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为使某离散型制造企业能够制定出合理的生产计划,通过分析现有生产排产存在的问题,提出根据车间各种资源限制和应用需求的生产排产总体流程,设计基于约束满足理论的生产对象关系模型,结合启发式算法,用一种新兴的优化方法——同道工序优选分派排产算法,提高整体设备有效利用率,最后用实际生产数据验证该方法有效性与实用性。  相似文献   

针对FMS计划排产问题,以消除排产制约因素,优化排产,达到产能平衡为目标,建立相关数学模型,研究、设计了基于约束理论的调度算法。通过分析约束理论中的"鼓-缓冲-绳"(DBR)系统思想以及FMS的排产要求,找到系统排产的瓶颈资源,对生产计划进行重新排序,最终达到系统优化排产。并在实际调度问题中,验证了该算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

针对订单驱动的单件小批量生产模式,提出了一种“伸缩式”MRP改进算法,该算法继承了MRP的基本思想,根据物料清单将主生产计划分解成零部件的生产计划和原材料、采购件的采购计划,并在此基础上对MRP算法进行改进,根据交货期,利用“伸缩”提前期倒排和顺排计划,将生产计划排到工序级。经实例证明采用这种MRP算法,增加了车间排产的灵活性,提高了车间排产效率,生产按计划进行,有效地减少了订单拖延的情况。  相似文献   

流程企业智能排产与优化调度技术   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
以石化企业为背景,深入分析了流程企业的生产特点及当前计划排产与优化调度研究的现状,重点阐述了智能排产与优化调度系统的结构模型,提出并解决了基于综合物流和解耦策略的优化排产技术以及基于主动式数据挖掘的渐进调合等关键技术问题,采用Multi-Agent技术实现了原型系统的开发,为流程企业生产的优化提供了新的方法与技术。  相似文献   

单件小批量生产作业计划的倒排产算法研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
提出一种用于单件小批量生产中编制作业计划的算法模型———倒排产算法 ,并建立一套包含此模型的作业计划及调度监控集成系统。在科龙等企业的生产部门进行实施 ,获得良好效果  相似文献   

可重构制造系统(reconfigurable manufacturing system,RMS)在车间层面的核心功能之一为排产管理。排产是车间作业管理的基本问题,通过排产将主生产计划细化和落实,可以提高制造企业的整体生产效率。在遗传算法的基础上对排产基因进行优化改良,加快了迭代速度,使生产线在物理重组的基础上,通过制造执行系统进一步实现逻辑算法的重组,进而快速实现多品种、变批量的生产活动。  相似文献   

数控加工车间的集成生产计划与控制模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张敏  程文明  黄园园 《机械管理开发》2009,24(5):107-109,112
针对传统的数控加工车间的生产计划与控制模式的弊端,构建了一种基于TOC的MRPⅡ生产计划系统和JIT生产控制系统相结合,同时考虑资源约束和订单插入的集成生产计划和控制模式.该模式能以生产需求、JIT拉动与APS模拟排产相结合的方式进行生产计划排产,同时利用车间能力需求计划、看板系统和PDM技术对生产过程实施实时跟踪控制.此模式对数控加工车间的生产效率提高具有重要意义.  相似文献   

本文针对面向订单的企业生产计划这个多目标决策问题,研究了怎样在排产优化中使库存既能发挥调节供需平衡的作用又能尽量减少维护费用的问题。本文对考虑库存费用的多约束排产优化问题进行了描述并且提出了求解该问题的一种分层遗传算法(HGA)。本文详细介绍了此混合算法的原理,并通过通过一实际订单的优化计算及与普通遗传算法得到的结果进行比较,证明了本文提出的HGA对上述条件下排产优化问题的有效性。  相似文献   

基于西门子平台的卷包排产子系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先分析了烟草MES(制造执行系统)的背景、发展趋势及基本功能,接着介绍了当前流行的MES支撑平台--SIMATIC IT(西门子平台)的软件架构和各部分的功能,并提出一种适合于烟草企业卷包排产的规则算法,最后着重论述了基于SIMATIC IT和该排产算法的某烟厂卷包排产子系统,包括子系统的软件结构、基础数据和卷包排产的步骤.为了证明SIMATIC IT的适用性以及排产算法的有效性,列出了卷包排产数据和生产现场反馈数据的对比.  相似文献   

冷轧生产线机组作业计划过程中的投料混合比算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了实现冷轧生产线的均衡生产,提出了机组排产作业计划过程中的投料混合比算法。在该算法中,首先根据各道工序机组的生产能力、产品类型、故障和生产过程中的随机干扰等,计算在生产计划期内依概率平均的最佳缓冲区库存量,该库存量能够使机组实现均衡生产;其次,在现有在制库存条件下,考虑生产机组的生产能力和生产的产品类型,提出了本工序机组负荷平衡的机组排产作业计划在线生成方法;最后,结合上述两种方法,利用程序迭代搜索方式求解,既保证本道工序机组负荷平衡,也保证下道工序最佳库存的优化投料混合比,保证了冷轧生产线均衡生产的可行性。  相似文献   

变压器企业属于单件小批量离散制造业,产品多为定制产品,订单随机性强、不确定因素较多。产品在管理过程中存在产品设计信息的统一和共享困难,项目计划进度无法实现过程控制,无法快速准确的调整计划,在生产制造阶段,经常出现插单,生产计划时常变更,管理人员制订生产计划主观性强,车间计划执行有资源冲突现象。因此,产品研发设计过程和经营管理过程中要适时动态管理,以此提高过程管理的适应性。将项目管理、工作流与生产计划调度结合,提出了基于变压器产品的动态过程管理系统体系架构,并结合变压器企业具体应用,采用JAVA语言和JSP技术开发了动态过程管理系统,增强了企业过程管理的灵活性、准确性。  相似文献   

A Web-based interactive advisor for assembly line balancing   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Assembly line balancing (ALB) aims at distributing those work required to assemble a product in mass or series production among a set of workstations in an assembly line. Heuristics approaches, in corporation with computer simulation, have demonstrated a number of advantages in practice. Recognizing the importance of interactions between production planners and the scheduling system, this paper discusses the design and implementation of a Web-based ALB advisor for scheduling hard disk drive assembly involving multiple criteria. With the assistance of such an ALB advisor, production engineers, who may have difficulties in understanding those sophisticated ALB heuristics, can remotely present and specify their particular ALB problems. Based on the user input, the advisor will compose a schedule based on various heuristic algorithms embedded in its library. The schedule can be manipulated directly via a graphical user interface. The advisor also generates simulation models for the user-specified ALB problems and presents the user with performance evaluation of the suggested ALB solutions.  相似文献   

为满足异地产品协同设计的需求,开发了一个基于企业协同协议,采用并行工程思想的产品异地协同设计系统,介绍了系统的功能、体系结构与主要特色。系统开发的目的是为企业提供全面的异地产品协同设计的支持。  相似文献   

To shorten the product development cycle time and reduce the cost at the same time, which is very critical for the survival of those small and mid-sized one-of-a-kind production (SMOKP) companies, various computer communication, simulation and computer aided engineering and management techniques have been widely used in these SMOKP companies. However, according to our study, the applications of these advanced computer technologies in these SMOKP companies are lack of system integration and synergy, which result in communication errors, reworks, duplications and hence a longer product development lead time and a higher cost. To solve this problem, an inter/intranet based computer aided rapid product development system is presented in this paper. This system consists of a number of inter/intranet based computer models or sub-systems for supporting rapid development of a one-of-a-kind product. It also employs a novel concurrent product development strategy called “prototype based incremental product development strategy” and an integrated product data structure called “product production structure”. Some industrial implementations of the proposed system, product development strategy and product data structure are also reported in the paper.  相似文献   

To shorten the product development cycle time and reduce the cost at the same time, which is very critical for the survival of those small and mid-sized one-of-a-kind production (SMOKP) companies, various computer communication, simulation and computer aided engineering and management techniques have been widely used in these SMOKP companies. However, according to our study, the applications of these advanced computer technologies in these SMOKP companies are lack of system integration and synergy, which result in communication errors, reworks, duplications and hence a longer product development lead time and a higher cost. To solve this problem, an inter/intranet based computer aided rapid product development system is presented in this paper. This system consists of a number of inter/intranet based computer models or subsystems for supporting rapid development of a one-of-a-kind product. It also employs a novel concurrent product development strategy called “prototype based incremental product development strategy” and an integrated product data structure called “product production structure”. Some industrial implementations of the proposed system, product development strategy and product data structure are also reported in the paper.  相似文献   

本文采用工业以太网与工业现场总线相结合的混合网络结构,构建一套覆盖全厂的集检测、控制、优化、调度和管理等功能于一体的综合信息管理系统,形成现场级、监控级和管理级的三级管理模式。有效地解决了计算机与仪表之间以及计算机之间的无缝集成问题,完成了现场生产情况和设备运行状态的实时监管以及远程电、汽、气等能耗数据的计量监测,实现了从计划排产到成品入库全部生产过程的实时监控,为企业的高效管理、控制产品成本、节能降耗与无纸化办公提供了有力手段。  相似文献   

Production planning and scheduling is one of the core functions in manufacturing systems. Furthermore, this task is drawing even more attention in supply chain environments as problems become harder and more complicated. Most of the traditional approaches to production planning and scheduling have adopted a multi-phased, hierarchical and decompositional approach. This traditional approach does not guarantee a feasible production schedule. And even when capacity constraints are satisfied, it may generate an expensive schedule. In order to overcome the limitations of the traditional approach, several previous studies tried to integrate the production planning and scheduling problems. However, these studies also have some limitations, due to their intrinsic characteristics and the method for incorporating the hierarchical product structure into the scheduling model. In this paper we present a new integrated model for production planning and scheduling for multi-item and multi-level production. Unlike previous lot sizing approaches, detailed scheduling constraints and practical planning criteria are incorporated into our model. We present a mathematical formulation, propose a heuristic solution procedure, and demonstrate the performance of our model by comparing the experimental results with those of a traditional approach and optimal solution.  相似文献   

跟单员是客户与公司、公司与生产、生产与客户这个循环关系的连线人,其工作质量的好坏直接影响公司的服务品质和企业形象。在生产性跟单中,原料的采购、工艺流程与技术、生产进度与质量监控、投入与产出,由于企业性质不同,跟单内容和流程也相应变动,各自有所侧重。在小型企业中,生产跟单员身兼数职,既是内勤员,又是生产计划员、协调员、物控员,还可能是采购员。在中型、大型企业,则代表企业的业务部门向生产制造部门催单要货,跟进生产的异常,跟踪出货。根据跟单的对象和核心事物的不同,可分为生产跟单和外贸跟单。本文主要讨论中、大型企业的生产跟单。根据业务进程,此类跟单可以分为前程跟单、中程跟单和全程跟单,本文主要探讨前程跟单中的生产进度跟进。生产进度跟单的基本要求是使生产部门能按订单及时交货,使生产进度与订单交货期相吻合,尽量做到不提前交货,也不延迟交货。  相似文献   

质量统计过程控制技术SPC的应用及实现方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统计过程控制技术SPC在现代企业生产质量管理中起着非常重要的作用。为促进SPC技术在航空产品中、小批生产企业中的应用和推广,本文阐述了SPC技术在质量管理中的应用方法,提出了SPC技术控制应用流程图并重点对SPC技术在计算机系统中的几种实现方法以及SPC软件系统设计与实现的思路进行了论述和研究。  相似文献   

For a manufacturing equipment, any unplanned breakdown during the production period results into a high production loss. To keep the manufacturing facilities in good condition, preventive maintenance is planned. However, because of limited time and availability of resources, not all the system components can be or need to be repaired/replaced during a planned opportunity. Hence, the unplanned breakdowns can also be considered as an opportunity to do the maintenance activities for other components to take the advantage of economic dependency in multi-component system. However, when the system is under maintenance, it is very conservative to take the decision of maintenance actions on the components because of limited available time and resources. For such situation, this paper consider an opportunistic maintenance model for a multi-component system to take maintenance decision with a constraint on available time and the system availability requirements. The maintenance decisions for each component involves one of the three actions namely, repair, replace or do nothing to achieve the target availability with minimum maintenance cost. The model also considers the effect of component failures on the quality of product being manufactured as well as the production schedule on the machine. The cost of rejections is considered in the total failure cost along with the maintenance and downtime costs. The production schedule delay factor is considered as a constraint for the maintenance decision to account for the effect on production schedule delay. The optimal solution for the model is obtained using three solution methodologies namely simulated annealing, genetic algorithm and sequence heuristics. Using a real-life example of high pressure die casting machine, the opportunistic maintenance approach is demonstrated and results are discussed.  相似文献   

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