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微机电系(Micro Electro Mechanical Systems,MEMS)涉及多个物理域,多物理域的耦合加大了设计建模的难度。多学科设计优化方法(Multidisciplinary Design Optimization,MDO)是专门针对复杂系统的综合设计优化方法,在处理系统间的相互耦合问题上有着技术和方法上的优势。提出将多学科设计优化方法应用于MEMS的多物理域耦合设计,并对相应的多物理域耦合建模方法作出了分析研究。  相似文献   

微机电系统(MEMS)的多物理域耦合的特性使得系统建模仿真极为困难.而利用唯象不可逆热力学的相关概念,能够将复杂的MEMS系统分解为多个子系统,并以统一的热力学共轭变量的方式描述各子系统组件模型.由广义Kirchhoffian网络理论,搭建MEMS系统级模型.基于集总参数方法的等效电路方法就是其中一种合适的组件模型表达方式.使用能量变分法建立机、电系统端口变量之间关系的基本方程,获得机械变量与电域变量的转换矩阵,从而建立等效电路模型.模型易于在电系统仿真器中使用,适合于工作平衡点处的小信号仿真.  相似文献   

为实现MEMS产品的快速设计和性能验证,在借鉴其结构化设计思想即节点分析法的基础上,提出了一种与常规信号流类比不同,适于集成微机电系统快速仿真的等效电路建模思路和方法。首先,对系统及MEMS器件进行功能及结构分解;然后,分别对各基本单元进行节点化建模,并在一定的机电类比规则下将其转换为等效电网络(元件);最后,根据节点变量约束关系,将这些等效网络(元件)逐层重构为器件级和系统级等效电路。结合一类典型MEMS集成系统——梳齿式静电反馈微加速度计的分析实例,对上述方法进行了具体介绍和验证。利用OrCAD等电路仿真器分析、测试了所建立的体现多能域耦合关系的微系统数字化分析原型,结果显示,相对于VHDL-AMS描述法,该模型具有单一域内的更加直观的模型形式和快捷的仿真速度,表明本文提出的方法在复杂MEMS集成系统的分析设计中具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

介绍了MEMS CAD的特点及MEMS与微系统的设计方法,对MEMS CAD系统中的系统级、器件行为级、器件物理级及工艺级等各级仿真器的特点、相互关系及在MEMS CAD中的作用进行了分析,并对MEMS CAD方法、MEMS与微系统的EDA工具进行了综述.  相似文献   

微机电系统测试技术及方法   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5  
微机电系统 (MEMS)测试技术及方法是MEMS设计、仿真、制造及质量控制和评价的关键环节之一,本文对MEMS测试技术及方法所涉及的微机械量、微几何量、微材料特性以及系统综合参数与性能的测试技术及方法进行了讨论。重点介绍了光学及光电检测技术在微机电系统检测中的应用,对计算机微视觉检测技术在微机电系统检测中的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

在微电子机械系统(MEMS)研究和设计中,微系统数值仿真分析是一个重要研究领域.本文对MEMS中多能量场耦合仿真问题的各种数值分析方法进行了综合评述.分析了该领域目前的研究现状并指出了其今后的发展方向.  相似文献   

目前,越来越多的工程应用涉及到在电大尺寸平台上装载不同天线并连接复杂线缆。对于这样的复杂系统,文中主要研究了这些天线、线缆间的耦合问题。利用EMCoS Studio软件的电磁工具、线缆工具以及混合工具,很好地解决了车载平台系统中天线、线缆问题以及它们之间的耦合问题,为系统的电磁兼容提供了有效的解决方案。文中对不同频段的6副天线与3类线缆的不同耦合状况进行了仿真,结果表明,天线间、线缆间以及天线与线缆间在工作频段均不存在干扰。  相似文献   

一种基于多端口组件网络的MEMS系统级建模方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以多端口组件及其网络的研究作为理论基础,创建了专门针对MEMS的系统级建模方法———用单个组件 表示MEMS的各功能结构部件,组件的端口表征与部件有关的各种物理量,依据一定规则联结组件形成的网络表 征整个微系统。该方法采用常微分和代数方程描述组件的行为,混合信号硬件描述语言作为组件及其网络的建模 语言。以梁为例,阐述了如何建立其行为方程,以得到参数化、可供重用的组件模型。上述研究结合微加速度计的 系统级设计应用实例,表明该方法是实现MEMS系统级建模的有效手段,能针对MEMS固有的多能量域耦合行为 等进行快速建模与仿真。  相似文献   

微型机电系统的建模与仿真研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
概述了开展微型机电系统 (MEMS)建模与仿真研究的意义和必要性。提出了MEMS建模与仿真技术的特点 :( 1)多物理场耦合 ;( 2 )材料特性的变化 ;( 3 )依赖快速有效的算法 ;( 4 )原子尺度仿真。分别从器件级仿真、过程仿真和系统级仿真三个层次说明了MEMS仿真的方法。最后结合MEMS建模与仿真技术的发展现状 ,指出了该领域今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

为提高微机电系统(MEMS)中光学系统整体仿真的准确性和效率,解决光学组件系统级建模存在的问题,提出了一种光学组件系统级建模方法,该方法可同时支持与MEMS系统级机械组件和电路组件共同仿真.首先,介绍了多端口组件网络方法、高斯光束特点和空间坐标系变换理论.接着,以微平面镜为例,介绍了光学组件系统级建模方法的流程.最后,采用Verilog-A硬件描述语言建立了包含多个典型光学组件的系统级光学库.使用该库的光学组件在MEMS集成设计工具MEMSGarden中搭建微扫描系统进行了仿真与测试.与商业软件CoventorWare的分析结果相比,提出的建模方法解决了扫描盲区问题,且非差分电压分析的误差小于3%.结果显示,本文提出的建模方法精确有效,对MEMS的系统级设计有参考价值.  相似文献   

应用机械系统动力学仿真分析软件ADAMS,对驾驶模拟器运动平台进行了运动学和动力学仿真研究.建立了6自由度Stewart型运动平台的虚拟样机模型,进行了仿真计算,得出支腿作动器行程和驱动力的变化曲线.仿真结果为运动平台的设计提供了依据.  相似文献   

人工髋关节超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)关节面磨损仍是影响置换关节远期寿命的主要因素,其仿真建模是对关节模拟机磨损测试手段的重要补充,也是实现置换关节临床前性能评估的有效方法。由多向运动产生的交叉剪切效应是影响UHMWPE磨损的主要原因之一,也是仿真建模的关键。现有理论方法将磨损深度确定为滑动距离的函数,并将90°交叉剪切运动条件下的磨损作为度量基准计算不同角度下的交叉剪切效应,但尚未考虑接触应力变量对磨损深度的影响。针对以上问题,提出了在垂直交叉剪切运动条件下将磨损深度表示为摩擦功函数的方法。该方法利用UHMWPE摩擦因数与接触压力的定量关系计算摩擦因数并确定摩擦功,解决了UHMWPE磨损交叉剪切效应中滑动距离与接触应力的耦合问题。基于磨损仿真新模型研究了36 mm直径的交联UHMWPE髋关节,并与已有ProSim模拟机试验结果进行了验证。结果显示该仿真模型可准确计算体积磨损和线性磨损等磨损量以及髋关节载荷方向改变对磨损的影响。磨损新模型为进一步仿真模拟奠定了有效基础。  相似文献   

复杂机电系统的全局耦合建模方法及仿真研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
运用键合图和功率拓扑键合图,建立了一个典型复杂机电系统——高速轧机的全局耦合动力学模型,揭示了各子系统之间的耦合关系,分析了由于耦合导致的影响,借助拓扑约束键及因果线,系统数学模型可由子系统数学模型分立——联合运行求解,大大降低了模型的病态程度和仿真时间;数学模型高度模块化,因而可方便地拆卸、拼装以适用于不同类型的轧机。对研究结果进行对比表明所建立的全局耦合动力学模型比一般孤立系统动力学模型更接近实测数据。方法具有一般意义,可用于其他复杂机电系统的动力学建模和分析。  相似文献   

Positioning systems for machine tools are generally driven by ball screws due to their high stiffness and low sensitivity to external perturbations. However, as modern machine tools increase their velocity and acceleration of positioning, the resonant modes of these systems could be excited degrading the trajectory tracking accuracy. Therefore, a dynamic model including the vibration modes is required for machine design as well as for controller selection and tuning. This work presents a high-frequency dynamic model of a ball screw drive. The analytical formulation follows a comprehensive approach, where the screw is modeled as a continuous subsystem, using Ritz series approximation to obtain an approximate N-degree-of-freedom model. Based on this model, the axial and angular components of each mode function are studied for different transmission ratios to determine the degree of coupling between them. After that, the frequency variation of each mode was studied for different carriage positions and different moving masses. Finally, an analysis of these results applied to controller design and parameter estimation is also presented.  相似文献   

一种新型三自由度虚轴坐标测量机机构的误差建模与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了一种新型三自由度虚轴坐标测量机机构,给出了其运动学正解模型,依据全微分理论,导出测头位置误差与结构参数误差及3个并联驱动杆长度误差之间的相互关系,从而建立起这种新型并联机构的误差模型;然后利用计算机仿真方法,验证了误差模型的准确性,分析了3个并联驱动杆长度变化以及结构参数误差变化对测头位置误差的影响,为该虚轴坐标测量机机构的加工制造及其误差补偿奠定了理论基础,该并联机构还可用于运动模拟器、并联机床等其它并联运动装备.  相似文献   

机床—主轴耦合系统动力学建模与模型修正   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
复杂精密零件的加工对机床装备的性能不断提出新的挑战。为了保证零件加工精度,有必要在设计阶段对机床整机的动态特性进行精确预测和评估。以机床主轴系统为研究对象,介绍一种机床—主轴系统耦合动力学模型,并指出该模型中存在结合面动态特性参数的辨识问题。为了修正该耦合模型,提出一种基于频率响应函数的有限元模型修正技术。采用包含平动自由度(Degree of freedom,DOF),转动DOF以及平动与转动耦合DOF的刚度矩阵来描述结合面的动态特性,通过测量结合面处的动态响应数据,辨识出高速主轴与机床之间结合面的刚度参数,从而达到模型修正的目的。试验结果表明,修正后的机床—主轴耦合模型反映出了机床结构对主轴动态特性的影响,能较好地预测主轴安装到机床上以后的动态特性,从而为高性能机床的数字化设计与制造提供理论依据。  相似文献   

现有热力耦合仿真方法大多基于多种工具间的数据传递,面临数据接口开发、异构网格映射等困难,且求解使用的固定点迭代等耦合算法在求解效率、精度和收敛性等方面存在问题。文中基于开源的多物理场耦合仿真(Multiphysics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment, MOOSE)框架开发了热力耦合仿真应用程序,实现了多场统一建模和全耦合求解。通过与商业软件基准案例对比校核计算程序,证明了程序的正确性,进而成功开展了某相控阵天线的热力耦合计算,表明程序具有应用于复杂电子设备热力耦合仿真的潜力。  相似文献   

Engineering of manufacturing systems is one of the most important aspects within the life cycle of manufacturing systems in terms of cost. Within the engineering process, several engineering activities are executed by different experts commonly using specific tools for the design of the different parts of the system. To reduce engineering costs beneath, two main approaches arise. The first is based on the use of libraries of mechatronical units as reusable artifacts. In this case, manufacturing systems are represented as a hierarchy of mechatronic units. The second option is to achieve the seamless connection of the different engineering tools exploiting a common data exchange format. This latter approach allows avoiding both double engineering and faults within the engineering process. Within this paper, a novel approach combining both options is proposed, and its effects are analyzed through an example. It considers the application of mechatronical units within the engineering process of manufacturing systems as well as a common data exchange format for the logic information required for designing the control system within the engineering of manufacturing systems. The latter provides a data exchange format for the overall engineering process, including not only model information exchange but also its embedding. This paper discusses the benefits of the data exchange format for logic models in detail.  相似文献   

Physiological signal simulators are often used to conduct validation studies of commercially available devices such as oscillometric non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) monitors. Numerous assessment studies have been conducted using simulators to validate commercial NIBP monitors. While there are several simulators commercially available to evaluate oscillometric NIBP devices, currently there are no simulators designed to validate invasive pressure signal devices. A statistical model and simulator for invasive cardiovascular pressure signals such as arterial blood pressure and intracranial pressure are described. The model incorporates the effects of respiration on pressure signals and can be used to generate synthetic signals with time and frequency domain characteristics matching any desired subject population. Additionally, the way that noise and artefacts typically present in real pressure signals should be modelled is described. The proposed statistical model is a useful tool for validation of algorithms designed to process or analyse biomedical pressure signals to estimate parameters of clinical interest such as the cardiac frequency, heart rate variability, respiratory frequency, and pulse pressure variation in the presence of noise. The model can be used to simulate signals in order to validate commercial devices that process and analyse invasive pressure signals.  相似文献   

Lichun Hao 《摩擦学汇刊》2016,59(4):641-654
Thermoelastohydrodynamic lubrication (TEHL) analysis of line or point contacts is usually done by simultaneously and numerically solving the Reynolds equation, the Boussinesq equation of an elastic semi-infinite body, the energy conservation equation, and the load balance equation. Although a number of publications are available in this field, there is still a lack of general-purpose and widely used TEHL software for engineering applications. On the other hand, commercial software for both the solid structure and fluid flow analyses have become easy design tools. To expand the application of the commercial software to TEHL simulation, coupling of structure and fluid analyses is required. This study gives some demonstrations of the 3D finite element method (FEM) simulations of line contact TEHL problems using ANSYS version 13.0. The equilibrium equations of momentum and continuity and the energy conservation equation of lubricating fluids are solved with CFX. The elastic deformation of solids is calculated with the ANSYS Structure module. Through the fluid–solid coupling interfaces, the fluid pressure, solid deformation, and thermal flow are transferred between the fluid and solid domains. The computational fluid domain is enlarged, enclosing the contact zone, in the 3D model. Further, the 3D model can treat the realistic constraint conditions of solid deformation, whereas conventional TEHL analysis uses the assumption of semi-infinite body. The simulation results for pressure, lubricant film thickness, and temperature distributions are compared with the traditional Reynolds approach, and reasonable agreement for pressure and film thickness distributions has been obtained.  相似文献   

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