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为维持户外活动人体热舒适性,研发一种保暖性能可调的防寒服装,以满足人体在不同活动量或环境温度变化情况下对服装保暖性能的需求,评价了一件充气服装的保暖性能,通过“Newton”出汗暖体假人实验测试了充气服装在4种充气量和3种风速下的上身总热阻和局部热阻。实验结果表明:充气状态下胸部、腹部和背部的局部热阻以及上身总热阻显著大于未充气状态,但是充气量之间没有明显差异;充气服装局部热阻和上身总热阻均随着风速的增加显著降低,不同充气量之间也没有显著差异。研究表明,充气服装在一定程度上可以作为一种有效的手段动态调节服装的保暖性。  相似文献   

苗雪  王永进  王方明 《纺织学报》2023,(11):176-182
充气保暖功能服装是以空气代替羽绒等填充材料的一类保暖服装。为更好地掌握充气量、充气复合面料厚度与热阻的关系,在5种充气状态(0%、30%、50%、70%、100%)下,测试了12种不同充气复合面料的厚度与热阻的变化。通过对测试数据的整理与分析,建立了三者之间的关系模型。实验结果表明:充气量、充气复合面料厚度与热阻三者之间存在较强的正相关关系;充气量越多,充气复合面料厚度越大,当充气量较少时,充气复合面料之间的厚度差异性较小,充气量越多时其差异性越显著;充气复合面料热阻随充气量的增加呈现先显著升高后趋于平稳的趋势,当充气量达到50%左右时热阻逐步趋于稳定;充气复合面料厚度越大,充气复合面料热阻越大,且当其厚度在20 mm左右时热阻趋于平稳,可作为保暖厚度的参考依据。实验证实充气复合面料在一定程度上具有调温保暖功能,参照所建模型通过调整充气量可以达到不同的保暖效果。  相似文献   

为研究人体在静止站立和行走时服装局部热阻之间的比例关系,以及真人测试和假人测试服装总热阻之间的关系,利用热流计法对人体设定的10个部位测定热流密度,计算得到服装局部的热阻,通过面积系数计算得到站立和和行走状态的服装总热阻,然后对不同测试条件下各部位服装的动静态热阻进行线性拟合,得到拟合斜率,并探讨 了不同状态对服装热阻的影响。结果显示:动态热阻明显低于静态热阻,10个部位动静态模拟斜率依次为:0.72,0.75,0.87,0.74,0.75,0.83,0.82,0.95,0.61,0.64;斜率小于或等于0.76的部位受运动的影响显著。最后得到真人测试的静态热阻和动态热阻,真人和假人测试得到的静态热阻以及动态热阻之间的数字模型。  相似文献   

针对目前适用于单段暖体假人局部热阻测试系统较少的问题,结合康奈尔大学的单段暖体假人(Walter 出汗暖体假人)系统,设计搭建了开放式局部热阻测试系统并进行了局部热舒适性研究。采用该系统对Walter 出汗暖体假人的裸态和穿M 号全棉衬衣和休闲裤、穿大孔M号全棉短袖衫和休闲裤、穿小孔M号全棉短袖衫和休闲裤、穿全棉T恤和休闲裤等4种着装状态下共5种情况进行了整体热流密度、局部热流密度和服装热阻3 项测试。结果表明,开放式局部热阻测试系统可准确表示穿着不同服装条件下假人的局部热流密度数值,其整体热流密度误差不超过4.6W/m2 ,热阻误差不超过3.1%。  相似文献   

史雯  卢业虎  王发明 《丝绸》2015,(10):11-18
服装热阻是影响人体着装舒适性的主要物理指标之一。选取具有代表性的20种不同少数民族的男性传统服装,根据款式特点将其分成六组,采用暖体假人测试了服装的整体和局部静态热阻,分析各组内、组间服装局部热阻的差异和变化趋势,以及影响服装热阻的相关因素。研究结果表明:服装的局部热阻与人体部位体形、服装局部结构、人体穿着方式和服装的总重量有关。各少数民族服装的局部热阻分布不均匀,躯干后部位的服装热阻大于前部,腹部和下背处的服装热阻大于胸部和上背,盆骨处的服装热阻最大。  相似文献   

对润湿状态下织物热阻的研究,能更好的了解人体显性出汗后服装热阻的变化。根据化工热力学中平壁热传导理论,研究了润湿棉织物热阻的变化。通过理论得知,局部润湿织物的总热阻的倒数等于润湿部分和未润湿部分热阻倒数之和,这与实测结果吻合较好。对着装后润湿服装热阻进行了预测。  相似文献   

风速与步速对服装表面空气层热阻的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
于瑶  钱晓明  范金土 《纺织学报》2009,30(8):107-112
从服装舒适性角度出发,以服装热舒适性的研究为入口,着重分析风速与步速对服装表面空气层热阻的影响,给出服装的热阻与风速及步速的关系公式。在设定的环境条件下,通过人体假人进行测试,验证公式的预测性和实用性,并找出裸态人体表面空气层热阻和着装后服装表面空气层热阻之间的差异。服装的热阻,以服装的表面为分界线,分为基本热阻与着装人体服装外表面边界空气层的热阻。实验结果表明:风速、行走速度会使服装外表面空气层的热阻减小。  相似文献   

新型织物模拟的暖体出汗假人能够测试服装的热阻和湿阻,传统平板式织物保暖仪可以测试各种纺织品热传递性能。采用这2种方法,对1组衬衣及其面料的热阻进行测试与比较。结果显示:平板保暖仪与暖体假人均具有较高的试验精确度和重现性,但暖体假人测试得到的服装及其附面层空气热阻与平板式织物保暖仪测试得到的织物及其附面层空气热阻有一定的差异。  相似文献   

为研究手臂活动角度对衣下间隙局部分布及服装局部散热性能的影响,利用三维扫描仪量化了出汗暖体假人在6种手臂姿势下,12个体段的衣下间隙体积及接触面积,提取了表征人体活动空间大小的物理指标,测量了服装各体段的局部热阻。结果表明:手臂的前伸角度与衣下间隙体积呈负相关性,而与接触面积呈显著正相关性,人体的活动空间随着手臂前伸角度的增加而显著减少;各体段的局部有效热阻呈现出非均匀的分布状态,局部衣下空气层体积越大、接触面积越小的体段,其有效热阻越大。服装的有效热阻可用衣下间隙体积与接触面积百分比共同预测。  相似文献   

为研究人体皮肤与织物之间存在的衣下间隙对织物系统传热透湿性能的影响,利用出汗热平板仪测试织物系统的热阻和湿阻,并通过在热板与织物之间放置不同厚度的分隔板来模拟衣下间隙厚度,实现了定量测试皮肤—衣下间隙—织物之间的热湿传递。实验结果证明:织物系统的热阻和湿阻先随衣下间隙厚度的增大而增加,但在衣下间隙达到12 mm时出现下降,随后又进一步增加;虽然织物厚度影响着织物系统的热阻与湿阻,但衣下间隙对织物系统热湿阻的影响更为显著。综合服装的合体美观与舒适保暖性能,建议防寒类服装设计采用胸围放松量6~8 cm之间为宜。本研究有助于理解服装宽松量设计与服装隔热透湿性能之间的相互关系,对服装产品的舒适设计有指导意义。  相似文献   

For many garment applications where protection is needed against hostile environments, part of the requirement is for insulation to shield the wearer from extremes of temperature. For an insulating garment to be fully effective, it needs to allow the wearer to move freely so that they can carry out their intended activity efficiently. Traditional materials achieve their insulation by trapping air within the structure thereby not only limiting heat loss by convection but also making good use of the low thermal conductivity of air to cocoon the wearer within a comfortable environment. To achieve effective protection with conventional textiles, it is usually necessary to have a thick fibrous layer, or series of layers, to trap a sufficient quantity of air to provide the required level of insulation. Several disadvantages arise as a result. For example, thick layers of insulating textile materials reduce the ability of the wearer to move in a normal manner so that the conduct of detailed manual tasks can become very difficult; the layers lose their insulating capacity when the trapped air is lost as they are compressed; the insulating capacity falls rapidly as moisture collects within the fibrous insulator – it does not have to become sensibly wet for this to happen; just 15% moisture regain can give a dramatic reduction in insulating capacity. Not surprisingly therefore, there has been continued interest in developing insulators that might be able to overcome the disadvantages of conventional textile materials and improve the mobility of the wearer by allowing the use of only a very thin layer of extremely-high insulating performance to provide the required thermal protection. One class of materials from which suitable candidates might be drawn is aerogels; their attractiveness derives from the fact that they show the highest thermal insulation capacity of any materials developed so far. Despite sporadic high levels of interest, commercialisation has been slow. Aerogels have been found to possess their own set of disadvantages such as fragility; rigidity; dust formation during working and cumbersome, expensive, batch-wise manufacturing processes. They may well have been destined to become a product of minor interest, confined to very specialist applications where cost was of little concern. However, methods have been developed to combine aerogels and fibres in composite structures which maintain extremely high insulating capacity whilst demonstrating sufficient flexibility for use in garments. Ways have been found to prevent the formation of powder as aerogel composite fabrics are worked. Most significant though, is the achievement, arising from a project supported by the Korean Government, of a simplified one-step production process developed with the express aim of providing a substantial reduction in the cost of aerogels. Suitably-priced aerogel is now available and this should provide fresh stimulus for research and development teams to engage in new product development work utilising aerogels in textiles and garments for thermal insulation. The mechanisms through which aerogels achieve their outstanding thermal insulating ability is unconventional, at least in terms of materials used in textiles. This issue of Textile Progress therefore includes detail about thermal transport in aerogels before reviewing the various forms in which aerogels can now be made, some of their applications and the research priorities that are now beginning to emerge.  相似文献   

The heat transport properties observed in nanostructured materials such as aerogel-treated nonwoven fabrics are promoting revolutionary breakthroughs as thermal insulators. This article is focused on the thermal transport characteristics of nonwoven fabrics treated with aerogel for potential uses in thermal protective applications. Highly efficient aerogel thermal blankets are now considered a viable option in applications such as clothing, building, and pipelines. A variety of fiber and fabric structures or finishing parameters influence the functional properties of nonwoven materials. In order to assess the thermal properties of aerogel-treated nonwoven fabrics, the KES Thermolabo II and NT-H1 (plate/fabric/plate method for thermal conductivity, qmax cool/warm feeling, and thermal insulation) was used. Fabrics of higher thicknesses show lower heat conductance and therefore higher thermal insulation properties. It has been found that thermal insulation is also related to the weight and compressional properties of the fabric. To make an insulating material effective, it should have low compression set and high resiliency to make the still air to be entrapped into the fibrous material.  相似文献   

同一件服装在不同穿着方式下表现出不同的隔热性能。本文将服装的着装方式解构为三个影响因子:服装对人体的覆盖面积;服装开口;服装局部面料堆积。基于这三个影响因子进行了穿着方式可变的功能服装研发。通过穿着实验进行人体工效客观测量和受试者主观感觉评价,针对服装的门襟开口量、衣袖整体的移除及折叠位置、前臂衣袖的移除(上挽)量进行了实验评价,完成了具有不同穿着方式的实验服装的设计方案优化,为定量测评着装方式对服装隔热性能的影响奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为探究服装形变对羽绒服隔热能力的影响规律,采用系带收紧法设计了羽绒服的形变方式和形变水平,并制作了4件充绒量分别为110、135、150、180 g/m2的样衣,分别对应薄型、普通型、中厚型和厚型羽绒服;然后利用暖体假人测试服装热阻,同时获取样衣在不同形变水平下的局部体积(包括羽绒服本身和衣下空间),分析了服装形变对羽绒服总热阻和局部热阻的影响规律。结果表明:羽绒服形变会改变其内部空气的流动状态,对隔热能力产生规律性影响,并因充绒量的不同而存在差异,但存在一个适宜的形变程度使羽绒服的保暖性最优;服装局部隔热能力大小、受形变影响的变化幅度及规律性与人体体表曲线的凹凸程度和是否靠近服装边缘开口处均相关。  相似文献   

为探明服装内空气层体积对男士针织内衣热性能的影响,并比较发热内衣与普通纯棉内衣热性能的差异,使用站立式暖体出汗假人分别对男士发热内衣及纯棉内衣的热阻与湿阻进行了测量,分别建立了2种内衣的空气体积与热阻和湿阻之间的多项回归模型。结果表明:在所测内衣尺码范围内,发热内衣的热阻和湿阻均逐渐增大,但二者的增加率均先增大后减小;而普通纯棉针织内衣的热阻和湿阻则先增大,达到一定值后逐渐减小;通过比较发现普通纯棉针织内衣的热阻和湿阻均高于相应尺码的发热内衣,但其透湿指数则小于相应尺码的发热内衣,说明发热内衣的热舒适性优于普通纯棉针织内衣。  相似文献   

冷链可折叠保温箱设计及试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对目前冷链运输过程中使用保温箱为整体式保温箱,不能折叠拆装,回收利用时空箱储运成本较高的问题,开发可快速折叠的折叠冷链保温箱。基于可折叠保温箱和普通保温箱在296K和308K环境下的储藏试验,进行保温性能分析。结果表明可折叠保温箱保温性能与普通保温箱相近,空箱储运成本比普通保温箱降低60%以上。此折叠保温箱适合应用于冷链运输。  相似文献   

Amir Abbas  Yan Zhao  Usman Ali 《纺织学会志》2017,108(10):1808-1814
Regulating thermal conductivity of fabrics through surface coating is of practical importance. This work shows that a thin layer of polymer containing thermal insulating fillers can considerably increase the thermal insulating property of the fabric. Three commonly used thermal insulating materials, aluminum oxide (Al2O3), zirconium oxide (ZrO2), and fumed silica, were used as filler. When they were dispersed separately in a polymer solution and applied to cotton fabric, the fabric showed decrease in thermal conductivity by 19.1–44.5% (based on pure cotton fabric). Marsh cooling method was used for the measurement of thermal insulation feature. The heating/cooling behavior of the fabrics was characterized by infrared thermography. The effects of the coatings on air permeability, surface wettability, color appearance, and flexural rigidity were also studied. The highest reduction in air permeability was 87.4% for the fumed silica-containing coating. Aluminum oxide coating increased the hydrophilicity of the cotton fabric while fumed silica coatings made the fabric surface hydrophobic. All coatings diluted the color of the fabric and changed it to paler one. Flexural rigidity of the fabric was increased in the order of ZrO2 > Al2O3 > fumed silica.  相似文献   

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