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以铜-水重力热管为研究对象,基于流体体积模型,对在不同管径和不同蒸发段壁温下的热管流型进行数值模拟研究。研究结果表明:随着管径增大,蒸发段截面含气率降低,重力热管内较难聚合大气泡,流型以泡状流为主;随着蒸发段壁温升高,泡状流聚合成弹状流的位置前移,且弹状流沿管程方向更易聚合为块状流;蒸发段截面含气率沿管程方向总体呈递增趋势;相对于蒸发段壁温,管径对气液两相流的流型影响更为明显。  相似文献   

基于经验模态分解和BP神经网络的油气两相流流型辨识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于经验模态分解(empidcal mode decomposition,EMD)BP神经网络,提出了油气两相流流型辨识的新方法。应用EMD将差压信号分解成不同频率尺度上的单组分之和,并提取组分的归一化能量作为流型辨识特征量。BP神经网络以这些能量特征量为输入对油气两相流不同流型(包括泡状流、塞状流、层状流、弹状流和环状流)进行分类。实验结果表明,本文提出的流型辨识方法是有效的,其中泡状流、塞状流、层状流、弹状流和环状流的辨识精度分别为100%、89.4%,93.3%、96.3%和96.9%。  相似文献   

依据Mandhane图中环状流转变阈值,利用MATLAB软件将选取的阈值与已有的无量纲准则数进行关联,拟合得到油气润滑工况下新的间歇流-环状流转变的无量纲准则式;借助Fluent软件仿真验证该准则式的合理性,并通过仿真得到油气润滑中分层流-环状流、间歇流-环状流的流型转变图。研究结果表明,两相流流型仿真图中气液相分布规律与文献中对流型的描述一致,压降分布规律也基本符合已有的结论;由于管径小的原因,新的流型图转变曲线位置较Mandhane图环状流部分偏下,但曲线走势基本相同,故该流型图可以作为研究油气润滑环状流流型转变的依据。  相似文献   

脉动热管实验台的搭建及可视化实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐荣吉  王瑞祥  丛伟  吴业正 《流体机械》2007,35(6):59-61,49
介绍了脉动热管可视化实验台的搭建,通过此实验台可以定量研究工质种类、充注量、管道特性、倾斜角度、加热功率、冷却能力等参数对脉动热管传热性能的影响,并能实现整个管道工质流型变化的可视化,通过可视化实验观察到,脉动热管从启动到稳定运行的过程,工质的流型会经历泡状流、弹状流、塞状流到搅拌流的变化.  相似文献   

针对多通路并联回路板式脉动热管搭建试验台,选用无水乙醇作为工质,在不同的充液率、倾斜角度和加热功率情况下,观测工质的流型以及流动方式的变化,分析脉动热管的启动特性。结果表明,工质的流型为泡状流,汽液塞间隔分布的塞状流,塞状流与环状流并存的混合流,整个通道中不存在完全是环状流的流型;充液率为10%时,工质主要分布在脉动热管的中间部位,充液率为35%~85%,工质分布的均匀性增强;运行过程中工质以塞状流(靠近冷凝端)和环状流(靠近加热端)并存的混合流形式存在,随着加热功率的增加,环状流的平衡位置逐渐向冷凝端移动;启动方式为温度渐进式,启动时间随着加热功率的升高而缩短,倾角的减少而增加,在竖直状态下,脉动热管能够较快启动,正常启动范围为60°~90°,倾角为45°和30°时不能稳定启动。  相似文献   

为了有效识别气液两相流的流型,以水和空气为实验介质,以涡街流量计为元件诱发钝体绕流,通过管壁差压法获取气液两相流钝体绕流的尾迹波动信号,采用集总经验模态分解对信号进行分解,通过Hilbert变换得到Hilbert边际谱,利用最大互相关系数法对固有模态函数进行筛选,选取特征固有模态函数能量比分别与体积含气率、两相雷诺数构建流型图。结果表明,构建的两类新流型图对单相水、泡状流、塞状流、弹状流等典型流型的识别率分别可达91.67%和88.89%,能较好地满足工程实际应用的需求。  相似文献   

建立了油气润滑系统中内径为6 mm的水平管模型,利用FLUENT仿真软件对管内油气两相环状流进行了数值模拟,研究分析了油液速度、气体速度对环状流质量的影响。结果表明,气体速度是影响环状流质量的主要因素,在油量一定时气体速度为60 m/s~80 m/s时形成的环状流品质较好。  相似文献   

油气润滑气液两相环状流流动特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立油气润滑气液两相环状流的数学模型,通过Fluent仿真,研究水平管内环状流的形成机制以及油气流速对其影响趋势。结果表明:气液两相流型随气相速度的变化,从分层流向环状流和雾状流转变,其中分层流向环状流的转变是附壁效应和气相涡旋流动的结果,环状流向雾状流的转变是气相撕裂油相形成细小油滴,并均匀混合的结果;在一定范围内最短进口长度和气速成正比关系。  相似文献   

傅春  谭超  董峰 《仪器仪表学报》2015,36(5):1138-1146
针对传统功率谱熵只能刻画总体系统结构复杂性问题,提出既能从宏观角度又能从微观角度反映系统结构复杂性的多频带谱熵的分析方法。分析几种典型信号的多频带谱熵特征,验证多频带谱熵方法的可行性及抗干扰能力;利用环形电导传感器阵列获取动态实验测试数据,计算水平气液两相流波状流、塞状流和弹状流含水率波动的多频带谱熵值,分析3种流型结构复杂性随频带因子变化的演变规律。实验结果表明:波状流的多频带谱熵最低,弹状流多频带谱熵值最高;塞状流的多频带谱熵居于波状流与弹状流之间。3种流型在分析频率为0~8.3 Hz时,呈现近似线性变化的结构复杂性特征以及较强的流型区分度,可以作为流型识别的准则。  相似文献   

油水两相流广泛存在于石油开采、储运、化工、能源等工业领域。含水率是油水两相流系统的重要参数之一,含水率的准确测量不仅与采用的测量方法有关,而且还与计算模型有很大关系。结合电导式测量方法建立了电阻-电容并联网络含水率计算模型,并在3种流型下与Maxwell含水率模型进行了仿真和实验对比。结果表明,建立的并联电阻-电容网络含水率模型,在泡状流下与Maxwell含水率计算模型的误差基本相同,而在环状流、分层流下,测试误差均小于Maxwell含水率计算模型的误差,具有更高的测试精度,可适用于环状流、分层流、泡状流等流型。  相似文献   

单回路闭式脉动热管内流型的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
对一个单回路闭式脉动热管进行了实验研究.该热管由铜管及玻璃管(内直径均为2mm)合制而成.两端的U形弯头是由细铜管弯曲而成,一端通电加热,另一端通水冷却.中间为两根直的平行玻璃管,采用酒精为工质.本实验目的是,揭示脉动热管内部所存在的复杂的气液两相现象,更好地理解其运行特性.实验表明流型及重力等对单回路系统的热力性能有着重要的影响.  相似文献   

微通道中液氮的流动沸腾——两相流动压降分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对液氮在直径为0.531 mm,加热长度为250mm的圆管中的流动沸腾压降和传热特性进行研究.作为第一部分,主要对微通道中液氮的两相流动压降进行试验研究与分析.结果表明:在核态沸腾起始时,质量流量迅速降低,而压降突然增大,并伴随着明显的温度滞后,幅度约为4.0~5.0 K.由于压降很大,在微通道内液氮的两相流动中会出现闪蒸,从而对质量干度产生重要影响.最后,利用均相模型和三个两相流动模型(L-M模型,Chisholm B系数模型和Friedel模型)对微通道沿程压降进行分析和比较.不同于常规通道的是,均相模型可以很好地预测压降试验结果,而三个两相流动模型的预测偏差较大,这是由于在微小通道中的高速流动情况下,汽相和液相混合比较均匀;同时液氮的液汽密度比很小,这也有利于均相模型的预测.  相似文献   

The present study investigated two-phase flow distribution and phase separation of R 22 refrigerant through various types of branch tubes. The key experimental parameters were the orientation of inlet and branch tubes (horizontal and vertical), diameter ratio of branch tube to inlet tube (1 and 0.61), mass flux (200-500 kg/m2s), and inlet quality (0.1-0.4). The predicted local pressure profile in the tube with junction was compared and generally agreed with the measured data. The local pressure profile within the pressure recovery region after the junction has to be carefully investigated for modeling the pressure drop through the branch. The equal flow distribution case can be found by adjusting the orientation of the inlet and branch tubes and the diameter ratio of the branch tube to the inlet tube. The T-junction with horizontal inlet and branch tubes showed the nearly equal phase distribution ratio. The quality at the branch tube varied from 0 to 1 us the orientation of the branch tube changed, while it varied within ±50% as the orientation of the inlet tube changed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to present flow and pressure drop characteristics of R22 in adiabatic capillary tubes of inner diameters of 1.2 to 2.0 mm, and tube lengths of 500 to 2000 mm. Distributions of temperature and pressure along capillary tubes and the refrigerant flow rates through the tubes were measured for several condensing temperatures and various degrees of subcooling at the capillary tube inlet. Condensing temperatures of R22 were selected as 40, 45, and 50°C at the capillary tube inlet, and the degree of subcooling was adjusted to 1 to 18°C. Experimental results including mass flow rates and pressure drops of R22 in capillary tubes were provided. A new correlation based on Buckingham π theorem to predict the mass flow rate through the capillary tube was presented considering major parameters which affect the flow and pressure drop characteristics.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种梭式流量计,用于测量井下或其它地下管道中的工质流量。流量计的外形象一把梭子,与被测管道内壁之间所形成的狭小通道构成了一种节流装置。通过在管内穿梭移动完成不同位置上的流量检测和记录,最后移出管外回放结果。在室内用单相水对这种流量计进行了实验研究。实验管道内径D=30mm,流量计外径d=22.5mm,雷诺数Re=8×103~1×105。实验表明,这种梭式流量计的差压信号灵敏稳定,流量系数值介于标准孔板和文丘利管之间。  相似文献   

郑美玲  王文 《机械工程学报》2011,47(22):140-146
研究水平管降膜蒸发器的管侧物流分配对总换热性能的影响,建立水平管降膜蒸发器水侧流动的湍流数学模型,并借助计算流体力学软件,对额定负荷为600 kW的水平管降膜蒸发器进行水侧速度场及压力场的模拟计算.计算结果表明,水侧的流量分配存在着严重的不均匀,从而产生不均匀的压力场,进而增大干斑的产生比例,恶化了传热.经过计算,流量...  相似文献   

The simultaneous flow of gas, oil, and water forms various flow patterns due to the complex interfacial relationships. Three-phase flow patterns are classified as the gas-liquid and liquid-liquid flow patterns. Pressure drop, void fraction, liquid holdup, and phase distribution are important characteristics of the three-phase flow. These characteristics are generally associated with the three-phase flow patterns. Hence, the knowledge about flow patterns can help to predict the overall behavior of the three-phase flow. Studies have been conducted to identify three-phase flow pattern and their characteristics at various superficial velocities of gas, oil, and water. The major purpose of the studies is to gather information about the three-phase co-current flow and use it for improvement of the efficiency of the flow systems. Therefore, the accuracy of the measurement technique is critical. Several types of flow pattern identification and measurement techniques have been developed to improve accuracy and provide high-quality results. In this article, classical and advanced techniques used for the three-phase flow identification and measurement have been reviewed. The survey will help the researchers working in the area of multiphase flow to choose the right technique based on the objectives of the studies.  相似文献   

水平管气液衰减螺旋流的流型及压降发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气液衰减螺旋流在工业中应用广泛,但是对其中的关键问题,衰减影响下的螺旋流发展运动规律认识不清。通过室内试验研究空气-水两相流在内径25 mm、长4 m的水平管中流型和压降沿流向的变化规律。通过可视化试验获得叶片式起旋器下游不同位置处的螺旋流流型,测量下游沿流向不同区间的压降波动信号。试验发现,在离心力作用下,螺旋流中气液相界面发生重构,形成螺旋流中特有流型。但是由于离心力的衰减,导致螺旋流流型不断变化,逐渐转变成非旋流流型。流动压降沿流向逐渐降低,最终趋于非旋流压降;不同螺旋流流型的维持距离不同,同时也受来流气液相雷诺数的影响。基于流型及压降分析,获得起旋器下游不同位置处的螺旋流流型图。  相似文献   

The flow field inside a whirling annular seal has been measured using a 3-D Laser Doppler Anemometer (LDA) system. The seal investigated has a clearance of 1.27 mm, a length of 37.3 mm and is mounted on a drive shaft with a 50 percent eccentricity ratio. This results in the rotor whirling at the same speed as the shaft rotation (whirl ratio = 1.0). The seal is operated at a Reynolds number of 12000 and a Taylor number of 6300 (3600 rpm). The 3-D LDA system is equipped with a rotary encoding system which is used to produce phase averaged measurements of the entire mean velocity vector field and Reynolds stress tensor field from 0.13 mm upstream to 0.13 mm downstream of the seal. The mean velocity field reveals a highly three-dimensional flow field with large radial velocities near the inlet of the seal as well as a recirculation zone on the rotor surface. The location of maximum mean axial velocity migrates from the pressure side of the rotor at the inlet to the stiction side at the exit. Turbulence production is a maximum near the seal inlet as indicated by the rapid increase of the turbulence kinetic energy (κ). However, turbulence production and dissipation attain equilibrium fairly quickly with K remaining relatively constant over the last half of the seal.  相似文献   

Pitot tubes are commonly used to measure gas flow in ducts. The integration of the velocity profile which allows the calculation of the gas flow is described in several international standards such as ISO 3966 or ISO 10780.The common working principle of Pitot tubes is based on the measurement of the differential pressure between the two different pressure taps. The gas velocity is related to this differential pressure through a flow coefficient depending on the Pitot tube type.In case of stable flow, in a pressurized duct, fluctuations of the in-line pressure, even low, can occur. If the response times of the two pressure lines (static and total) between the Pitot tube head and the differential pressure sensor are not equal, these fluctuations can be seen as fluctuations of the measured differential pressure and then of the calculated velocity.This phenomenon is investigated for different design of Pitot tubes and the difference in behaviour of the two pressure lines is highlighted.  相似文献   

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