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食品接触塑料中初级芳香胺检测方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初级芳香胺是一类毒性较强的致癌物质,可通过皮肤、胃肠道和呼吸道进入人体,导致机体细胞的DNA功能和结构发生变化,严重者可引发人体输尿管癌、肾癌、膀胱癌等恶性疾病。塑料作为一种常见的食品接触材料,广泛用于食品包装、食品工具等。食品接触塑料中残留的初级芳香胺会在与食品接触的过程中向食品迁移,由此对食品安全和人身健康造成威胁。本文对国内外食品接触塑料中初级芳香胺的检测标准与相关的法规进行了对比,重点综述了近几年所报道的在食品接触塑料中初级芳香胺检测方法,包括高效液相色谱法、气相色谱.质谱法和液相色谱一质谱法等;对各种方法的前处理、仪器条件及优缺点等进行了分析;同时展望了食品接触塑料中初级芳香胺检测方法的发展趋势,以期为相关科技工作者提供参考。  相似文献   

食品塑料包装材料中有害芳香胺的迁移对人类健康的影响已引起广泛的关注。综述国内外食品塑料包装材料中有害芳香胺迁移量的标准与检测技术的最新研究进展,并分析我国企业可采取的应对措施。  相似文献   

有很多食品的包装袋都是塑料,这些塑料有的通过真空包装直接与食品接触,这些食品从包装到被人们食用,有可能经历很长时间,塑料袋中的有毒物质会渗入并深入食品中,初级芳香胺就是其中一种。这种致癌物质一旦通过食物为人食用,人的生命安全和健康就会受到威胁,所以食品加工厂在使用接触塑料之前,一定要对其残留的初级芳香胺含量进行检测,只有合格达标的塑料才能被使用。初级芳香胺的检测方法有好几种,为了保证检测结果真实有效,相关人员要慎重选择。  相似文献   

综述了20种芳香胺的毒性、国内外对其在食品接触材料及制品中迁移的相关法规及检测标准,并讨论对比了气相色谱法、液相色谱法、液相色谱-质谱法、气相色谱-质谱法、实时直接分析质谱法五种检测方法的定量限、检出限、加标回收率等指标。  相似文献   

目的 以2014年至2018年欧盟食品和饲料快速预警系统(rapid alert system for foodand feed, RASFF)通报数据为基础, 以食品接触材料对华通报数据为研究对象, 分析我国出口食品接触材料及制品的质量安全状况。方法 从不同通报类型、通报材质、通报国家、通报项目等维度进行了对华通报食品接触材料及制品质量安全状况分析。结果 研究显示拒绝入境通报类型最多, 塑料和金属材质产品是问题最突出, 意大利是最主要的通报国, 重金属超标、甲醛迁移量超标、初级芳香胺超标等问题最严重。结论 应及时关注法律法规和预警信息, 出口生产企业严格规范执行标准, 政府部门完善我国法律法规标准、强化产品风险管理。  相似文献   

输欧食品接触材料风险分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
通过汇总和分析2000~2010年欧盟食品与饲料快速预警系统(RASFF)对原产自中国(含中国香港)的食品接触材料的通报数据,得出尼龙和蜜胺塑料餐厨具、不锈钢餐厨具为中国输欧食品接触材料中的高风险产品,芳香胺迁移量、甲醛迁移量和铬镍重金属迁移量为高风险检测项目,意大利、德国、英国等为敏感性高风险输入国,并分析通报原因。为企业有的放矢提高产品质量、规避贸易风险提供帮助,并建议监管部门及时向出口企业宣贯、讲解欧盟法规和技术标准要求,通报欧盟RASFF通报情况、高风险产品和项目,使企业提高产品质量控制意识,积极主动学习了解国外法规和通报情况。  相似文献   

食品接触用纸是指在正常或可预见的使用条件下,预期与食品接触的各种纸及制品,包括涂蜡纸、纸浆模塑制品及食品加工烹饪用纸等。由于在加工处理过程中需要加入各种添加剂,其本身所含的助剂、单体、低聚体、降解物等化学残留物就可能通过吸收、溶解、扩散等途径迁移到食品中,污染食品,造成一定的食品安全隐患。本文通过对比国内外相关法规与标准对纸质食品接触材料检测项目、限量指标和检测标准等方面的规定,对食品接触纸质包装材料中有害物质的迁移及其潜在危害进行总结,并对食品接触纸质包装材料中有害物质全氟辛烷磺酸(perfluorooctane sulfonates,PFOS)、全氟辛酸(perfluorooctanoic acid,PFOA)、荧光增白剂、特定芳香胺(specific aromatic amines,PAAs)、甲醛、五氯苯酚、丙烯酰胺、重金属、光引发剂的迁移及其潜在危害进行综述。  相似文献   

目的 建立电纺聚苯乙烯纳米纤维固相萃取-气相色谱质谱法测定复合膜袋中27种芳香胺的迁移量的方法。方法 样品经活化的、由电纺纳米聚苯乙烯材料制作的固相萃取小柱上样后, 使用叔丁基甲醚洗脱, 采用程序升温进样口进样。采用气相色谱质谱法(gas chromatography mass spectrometry, GC-MS)测定复合膜袋中27种游离芳香胺在水基食物模拟物中的迁移量, 选择离子内标法定量。结果 电纺纳米聚苯乙烯材料对水基食品模拟物中的芳香胺具有很好的吸附分离能力, 27种芳香胺的回收率为80.2%~110.4%, 精密度在2.0%~6.9%之间, 定量限达到0.01 mg/kg。结论 电纺纳米材料比表面积大, 且对芳香胺类物质有较好的吸附能力, 在满足标准方法检出限的要求下大大降低了洗脱有机溶剂的使用量, 该种材料在仪器分析中有较强的应用前景, 且该方法准确、灵敏, 适用于水基食物模拟物中的27种芳香胺含量的测定。  相似文献   

正可分解芳香胺染料是指由可致癌芳香胺合成的染料,即人们常说的"禁用偶氮染料"。偶氮染料是合成染料中品种最多的一类,具有很广的色谱范围,包括红、橙、黄、蓝、紫、黑等,色种齐全,色光良好,并有一定的牢度,因此广泛应用于多种天然和合成纤维的染色和印花中。早在1994年,德国政府正式在食品及日用消费品法规中,禁止使用某些偶氮染料于长期与皮肤接触的消费品。荷兰、法国等也出台了同类法规。  相似文献   

摘 要:目的 建立了反应分解法-气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)测定具色泡沫网套食品接触材料中偶氮染料迁移的测定方法。方法 采用水、4%(体积分数)乙酸、50%(体积分数)乙醇、异丙醇作为食品模拟物,样品在食品模拟液中40℃浸泡10d。研究了具色泡沫网套及其色母粒中偶氮染料迁移的条件,反应剂用量与反应、色谱和质谱条件进行了优化。结果 在优化实验条件下,23种芳香胺在0.1~10mg/L质量浓度范围内线性良好,相关系数(r)均大于0.999,方法的检出限(LOD)为0.001~0.0003mg/L,定量下限(LOQ)为0.001~0.01mg/L,在50%乙醇和异丙醇模拟物中,3个加标回收率为84.9%~105.1%。结论 该法准确、可靠、灵敏度高能满足实际工作的要求,适用于食品接触材料中偶氮染料迁移的测定。  相似文献   

For protection of elastomeric materials against ageing, antioxidants such as UV-stabilizers and antiozonants are used. Although historically N-phenyl-N'-(1,3-dimethylbutyl)-p-phenylenediamine (6PPD) was the only approved antiozonant in Germany, a range of other phenylene diamine antiozonants (excluding 6PPD) are permitted for use in rubber articles intended for repeat food-contact use in the US (FDA regulations chapter 21 Part 177.2600). The biggest disadvantage of 6PPD is its partial decomposition during the vulcanization leading to the formation of toxic primary aromatic amines (PAA), such as aniline and secondary aromatic amines (SAA). A number of new PPDs have been developed and patented, that due to their chemical structures, are far less soluble in aqueous solutions but a lot more soluble within the rubber matrix. They therefore show significantly less migration of PAA and SAA. These new antiozonants were investigated and compared to 6PPD using commercial rubber materials with a certain content of antiozonant with regard to their migration of PAA and SAA into three different food simulants. The lowest concentration of PAA and SAA in all food simulants was measured in the RU 997 stabilized elastomer. Due to this fact RU 997 was permitted as a new antiozonant for commodities based on rubber according to the Recommendation XXI 'Articles based on natural and synthetic rubber' of the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). RU 997 therefore represents an alternative for 6PPD with less migration of aromatic amines.  相似文献   

杂环胺(heterocyclic amines,HAs)是一类致癌致突变的多环芳香族化合物,通常在肉类等富含蛋白质的食品原料的热处理过程中产生,能通过其环外游离氨基与DNA反应生成加合物而产生致癌致突变毒性。当前,肉类产品加工过程中杂环胺的生成及控制已逐渐成为食品安全领域研究的热点。本文阐述了杂环胺的结构、分类和生物毒性,探讨分析了肉制品加工过程中杂环胺的形成路径和机制,总结了近年来杂环胺抑制方法的研究进展,并对利用模拟体系与先进检测技术探索杂环胺形成机制的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Abstract: Polyfunctional amines are a group of substances commonly used as additives or monomers in food‐contact materials. These substances can migrate into foodstuffs and, consequently, may be potentially dangerous for human health. Due to their different chemical structures and physicochemical properties there does not exist a standard method to analyze polyfunctional amines. This review aims to provide an update on the chromatographic methods used for the determination of polyfunctional amines that are commonly used in the manufacture of food packaging materials. Detailed information regarding chromatographic conditions (mobile phases, chromatographic columns, detection systems, and so on) is provided. Moreover, chemical structures and physicochemical properties of the substances studied are also presented.  相似文献   

It is a well-known fact that amines are not stable in food of a fatty nature. In this study the synthesis and characterisation of the products obtained as a result of the reaction of amines in a fatty medium are reported. Based on the well-known reactions among amines and acid and esters groups, two novel compounds were synthesised using m-xylylenediamine (mXDA), a primary diamine widely used as monomer in the manufacture of food contact materials and two fatty acids, oleic acid and palmitic acid, which occur in most fats. The resulting compounds were two molecules belonging to the family of fatty acid amides, dioleamide and dipalmitamide. A complete characterisation of both products was carried out employing several techniques such as infrared spectroscopy, 1H- and 13C-NMR spectroscopy, electron ionisation mass spectrometry, LC-MS/MS and UV spectrometry. The results obtained by the different techniques were well correlated. In the second part of the work, the formation of these compounds in real samples was evaluated. For this purpose a certain volume of olive oil was spiked with a known amount of mXDA. Olive oil was selected as a fatty medium since it is a widely consumed food and additionally is used as a fatty food simulant in migration studies of food contact materials. A method was developed to extract the fatty acid amides from the fatty matrix, which were then identified by LC-MS/MS. The toxicity of the synthesised compounds was predicted using a toxicity estimation software tool.  相似文献   

Many cooking utensils are made of nylon, a material that may incorporate azodyes and where primary aromatic amines (PAAs) are the starting substances. Moreover, aromatic amines may also be present as technical impurities. Another source of PAAs could be aromatic isocyanates used as monomers in the production of polyurethanes. The aim of this work was to validate a simple LC–MS/MS method for the determination of eight primary aromatic amines (m-phenylenediamine, 2,6- and 2,4-toluenediamine, 1,5-diaminonaphthalene, aniline, 4,4′-diaminonaphenylether, 4,4′-methylenedianiline and 3,3′-dimethylbenzidine) in the aqueous food simulant 3% acetic acid (w/v). The detection limits calculated were adequate with respect to present legislation. The method was validated at four concentration levels (2, 5 10 and 20 µg kg?1). Global internal reproducibility was in the range 5.6–21.4% (RSDR) depending on the compound and concentration. Mean recoveries for all levels varied between 89 and 100%, depending on the amine. A total of 39 samples of cooking utensils were analyzed using the described method and the results obtained after the third migration test were not compliant in approximately half of the samples.  相似文献   

分光光度法测定食品添加剂偶氮玉红中未磺化芳伯胺类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究并建立了分光光度法测定食品着色剂偶氮玉红中未磺化芳香伯胺类的方法。文中采用偶氮玉红基体加标制作标准曲线校准实样检测结果。经偶氮玉红实样加标(苯胺)——加标水平为0.005%、0.010%、0.025%验证试验,平均回收率分别为93.3%、104.3%和99.5%,RSD为4.58%、3.75%和3.30%。  相似文献   

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