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作者采用2~4多因子试验方法,对棉赛洛纺纱的工艺参数与其纱线质量的关系进行了试验研究,并将赛洛纱、双纺纱及股线的质量作了对比,对赛洛纺纱的工艺参数选择提出一些参考意见;还对赛洛纱的加捻机理和纱线结构作了研究分析。  相似文献   

为解决多毛羽传统环锭纱针织困难,而光洁的常规集聚纺纱线织物手感硬的技术难题,建立串联半开放式多重集聚纺纱方法,分析多重集聚纺纱机制和结构成形特征。理论分析结果表明,多重集聚纺纱线具有外紧而内柔的结构特征。基于理论解析,在相同工艺条件下,分别采用传统环锭、常规集聚和多重集聚纱线制成针织面料,对比分析了各针织物压缩回弹、透气、抗起毛起球、耐磨、染色等性能。测试结果表明:与传统环锭纱相比,多重集聚纱线针织物耐磨、透气性、抗起毛起球性改善;与常规集聚纱线相比,多重集聚纱线针织物悬垂性、压缩回弹性和染色性能明显提高。  相似文献   

探讨传统环锭纺、集聚纺、赛络纺、集聚赛络纺、喷气涡流纺的成纱机理以及纱线耐磨性能。用这5种方法纺100%新疆长绒棉精梳11.6tex纱。对比测试了纱线的条干、毛羽、强力和耐磨性。结果表明:集聚赛络纱的各项质量指标和耐磨性均优于其他纺纱。虽然喷气涡流纱的强力和条干不如传统环锭纱,但是耐磨性和毛羽比传统环锭纱好。认为:在集聚纺、赛络纺、集聚赛络纺这样一些环锭纺纱新技术的纺纱过程中,集聚和并合作用都能提高纱线的耐磨性,集聚程度对纱线的耐磨性影响较大,并合作用相对较小。两种同时采用时,改善耐磨性的效果最好。同原料同号棉纱,其耐磨性与条干、强力、毛羽等性能呈现一定的相关关系,条干好、强力高、毛羽少的纱线耐磨性较好。  相似文献   

卡摩纺纱的机理与实践   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
纱线毛羽在许多方面影响产品的质量、已成为比纱线条干、棉结杂质更为突出的质量问题。阻碍了产品档次的升级。新型纺纱技术即集聚纺纱、也称紧密纺、卡摩纺,可以消除纱线毛羽、它纺出的纱被称为光洁纱。光洁纱具有低毛羽、高强力、高仲长、高质量、利于后道加工等特点。  相似文献   

陶丽珍 《北京纺织》2004,25(2):27-29
分析了传统环锭纱的缺点及其产生原因 ,介绍了集聚纺纱的原理和主要机型 ,主要研究了集聚纺纱的纱线质量及其对后续工序的影响。  相似文献   

为了探究集聚纺纱方式对纱线性能的影响,采用以传统环锭纺为基础的四罗拉网格圈紧密纺、紧密赛络纺、全聚纺及低扭矩纺四种集聚纺纱方式纺制了28.1、18.5、14.7 tex的纯棉纱。通过对纯棉纱线的断裂强度、断裂伸长率、毛羽和条干均匀度等性能进行测试分析,探究了四种集聚纺纱方式对纱线性能产生影响的原因。实验结果表明:由于不同集聚纺纱方式的成纱结构特点不同,影响了纱线的内在性能。紧密赛络纺的成纱强力最高,全聚纺的成纱有益毛羽最多,低扭矩纱在假捻器的作用下纱线品质得到了提高其纱线条干最好,紧密赛络纺的纱线总毛羽数最少。  相似文献   

分析了传统环锭纱的缺点及其产生原因,介绍了集聚纺纱的原理和主要机型,主要研究了集聚纺纱的纱线质量及其对后续工序的影响。  相似文献   

介绍了集聚纺纱的成纱机理及特点。集聚纺纱可消除传统环锭纺纱的加捻三角区,从而减少纱线的毛羽、提高纱线强力和弹性、减少纺纱断头,便于后道工序加工。集聚纺纱将成为本世纪纺纱发展的方向。  相似文献   

为减少纱线毛羽,介绍成纱毛羽的概念与危害,以及负压式集聚纺纱原理,通过对比采用不同后区牵伸倍数、集聚纺纱负压、温湿度、网格圈、导纱钩、钢丝圈及三同轴度纺不同品种集聚纺纱线的毛羽数量,分析纺纱工艺及纺纱器材对纱线毛羽的影响,阐述设备的日常保养维护、工艺调整和运转管理要点。指出:集聚纺纱装置的应用能显著减少3 mm及以上有害毛羽,但实际生产中应考虑原料性能、纱线质量、工艺参数、纺纱器材状态等影响因素,做好温湿度控制及设备日常使用和维护,才能达到改善成纱品质的目的。  相似文献   

 为深入了解集聚纺纱系统,提高纱线的品质性能,重点探讨气流槽聚型集聚纺纱系统的捻度传递机制,介绍气流槽聚型集聚纺纱系统的结构特点,分析捻度传递过程中的纺纱张力变化,给出纺纱张力的求解过程,分析纱条在捻度传递过程中外力产生的阻力矩,及其与纱线自身回转产生的扭矩的关系。研究结果表明:纺纱张力、吸气管负压以及集聚罗拉的结构参数对纱条捻度的上传有一定的影响;通过调整纺纱张力与吸气管负压可以保证该系统所纺纱线的品质。  相似文献   

This paper examines empirical relationships between the geometrical parameters of the spinning triangle and the quality parameters of ring spun yarns. For this purpose, controlled variations in the geometry of the spinning triangle were induced using two existing modifications in the ring spinning process and by varying the yarn twist level. The geometrical parameters of the spinning triangle were measured using the clear rubber roller combined with digital image processing techniques as described in the first part of this study. The yarn quality parameters measured included yarn hairiness, strength, elongation and evenness. Yarn hairiness showed more noticeable sensitivity towards the physical shape of the spinning triangle than yarn tenacity, while yarn evenness and elongation were not significantly influenced by changes in spinning triangle geometry.  相似文献   


In the ring-spinning process, the area between the front roller nip and twisting point is spinning triangle, and its geometry influences the fiber tension distribution in the spinning triangle directly and determines the properties of spun yarns. Therefore, in the paper, one kind of mechanical false-twisting device was introduced on the ring spinning, which can affect the twist propagation and change the spinning triangle geometry actively. First, the modification of the false-twisting device on the DTM129 ring-spinning frame was introduced. Taking the medium cotton yarn spinning as an example, corresponding ring yarn, Sirospun yarn, compact yarn were spun on the modified spinning frame under different designed twist factors, and the applicability of the false-twisting device on different spinning method was discussed. It is shown that comparing with the common yarn, the Hairiness and Strength of the modified yarns are all improved, and the effect of false-twisting device on yarn qualities is more effective for the low-twist yarn. Comparing with the ring spinning, the improvement degree of the modified compact spinning is a little smaller. Then, the long-staple cotton ring yarn, polyester and medium cotton blend ring yarn, polyester ring yarn were spun on the modified spinning frame under different designed twist factors, and the applicability of the false-twisting device on different fibers was discussed. It is shown that the influence of the false-twisting device on the long-staple cotton yarn and polyester yarn is little. That is, the false-twisting device given in the paper would be more applicable on the short fiber spinning under the low designed twist factor.  相似文献   

The physical shape or geometry of the spinning triangle directly affects the quality of ring spun yarns. This study developed a technique to measure the geometrical parameters of the spinning triangle during ring spinning using a combination of a clear rubber roller and digital image processing. The clear roller exposed the spinning triangle zone during the yarn spinning process in a non-invasive manner, and yarn properties were not affected. A digital camera recorded images of the spinning triangle. An image processing algorithm was then developed to process the images to measure the dynamic geometry of the spinning triangle. The method was able to effectively measure the width, height and skew of the spinning triangle along with changes in these parameters over time. This technique will be applied in a follow-up study to investigate the effects of the shape of the spinning triangle on yarn quality.  相似文献   

环锭纺尽管早已是一种非常成熟的纺纱技术,但是加捻三角区的存在仍然对成纱的质量具有一定的负面影响。该文介绍了一种全新的环锭纺纱技术-EliTe Spinning,在一定程度上消除了这些负面影响。  相似文献   

针对牦牛绒纤维主体长度短、长度离散度大、含有大量粗死毛等导致无法使用现有毛精纺设备实现精梳制条的问题,通过采用便捷喂毛、高效预梳、低损伤分梳、落物充分回收装置组成高效分梳机构,将卷曲、块状绒团拉伸为基本伸直的单纤维状。在细纱工序,分别采用环锭纺、网格圈紧密纺、全聚纺纺制原色和脱色牦牛绒单纱和赛络纱,并对成纱质量进行测试分析。结果表明:16.7 tex牦牛绒纯纺纱采用环锭纺时由于断头多而导致无法正常纺纱;与网格圈紧密纺相比,全聚纺所纺原色牦牛绒纱的强伸性和条干有所改善,但毛羽质量略差;与原色牦牛绒相比,脱色牦牛绒纯纺纱的综合性能有所下降,尤其是成纱强力有所降低;与网格圈型紧密纺相比,全聚纺由于实现了对牵伸后的纤维须条的平行集聚,更有利于对脱色后强力较低的牦牛绒纤维实现更加柔性、平稳的集聚加工。  相似文献   

Compact spinning is one of the most important improvements of traditional ring spinning, which is implemented by adding a fiber condensing device to condense the fiber bundle and decrease the spinning triangle. Pneumatic compact spinning is the most widely used compact spinning method at present. Compact spinning with perforated drum and compact spinning with lattice apron are the two main kinds of pneumatic compact spinning. Therefore, in this paper, comparison analysis of yarn quality between compact spinning with perforated drum and compact spinning with lattice apron is presented. First, 9.7 tex cotton-combed yarn is spun in three different kinds of pneumatic compact spinning systems, including two kinds of compact spinning with perforated drum: Rieter’s COM4 and complete condensing spinning system (CCSS), and one lattice apron compact spinning system: Toyota’s four-line compact spinning. The test results of yarn qualities show that comparing with other two kinds of compact spinning systems, the yarn spun in CCSS has the best evenness, least long hairiness, and slightly lower strength. Then, the properties of spun yarns are analyzed using two methods. First, using Fluent Software, numerical simulations of three-dimensional flow field in condensing zone of three kinds of compact spinning system are presented, respectively. Second, the fiber movements in condensing zones are captured using high speed camera system OLYMPUS i-speed3.  相似文献   

陶肖明  郭滢  冯杰  徐宾刚  华涛 《纺织学报》2013,34(6):120-125
本文主要回顾了低扭矩环锭纺纱技术的发展。通过讨论其纺纱三角区的特点,利用高速摄影技术对纺纱区捻度和张力分布的观察分析,系统地介绍了低扭矩纱的成纱原理。此外,结合示踪纤维技术,利用纱线结构连续测量分析系统对低扭矩环锭单纱和传统环锭单纱的内部结构进行分析,揭示了低扭矩纱独特的结构特点,如非同轴异形螺旋线结构,纤维片段局部反转现象等。这些特点解释了低扭矩纱及其织物具有优良物理性能的原因。同时,通过多个生产厂家提供的测试数据,对比分析了几代低扭矩环锭纱与传统环锭纱及其织物的物理性能,结果表明低扭矩环锭纱具有低捻高强、低残余扭矩和毛羽少等特点,其针织物经多次水洗后歪斜变形小和手感好,机织物具有较好的撕裂强力,断裂强力和耐磨擦性。最新一代低扭矩环锭纺纱技术显著地改善了高支纯棉纱的物理性能。  相似文献   

比较研究了以棉、聚酯纤维为原料、在不同的紧密纺系统上纺制的相应的 环锭纺和紧密纺纱线.结果表明紧密纺纱线与环锭纺纱线相比,弹性、拉伸性、耐磨性、刚度和紧密度较高,毛羽、条干不匀率和疵点较少,纱线直径较小.而且,紧密纺的弹性恢复参数比环锭纺要好得多.从改变比例的方面来说,RoCoS系统纺出来的纱线与Zinser和Suessen紧密纺系统纺出来的纱线相比较时,表现出弹性、直径和紧密度的改变量小,但是拉伸性变化大.  相似文献   

针对环锭普通纺和环锭紧密纺2种不同类型的纺纱技术作了对比分析。首先从设备构造上分析2种类型的纺机存在的差异,其次针对这2种类型的纺机,在保持各批次试验原料相同,工艺参数相对一致的条件下,纺制不同的纱线品种,对比各纱线品种的条干不匀率、强度、伸长率、粗细节、毛羽等主要性能,进一步分析2种纺纱技术特点,紧密纺与普通纺的纱线相比,强力增大,条干均匀度提高,粗细节明显减少。同时根据生产实际情况提出了紧密纺纱技术存在的一些不足。  相似文献   

为深入分析纺纱技术对棉纱性能的影响,选择集聚纺和普通环锭纺两种纺纱技术进行研究。在KTTM环锭纺纱机上,根据普通环锭纺纱和集聚纺纱的技术要求,采用基本相同的纺纱前准备,生产普通环锭纱和集聚纱。为生产高品质纱线,在集聚纺纱机前罗拉输出的位置放置了一个集聚装置。试验测试、记录了每种纱线的物理性能,以比较普通环锭纱和集聚纱的性能,并利用乌斯特张力测试仪和乌斯特条干均匀度仪分析比较两种纺纱技术所生产的纱线。结果显示:由1.20型集聚装置生产的纱线具有较好的均匀性;通过统计分析可知,采用1.14型和1.20型集聚装置生产的集聚纱与普通环锭纱的拉伸性能具有显著区别,采用不同的集聚装置生产的纱线也明显不同。  相似文献   

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