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多传感器信息融合技术在动态油量计量中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了比较精确地计量原油储罐的动态油量,基于多传感器信息融合技术完成原油储罐油量计量系统的设计方案,建立了在线动态计量油量的数学模型.应用多传感器检测系统数据融合算法,实现原油储罐动态油量的实时计量.现场应用结果表明,提出的原油储罐检测系统方案和动态油量计量模型具有较高的精度和可靠性,能满足生产过程的要求,该方案可用于油田联合站和油库罐区动态油量的计量,并可应用于油田联合站自动化盘库系统.  相似文献   

运用超声波测距原理设计了超声波式飞机燃油油量传感器.该传感器具有体积小、重量轻和精度高等优点,可以准确地、实时地测量飞机各油箱的燃油油量,有助于实现飞机燃油系统的精确测控.  相似文献   

设计了基于LINUX的远程实时监控系统,实现了实验室环境参数的实时监控。使用3种传感器作为底层硬件和数据源头,设计了数据采集器完成数据的采集和转发,搭建云服务器作为数据中心实现人机交互,从而构建了一个智能化的远程实时传感监控应用系统。该系统根据实际需求接入相应的传感器之后便可以对家居和实验室的温度、湿度、可燃气体等参数实时监控,让监控人员不再局限于监控室。  相似文献   

多回路监控系统是一种实时多任务的应用系统,其开发可以在多任务操作系统WINDOWS下进行,也可以在单任务操作系统DOS下进行。因为DOS的单任务特性,其开发实时多任务的多回路监控系统往往有定的难度与技巧。本文结合实践提出了在DOS下开发多回路监控系统的一种方法。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于LabV IEW的光学镀膜宽光谱综合监控系统。阐述了光学镀膜宽光谱监控的原理和高级图像编程语言(LabV IEW)在此系统中的应用;监控系统可以用于光学薄膜在线实时监控和光学薄膜的光谱特性检测。  相似文献   

张中伟  陈富林 《机械制造》2010,48(10):12-14
提出了一种能对柔性制造系统进行监控的基于客户机/服务器模式的网络型监控系统方案。针对开发的桌面型柔性制造系统训练系统的监控要求,提出了监控系统的设计方案,阐述了其体系结构及各部分的功能,并结合为网络信息传输制定的控制命令字,应用Winsock技术进行实用程序的开发。结果表明,该系统可以实时、准确、可靠地对训练系统进行监控管理。  相似文献   

设计了一种基于Web技术的开放式数控设备远程监控系统,介绍了远程监控系统的总体框架和工作原理,并分析了监控系统实现的关键技术,实现了各种异构数控设备开放式的远程监控,改善了传统的监控方式。用户可以通过Web浏览器不仅可以对分布于各地的数控设备等实时监视和控制来自设备数控系统的各种信息,还可以对设备进行远程管理和远程故障诊断,大大提高了生产率和自动化程度。系统具有数据传输可靠、集成度高、应用范围广等特点。  相似文献   

本文设计了基于ST-JK06系列智能监控终端的矿井风机监控系统,文中对监控系统的整体设计、工作原理、应用扩展等三个方面进行了详细介绍。该监控系统通过采集风机的工作电压、电流、频率、功率等电参数可以实现对现场的实时监视,并通过向智能监控终端发送控制指令对风机进行有效控制。  相似文献   

文章主要介绍了针对ADTD型闪电定位仪设计的运行状态实时监控系统,该系统可以将其检测数据和监控信息实时发送到台站的监控处理中心,达到对设备运行状态监控的目的,从而实现对台站闪电定位仪运行状态的实时监控。  相似文献   

简述齿轮箱和变速箱在油量监控方面存在的问题,提出利用传感技术监测箱体内油量,通过液位、温敏传感器来确定静态及行驶时的油量变化情况。论述了传感器的选型、安装及布局等实施过程。实际应用取得良好效果。  相似文献   

It is known that oil well productivity can be correlated with the quantification of the damage to the formation (skin factor) and that oil well stimulation through acidizing treatment may be used to improve the permeability of the well pore and restore oil productivity. Current monitoring systems of the skin factor have focused on acid treatments with a single-phase, in which the determination of skin factor is carried out via simplified models in a closed-form, avoiding the need for a real-time platform. However, the combination of several injected fluids is a common procedure in matrix acidizing treatments, giving rise to the formation of foams and two-phase flow. In this case, the real-time estimation of the skin factor requires robust models whose numerical solution should be synchronized with the dynamics of the matrix acidizing treatment in a real-time platform.This paper presents a real-time virtual monitoring system in the wellbore of an oil field to monitor the evolving skin factor during gelling foam acidizing treatments, in which the estimation of the skin factor is conditioned by real-time constraints. The system performance is evaluated using field data available from the stimulation treatments in oil wells located in southeast Mexico. The output results indicate that the real-time virtual monitoring system can successfully predict the evolution of the skin factor. This information is useful for the control and optimization of matrix acidizing treatment.  相似文献   

采用无线GPRS技术,把各转油站数据传输至监控中心进行实时监控,组建完整、高效、实时、稳定的远程集中监控系统,为油田的生产安全提供保障。  相似文献   

LonWorks现场总线在油罐测量与管理系统中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了提高油库自动化管理水平,采用LonWorks现场总线技术和现有以太网结合,构建油库自动化控制与信息化管理一体化系统.介绍了基于LonWorks 现场总线的油罐测量和管理系统,包括系统网络结构、油罐测量原理、现场总线网络控制节点硬件和软件设计及监控服务器的功能实现.而且在网络控制节点中集成了多种储罐仪表通讯协议,使系统兼容性加强.与传统DCS测控系统相比,该系统具有可靠性高、实时性好、测量精度高、控制性能好、成本低、易于扩展等特点.  相似文献   

海洋石油生产储油轮作为海洋油气开发系统的核心部分,其发电机组控制技术要求可靠性高、抗干扰能力强、实时性好。基于西门子S7-300/400 PLC,提出采用层次化冗余控制结构构建发电机组控制系统:底层控制结构划分为各独立子系统,中间层控制站控制底层子系统协调工作,顶层系统实现人机交互以及系统监控;设计了各层控制系统硬件及软件结构;论述了层之间数据通信实现方式。系统具有开放性、智能性及易维护性等优点。  相似文献   

刘肖  杜鹏程  侯晓宇  杨涛  黄恒 《润滑与密封》2021,46(12):171-176
以核电厂CRF循泵齿轮箱系统为对象,对油液在线监测系统的监测结果及可靠性开展分析。基于工况环境和特点,选择监测指标并设计相应的监测系统进行现场部署。通过对齿轮箱的在用油指标监测,系统分析水分、黏度、温度、污染度及各指标间的相关性,并与离线检测的数据进行对比分析。结果表明:设计的CRF循泵油液在线监测系统能真实反映油液各指标的实时状态,各指标变化趋势符合油液实际规律,与离线检测数据偏差在正常范围内。设计的油液在线监测系统在核电循泵中的应用可靠性高,能以此为依据进行故障预警及诊断。  相似文献   

油液在线监测是设备润滑磨损状态监测技术发展的重要方向,而通信技术在油液在线监测控制系统中有着举足轻重的作用.针对设备润滑磨损监控开发的油液在线监测系统由上位机和下位机组成,采用以太网技术实现上、下位机的通信.上位机实现对被监测润滑油参数的实时显示、趋势分析、数据存储、数据导出、故障报警及诊断等;下位机集磨损、黏度等多种传感器采用PC104实现被监测润滑油数据的采集与处理,并利用嵌入式处理器中的异步通信接口(串口技术)与PC104进行数据交换,从而实现该技术在设备油液在线监测系统中的应用.  相似文献   

针对目前润滑站系统加注过程误差大、效率低等缺点,提出一种基于CAN总线和射频读卡器的多线润滑站控制系统。该系统利用VB编程工具建立PC与射频读卡器串行通信接口,利用组态软件WebAccess对系统进行实时监控、管理、控制。与以往润滑站系统比较,该控制系统经济实用、设计合理、运行可靠,同时可以达到自动加注油和远程监控的目的。  相似文献   

The hydraulic system is the control center of aircraft, the performance of which is critically dependent on the purity of the oil that flows through it. Contamination of hydraulic system oil has been known to be the primary cause of catastrophic failure and accidents. A review of literature in the area of hydraulic oil contamination reveals three facts: (i) there is a dearth of effective methods to prevent intrusion of external contaminants into the hydraulic oil, (ii) there are no effective purification methods for liquid and gaseous contaminants of oil, and (iii) there is an absence of real-time monitoring for major contaminants. This work systematically reviews the hazards, sources, and removal methods of major contaminants, especially of gaseous contaminants. An active method to control oil contamination is proposed instead of the existing passive maintenance techniques that are ridden with problems. In a case study of aviation hydraulic system, our active control system comprises (i) a closed hydraulic circuit and a closed oil tank to prevent the intrusion of external contaminants, (ii) a vacuum centrifuge to efficiently remove contaminants without creating consumption costs, and (iii) monitoring devices installed to actively monitor the contaminant content in oil during operation. The results from the purification experiments and three-dimensional modeling indicate that the active control of hydraulic oil contamination can effectively remove 98.4% solid contaminants and reduce the water content below 50 ppm, and in particular reduce the gas content below 2%. It is obvious that this method can improve the continuous operation capability of aviation hydraulic systems and extend the intermaintenance period of aircrafts by reducing the contaminant content in oil.  相似文献   

While the heavy oil recovery in China is switching from the traditional Cyclic Steam Stimulation to the more innovative Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD), real-time reservoir monitoring system become more and more important for petroleum industries, but tradition electrical systems’ performance on spatial resolution are not good enough. In this paper, we present an optical sensing system based on OTDR and corresponding interpretation, which can obtain the real-time temperature profile and its spatial resolution and temperature resolution is much higher than tradition electrical monitoring system. We utilized this system into the heavy oil recovery in Xinjiang oilfield, the experiment result shows that the position of steam cavity leading edge. This system can provide deep insight into the status of oil recovery process and provide basic data for the following operation.  相似文献   

目前海洋石油正在建设智能油田、数字油田,提升设备管理的数字化和智能化水平。该文针对如外输泵、注水泵等重要性较强的A类关键离心泵,分析常见故障并采用基于振动监测技术实现离心泵在线监测系统,保障了状态数据的实时采集。梳理常见故障的特征情况,建立基于支持向量机优化概率密度函数的智能预警模型,通过数据测试抓取特征参数,嵌入在线监测系统。通过现场应用,可实现对海洋石油离心泵的有效智能预警,提升了海洋石油的关键设备的数字化监测管理水平。  相似文献   

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