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培育肉也被称作生物培育肉、培养肉等,因其可以绕开动物饲喂为人类提供真实动物蛋白,被认为是最有可能解决未来人类肉品生产和消费困境的有效方案之一,具有极高的潜在商业价值。然而,作为一种新型肉类食品,全球的监管体系尚无任何相关的监管经验,亟需从头建立覆盖从培育肉生产到消费全流程的监管政策体系;我国作为全球人口数量最多的国家,每年的肉品生产和消费数量巨大且增速迅猛,具有发展培育肉产业的广阔市场前景。因此,我国需要从国家层面提前统筹规划相关监管体系,以应对科技不断进步给食品监管提出的新挑战和促进相关产业的快速发展。本文通过总结美国、新加坡和欧盟在培育肉监管方面的相关实践和创新探索,结合我国培育肉的发展现状和相关的监管实践,遵照战略性、指导性和实操性原则,提出我国建立培育肉监管体系的政策性建议。  相似文献   

Abstract: The growth of bifidobacteria that are employed in the production of functional food is often slow or limited, even on synthetic media. In this study, we investigated whether a peptide hydrolyzate (functional animal protein [FAP]), from poultry bones and meat trimmings, could be a potential source of growth stimulators. The bifidogenic activity of FAP on 18 strains of Bifidobacterium species was assessed via 2 different techniques: turbidimetric measurements and a direct count by fluorescence microscopy. Growth experiments were performed in B12 broth as the basal medium, B12 broth supplemented with N‐acetylglucosamine, and B12 broth supplemented with FAP. FAP supplementation yielded the highest maximum optical density (OD) and count values. The use of the microscopic fluorescence counts allowed for better evaluation of the extent of growth and assessment of the viability of cells. FAP from poultry bones and meat trimmings has potential as a growth stimulator for different bifidobacteria of human origin. FAP is a promising ingredient for inclusion in industrial media that are used to culture probiotic strains, including bifidobacteria, because it supports growth very well and maintains cells at a high level of viability. Practical Application: Proteinaceous hydrolyzate can be considered a promising ingredient for industrial media that are used to culture probiotic strains, including bifidobacteria, because it improves bacterial growth and maintains cells at a high level of viability.  相似文献   

通过分析传统肉类生产方式面临的挑战及培育肉产生的环境影响,表明培育肉是一种在生产技术、发展理念以及未来意义上具有先进性的肉类生产形式。通过对培育肉不同生命周期评估(LCA)的对比分析表明,影响培育肉生产的环境因素是多方面的,包括原料来源、细胞生长密度等,与传统肉类生产方式相比,培育肉的生产过程将占据更少的土地面积、消耗几乎可以忽略不计的淡水资源、在温室气体排放方面也具有较为明显的优势。另外,在降低培育肉生命周期对环境影响方面仍然有较大的提升空间,需通过开发适于工业生产的具体工艺及攻关系列基础技术问题进一步降低其对环境的影响,以满足人们对可持续发展的要求。然而,由于目前培育肉的工业化生产工艺尚未建立,对于细胞增殖、分化和培育肉质量控制等尚无明确参数,导致不同LCA之间存在较大差异,为促进培育肉产业化发展需尽快确定培育肉的工业化生产工艺,按照目前我国的装备试剂工业基础水平明确符合我国技术发展现状的培育肉LCA,为我国未来制定相关培育肉产业化发展政策提供理论依据。  相似文献   

超高压技术在肉类杀菌及品质改善中的应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
超高压技术是一种新型的食品非热物理加工技术,在肉类杀菌和品质改善方面具有较高应用价值,是肉类食品领域的研究热点之一。由于存在一定局限性,超高压技术尚未在肉类工业中得到广泛应用。本文从超高压处理影响非共价键间的作用力、蛋白质结构、细胞结构以及细胞中水分的分布四个方面介绍其作用机理,并综述了目前超高压技术在改善肉类的嫩度、保水性、凝胶性、颜色、杀菌、冻藏品质等方面的研究及应用进展。在此基础上进行分析和展望,认为超高压技术在改善肉及肉制品嫩度、保水性、凝胶性等食用品质方面有望成为主要的研究和应用方向。为达到规模化生产的要求,未来在技术装备水平提升的基础上,应通过增强应用效果、提高应用效率、扩展应用范围等方式提升超高压技术在肉类工业中的应用水平和范围。  相似文献   

It is still essential to search for new, available food ingredients with bifidogenic effect, to study their safety, efficacy and production effectiveness upon the creation of functional foods. The review considers protein products such as collagens and their hydrolyzates, which are used in culture mediums as growth factor. They are treated, besides carbohydrate prebiotics, as potential bifidogenic nutrients. Collagen hydralyzates contain all amino acids, required for bifidobacteria growth. That is why it is considered essential to provide control over its biosafety. However, recyclable materials of animal origin are included into a list of Specific Risk Materials of prion disease agents transmitting. Collagen hydralyzates are preserved up to distal intestine parts. This fact approximates their qualities to oligosaccharids' type of prebiotic food fibers, related to the lack of absorption and hydrolytic stability. The additional study of mechanisms of bifidobacteria's forcing is required. It can be made at the expense of the modification of the albuminous cell metabolism during the collagen hydralyzats' unilization.  相似文献   

李卫  谭蒙  孙莉  张迎庆 《食品工业科技》2020,41(11):363-368
细胞农业是采用体外培养细胞的方式获得与传统牲畜业生物等效的农产品,可缓解传统畜牧业所造成的环境负担、食品安全及动物福利等问题,是一种可持续发展的生产方式。本文首先对基于组织工程的细胞农业生产培养肉的生产过程、细胞来源及获取方式、培养基的组成及其最新筛选技术进行综述,指出研发无动物源成份的培养基是未来的发展方向;阐述了组织支架在培养肉生产中所起的作用以及灌注法制备立体网络支架的最新进展,列举了支架制造需要解决的几个问题;分析了生物反应器放大及提高反应器内细胞密度所面临的技术问题,特别是生产高度结构化肌肉组织所需的"三维支架+灌注"式反应器放大所存在的技术难点。列举基于发酵的细胞农业生产动物性蛋白质的生产过程和特点以及存在的技术问题、产品种类及用其制备仿制肉的优势。另外,本文从生产许可、生产过程的规范化、细胞及其代谢物的安全认证、监管模式及管理部门的设置、动物福利法案的建立诸方面对细胞农业生产的安全管理进行了探讨。最后,本文从选择性生产营养和风味更佳的培养肉、生产珍稀动物肉及带有血管等高度结构化的培养肉等方面对细胞农业未来发展方向进行了展望。该文可为细胞农业领域的研发提供一定参考。  相似文献   

畜牧业占据了全球土地使用和温室气体排放的很大比例,并且大规模饲养动物过程中普遍使用预防性抗生素,导致抗药性细菌及其他致病因子及人畜共患病泛滥。更重要的是,随着人口的增长,传统的动物养殖业可能无法满足日益增长的人口对肉类和膳食蛋白的需求。因此,生物培育肉技术应运而生并得到快速发展,它具有提供肉类蛋白产品的潜力,并且没有相关环境、道德和技术问题。尽管培育肉具有减缓日益增长的世界人口对蛋白质需求增长所面临的供应问题,但目前针对生物培育肉的各方面的突破性技术仅限于实验室的研究生产,而商业化的生物培育肉生产仍有很多技术瓶颈有待突破。该综述基于目前国内传统养殖业的发展现状及生物培育肉的技术发展趋势,阐述了生物培育肉的补充传统肉类的潜力,市场定位及未来主要技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The health-conscious consumers are in search of nutritious and convenient food item which can be best suited in their busy life. The vegetarianism is the key for the search of such food which resembles the meat in respect of nutrition and sensory characters, but not of animal origin and contains vegetable or its modified form, this is the point when meat analog evolved out and gets shape. The consumers gets full satisfaction by consumption of meat analog due to its typical meaty texture, appearance and the flavor which are being imparted during the skilled production of meat analog. The supplement of protein in vegetarian diet through meat alike food can be fulfilled by incorporating protein-rich vegetative food grade materials in meat analog and by adopting proper technological process which can promote the proper fabrication of meat analog with acceptable meat like texture, appearance, flavor, etc. The easily available vegetables, cereals, and pulses in India have great advantages and prospects to be used in food products and it can improve the nutritional and functional characters of the food items. The various form and functional characters of food items are available world over and attracts the meat technologists and the food processors to bring some innovativeness in meat analog and its presentation and marketability so that the acceptability of meat analog can be overgrown by the consumers.  相似文献   

Cultured muscle tissue-based protein products, also known as cultured meat, are produced through in vitro myogenesis involving muscle stem cell culture and differentiation, and mature muscle cell processing for flavor and texture. This review focuses on the in vitro myogenesis for cultured meat production. The muscle stem cell–based in vitro muscle tissue production consists of a sequential process: (1) muscle sampling for stem cell collection, (2) muscle tissue dissociation and muscle stem cell isolation, (3) primary cell culture, (4) upscaled cell culture, (5) muscle differentiation and maturation, and (6) muscle tissue harvest. Although muscle stem cell research is a well-established field, the majority of these steps remain to be underoptimized to enable the in vitro creation of edible muscle-derived meat products. The profound understanding of the process would help not only cultured meat production but also business sectors that have been seeking new biomaterials for the food industry. In this review, we discuss comprehensively and in detail each step of cutting-edge methods for cultured meat production. This would be meaningful for both academia and industry to prepare for the new era of cellular agriculture.  相似文献   

即食肉制品在生产和消费环节极易受到微生物污染,严重影响其品质和安全。传统热杀菌技术虽然能有效灭活微生物,但会对即食肉制品的营养和感官品质产生不良影响。近年来,非热杀菌技术逐渐受到关注,该技术处理温度低,对食品的风味、色泽和营养成分影响较小,避免了传统热杀菌技术造成的食品品质劣变问题。目前,在即食肉制品中应用较为广泛的非热杀菌技术主要有超高压、辐照、紫外照射、脉冲光照射和冷等离子体。本文综述上述5 种非热杀菌技术对即食肉制品的杀菌作用及对其品质的影响,以期为非热杀菌技术在即食肉制品加工中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Abstract: The direct consumption of vegetable proteins in food products has been increasing over the years because of animal diseases, global shortage of animal protein, strong demand for wholesome and religious (halal) food, and economic reasons. The increasing importance of legume and oilseed proteins in the manufacturing of various functional food products is due to their high‐protein contents. However, the greatest obstacle to utilizing these legumes and oilseeds is the presence of antinutrients; but these antinutrients can be successfully removed or inactivated by employing certain processing methods. In contrast, the potential negative impact of the antinutrients is partially balanced by the fact that they may have a health‐promoting role. Legumes and oilseeds provide well‐balanced amino acid profiles when consumed with cereals. Soybean proteins, wheat gluten, cottonseed proteins, and other plant proteins have been used for texturization. Texturized vegetable proteins can extend meat products while providing an economical, functional, and high‐protein food ingredient or can be consumed directly as a meat analog. Meat analogs are successful because of their healthy image (cholesterol free), meat‐like texture, and low cost. Mycoprotein is fungal in origin and is used as a high‐protein, low‐fat, health‐promoting food ingredient. Mycoprotein has a good taste and texture. Texturized vegetable proteins and a number of mycoprotein products are accepted as halal foods. This article summarizes information regarding the molecular, nutritional, and functional properties of alternative protein sources to meat and presents current knowledge to encourage further research to optimize the beneficial effects of alternative protein sources.  相似文献   

曾艳  郝学财  董婷  孙媛霞 《食品工业科技》2021,42(3):338-345,350
植物蛋白肉以植物蛋白质为主要原料,通过重塑蛋白质的解离聚合行为形成类肉纤维结构,同时添加油脂、色素、粘合剂等非动物来源食品配料,加工定制出接近真实动物肉的形态色泽与风味口感。由于能够有效解决肉类供应不足问题,食品安全性高、生产方式绿色可持续,植物蛋白肉作为肉类替代食品发展迅猛,受到食品工业的广泛关注。本文将对植物蛋白肉所用的蛋白质等原料组成、挤压法等加工工艺开发以及成型产品的质构特性与营养组分研究进行综述,以期为国内植物蛋白肉的生产研发与应用推广提供参考。  相似文献   

Cultured meat from stem cells: challenges and prospects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Post MJ 《Meat science》2012,92(3):297-301
As one of the alternatives for livestock meat production, in vitro culturing of meat is currently studied. The generation of bio-artificial muscles from satellite cells has been ongoing for about 15 years, but has never been used for generation of meat, while it already is a great source of animal protein. In order to serve as a credible alternative to livestock meat, lab or factory grown meat should be efficiently produced and should mimic meat in all of its physical sensations, such as visual appearance, smell, texture and of course, taste. This is a formidable challenge even though all the technologies to create skeletal muscle and fat tissue have been developed and tested. The efficient culture of meat will primarily depend on culture conditions such as the source of medium and its composition. Protein synthesis by cultured skeletal muscle cells should further be maximized by finding the optimal combination of biochemical and physical conditions for the cells. Many of these variables are known, but their interactions are numerous and need to be mapped. This involves a systematic, if not systems, approach. Given the urgency of the problems that the meat industry is facing, this endeavor is worth undertaking. As an additional benefit, culturing meat may provide opportunities for production of novel and healthier products.  相似文献   

植物肉的出现为动物肉类食品供应短缺和养殖业环境污染问题带来希望。食品加工技术的快速发展弥补了植物基肉制品外观和口感的不足, 但其营养价值和安全性也应引起重视。本文综述了以植物蛋白为主要原料所制肉类替代品的营养价值, 包括植物肉中碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪、水分、维生素和矿物质的相对含量和营养性质。分析了植物肉在生产及食用过程中可能出现的物理、化学、生物因素在内的安全问题, 并探讨目前植物肉发展所存在的局限性与挑战, 以期为我国植物蛋白肉制品的研发与推广提供理论参考。  相似文献   

植物蛋白肉的加工及品质特性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于动物蛋白需求增加导致的环境压力增大、供给压力增大以及人体健康等问题,近年来植物蛋白肉受到国内外研究人员的广泛关注,成为食品行业的新风口。植物蛋白肉是以植物原料或其制品为蛋白质、脂肪的主要来源加工制成的具有与动物蛋白的质构、风味、形态等品质特征类似的替代肉制品。目前国内外已有多种加工方式来制备生产植物蛋白肉,但植物蛋白肉的品质与动物蛋白相比仍具有一定的差距,因此探究植物蛋白肉品质特性以及提升方法刻不容缓。本文总结了植物蛋白肉生产原料、加工技术及加工中的化学变化;阐述了植物蛋白肉的结构特性、质构及感官特性、营养特性等品质特性及分析评价方法;最后提出了改善植物蛋白肉品质的研究方向,以期为植物蛋白肉产品品质提档升级提供参考。  相似文献   

The aim of this review paper is to introduce readers to the modern approach to meat production as recommended by public authorities. No part of the food chain can be regarded alone but has to be seen as part of the whole. A holistic approach to fresh meat storage and retailing must therefore start with the living animal and cannot end with the sale of the meat. It must also include the consumers. One of the highest priority issues for consumers, producers and governments is food safety, and with it, consumer safety. Here we briefly describe the possibilities of keeping initial amounts of bacteria in meat low and modern storage of fresh meat. In future, the consumer must be incorporated in the meat food chain.  相似文献   

Defined as meat cultured in a laboratory within a bioreactor under controlled artificial conditions, in vitro meat is a relatively recent area that has opened a whole universe of possibilities and opportunities for the meat sector. With improved chemical and microbial safety and varied options, in vitro meat has been proposed as a green, healthy, environmentally friendly, and nutritionally better product that is free from animal suffering and death. Cell culture and tissue culture are the most probable technologies for the development of this futuristic muscle product. However, there are many challenges in the production of a suitable product at an industrial scale under a sustainable production system and a great body of research is required to fill the gaps in our knowledge. Many materials used in the product development are novel and untested within the food industry and demand urgent regulatory and safety assessment systems capable of managing any risks associated with the development of cultured meat. The future of this product will depend on the actions of governments and regulatory agencies. This article highlights emerging biotechnological options for the development of cultured meat and suggests ways to integrate these emerging technologies into meat research. It considers the problems and possibilities of developing cultured meat, opportunities, ethical issues as well as emerging safety and regulatory issues in this area.  相似文献   

非热杀菌技术在肉及肉制品中的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肉及肉制品作为人体重要的营养来源,极易受到微生物污染。传统热杀菌方式虽可有效灭活微生物,但会对肉及肉制品的营养及感官品质产生不良影响。新型非热杀菌技术可避免传统热杀菌技术造成的食品品质劣变问题,成为食品领域的研究热点。本文综述非热杀菌技术在食品行业的研究现状、特点及作用机制,着重讨论其在肉及肉制品中的应用研究进展,并对非热杀菌技术在肉及肉制品加工中的发展方向进行展望,以期为肉及肉制品保鲜及工业化应用提供一定理论参考。  相似文献   

The assays of muscle arginyl (RAP) and alanyl (AAP) aminopeptidases and dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV) have been optimised using colorimetric (aminoacyl-p-nitroanilide) substrates in order to design an appropriate test in their assay in fresh pork meat. Kinetic parameters, Km and Vmax, were calculated for the three enzymes using pNa substrates. The rapid colorimetric analysis was developed and applied directly on the muscle extracts from 16 samples previously classified in different pork meat qualities. The exudative meat quality class (PSE) showed significant lower values for these enzyme activities than the ideal meat quality (RFN) and the dark, firm and dry (DFD) quality classes. The protocols can be easily transferred to food industry because the use of colorimetric substrates and a microplate colour reader are feasible to use in large-scale production systems.  相似文献   

肉食品全产业链安全生产技术体系构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张志刚 《肉类研究》2013,27(5):36-39
近年来,食品安全事件不断发生,严重损害消费者对食品安全的信任.为了提高食品质量安全水平,尤其是肉食品安全,按照“从源头到餐桌”食品安全科学理念和要求,本文阐述如何构建包括从饲料生产、养殖、屠宰加工、流通和产品溯源等环节的肉食品安全生产体系,以建立肉食品全产业链安全生产技术体系.通过构建该体系,以确保肉食品的质量与安全.  相似文献   

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