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介绍了一种用于灌装生产线搬运码垛的新型机械手.该机械手采用机械加电动为主、气动为辅的码垛方式,完成桶装水的抓取、搬运、码放工作,具有效率高、结构简单、运动平稳、符合食品卫生要求的特点,这种技术同样适用于其他桶装物品的搬运、码垛作业.  相似文献   

HHRB100搬运机器人码垛程序的离线编程   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
首先介绍了四自由度搬运机器人的结构特点,然后针对普通示教再现作业方式,提出了码垛机器人离线编程方法。重点对搬运机器人离线码垛过程进行了研究,通过码垛关键参数的输入和码垛空间判断,建立离线编程的基础,给出了机器人码垛的路径规划,最后进行了计算机图形仿真。验证了码垛机器人离线编程方法。  相似文献   

电视机搬运码垛机器人应用研研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
电视机搬运码垛机器人是863计划研制项目之一。这里描述了其研制宗旨和研制现状,总结了电视机搬运码垛作业的相关技术要求,并对机器人设计中的有关技术问题作了讨论。  相似文献   

针对人工搬运电梯门头人工强度大及自动化水平不高的问题,开发设计了电梯门头自动码垛系统。该系统通过动力输送线自动输送和定位门头,行走式的小车实现包装箱定位和移动,采用六轴机器人及真空吸附夹具搬运码垛电梯门头,完成电梯门头整齐而准确地装箱,实现电梯门头板的自动化输送、定位和码垛,操作工只需要进行正常的生产线巡视和设备的日常维护即可实现电梯门头的输送和码垛,降低了劳动强度,提高了作业效率和自动化水平。  相似文献   

滚珠丝杠是搬运码垛机器人中关节的减速装置,是搬运码垛机器人的重要组成部件之一,它不仅直接影响机器人的码垛速度,而且对机器人的定位精度有很大影响。面向搬运码垛机器人的滚珠丝杠,在对滚珠丝杠减速系统结构进行分析和对滚珠丝杠副的选择进行介绍的基础上,建立了搬运码垛机器人的滚珠丝杠减速系统动力学模型,基于ANSYS对丝杠进行了模态及谐响应分析,通过仿真验证了分析的正确性,为搬运码垛机器人中滚珠丝杠的工程设计及选用,为搬运码垛机器人的定位精度奠定了基础。  相似文献   

根据串联机构和并联机构的特点,以及搬运机器人的性能要求,设计了一种4自由度混联码垛机器人,分析了该机器人的运动学特性,求出其位置正反解析解,给出了机器人码垛的路径规划.控制系统采用工业PC(IPC)作为主计算机,利用分布式二级控制结构实现系统的监控和作业管理,协调各关节的运动,准确地跟踪轨迹规划.最后针对普通示教再现作业方式,提出了码垛机器人离线编程方法,重点对搬运机器人离线码垛过程进行了研究,自主开发了机器人控制软件.实际使用结果表明,所研制的机器人已能满足物流自动化系统中的码垛需求.  相似文献   

针对超大尺寸瓷板的码垛作业要求,设计了一种用于码垛瓷板的机器人末端手爪,通过真空吸盘实现瓷板的可靠抓取、搬运、码放等动作。阐述了吸盘手爪的组成和工作原理,进行了选型计算,利用SolidWorks对其进行了结构建模,并通过Simulation有限元分析插件对其进行了强度校核。校核结果表明:该码垛机器人吸盘手爪能满足实际工况下瓷板的码垛需求。  相似文献   

物料搬运概念的界定 物料搬运是利用人力或搬运机械,按要求将物料从一个位置移动到另一位置以实现特定目的所进行的有效作业的总称。物料搬运只从整体上改变物料的位置而不以改变物料的物理或化学性能为目的。物料搬运除包括起重、装卸、运输、码垛、储存、分拣及配送等作业外,有时还需要对物料进行计量、识别、跟踪、管理和搬运加工(例如将分散的件货码放在托盘上形成搬运单元或者将单元拆开)等等。 物料搬运存在于社会生产、流  相似文献   

3月5日,ABB宣布为大同煤矿集团塔山煤矿提供码垛机器人解决方案。在塔山煤矿中,4台ABBlRB660码垛机器人配套淄博功力的制砖设备,应用于全煤矸石制砖生产线上的原始砖坯码垛环节中,取代了传统人工作业,提高了生产效率与质量。ABBIRB660是一款专业应用于物料搬运和货盘堆垛领域的机器人。该款四轴机器人有效负荷为250kg,  相似文献   

上海沃迪自动化装备股份有限公司TPR系列搬运机器人是针对国内码垛搬运的市场需求与应用特征而自主研发的产品,能很好地满足包装生产线和物流自动化行业对于物料码垛、拆垛及装箱等搬运工作要求。该产品具有高达320kg的承载能力,  相似文献   

In this work, we studied the embryology of mice of 12, 14, and 18 days of gestation by gross observation, light microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. Grossly, the embryos of 12 days were observed in C‐shaped region of the brain, eye pigmentation of the retina, first, second, and third pharyngeal arches gill pit nasal region on the fourth ventricle brain, cervical curvature, heart, liver, limb bud thoracic, spinal cord, tail, umbilical cord, and place of the mesonephric ridge. Microscopically, the liver, cardiovascular system and spinal cord were observed. In the embryo of 14 days, we observed structures that make up the liver and heart. At 18 days of gestation fetuses, it was noted the presence of eyes, mouth, and nose in the cephalic region, chest and pelvic region with the presence of well‐developed limbs, umbilical cord, and placenta. Scanning electron microscopy in 18 days of gestation fetuses evidenced head, eyes closed eyelids, nose, vibrissae, forelimb, heart, lung, kidney, liver, small bowel, diaphragm, and part of the spine. The results obtained in this work describe the internal and external morphology of mice, provided by an integration of techniques and review of the morphological knowledge of the embryonic development of this species, as this animal is of great importance to scientific studies. Microsc. Res. Tech. 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We propose a CAD tool, XPN-FMS, which is primarily based on a unique Petri net (PN) synthesis method, called the knitting technique, developed by the authors. Petri net theory has been applied to specification, validation, performance analysis, control code generation, and simulation for manufacturing systems. The analysis of flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) based on PNs suffers from the complexity problem of reachability analysis (Peterson, 1981). CAD tools are urgently needed. There is no existing CAD tool for FMSs as comprehensive as XPN-FMS, in the sense that the latter integrates the functions of drawing, analysis, reduction (Chao and Wang, 1992; Murata and Koh, 1980), synthesis, property queries, and animation of FMS operations in one software package. Using the X window graphical interface and animation, XPN-FMS makes the modeling and analysis of an FMS visualizable and easy to understand and manipulate. It lets a user draw the factory layout of an FMS on the screen of a monitor using the supplied tools. A corresponding PN model can also be drawn on the monitor screen. XPN-FMS can animate and simulate the overall operating process of the FMS. It is useful for FMS specification, validation, and exploration of different design alternatives, status monitoring, and control. Using XPN-FMS with various inputs and comparing the resulting outputs, the user can determine how to improve efficiency, reduce cost, and pinpoint bottlenecks. For the PN models of FMSs that are decision free, we extend the theory and algorithm of a unique matrix-based method (Chao and Wang, 1993b) to search for subcritical loops (including types A and B) and to support scheduling and dealing with transition periods. XPN-FMS implements this extended method to find the minimum cycle time, critical loop, subcritical loops, next critical loop, and scheduling ranges to avoid the transient period for static scheduling. This is implemented in XPN-FMS for the input sequence control.This project is partially funded by NJIT's Separately Budgeted Research Program. Portions of this article were presented in Chao, Chen, Wang, and Zhou (1992),Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Chicago, Illinois, October 1992. The former name of the first author, which has appeared in some of his earlier publications, was Yuh Yaw.  相似文献   

过去20余年,薄膜润滑、纳米润滑、极端工况摩擦与润滑、生物润滑、绿色润滑、微量润滑等取得了重要进展。最近10余年,超滑、仿生润滑、智能润滑与监测,以及摩擦学测试技术和模拟仿真技术等研究飞速发展。微观研究已经成为润滑研究的主要手段,面向风力发电机、高铁、深空探测、深海探测、大飞机、超高速飞行器、新能源汽车等领域的润滑与密封和绿色近零排放润滑研究已经成为工业界关注的焦点。超滑作为润滑领域的新型颠覆性技术,逐步显示出其在工业生产和人类日常生活中的应用优势与勃勃发展生机。生物润滑包括人类器官中的摩擦与润滑和仿生学研究,在人类健康生活方面展示出重要作用。极端环境(高温、超低温、真空、高压等)摩擦与润滑,在卫星、火箭、舰艇、核电站及其他国防设施上用途广泛。而智能润滑等新兴领域发展,也将智能化应用到润滑领域,为设备的智能运行和制造提供了新的思路。在此,对润滑领域几个重要发展方向,如超滑、薄膜润滑、纳米润滑、极端工况摩擦与润滑、智能润滑、生物仿生学、绿色摩擦与润滑,以及摩擦学测试方法等方面进行回顾,介绍了国内外同行最新研究进展,并对未来进行了展望。  相似文献   

微气泡因具有比表面积小和稳定性好等特点被广泛应用于污水处理和矿物浮选等领域。为了高效获得稳定的微气泡,利用COMSOL软件研究了聚焦型微通道中气、液相流速、表面张力、液相黏度和壁面润湿性对气泡生成的影响。结果表明:当气相流速增加时,气相克服表面张力的能力增强,气泡的脱离尺寸和频率增大,脱离时间减小;液相流速增加时作用在微气泡上的惯性力和剪切力增大,气泡脱离时间和脱离尺寸均减小;表面张力增大时气泡脱离时间和脱离尺寸增大,脱离频率减小;液相黏度增大时,作用于气泡的黏性力随之增大,气泡的脱离时间和脱离直径均随之减小,脱离频率增大;接触角从40°增大到180°,气泡的脱离尺寸和脱离时间整体先增大后减小,脱离频率先减小后增大。  相似文献   

A grease has two major constituents, namely, a lubricant, that performs the function of lubrication; and a gellant, that provides a solid continuous phase, occludes the lubricant, and gives apparent physical structure to the grease. Generally, the gellant is 5–30% and the lubricant 65–90%, additives and fillers making up the rest. In conventional greases, the gellant is a vegetable oil soap, and the lubricant is a liquid oil of petroleum origin or is a synthetic. Such greases have limited biodegradability, because the major constituent, i.e., the lubricant, is normally not biodegradable. In total vegetable oil grease, both the gellant and the lubricant are derived from vegetable oils, giving a grease of potentially high eco‐compatibility. Esters, dibasic acid esters, and alkylated esters of vegetable oil are known to be high‐quality lubricants. These can be used with soap stocks prepared from vegetable oils to give a grease of total vegetable oil origin. The vegetable‐oil based lubricants and soaps are prepared separately and combined in appropriate proportions to give a grease of the required specifications. Alternatively, esterification and saponification can be carried out simultaneously to give a grease of the desired specifications, where an alkali will be the catalyst for esterification, and reactant for saponification. In this paper, the process parameters, and kinetics of these simultaneous reactions are discussed. The results of experimental evaluation of some of these greases are also presented.  相似文献   

变频调速系统中电机轴电流问题综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高效与节能被日益关注的今天,交流调速技术得到迅速发展,变频器在感应电动机和双馈感应发电机中得到广泛应用,这使得轴承容易产生过电流,从而对电机可靠性造成影响。文中分析了感应电动机和双馈发电机中轴电流产生的原因和影响,讨论了轴承的一般电气性能,并提出了对轴电流的预防措施。  相似文献   

无人直升机在作战、巡逻、反潜、救援、运输中发挥极其重要的作用,但是传统起落架形式对起降环境要求较高。针对复杂地形自适应起落、恶劣海况舰面起降和停放以及应急坠撞高生存力等问题,提出了一种基于多连杆机构设计的无人直升机仿生腿式起落架系统,并完成了控制算法研究和建模仿真。首先从仿生腿数量、分布形式、腿部自由度配置和需要完成的功能等方面对仿生腿式起落架机械构型进行分析,并完成了六足式起落架运动学和动力学分析。然后针对仿生腿式起落架自适应着陆过程,完成着陆缓冲和地形建模算法的研究。最后,基于控制算法搭建虚拟样机仿真模型,完成了多种地形的仿真分析和样机测试。研究结果表明,所设计的仿生腿式起落架结构和控制算法可完成动态自适应着陆,实现着陆过程的平稳缓冲。  相似文献   

提出一种弱耦合2RRPaR+PPaP三平移操作机器人机构,分析了机构的自由度及拓扑结构特征;推导了机构的正逆解方程以及速度、加速度模型,根据速度雅可比矩阵,分析了机构的奇异位置;根据机构的逆解方程和主要约束,采用三维极坐标边界搜索法绘制了机构的工作空间三维实体图和截面图;由ADAMS三维模型仿真和运动正解方程计算所得的位移、速度、加速度曲线基本一致,验证了运动方程的正确性。该机构解耦性好、结构简单、运动灵活,在纵向移动方向上具有部分解耦和工作空间大的优点,适合用作生产线自动操作手机构。  相似文献   

随着人口预期寿命的增长和生育率的下降,人口老龄化问题日益严重。目前养老模式难以满足养老需求,养老机器人的使用逐渐进入人们的视野,成为当前研究和产业发展的热点。针对这一需求,对现有的服务机器人及相关技术,包括移动机构、执行机构、结构、识别技术、人机交互技术、定位与场景技术、协同技术和控制技术等,进行了综述。在此基础上,针对发展养老服务机器人存在的问题,提出了四方面建议,即要用功能系统分析方法等深入研究养老服务的各种需求,并给出了部分需求;要在性价比和标准化及系列化方面加大研究力度;要开展多养老服务机器人的协作研究,并提出了一种分层式多养老服务机器人系统组织结构和动态任务规划流程;要在这一领域引入新的动力学与控制理论和方法,如U-K理论和模糊理论等。  相似文献   

Correlative microscopy has become increasingly important for the analysis of the structure, function, and dynamics of cells. This is largely due to the result of recent advances in light-, probe-, laser- and various electron microscopy techniques that facilitate three-dimensional studies. Furthermore, the improved understanding in the past decade of imaging cell compartments in the third dimension has resulted largely from the availability of powerful computers, fast high-resolution CCD cameras, specifically developed imaging analysis software, and various probes designed for labeling living and or fixed cells. In this paper, we review different correlative high-resolution imaging methodologies and how these microscopy techniques facilitated the accumulation of new insights in the morpho-functional and structural organization of the hepatic sieve. Various aspects of hepatic endothelial fenestrae regarding their structure, origin, dynamics, and formation will be explored throughout this paper by comparing the results of confocal laser scanning-, correlative fluorescence and scanning electron-, atomic force-, and whole-mount electron microscopy. Furthermore, the recent advances of vitrifying cells with the vitrobot in combination with the glove box for the preparation of cells for cryo-electron microscopic investigation will be discussed. Finally, the first transmission electron tomography data of the liver sieve in three-dimensions are presented. The obtained data unambiguously show the involvement of special domains in the de novo formation and disappearance of hepatic fenestrae, and focuses future research into the (supra)molecular structure of the fenestrae-forming center, defenestration center and fenestrae-, and sieve plate cytoskeleton ring by using advanced cryo-electron tomography.  相似文献   

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