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以北京市学龄前儿童为研究对象,调查了儿童对不安全零食的消费情况,并对影响儿童频繁食用不安全零食行为的因素进行了实证分析,结果显示:儿童家庭频繁购买和儿童频繁食用排名前四位的不安全零食是蛋糕/派类、饼干类、膨化类和糖果类零食,其中显著影响儿童对这四类零食频繁食用程度的因素主要包括家长对零食安全的认知和态度、家长对相应零食的喜爱程度以及是否隔代代养等。本研究结果为家长科学指导儿童正确的零食消费行为和相关部门维护安全的零食消费环境提供了参考和建议。  相似文献   

基于我国农村地区食品安全总体形势严峻的现实,了解儿童家长对食品安全风险认知的情况,有助于进行针对性的风险交流。选择山西省吕梁某农村地区909名3~12岁儿童家长为研究对象开展问卷调查,同时使用因子分析和聚类分析,对家长的认知进行了分类和特征分析。依据被调查家长对食品安全风险认知情况,可将家长分为自我型(占28.9%)、外向型(占16.4%)和敏感型(占54.7%)三类,其中敏感型家长人数最多。三类家长在受教育程度方面存在统计学差异,自我型家长具有小学及以下文化水平的比例最高,外向型家长中具有初中文化水平的家长比例在三类中最多,敏感型家长拥有最高比例的高中及以上文化程度。提高农村地区学龄儿童家长的零食安全认知势在必行,建议将家长先分类再开展针对性教育以提高风险交流效果。  相似文献   

以河北省465名农村家长为例,探究其态度、营养认知及购买行为对儿童零食消费的影响。家长虽重视儿童零食安全问题,购买零食不理性的占比却高为84.8%。运用二元Logistic回归模型,发现"关注度"、"安全、营养认知"及"家庭年收入"会显著影响儿童是否偏好不健康零食,故需对家长进行宣传教育,整顿儿童零食市场环境,提高市场准入门槛并规范儿童零食广告。  相似文献   

目的:调查湖南省某农村地区小学生的正餐与零食食用行为,探究其影响因素。方法:随机抽取湖南省某贫困县农村地区425名3~6年级学生,开展问卷调查并进行实证分析。结果:被调查小学生不吃早餐;牛奶鸡蛋摄入不足;喜欢腌制、油炸类食品;饮水习惯不科学等不良饮食习惯广泛存在。偏好"限制食用"类零食,倾向于购买低价劣质零食,购买时不查看包装信息,常因食用劣质零食而中毒。据Logistic回归,综合来看学生性别、年龄、是否住校、是否留守、家庭规模、家庭子女数、是否以零食代替正餐、是否边看电视边吃零食、吃零食频率、零食单价、食品安全与营养认知水平以及家长对学生关于食物安全营养的指导程度,显著影响被调查儿童的正餐与零食食用行为。结论:家长应加强指导儿童的饮食行为,学校应为学生开展营养教育,并将食品安全与营养学作为大专院校学生的通识课,培养储备人才。  相似文献   

以532名北京市3~6岁儿童家长为研究对象,对其零食安全风险认知进行了问卷调查,并使用因子分析和聚类分析法,对家长的认知进行了分类和特征分析。结果显示,被调查的北京市学龄前儿童家长对零食消费安全的认知可被分为乐观认知型、悲观认知型和理性认知型等三类,其中悲观认知型家长人数最多,占总数的50.2%。三种类型家长在年龄、家庭月收入和是否委托他人帮助代养儿童等方面存在统计学差异。本研究为相关部门研究儿童家长的食品安全风险认知并与其开展有效的风险交流策略提供了思路和参考建议。  相似文献   

正目的:了解遵义市乡镇中小学生及家长对包装零食安全的情况,对中小学生及家长提出改善包装零食认知的建议。方法:通过问卷调查、随即访谈及随机采样等方法,对包括遵义市周边5个县(区)10所乡镇中小学的300名学生、50名学生家长进行调查,并对学校周边售卖包装零食进行采样。结果:参与调查的中小学生中,67.5%对包装零食十分喜爱,以购买途径首选小商店或杂货铺,购买以膨化类、  相似文献   

申蓉  唐雯 《中国食品》2024,(2):65-67
<正>如今,打着“儿童”字样的食品琳琅满目,并且成为很多家长心中的首选。中国青年报社社会调查中心联合问卷网的调查显示,84.8%的受访家长更倾向于给孩子购买有“儿童食品”字样的产品,但其中45.0%的家长对市面上的儿童食品不放心,74.6%的家长希望建立儿童食品监测、检测和预警机制。为了探究儿童食品的安全指标、营养成分和特殊成分,实验室对8类“儿童食品”开展检测。不仅对具有代表性的指标,如蛋白质、脂肪、亚硝酸盐和菌落总数等进行研判,  相似文献   

目的我国广大农村地区儿童零食安全状况堪忧,直接关系儿童的健康和生命安全。食品安全风险预测与风险分析作为被国际社会普遍遵循和认可的食品安全管理机制,应成为我国农村零食安全专项整治行动之外制度性、常态化的治理方式。方法本研究以河北省某农村地区为例,通过对河北省食品药品监督管理局发布的2014—2015年食品监督抽检结果的分析,以及对该地区350名5~13岁学龄期儿童进行问卷调查,使用食品安全风险预测的手段识别当地零食/危害组合,并根据消费水平和危害程度交叉形成了九大区域。结果综合危害高低和消费主次的情况,九大区域可被划分为四大风险阵营,其中糖果、火腿肠、蛋糕、方便面等零食属于第一风险阵营,应被重点监管和交流,其他零食/危害组合的风险可随着风险强度减弱而逐渐减弱监管力度,但是对于历史上曾多次发生食品安全问题的组合,例如饼干、调味面食类等,也应作为重点监管对象。结论食品安全风险预测可帮助确定风险的优先次序,发现重点监管对象,为开展有效的风险管理和风险交流奠定基础。本研究为实施地区性食品安全风险预测和风险分析提供思路,以便监管部门开展高效的食品安全风险管理工作。  相似文献   

<正>近期,中国青年报社社会调查中心联合问卷网对2003名儿童家长进行的一项调查显示,84.8%的受访家长更倾向于给孩子购买有“儿童食品”字样的产品;45.0%的受访家长对市面上的“儿童食品”不放心;74.6%的受访家长希望建立“儿童食品”监测、检测和预警机制。专家表示:对于3周岁以上的儿童,我国还没有专门的食品安全标准,很多所谓的“儿童食品”成分也与一般食品并无不同,甚至不适合儿童食用,家长应谨慎选择。  相似文献   

六一儿童节即将到来,对于很多家长来说,给孩子购买零食作为节日礼物再正常不过。但同时,给儿童购买零食也不是一件容易的事。这背后,隐藏着儿童零食行业标准缺失,乃至零食可能存在的多油、多盐、多糖,缺乏营养等不利于儿童健康成长的难题。在此背景下,5月17日,中国副食流通协会正式发布《儿童零食通用要求》团体标准(下简称儿童零食团标)。  相似文献   

The consumption of milk is essential for children's heath; and flavored milk, especially chocolate milk, is often purchased to increase children's milk consumption. However, the sugar content of chocolate milk has raised health concerns. As such, it is important to understand chocolate milk extrinsic attributes that influence parents’ purchase decisions when they are purchasing chocolate milk for their children. The objective of this study was to determine the key extrinsic attributes for parents when they purchase chocolate milk for their children. An online survey with a conjoint analysis design, emotions questions, and Kano questionnaire that focused on chocolate milk was conducted targeting parents. Three hundred and twelve parents participated in the survey. Parents reported positive emotions including good, good natured, happy, loving, and satisfied when purchasing chocolate milk for their kids. Three segments of parents were identified with subtle but distinct differences in their key preferences for chocolate milk attributes for their children. Type of sweetener was the primary driver of choice for purchasing chocolate milk for children followed by fat content. Among sweetener types, natural noncaloric/nonnutritive sweeteners or sucrose were preferred over artificial sweeteners, and reduced fat was preferred over full fat or skim milk. Kano results revealed that reduced fat and sugar with an all natural label and added vitamins, minerals, and protein were attractive to the majority of parents when purchasing chocolate milk for their kids.  相似文献   

目的目前国内零食安全问题不容乐观,相较于成人,仍处于生长发育阶段的儿童更易受到健康威胁。然而,在有限的监测成本下,很难达到全面的风险监测状态,在这种情况下,应首先开展食品安全风险预测工作,设置风险的优先次序。方法本研究以北京地区零食安全为例尝试进行了风险预测工作,基于对2011—2013年北京地区官方发布的全市流通领域不合格零食信息数据,对其中蛋糕/派类、果冻类、膨化食品、饮料类等11类与儿童有关零食的危害因子进行分析,并结合对当地3~6岁儿童零食消费情况的调查结果,将危害因子的高、中、低三级水平以及儿童对零食密集、经常和偶尔消费的三种情况进行了交叉匹配,形成了九大风险矩阵。结果北京地区的蛋糕类、饼干类、糖果及膨化食品类零食,由于其消费量密集,且致病菌污染、重金属污染、非法添加以及食品添加剂过量等问题突出,属于第一风险矩阵,在之后的风险监测中应作为监测重点进行监测。而其他风险矩阵的零食/危害组合可随着风险的强度减弱而逐级减弱监测力度。结论食品安全风险预测通过对食品风险的分级分析并设置优先次序,可为有效开展风险监测和风险管理奠定良好基础。  相似文献   

Snacks consumed at school are an important source of energy and nutrients in children's diets. Understanding the factors that underlie children and mothers' choices of school snacks can contribute to the development of strategies to promote healthier eating patterns. In this context, the aims of the present work were: i) to explore children's conceptualization of school snacking, and ii) to identify children and mothers' perceived barriers and facilitators to healthy snacking in the school environment. Two studies with 518 children and 1183 mothers were carried out. In Study 1, children (n = 255) were asked to draw a child eating a snack at school. In Study 2, five incomplete dialogues about school snacks were presented to participants (263 children and 1183 mothers), who had to complete them using their own words. Data were analyzed using content analysis. The drawings showed that school snacking frequently occurs during the recess while children do other activities, such as playing football or other games. Fruit, sandwiches, cookies and juices were the foods and beverages most frequently included in the drawings. Responses to the dialogues enabled the identification of barriers to healthy snacking in the school environment, which were related to children's positive hedonic reaction towards unhealthy foods, the sales of unhealthy products in the school canteen, lack of time to prepare home-made snacks and mothers' perception that children can eat unhealthy snacks once in a while. In addition, the existence of a school snacking policy was mentioned as a facilitator for healthy snacking. Potential additional actions to promote healthy snacking habits in the school environment were identified.  相似文献   

目的全面了解湖北省消费者对淡水产品质量安全的看法和满意程度,促进湖北省淡水产品市场的可持续发展。方法以湖北省淡水产品为研究对象,采取问卷调查的方式对消费者的淡水产品消费行为、消费决策、安全风险担忧程度以及公众对相关媒体报道信息的认知情况开展调查。结果大多数湖北省居民对淡水产品的安全持担心态度,并认为最大的安全隐患是养殖环节。结论建议有关部门加强监管与处罚力度,有效解决淡水产品安全问题。  相似文献   

为研究消费者对保健酒的认知情况和消费行为,在山东省进行调查并进行实证分析。结果显示,认知方面,部分消费者在保健酒所属范畴、适用对象上存在误区,48.20%的消费者认为保健酒发展前景较好,仅19.97%的消费者文化认知水平较高。饮用行为方面,43.53%的消费者为长期忠实顾客;大部分消费者饮用频率很低,并能理性消费;基于调理身体、亲人朋友聚餐等原因,主要在家庭和酒店饮用。整体来看,饮用满意度评价为一般,且大部分消费者更偏爱国产品牌。购买行为方面,51.73%的消费者购买比较频繁,其目的主要为孝敬长辈和保健自饮。大部分消费者更青睐中低价位的知名品牌,81.13%的消费者选择在实体商超购买。影响购买决策的主要因素包括组织与产品、功效作用、包装配送、文化资质。  相似文献   

Fresh sausages are one of the most popular meat products consumed in Brazil. However, the use of contaminated raw material, unhygienic handling during processing, and inadequate storage could be hazardous to consumer’s health, since fresh-sausage processing does not include heat treatment and the product may carry several human pathogens such as Salmonella spp.. In this study, a total of 80 fresh sausages prepared with pork and chicken meat were evaluated regarding Salmonella spp. presence by PCR after selective enrichment and bacteriological culture. Twenty-one sausage samples (27 %) proved to be contaminated with Salmonella spp.. Sixteen (76 %) contaminated samples were detected by PCR combined with enrichment broth culturing, whereas conventional microbiological screening detected only 8 (38 %). In this study, evidence was raised regarding packing conditions of fresh sausages, since it seems that there is no significant difference in Salmonella spp. contamination among samples in their original packing (23 %), wrapped in plastic or unpacked (27 %). Similarly, meat composition seems not to have a determinant influence in contamination, since 20 % of the chicken and 29 % of the pork sausages were contaminated. The contamination rate of Tuscan-type sausages was 37 %, while contamination was found in 21 % of ham sausages, suggesting that the cut of pork did not have a determinant influence in the contamination by Salmonella in fresh sausages. The results shown here indicate that fresh sausages marketed in Niterói and Rio de Janeiro may be contaminated with Salmonella spp., requiring more attention by sanitary authorities in order to assure the safety of this food.  相似文献   

Three types of fresh sausages (beef, thick and thin; and pork, thick) were purchased in ten Sydney suburbs and analysed as composite samples for proximate principles, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and cholesterol. Fat, moisture and meat species were also analysed in individual purchases. In a controlled experiment replicate samples of sausages were analysed for moisture and fat, raw and after cooking by grilling, dry-frying, shallow-frying and deep-frying. Results indicated widespread use of cow, pig and sheep meat in all types of sausages regardless of label identification. Some purchased sausages exceeded regulation limits for fat and starch content. Fat retention was lowest in beef sausages cooked by frying rather than grilling. Pork sausages retained most of their fat on cooking, regardless of method.  相似文献   

食物过敏是指由人体免疫系统介导的食物不良反应,常见皮肤、消化道、呼吸道症状,如特应性鼻炎等疾病,严重会出现休克等现象。儿童作为食物过敏易感人群,其生长发育极易受到影响,并且近年来全球儿童食物过敏人群逐年增长,因此对于儿童食物过敏进行预防和治疗有着十分重要的意义。但目前关于儿童食物过敏的流行病学资料仍然比较缺乏,通过查阅中英文文献,本文对儿童食物过敏的常见致敏食物、过敏机制、发病因素及诊治方法进行综述,为食物过敏的预防和治疗方向提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

唐华 《食品与机械》2022,(10):123-126
分析了当前中国儿童食品包装设计所存在的问题, 研究了故事元素在儿童食品包装设计中的情绪价值、益智价值、信息传递价值和品牌价值,并借助近年来多个国际包装获奖作品案例,分别从故事主题、故事情境、故事情节设计3个方面来探索故事元素在儿童食品包装设计中的具体应用.  相似文献   

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