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事实已经证明,了解国际资本市场的游戏规则,利用国际资本做大做强,是中国纺织服装工业实现产业升级和走出去战略的一条重要途径。[编者按]  相似文献   

2012年伊始.嘉必优在武汉举行了成立七周年庆典。从烯王生物到嘉必优。12年间,嘉必优走出了一条典型的中国技术与国际资本的强强合作之路。嘉必优发展至今,已经构建起了一个符合国际标准的质量和食品安全管理、运营管理体系,同时牢牢占据着国内ARA市场份额第一的位置;在国际市场。嘉必优已经通过许多跨国乳品企业的供应商审计,进入到全球供应链之中。  相似文献   

张静  邹周编 《新食品》2010,(11):58-63
序 资本梦早在巨头间游走 今年春交会时,和一位非常熟的超商交流,发现彼此的对话已经有了距离。当我希望与其认真探讨渠道变革、市场状况时,他却饶有兴趣地与我交流资本运营,我深感自己资本知识的欠缺.很明显这位超商的兴趣点已经发生了变化。  相似文献   

第一条为深化外贸体制改革,保持和引导非公有制经济健康发展,积极推动私营生产企业或科研院所参与国际竞争,根据《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》,制定本规定。第二条本规定所指的私营生产企业和科研院所系指依法登记注册、资本属于私人所有或私人资本控股的生产性企业或科研机构(包括独资企业、合伙企业、有限责任公司和股份有限公司)。第三条申请资格一、同时具备下列条件的私营生产企业可申请自营进出口权:(一)已经在生产企业所在地工商行政管理机关依法登记注册、领取了营业执照,注册资本和净资产均在850万元人民币以上;(二)…  相似文献   

王科 《新食品》2008,(15):24-25
湘酒和资本,如今已经是密不可分。当初,资本是如何恋上酒鬼、邵阳酒厂、白沙液、武陵?这些湘酒企业又是在什么样的背景下去寻觅资本?湘酒和资本在一起。又做了哪些改革?  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立和日益完善,乡镇企业原有的机制优势正逐渐丧失,加快乡镇企业的发展,彻底解决政资、政企不分的现象,增强其适应能力,使其成为合格的市场经济主体,已经刻不容缓。加快产权制度改革,推进资本经营,是现阶段深化乡镇企业改革、实现二次创业的一条重要措施,而进行股份合作制改造是乡镇企业产权制度改革的有效途径。  相似文献   

近年来,跨界资本在酒业掀起一股“并购潮”诸如海航系、海银系、复星系等资本大鳄们,在酒业可以说是动作频繁。资本“豪饮”酒业不是没有原因——如今,茅台股价已经突破2100元/股,且在2020年整体环境不佳的情况下,大部分一二线白酒品牌依然有不俗的表现。因此,2020年酒业并购大戏不比往年逊色。  相似文献   

最近,不少国内企业纷纷到法国收购酒庄,其中有业内资本,也有业外资本。 中国葡萄酒市场的高速增长一定会带来大量的资本进入。但是,中国企业和投资者是否已经准备好了走出去战略呢?过去几年,TCL、联想不成功的收购策略给中国企业上了深刻的一课。  相似文献   

本文揭示企业重组,高起点引进改造,优化生产要素,推行资本运营,集约化经营,闯出一条跳跃式发展新路。  相似文献   

马兴建 《纺织教育》2010,25(4):1-3,20
将高职院校的教学资本分"资"和"本"两大类,给出其具体含义。在提出教学资本配置的效益性原则、系统性原则、动态性原则和以人为本原则的基础上,基于高职院校特有的办学理念,提出优化教学资本的八条措施。  相似文献   

在“走出去”战略与“一带一路”倡议的背景下,中华老字号品牌增强其海外认可度成为时下之需。老字号可以搭互联网的“便车”,扩展海外传播力。选取白酒类中华老字号,对其海外网络传播力进行量化研究,得出78家白酒类老字号海外网络传播力的排行榜,并分析了排名高的品牌的海外网络营销做法的可取之处。研究发现,白酒类中华老字号的海外网络传播力总体并不尽如人意。研究对白酒企业“走出去”有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

孙虹  郭建南 《纺织学报》2012,33(2):137-142
基于对休闲服消费价值观和品牌选择的问卷调查实证研究表明:服饰消费价值观是由不同量值若干价值元素组成的一个多维结构;消费者的消费价值观不同会影响不同品牌的选择;企业品牌的价值定位拟合消费者的价值诉求,相对具有竞争优势;发现在休闲服诸品牌中同质化趋向严重,竞争优势弱化;消费价值观驱动下的消费者内在需求尚未被满足,存在较大的潜在市场。这些结论为服装企业选择正确的品牌定位,增强服装品牌竞争优势提供了依据。  相似文献   

杨柳 《酿酒科技》2004,(6):108-109
目前,大批四川中小酒厂举步雏艰,前途黯淡。究其原因主要是:1.重品牌而轻视生产。2.盲目贴牌生产,且不规范操作,造成重大损失。针对这些问题,四川中小酒厂应利用自己的优势,应用战略营销理念,在选定的市场环境中,通过战略管理,创造竞争优势,打造产业链,让原酒也成为品牌,做好四川原酒这个“中间链”品牌产品,充分发挥四川酒厂的生产优势和地域优势。(丹妮)  相似文献   

To obtain sustainable growth in revenue and market share, many fashion brands deploy category extensions and line extensions. In this paper, we examine how different fashion brands in Europe, North America, and Asia execute their brand extension strategies over different periods. By classifying different fashion brands into four clusters according to different price points and fashion contents, we conduct a cross‐region and cross‐cluster analysis to examine how different fashion brands execute their brand extension strategies. Our analysis is based on publicly available data associated with 48 fashion brands over a 90‐year period. We discuss our findings along with managerial insights.  相似文献   

Use of bottled water in Sri Lanka has increased over the last decade, while new brands of bottled water are often introduced to the market. However, the manufacturers' adherence to bottled water regulations is questionable, raising concerns regarding the quality of bottled water. The objective of the current study was to investigate the microbiological and chemical quality of bottled water in Sri Lanka. Thirty bottled water brands were sampled and their chemical and microbiological parameters were analyzed. Microbiological analysis was carried out within 1 to 3, 3 to 6, 6 to 9, and 9 to 12 mo after the date of manufacture. The results indicated that 63% of brands tested exceeded the levels permitted by the Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI) for presumptive total coliforms (TC) (<10 cfu per 100 mL) whereas 97% brands exceeded the World Health Organization (WHO) permitted level. Thirty percent of brands exceeded the limit for presumptive fecal coliforms (FC) (0 cfu per 100 mL in accordance with WHO permitted levels, SLSI and the Sri Lanka Health Ministry requirement). Eighty percent of brands showed higher heterotrophic plate counts (HPC) which exceeded the WHO guidelines for bottled drinking water. Throughout their shelf life, the counts of TC, FC, and HPC bacteria decreased. Bacteria identified were Klebsiella pneumoniae ssp. pneumoniae, Enterobacter cloacae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Pasteurella haemolytica, the most frequently being P. aeruginosa. The dominant fungi identified were Aspergillus sp. and Penicillium sp. Inorganic chemical parameters were within permitted levels for all brands except for initial content of ammonia. The results of this study show the need for the bottling industry to be monitored closely by relevant authorities, in order to provide safe bottled drinking water to consumers in Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

目的 研究不同品牌蓝莓饮料总花色苷抗氧化性的差异。方法 将蓝莓饮料中的液体和果肉通过过滤分离, 通过DPPH和ABTS两种抗氧化性光谱检测方法检测液体和果肉的抗氧化性能力, 优化了果肉中花色苷的提取条件, 最后对比研究了不同品牌蓝莓饮料总花色苷抗氧化能力。结果 蓝莓饮料中果肉里花色苷提取条件为: 在100%超声功率下, 用60%酸性乙醇溶液进行超声提取, 30 min/次, 提取5次。市售的蓝莓饮料, 其总花色苷抗氧化性相差不大。结论 目前吉林省市场上不同品牌蓝莓饮料的总花色苷抗氧化性无显著差异。  相似文献   

Two hundred chromatograms of volatiles in eight brands of soy sauce were analyzed by discriminant and cluster analysis in order to investigate the difference in gas chromatographic profiles among brands. The sensory tests clearly showed differences in aroma quality among brands. Most of the gas chromatograms were correctly classified by stepwise discriminant analysis into their original brands with a few percent of misclassification. After 48 samples were selected by a random process, cluster analysis was performed. The gas chromatograms in each brand combined to make six or seven clusters on the basis of the selected ten peaks. The connection order of clusters shifted according to the peaks selected.  相似文献   

Store brands (SBs) have currently become consolidated in the food market, have achieved an objective quality similar to that of manufacturer brands and a competitive price. However, food retailers have invested little in communication about these brands, considering it enough to use proximity to the consumer and economies of scope derived from the presence of their own brands throughout the establishment. This paper explores the consequences of this communication strategy about SBs on the functional risk perceived by consumers for these brands and the consumer’s identification with them. We propose a theoretical model, contrast it empirically for food products, and perform a multigroup analysis of quality conscious and non-quality conscious consumers. The results obtained reveal a negative effect of the inference brand awareness–brand quality on the consumer’s identification with the SB as a result of the greater functional risk perceived for these brands. This effect is substantially greater in quality conscious consumers, a key segment for retailers since it constitutes the target of their premium SBs. The results show retailers that investment in communication of SBs is absolutely necessary to dismiss SB functional risk and expand customer base by appealing to quality conscious consumers. The investigation has significant implications for the retailer’s strategy for marketing SBs in food products.  相似文献   

Ready-to-eat breakfast cereals were surveyed and their fiber contents were determined by the neutral-detergent fiber (NDF) method (AACC first approval method 32–20). The samples were bought in local markets except for 135 samples representing 15 brands that were obtained directly from the manufacturer. Eighty-one brands of cereal totaling 410 samples were tested. Average NDF values ranged from 0–31%. The distribution of average NDF values indicates that 75.3% of the brands contained less than 5% fiber. Nested analysis of variance of fiber values shows that more than 99% of the variance can be attributed to differences among brands.  相似文献   

从北京奥运会比赛服看针织运动衫研发趋势   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
奥林匹克运动会是体育竞技场,同时也是运动装备品牌竞相展示宣传自己的舞台。各品牌大力研发推出的新型比赛服,往往会成为今后一段时间内运动服装的发展趋势。列举了2008年北京奥运会比赛服装品牌及其优势产品,并从款式、面料、时尚性三方面分析了北京奥运会新型比赛服的特点,进而预测新型比赛服对针织运动衫研发趋势的影响。  相似文献   

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