态结构紧密程度和表面短程有序化结构比例增加,且其在消化过程中释放原花青素并抑制淀粉酶活性,最终显著降低淀粉的消化性能。研究结果为发酵米制品消化性能的调控提供了依据。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of corn particle size (CPS) on site and extent of starch digestion in lactating dairy cows. Animals were fitted with ruminal, duodenal, and ileal cannulas. Dry corn grain accounted for 36% of dry matter intake. In experiment 1, 6 cows were used in a duplicate 3 x 3 Latin square design. Semiflint corn was used. Corn processing methods were grinding, medium rolling, and coarse rolling. The mean particle size of the processed corn was 730, 1807, and 3668 microm, respectively. Rumen digestibility of starch linearly decreased from 59% with ground corn to 36% with coarsely rolled corn. Similarly, small intestine digestibility linearly decreased with increased CPS, and consequently, the amount of starch digested in the small intestine was not affected by corn processing. In experiment 2, 4 cows were used in a 2 x 2 crossover design. Dent corn was used. Corn processing methods were grinding and coarse rolling. The mean particle size of the processed corn was 568 and 3458 microm, respectively. Rumen digestibility of starch decreased from 70% with ground corn to 54% with coarsely rolled corn. Small intestine digestibility of starch was not significantly affected by CPS, and the amount of starch digested in the small intestine tended to be greater for rolled than for ground corn. In both experiments, starch total tract digestibility decreased with increased CPS. In conclusion, CPS is an efficient tool to manipulate rumen degradability of cornstarch. In midlactation cows, the decrease in the amount of starch digested in the rumen between grinding and coarse rolling is partly compensated for by an increase in the amount of starch digested in the small intestine with dent genotype, but with semiflint genotype postruminal digestion is not increased and rumen escape starch is not utilized by the animal.  相似文献   

以玉米淀粉为原料,通过氨基酸(天冬氨酸和赖氨酸)辅助干热处理对其改性,采用快速黏度仪、差式扫描量热仪、X射线衍射仪,对不同氨基酸添加量(0.5%、2%、4%和10%,w/w)的干热玉米淀粉的糊化特性、热特性、结构特性和消化性质进行了研究。结果表明,氨基酸添加量对干热处理玉米淀粉-氨基酸混合物的理化性质和消化性质有显著影响。随着两种氨基酸添加量的增多,淀粉的峰值黏度、回生值和糊化焓值降低,而相对结晶度和抗性淀粉含量升高;干热玉米淀粉-天冬氨酸混合物的糊化温度呈先升高而后降低的趋势,干热玉米淀粉-赖氨酸混合物的糊化温度呈升高趋势。提高氨基酸添加量能促进淀粉颗粒内部的晶体排列更紧密、有序,能更好地抑制淀粉的短期老化,降低淀粉的消化性能;可作为玉米淀粉改性的一种新方法,为生产改性淀粉提供参考。  相似文献   

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