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活性激光电弧复合焊接法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了进一步提高激光电弧复合焊接的熔深,提出活性激光电弧复合焊接法。在氧气的保护下,用小功率光纤激光在待焊焊件表面进行预熔处理,使表面熔化生成一层氧化层,然后用激光电弧复合焊接覆盖氧化层,达到增加熔深的目的。结果表明,激光预熔后进行激光电弧复合焊接,电弧明显收缩,熔深增加1.5倍左右,表面成形良好。激光预熔后,焊缝含氧量增加,熔池表面张力温度系数由负变正,使得复合焊接熔深增加。研究工艺参数对焊缝熔深和熔宽的影响,随着激光预熔功率的增加,熔深增加熔宽减小;随着电流的增加,熔深熔宽都增加,但激光预熔后的焊道增加更快。随着复合焊接速度的增加,熔深和熔宽都减小。随着复合焊接中激光功率的增加,熔深增加,对熔宽的影响较小。利用活性激光电弧复合焊接法,可以得到较为细小的焊缝组织,提高焊接接头的抗拉强度,能达到母材抗拉强度的95%,且面弯和背弯180°后未出现裂纹,表明接头具有良好的韧性。  相似文献   

采用高速摄像系统观测熔滴过渡模式和等离子体形态的变化,并采集焊接过程中的电弧和熔滴图像,利用电弧分析仪记录电弧信号,通过试验深入研究激光功率对CO2激光-熔化极活性气体保护焊(Metal active gas,MAG)电弧复合焊接的电弧形态、焊接稳定性、熔滴过渡频率的影响。研究表明,焊接电流的增加减小了实际热源间距,并且实际热源间距在2 mm附近效果最佳;带电粒子在主辅导电通道内的运动产生扰动或漂移、焊接模式的跳变和过渡模式的改变是电流、电压波形出现紊乱和尖角波形的主要原因;激光的加入降低了熔滴过渡频率和过渡稳定性;焊接电流为160A、180 A时,激光-电弧复合焊接的熔滴过渡频率均随着激光功率的增加而先减小后增大,但其过渡频率介于160 A和180 A电弧焊接时熔滴过渡频率之间。  相似文献   

通过计算分析了金属对Nd:YAG激光和CO2激光的吸收率;以8.0mm厚高强钢板为试验材料,采用高速摄像系统观测熔滴过渡模式和等离子体形态的变化.建立脉冲MAG焊接熔滴力学模型,从熔滴受力角度分析了不同波长两种激光YAG激光和C02激光在激光—MAG焊接中对熔滴过渡形式和熔滴过渡频率的影响.结果表明,Nd:YAG激光和CO2激光输出特性存在差异,金属表面对YAG激光的吸收率约为CO2激光的3倍多;在焊接电流180A、焊接电压26V、光丝间距3mm的相同条件下,YAG激光—MAG电弧复合焊接熔滴过渡频率高于CO2激光—MAG电弧复合焊接的熔滴过渡频率,且熔滴过渡频率均随着激光功率的增加而降低,但是增加等量的激光功率,YAG激光—MAG电弧复合焊接熔滴过渡频率下降幅度更大;CO2激光—MAG电弧复合焊接过程中,熔滴的过渡形式由射滴过渡转变为颗粒过渡,在YAG激光—MAG电弧复合焊接过程中,熔滴过渡形式主要为射滴过渡.  相似文献   

通过对薄板激光深熔焊接正交实验的设计,初步得到了焊接时不同工艺参数,即焊接速度、离焦量、辅助气体流量与焊缝熔深熔宽的关系,对焊缝质量的进一步研究提供了重要参考价值.  相似文献   

采用常规激光-熔化极惰性气体保护电弧(Metal inert gas,MIG)复合横向焊接铝合金过程中,焊缝表面极易出现咬边和下塌等缺陷,由此开展排布方式对激光-MIG电弧复合横向焊接铝合金焊接特性的影响研究。分析二者的排布方式对熔池特征、熔滴过渡形式以及焊缝成形规律的影响。试验结果表明,异面引导复合焊接方式对焊缝成形有明显改善作用,焊缝表面熔宽减少、中心线偏移和咬边缺陷得到有效抑制。采用同面引导复合方式时,熔滴过渡到匙孔后方,熔池下侧熔融金属大量堆积并产生周期性的波动,导致焊缝结晶组织出现了分层现象;而采用异面引导复合方式时,熔滴过渡到匙孔下方,并且熔滴在熔池中的落点位置与同面引导方式相比要偏上,熔滴过渡频率稍低,此时熔池中熔融金属分布较为均匀,熔池下部堆积金属较少,有效抑制了焊缝的下塌和咬边缺陷。  相似文献   

试验研究Nd:YAG激光 脉冲MAG电弧复合热源焊接过程中焊接参数对焊缝熔深的影响.研究结果表明,复合热源焊缝熔深随电弧功率和激光功率的增大而增大,随焊接速度的增大而减小,并且在相同参数下,复合热源焊缝熔深稍大于激光焊缝熔深而显著大于脉冲MAG焊缝熔深.对于不同焊接电流,光丝间距在0~3 mm内复合热源焊缝取得最大熔深,且取得最大熔深的光丝间距与焊接电流大小有关;复合热源焊缝熔深在离焦量为2 mm时取得最大值.试验结果分析表明,在激光 电弧复合热源焊接过程中激光功率不仅决定复合热源焊缝熔深,而且可以极大地提高焊接速度:MAG电弧也可提高Nd:YAG激光焊的热效率.  相似文献   

超声辅助MIG焊接中超声作用特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
超声辅助熔化极惰性气体保护(Ultrasonic assisted metal inert gas,U-MIG)焊是一种新型熔化极焊接方法,利用外加声场将相应声学效果引入焊接熔池达到改善接头性能的目的。通过试验系统化研究超声对电弧形态、熔滴过渡以及接头宏观形貌的作用规律,主要目标是更好地理解超声在不同焊接条件下的作用特点。对高速摄像采集的电弧数据进行处理,结果发现随电弧电压增加,超声对电弧的压缩效果也逐渐增大;而随送丝速度增加,焊接电流增大,电弧压缩效果减弱。针对熔滴受力特点分析,可以看出超声作用后熔滴会受到一个促进熔滴过渡的附加力作用。在焊接电流为200 A时,该附加力达到最大,约为2.8×10-3 N,继续增大焊接电流,该附加力逐渐降低。对比不同送丝速度时焊缝宏观形貌,结果显示为了获得更高的焊接效率不能无限提高送丝速度,存在一个最佳的参数匹配值。结合平面驻波理论分析,随温度增加,声辐射力逐渐减弱,这在一定程度上也会削弱附加力作用效果。利用熔池薄膜模型探讨电弧、熔滴过渡以及熔池振荡三者之间的关系,超声对电弧形态、熔滴过渡的影响均可改变熔池的振荡特性,这间接表现为接头形貌的改变。通过试验与理论分析,为U-MIG焊接方法进一步发展与应用打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

利用搭建的激光-熔化极惰性气体保护(Metal inert-gas,MIG)双丝复合焊接系统进行焊接试验。在试验中,主要研究激光功率、送丝速度、光丝间距和离焦量等几个主要变量对复合焊接稳定性、电弧特性和熔滴过渡的影响规律。分别选取电弧电压变异系数、电弧偏转角、熔滴过渡方式及过渡频率作为评价参量对稳定性、电弧特性和熔滴过渡进行分析。研究发现,随着激光功率增加,电弧偏转角先减小后增加,在1 000 W附近偏转角最小,焊接过程最稳定。引导丝熔滴始终为粗滴过渡,而跟随丝熔滴为粗滴过渡+少量短路过渡,熔滴过渡频率呈现先增加后下降的趋势。在送丝速度为4 m/min时引导丝和跟随丝的电弧稳定性最好,电弧偏转角先减小后增加最终趋于稳定。在离焦量为–1 mm时,引导丝和跟随丝熔滴过渡频率均达到最大值,分别为8.6Hz和6.3Hz。  相似文献   

龚宏伟  冷晓春 《光学仪器》2014,36(3):243-246
为了研究大功率光纤激光焊在304不锈钢上的焊缝成形,使用5~7kW的激光功率,10~100mm/s的焊接速度在16mm厚的304奥氏体不锈钢上进行全覆盖参数试验。随后观察了焊缝的熔深、熔宽、焊缝形状等成形参数。结果表明,焊接速度低于20mm/s时,焊缝表面会形成隆起,熔深随速度减慢,迅速增加;焊接速度在30~40mm/s时,焊缝表面变得凹凸不平且两边存在咬边,熔深随速度减慢且小幅增加;焊接速度介于50mm/s和90mm/s之间时,焊缝的熔深和熔宽几乎不变;而当速度达到100mm/s时,熔深急剧减小,且钉头形焊缝的形状发生了很大的改变。通过以上试验结果结合小孔效应和熔池特性分析了激光焊缝的成形机理,对大功率光纤激光焊接形成了更全面的认识。  相似文献   

双丝电弧焊是一种满足了焊缝质量、焊接效率的高效焊接方法,得到了广泛的应用.采用数值模拟方法,建立双丝电弧焊热源模型,考虑到熔滴在不同的过渡形式下以不同的动量、热量滴入熔池,建立了熔滴热源、动量模型,对焊接过程中影响熔池流动的驱动力进行加载,并且考虑了熔池边界能量的辐射和对流.对熔滴不同过渡形式下的熔池热场与流场进行模拟分析,熔池的流场和温度场.结果表明:熔滴喷射过渡可以得到更大的熔深和熔宽,以及熔宽比,大的深宽比有利于形成高质量的焊缝,提高焊接质量.细滴粒过渡熔池可以得到更高的焊接温度,熔池长度相对较短,热量较为集中,在熔池深度和宽度方向上金属流动更剧烈,有利于将气体以及杂质带至熔池表面并排出.  相似文献   

高强钢厚板激光-GMAW复合双面同步横焊特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对30 mm厚船用高强钢10Ni5Cr Mo V对接接头横焊应用需求,开展激光-熔化极气体保护电弧(Gas metal arc welding,GMAW)复合双面同步横焊特性研究。研究结果表明,针对横焊位姿因重力、非对称坡口对熔滴、电弧的影响,利用激光对电弧的吸引和收缩作用,通过减小光-丝间距,有效地抑制了电弧侧壁燃弧,熔滴在电磁力和等离子流力的作用下,稳定过渡到熔池中,实现了熔滴过渡稳定性控制,解决了激光-GMAW复合横焊位姿电弧偏离和熔滴下落等过程控制难题与侧壁未熔合问题;厚板激光-GMAW复合双面同步横焊包括打底层和填充层焊接,其中打底层焊接是保证接头焊接质量的关键;采用激光-GMAW复合双面同步横焊新方法,4道焊接完成了30 mm厚船用高强钢10Ni5Cr Mo V横焊位姿的高强、高效连接。焊缝表面成形良好,无裂纹、未焊透和侧壁未熔合等缺陷。接头的抗拉强度高于母材,且其–50℃冲击吸收能量为57.3 J。  相似文献   

高氮钢激光-电弧复合焊接气孔控制方法研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了掌握高氮钢复合焊接气孔控制的有效方法,研究电弧能量、激光能量和振动频率对焊缝气孔的影响。从气孔率方面分析焊缝气孔的产生原因,并从电流和电压波形及熔滴过渡方面分析其对焊接过程稳定性的影响。熔池流动与焊缝气孔具有一定的关联性,并从熔池流动状态方面分析其对气孔的影响。激光匙孔的形成需要一定的阈值能量,匙孔穿透状态对气孔率有直接影响,依据激光匙孔底部受力情况,分析匙孔状态对焊缝气孔率的影响。结果表明:气孔率随电弧能量或激光能量的增加而呈先升后降的变化趋势,电弧能量4 800 J(I=200 A,U=24 V)时,气孔率最低,仅为0.49%;而激光功率为2.8 kW时,气孔率降为最低,仅为0.14%;施加振动后焊缝气孔率均明显减小,气孔率随着振动频率的增加而先降后升。适当的电弧能量或激光能量可有效抑制焊缝内气孔数量,振动频率为35 Hz时抑制气孔效果最好。  相似文献   

Penetration estimation is a prerequisite of the automation of backing welding based on vision sensing technology.However, the arc interference in welding process leads to the di culties of extracting the weld pool characteristic information, which brings great challenges to the penetration estimation. At present, most researches focus on the extraction of weld pool geometry parameters, and the visual sensing systems are complex in structure and complicated in the image processing algorithms. The research of penetration estimation based on weld pool geometry parameters is still in the exploratory stage. The purpose of this paper is to research the relationship between the weld pool geometry parameters and the penetration during backing welding and to estimate penetration using the weld pool geometry parameters. A passive vision sensing test system for gas metal arc(GMA) backing welding was established. An image processing algorithm was developed to extract the weld pool geometry parameters, namely,the area, maximum width and length, half-length, length-width ratio and advancing contact angle(simplified as AWP,MWWP, MLWP, HLWP, LWR and ACA, respectively). The corresponding relationships between the weld pool geometry parameters and the penetration state were explored by analysing their changes with the welding current and speed. The distribution of the weld pool geometry parameters corresponding to penetration was determined. When the AWP of the weld pool is within a certain range and the values of LWR and ACA are close to their maximum and minimum respectively, the penetration is in good condition. A mathematical model with the weld pool geometry parameters as independent variables and the back-bead width(the indicator of the penetration state) as a dependent variable was established based on multivariable linear regression analysis, and relevant statistical tests were carried out. Multivariable linear regression equations for the weld pool geometry parameters and the back-bead width were deduced according to the variations in the current and speed, and the equations can be used to estimate the penetration of backing welding. The study provides a solution to penetration estimation of GMA backing welding based on automatic vision sensing.  相似文献   

LF6 aluminum alloy plates with 4.5 mm thickness are welded in this experiment.Welding is carried out by using the CO2 laser-MIG paraxial hybrid welding in flat position. The experimental results indicate that the inherent droplet transfer cycle time of conventional MIG arc is changed due to the interaction between CO2 laser beam and MIG arc in the short-circuiting mode of laser-MIG hybrid welding. Because of the preheating action of CO2 laser to electrode and base material, the droplet transfer frequency of MIG arc is increased in the hybrid welding process. When laser power is increased to a certain degree, the droplet transfer frequency is decreased due to the effect of laser-induced keyhole. Furthermore, through analyzing the MIG welding current and arc voltage waveforms and the characteristics of droplet transfer in the hybrid welding process, the effect of laser energy and the action point between laser beam and arc on the frequency of droplet transfer and weld appearance is investigated in details.  相似文献   

Through sampling and analyzing of plasma optic signals of 400-600 nm emitted from partial-penetration laser welding processes, how the penetration depth is related to the welding parameter and the plasma optic signal is studied. Under the experimental conditions, the plasma optic signal has good response to variety of the weld penetration, and the signal's RMS value increases with the penetration in a quadratic curve mode. The inherent relation between the plasma optic signal and the penetration depth is also analyzed. It is also found that, between the two common parameters of laser power and welding speed, laser power has more influence on penetration while welding speed has more influence on weld width. The research results provide theoretic and practical bases for penetration real-time monitoring or predicting in partial-penetration laser welding.  相似文献   

Welding polarity has influence on welding stability to some extent, but the specific relationship between welding polarity and weld quality has not been found, especially under the hyperbaric environment. Based on a hyperbaric dry welding experiment system, gas metal arc welding(GMAW) experiments with direct current electrode positive(DCEP) and direct current electrode negative(DCEN) operations are carried out under the ambient pressures of 0.1 MPa, 0.4 MPa, 0.7 MPa and 1.0 MPa to find the influence rule of different welding polarities on welding spatters and weld bead geometry. The effects of welding polarities on the weld bead geometry such as the reinforcement, the weld width and the penetration are discussed. The experimental results show that the welding spatters gradually grow in quantity and size for GMAW with DCEP, while GMAW with DCEN can produce fewer spatters comparatively with the increase of the ambient pressure. Compared with DCEP, the welding current and arc voltage waveforms for DCEN is more stable and the distribution of welding current probability density for DCEN is more concentrated under the hyperbaric environment. When the ambient pressure is increased from 0.1 MPa to 1.0 MPa, the effects of welding polarities on the reinforcement, the weld width and the penetration are as follows: an increase of 0.8 mm for the weld reinforcement is produced by GMAW with DCEN and 1.3 mm by GMAW with DCEP, a decrease of 7.2 mm for the weld width is produced by DCEN and 6.1 mm by DCEP; and an increase of 3.9 mm for the penetration is produced by DCEN and 1.9 mm by DCEP. The proposed research indicates that the desirable stability in the welding procedure can be achieved by GMAW with DCEN operation under the hyperbaric environment.  相似文献   

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