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以驰宏锌锗熔锌炉为例,针对10万t/a锌熔铸项目中工频有芯感应熔锌炉(下述简称熔锌炉)使用寿命较短的问题进行技术改造。通过对熔锌炉供电系统的可靠性、感应体主回路电缆选型更新、锌液温度的监控、熔锌炉内隔墙的结构、感应器内衬成型、自动推料机研发及放锌口浇铸溜槽材料选型、生产过程温度控制的平稳性和感应器设备维护周期等,进行一系列的关键技术攻关和技术改造,成功地实现了延长其连续平稳运行周期和使用寿命的目的,保证了熔锌炉连续、可靠、高效和节能运行。  相似文献   

本文介绍我厂利用硼使钢铁表面形成高的硬度、良好的抗蚀性等突出的优点,添加其他活化剂,填充材料复合制成的耐锌蚀涂料。并应用于实际生产中,取得了显著的效果。  相似文献   

在热镀锌行业中,锌液温度是个非常重要的工艺参数,直接关系到成品质量,影响到企业效益。镀锌生产过程具有连续性,影响锌液温度的因素很多,如添加锌锭、加药、工件热镀等过程。传统方式很大程度依靠操作经验,由于锌液本身的热滞后性,实际效果并不是很好,且镀锌现场环境非常恶劣,涉及工艺过程较多,操作人员工作量非常大,因此实现自动化控制对于提高产品质量、改善工人工作环境、增强企业间接竞争力等具有现实意义。  相似文献   

为了研究飞机叶片的激光熔覆修复技术,以飞机叶片(LY11CZ)为基材,以铝钇铌合金为熔覆材料,研究了单道熔覆层微观组织形貌和耐腐蚀性能。结果表明:Al-Y-Nb合金可以作为激光熔覆修复飞机叶片(LY11CZ)的参考材料;在电流150A、脉宽10ms、频率1Hz时,可以得到组织细密,与基体呈良好冶金结合且无明显微观裂纹的熔覆层;熔覆层耐腐蚀性能较好。在酸性盐溶液中的腐蚀形式主要是点蚀和缝隙腐蚀,没有发现明显的晶间腐蚀。熔覆层中存在的气孔及微观裂纹对其耐腐蚀性有不良影响,微观气孔及其周围的微观裂纹是萌生缝隙腐蚀的最主要的原因。  相似文献   

连续热镀锌生产过程中,锌液的表面会出现大量浮渣,如不及时清除,可能会粘附在热镀锌板表面,导致表面缺陷。渣体的产生与锌液物理场密切相关,同时除渣环节会引起物理场的变化,因此有必要对锌液物理场开展系统性研究。通过构建锌锅及锌液的几何模型,采用标准k-ε双方程湍流模型,获得流域内物理场(速度、温度、浓度场)分布规律,确定漩涡分布特性,以及除渣动作过程中各物理量随时间变化的规律。通过理论计算,可以有效预测锌锅内锌渣的分布规律以及除渣作业危险区,为除渣机器人的设计提供重要理论依据,确保镀锌层质量,提高除渣效率。  相似文献   

套管一旦发生点蚀,其表面可能出现孔洞,甚至穿孔现象,这严重削弱了套管的剩余强度,对井场的生产和安全构成了重大威胁。为了评估点蚀后套管的抗外挤强度,提出了一种模拟现场工况对套管抗外挤强度进行分析的方法。首先模拟现场工况下压力和温度条件,严格配比井下腐蚀液体作为介质对套管全尺寸试样和挂片样件进行腐蚀;然后对腐蚀后套管进行抗外挤试验,测量出其被挤毁时的失效压力;接着观察腐蚀后挂片的表面点蚀规律,并计算和测出其平均腐蚀速率、最大点蚀深度和点蚀密度,为有限元分析提供数据支撑;最后使用ABAQUS对不同条件下套管的抗外挤强度进行分析。结果表明:在一定温度和压力范围内,温度和压力越高,套管失效压力越高;平均腐蚀速率、最大点蚀深度和点蚀密度随温度和压力升高而增大,其中平均腐蚀速率增长率为112.5%,增长最为显著;套管的抗外挤强度随腐蚀时间增长而降低;点蚀密度会影响套管的应力分布情况和承载能力。  相似文献   

通过对大亚湾某核电机组循环水泵泵轴选型材料的耐腐蚀和耐点蚀性能分析,发现泵轴材料自身耐腐蚀和耐点蚀性能较低。对泵轴表面附着物成分化验分析,发现其含有点蚀敏感离子氯离子,锁定泵轴点蚀的原因。通过对泵轴设计装配结构分析,找到含氯离子介质进入泵轴缝隙的途径。根据泵轴腐蚀原因制定了泵轴修复和防腐措施,恢复泵轴正常可用,并避免泵轴后续继续腐蚀。  相似文献   

高模数纳米SiO2型无机富锌防锈涂料用树脂已在国内开发成功,用该树脂生产的无机富锌涂料在我国南海采油平台上5年多的实际应用证明,该无机富锌涂料质量达到进口同类产品水平,特别是耐盐雾性高达10000h,可与国际顶级的美国太空总署产品媲美。  相似文献   

海洋装备表面材料破坏的主要原因是冲蚀、空蚀和腐蚀及其交互作用,而量化其表面磨损程度对海洋装备材料和结构的设计具有重要意义。冲蚀、空蚀和腐蚀交互磨损试验台是研究海洋装备表面材料破坏的有效工具。通过流场数值对比分析,在研究冲蚀和空蚀交互作用的基础上,优化设计了冲蚀、空蚀和电化学腐蚀交互磨损综合试验台,完成了人造海水中,不同材料的舰船工作表面受到高速流体冲击产生的冲蚀、空蚀和电化学腐蚀交互磨损试验。结果表明:同一种金属材料冲蚀、空蚀和电化学腐蚀交互作用的失重量大于冲蚀、空蚀和自然腐蚀交互作用的失重量,高强度塑性金属材料的腐蚀磨损较为严重,其三者交互作用的磨损程度大于低强度塑性金属材料。  相似文献   

陈宝珍 《压力容器》2005,22(1):48-48
武汉现代工业技术研究院经过多年科技攻关成功开发出高模数纳米SiO2型无机富锌防锈涂料用树脂,用该树脂生产的无机富锌涂料在我国南海采油平台上五年多的实际应用证明,该无机富锌涂料质量达到进口同类产品水平,特别是耐盐雾性高达10000小时,可与国际顶级的美国太空总署产品相媲美。  相似文献   

Severe wear of sink roll supports in continuous galvanizing lines has been a cause for concern for some years. This wear, which affects the quality of the coating and downtime costs, is a result of a corrosive environment and highly loaded surface contact.

This paper presents results from a feasibility study to use journal bearings lubricated with molten zinc to separate the interacting surfaces. Analytical and experimental investigations were aimed at identifying the load capacity of sink roll bearings when operating in the hydrodynamic regime, as well as the effect of the molten zinc bath environment on bearing performance. This environment includes chemical zinc attack and the presence of inter-metallic particles in the bath.

The study indicates that it is difficult to achieve hydrodynamic bearing operation for the entire range of operating conditions. It also shows that, when selecting materials for journal bearings support to the rotating elements submerged in molten zinc baths, possible contact of the bearing surfaces as well as chemical inertness and resistance to the hard intermetallic particles do need to be addressed.  相似文献   

Reactive wetting plays a crucial role in many technical processes, from soldering in microelectronics, production of metal/ceramic composites, to hot dip galvanizing in mass production of zinc coated steel sheet. In all these cases the wetting behavior of metal melts on different surfaces plays a crucial role in material joining and coating. In all these processes the formation of the interfacial reaction layer has to occur within as short a time as possible in order to ensure a fast overall production speed. As the interfacial layer determines the stability of the formed composites, detailed knowledge of its growth mechanisms is required for a directed process optimization. However, the investigation of the processes occurring at the buried interface between substrate and wetting phase is difficult, especially for the case of liquid metal wetting metallic or ceramic solid substrates at high temperatures. Here, a novel advanced technique for the investigation of high temperature wetting processes up to a temperature of 1100 K is presented. It is based on the sessile drop technique but, in addition, allows spinning off the droplet at any chosen wetting time, thus providing direct access to the interfacial reaction layer. Since the experimental setup is integrated into a UHV compatible reaction chamber, not only excellent control of the composition of the atmosphere is ensured, but also direct transfer to surface analytical tools such as scanning electron microscope or electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis without intermediate exposure to air is realized. As will be shown for the case of hot dip galvanising of steel, this is an outstanding advance compared to existing methods.  相似文献   

实验研究MCPT-4型金属陶瓷材料在BaCl 2熔盐中的腐蚀行为,并对现场使用后的金属陶瓷保护管取样分析。结果表明,MCPT-4型金属陶瓷在高温盐浴炉中应用是成功的,它是耐BaCl 2熔盐腐蚀的较好材料。在BaCl 2熔盐中蚀损的主要原因是钼的电化学腐蚀,基腐蚀速度随钼含量的增加而加快。在金属陶瓷中添加Cr 2O 3可提高抗腐蚀性能。本文研究结果可为金属陶瓷保护管的研制及现场合理使用提供依据。  相似文献   

宝钢18003#CGL热镀锌平整机辊型技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
充分考虑到热镀锌平整机的生产工艺特点,首次以带材出口前张力与轧制压力横向分布都均匀作为目标函数,推导出了一套针对热镀锌平整机的辊型优化设计模型,并将其应用到宝钢1800冷轧3^#CGL热镀锌平整机的辊型设计,不但保证了产品的板形质量,而且锌层的质量也达到了用户的要求,取得了较大的经济效益。  相似文献   

钛合金材料具有比强度高、变形系数小、热强性、低温韧性、抗腐蚀性和较好的焊接性能等优点,其越来越多地被用于制做飞机起落架结构承力件和紧固件等;但由于其导热系数小、弹性模量小、加工性能差、效率低、易烧伤和变形等缺点的存在,也影响其产品的加工及质量。本文结合多型飞机起落架的科研和生产实践,从材料、设备、人员、工艺规程及加工环境等几个方面进行控制,重点完善优化工艺过程,从而提高了加工效率,节约了制造成本,保证了产品质量。  相似文献   

热浸镀55%Al-Zn后钢的拉伸性能和耐蚀性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了热浸镀55%Al-Zn合金镀层钢的室温拉伸性能和耐蚀性能。结果表明:Q235钢板经热浸镀55%Al-Zn合金后的室温屈服强度和抗拉强度均高于Q235钢,而伸长率没有降低。经SEM观察,55%Al-Zn合金镀层钢的拉伸断口由钢基体的韧窝断口和Fe-Al-Zn-Si合金层的穿晶解理断口组成。腐蚀试验结果显示:热浸镀55%Al-Zn合金后钢的耐蚀性在盐雾中是镀锌钢的6倍,在盐水中是镀锌钢的3倍,并同样具有镀锌层对钢基体的电化学保护能力。  相似文献   

张新利 《中国重型装备》2012,(3):11+13-11,13
分析了热镀锌机组沉没辊存在的主要问题,针对这些问题采取了相应的改进措施,提高了设备的使用寿命和工作稳定性,有效解决了锌渣缺陷,进而提高了产品质量和生产效率。  相似文献   

以国内某新建25万t热镀锌家电板机组中的连续退火炉为例,介绍热镀锌方法、退火炉炉型的选择原则、工艺参数、流程和设备配置及连续退火炉的主要技术特点。  相似文献   

Cutting temperature always highly reaches to over 1,000°C during high speed. Diffusion of tool material element may have important influence on tool wear at such high temperature. The advanced ceramic cutting tools have very good wear resistance, high refractoriness, good mechanical strength, and hot hardness. In this paper, the rules of diffusion wear for alumina-based ceramic cutting tools are proposed and analyzed based on thermodynamics theory. Dissolution concentrations in typical normal workpiece materials of ceramic tool materials at different temperatures are then calculated. Diffusion reaction rules in high temperature are developed and analyzed using Gibbs free energy criterion. The machining tests were conducted using the alumina-based composite ceramic tools at different cutting speeds of 10, 150, and 250 m/min, feed of 0.2 and 0.3, and depth of cut of 1, 2, 2.5, and 5 mm, respectively, on PUMA300LM numerically controlled lathe. It was found that the theoretical results were uniform with the experimental data; the results will provide useful references for tool material design and selection.  相似文献   

Electron beam (EB) physical vapour deposited (PVD) thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) have been used in gas turbine engines for a number of years. The primary mode of failure is attributed to oxidation of the bond coat and growth of the thermally grown oxide (TGO), the alumina scale that forms on the bond coat and to which the ceramic top coat adheres. Once the TGO reaches a critical thickness, the TBC tends to spall and expose the underlying substrate to the hot gases. Erosion is commonly accepted as a secondary failure mechanism, which thins the TBC thus reducing its insulation capability and increasing the TGO growth rate. In severe conditions, erosion can completely remove the TBC over time, again resulting in the exposure of the substrate, typically Ni-based superalloys. Since engine efficiency is related to turbine entry temperature (TET), there is a constant driving force to increase this temperature. With this drive for higher TETs comes corrosion problems for the yttria stabilised zirconia (YSZ) ceramic topcoat. YSZ is susceptible to attack from molten calcium–magnesium–alumina–silicates (CMAS) which degrades the YSZ both chemically and micro-structurally. CMAS has a melting point of around 1240 °C and since it is common in atmospheric dust it is easily deposited onto gas turbine blades. If the CMAS then melts and penetrates into the ceramic, the life of the TBC can be significantly reduced. This paper discusses the various failure mechanisms associated with the erosion, corrosion and erosion–corrosion of EB PVD TBCs. The concept of a dimensionless ratio D/d, where D is the contact footprint diameter and d is the column diameter, as a means of determining the erosion mechanism is introduced and discussed for EB PVD TBCs.  相似文献   

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