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在这个春光明媚的季节,人们脱去厚实的冬装,穿着缤纷绚丽的长裙短衣,尽情展示身材的曲线之美,无时无刻不在诱惑着人们的视线,而再美的服装都需要有窈窕的身材来作映衬, 这便是所有爱美人士不遗余力地在春季减肥塑身的原动力。从美学的角度看爱美人士减肥仅仅是为了有窈窕的身材、迷人的曲线;从医学的角度看肥胖除了给人带来生活上的不便之外, 就是肥胖还会给人带来高血压、高血糖(糖尿病)、高血脂、高尿酸等多种疾病。  相似文献   

五月是一个春光明媚的季节。今季,休闲设计风格的男士配件以更加明显且独特的样式呈现出来,在每件配饰中似乎都可以感受到男人的阳刚之气和不乏精致的细节之美。本季,休闲风主导潮流,可以在充满乡村英伦风情的领带中嗅到夏的味道、在朴素的围巾和运动感的大型包中体会着男士随性的真我性格。在粗犷的外形下,配饰细微的变化随处可见,与剪裁精良的衬衫搭配,处处流露出闷骚的气质。  相似文献   

如果你只能去一个地方放松自己的心灵,那么阳朔或许是你最好的选择。山不在高、有仙则名用在这里是最合适的。一条街、一条江、一曲山歌成就了中国最美丽的地方!这里的山是那么的清、水是那么的秀、石是那么的美、洞是那么的奇、歌是那么的甜。山水之间、洞石之间、人歌之间是那么的和谐。都市忙碌的人们在阳朔寻找着真实的自我,抛开一切的烦恼。其实,这里最让人留恋的还是它的美食——它能让你的口欲中毒,从此欲罢不能。  相似文献   

八角茴香及其提取物莽草酸的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
禽流感在全世界的爆发,中国传统香料八角茴香因含有抗禽流感病毒的重要成分,具有重要的药用价值被人们重视。综述国内外关于八角茴香的化学成分,药理作用方面的研究进展,以及八角茴香的重要成分莽草酸的分离提取及药理方面的内容,为开发和利用八角茴香提供参考。  相似文献   

全球标签市场现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘真 《今日印刷》2007,(11):63-63
到2011年,全球标签产量将达到500亿平方米,年增长率为7%总产值将达1000亿美元,年增长率为9%左右.受全球包装市场扩张的影响,特别是特殊饮料、个人护理产品和医药产品的异军突起,全球标签市场的发展前景也将更加广阔.此外,随着世界的不断发展,先进的物流和数据处理系统在发展中国家的普及、尖端技术的开发和渗透以及增值标签功能的日益完善也将为标签业的发展起到重要的推动作用.  相似文献   

过去这些年,印度印刷业同世界各地一样都有所发展,电视和互联网的来临并未防碍印刷业的成长及对它的需求.最近印刷业在机器的观测装置(Scope)、技术和速度方面的改善取得了迅速提高,电脑和电子仪器进入了印刷业的各个环节,随之而来的是成本费用的巨大增加,但更重要的是其增强了印刷业的经营,并在其成为环境友好行业方面发挥了积极作用.  相似文献   

纺织领域的创新使穿衣科学正以突飞猛进的态势发展,原因就在于我们每时每刻不可须臾离开的服装需要更多的标新立异,而我们的身体状况又给了我们无法估计的变数。日前,国外最先进的运动衫已将监视生命运行状况的科学仪器嵌入衣服,监视身体健康的变化,其中最重要的是,一个监视我们心脏跳动的监视器,采用电极原理,能够接受心脏跳动的信号仪器已经问世。  相似文献   

介绍宰后肉在成熟过程中风味的变化,分别阐述肌糖原、蛋白质、脂类、核苷酸等几类化合物对肉风味的贡献.生肉很少有香味.并且只具有一种类似血腥的味道,但在宰后肉成熟的过程中所产生的丰富的具有味觉属性的化合物.以及香味的前提物质和风味增强剂对肉的感官性质产生巨大影响.  相似文献   

正我对二战轮式车辆一直比较喜爱,而自己一直没有做过二战德军的卡车系列,在看了很多高手的卡车作品后自己也想开工一辆,我最终选择了制作一辆经典的欧宝3吨4×2卡车。欧宝卡车作为二战德军重要的轮式车辆,不仅产量很大而且根据不同的用途又衍生出了很多不同的型号,货厢版是最基本的欧宝3吨卡车,也是群众基础最好的一个版本,但正是因为做的人太多,对于我这种追求"个性"的人来说,做一个普通的货厢版无疑是缺乏吸引力的。为了让自己的欧宝卡车能别具一格,我查阅了一些欧  相似文献   

正2014年11月,笔者终于如愿以偿参观了第十届中国珠海国际航空航天博览会,轰鸣的军用喷气式发动机给笔者带来了极大的震撼,而作为主场表演的中国空军八一飞行表演队以及装备的J-10AY表演机则可以称得上是当之无愧的主角。不仅仅是飞行表演带来的震撼,在地面做静态展示的01号表演机更让笔者这样的老军迷第一次有机会近距离接触这种从学生时代就让笔者魂牵梦绕的主力装备。在大饱眼福并且用各个角度的细节照片装满了相机的  相似文献   

The lipids and lipoproteins of intestinal lymph in the sheep make a contribution to the corresponding fractions in plasma and thence affect lipid compositions in other tissues. As a first step towards assessing this contribution, the lipoproteins of intestinal lymph, peripheral (popliteal lymph) and plasma have been isolated for compositional studies. Popliteal lymph and the plasma were similar in the distributions of lipids among the major lipoprotein fractions with high-density lipoproteins accounting for just over half of the total lipid present. In intestinal lymph, 80 per cent of the total lipid was associated with the very low-density lipoprotein fraction. Whereas triacylglycerols comprised the principal lipid component of the very low-density lipoprotein and low-density lipoprotein fractions of the intestinal lymph and were present in the high-density lipoprotein fraction, they were present in essence only in the very low-density lipoprotein fraction of popliteal lymph and plasma, where high concentrations of cholesteryl esters and phospholipids were found in all the lipoprotein fractions. The fatty acid compositions of each lipid class were also determined. The most distinctive feature of the results was the distribution of the essential fatty acid, linoleic acid, among the lipid components. In all lipid classes in each of the body fluids, the concentration of this component was highest in the high-density lipoproteins and lowest in the very low-density lipoproteins. Higher concentrations tended to be present in the triacylglycerols and phosphatidylcholine fractions of intestinal lymph than of plasma and popliteal lymph, but the opposite was true of the cholesteryl esters. The results are discussed in terms of the sources of the linoleic acid in the lipids of intestinal lymph of ruminant animals.  相似文献   

Barleys studied (Chariot and Delibes) contained different levels of extractable β-amylase enzymes. The potential levels of β-amylase enzymes of the two varieties studied were similar at 1.4 to 1.7% total nitrogen. Higher values of potential β-amylase enzyme were observed in the Delibes barley of higher total nitrogen of 1.9%. The higher level of β-amylase found in the barleys with the highest total nitrogen was not reflected in the protein banding patterns as revealed by SDS-PAGE protein fractionation. Extraction of barley proteins was largely influenced by the different extractants used. The alcohol soluble proteins, Mr 97 kDa (D-hordeins), were only extracted when mercaptoethanol was included in the extracting solution. Although barleys with the highest nitrogen (1.9%) had the highest apparent potential to develop β-amylase enzymes, the better modified low nitrogen barleys produced higher levels of β-amylase and α-amylase when malted. Dehusking revealed that the high nitrogen barleys contained more steely grains. In contrast, the low nitrogen barleys contained more mealy grains. Steely grains contained more nitrogen than mealy grains and had the greater potential to develop β-amylase. Notwithstanding, the results of this study suggested that the proteins of the lower nitrogen barleys (1.4–1.7%) were capable of producing higher levels of β-amylase and α-amylase than the higher nitrogen barleys (1.9%) over comparable periods of malting. The high apparent β-amylase potential of the barley was linked to high nitrogen levels and associated high levels of steeliness, whilst the corresponding high β-amylase levels of malt were linked to the efficiency of endosperm modification of the malted grain.  相似文献   

Peptides from milk proteins and their properties   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This review has attempted to study the literature pertaining to peptides derived from milk proteins. Hydrolysis of milk proteins to generate peptides has been practiced for a long time and it was recognized early on in this process that the taste of hydrolyzates might hinder use of these products in food formulations. Modification of protein is necessary to form a more acceptable or utilizable product, to form a product that is less susceptible to deteriorative reactions and to form a product that is of higher nutritionall quality. Modifications may be achieved by a number of chemical and enzymatic means. This review has considered only enzymatic modification of dairy proteins. Modified proteins contain peptides and some of these peptides have been purified and their functionalities have been compared with unmodified proteins. This paper has examined the literature pertaining to improvement in functionality of enzyme-modified proteins. Improvements in solubility, emulsification, foaming and gelation were examined. There is limited information available on the sequence of the peptides necessary to improve the functional characteristics of proteins. Knowing the sequences of desirable functional peptides can lead to genetic alteration of proteins to improve functionality. Addition of synthetic peptides to intact proteins may be another way in which the functionality of proteins can be augmented. Some of the peptides in milk proteins are capable of affecting biological functions of an organism. These effects can be antimicrobial and probiotic, i.e., prevent the growth and proliferation of undesirable and pathogenic organisms, or they may promote the growth of desirable bacteria in the digestive tract of humans and animals. Peptides derived from milk protein have been shown to exert digestive and metabolic effects as well. They may also influence the immune system. These biological effects may play an important role in the development of medical foods that treat or mitigate the effects of diseases. Proteins are allergens and therefore it is possible that products derived from modification of proteins may also be allergens. The known literature about the allergenicity of peptides derived from milk proteins has been examined in this article. Last, but not the least, the taste attributes of peptides is also considered. Bitterness of hydrolyzates is a common occurrence and the origins of these bitter peptides and possible ways of mitigating this sensory defect has been discussed. Many of the peptides that enhance functionality and exert biological activity are likely to be bitter. Therefore, the bitter taste of hydrolysis products has to be dealt with in boosting the functional or nutraceutical aspects of foods containing these peptides. Analytical techniques for sequencing peptides have become more accessible and purification of peptides is commercially feasible. Computer based modeling techniques have aided the prediction of structures in these peptides. These advances, coupled with the advances in biotechnology, promise to revolutionize the future of nutraceutical and functional foods.  相似文献   

针对纺织机械超高速、高稳定、大功率的发展方向,要求传动平带骨架材料——聚酰胺片基具有强度高,抗蠕变性能,在分析聚酰胺片基沿革及现状的基础上,详细探讨了其加工原理和生产工艺,说明高定伸、抗蠕变性能是新型聚酰胺片基研究与发展的方向。通过定型、拉伸、热处理工艺过程的适当选择和优化,可改进和完善聚酰胺片基的组织结构形态,获得所需性能,通过适当增大聚酰胺成品结晶度、控制结晶的理想形态,是解决其抗蠕变的重要途径。  相似文献   

Prediction of worst case migration: presentation of a rigorous methodology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An improvement of the Piringer model, allowing the prediction of a worst case migration from packaging to food is presented here. The authors are proposing other constants for the calculation of the upperbound value of the diffusion coefficient, using experimental data determined by a film to film method. Considering the plasticizing effects of food simulants, a model involving the variation of the diffusion coefficient versus space and time must be used. Future fields of investigation are discussed: the relationship between diffusion coefficients and the volume of the migrant (instead of molar mass), and the variation of diffusion coefficient activation energy with temperature.  相似文献   

The levels of bisphenol-F-diglycidyl ether (BFDGE) were quantified as part of a European survey on the migration of residues of epoxy resins into oil from canned fish. The contents of BFDGE in cans, lids and fish collected from all 15 Member States of the European Union and Switzerland were analysed in 382 samples. Cans and lids were separately extracted with acetonitrile. The extraction from fish was carried out with hexane followed by re-extraction with acetonitrile. The analysis was performed by reverse phase HPL C with fluorescence detection. BFDGE could be detected in 12% of the fish, 24% of the cans and 18% of the lids. Only 3% of the fish contained BFDGE in concentrations considerably above 1mg/kg. In addition to the presented data, a comparison was made with the levels of BADGE (bisphenol-A-diglycidyl ether)analysed in the same products in the context of a previous study.  相似文献   

In a normal and healthy skin, the regular elimination of the superficial corneocytes, called desquamation, is a fundamental physiologic process intended to protect the barrier function of the skin. This invisible loss of corneocytes, individually or in small groups, is incessantly compensated by the divisions of the proliferative layer and the upward cellular maturation in order to maintain the harmonious renewal of the epidermis and the integrity of the stratum corneum. The harmony of this desquamation process is intimately conditioned by a sufficient hydration of the stratum corneum: (i) an abnormal desquamation leads to a disruption of the water barrier function and consequently to a dehydration tendency of the stratum corneum, and (ii) a cutaneous dryness (whatever the cause) is able to disturb the desquamation process. Protecting the water content of the stratum corneum has always been a major preoccupation of the cosmetic industry scientists. Consequently, the moisturizing properties of a cosmetic product are objectively measured by various explorations directly targeted on the hydration (corneometry) and on the level of the water barrier function (transepidermal water loss (TEWL) measurements), which depends directly on the skin hydration state. This intimate linkage of the desquamation process and the water content of the stratum corneum enable us to suggest an indirect assessment of the hydration from a direct study of the desquamation by examining a skin-stripping sample (D-Squames) by an optical microscope (linked to a computer). We will describe this already known technique and mainly its new and unpublished semiologic exploitation, named Diagnoskin, whose advantages are its simplicity and its reproducibility particularly interesting in the case of sequential appraisal of dermatologic or cosmetic treatments.  相似文献   

几种杀线虫剂对甘蔗根结线虫病的防治作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
南方根结线虫(Meloidogyneincognita)侵染甘蔗根系,引起根结症状,并可导致叶片呈失水症状,田间小区效试验测定4种杀线虫剂对甘蔗根结线虫的防治效果的结果表明,呋喃丹(3G)亩施4kg和丙线磷(益舒宝)(10G)亩施3kg仅能在甘蔗生长前期对土壤中南方根结线虫二龄幼虫有明显的防治作用,而在生长后期无明显防治效果。米乐尔(3G),亩施4,5,6kg克线丹(10G)亩施3kg和丙线磷亩施  相似文献   

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