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基于粘性比例因子的锥形流量计最优锥角选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
锥形流量计的锥角参数是影响锥形流量计性能的重要参数,锥体前锥角和后锥角均有较大的取值范围,这造成供选择的锥角组合无限多。通过实验和传统的CFD仿真优化锥形流量计锥角工作量大,效率低。研究证明了锥角的变化引起的下游取压位置处的压力波动会导致锥形流量计流出系数的改变。根据流体力学本构方程理论定义了评价黏性应力对压力波动影响的黏性应力比例因子k1和k2,并得到结论:任一锥角组合锥形流量计下游取压位置处黏性比例因子k1和k2越大,锥形流量计的压力信号受到的干扰越大,对应的流出系数重复性和线性度误差越差,在低入口雷诺数状态下这种干扰尤为明显。基于黏性比例因子的具有不同锥角组合锥形流量计的性能预测结论是:β值在0.45~0.75的锥形流量计,前锥角为27.5°±2.5°,后锥角为65°±5°时锥形流量计的流出系数重复性和线性度误差好于其他的锥角组合。实验测试DN100口径,β值分别为0.45,0.5和0.65的9个不同锥角组合的锥形流量计,实验结论证明了基于黏性应力比例因子的锥形流量计锥角组合预测的准确性。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探索一种适用于双支撑型V锥流量计仿真工作的湍流模型。以50 mm、100 mm、200 mm口径共计6种样机为研究对象,在常温常压条件下,以水为介质,雷诺数范围为1.0×104~29.9×104,分别采用标准k-ε、RNG k-ε以及SST k-ω3种湍流模型对其流出系数及其线性度误差指标进行仿真预测。为验证仿真准确度,同时开展实流实验研究,将仿真预测结果与实流实验进行对比,结果表明SST k-ω模型对于不同结构的V锥流量计的仿真线性度误差在0.04%~0.32%,与实流实验吻合较好。利用SST k-ω模型预测的流出系数与实验数据的平均误差为6.6%,优于经典的k-ε模型,更适用于双支撑型V锥流量计流场仿真和流出系数的预测。  相似文献   

关键因素对内锥流量计压损的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高对内锥流量计压力损失的认识,获得高准确度的压损计算公式,开展了关键因素对内锥流量计压损影响的实流实验研究。实验介质为常温水,雷诺数范围0.14×105~4.2×105。设计等效直径比分别为0.45、0.55、0.65、0.75、0.85的实验样机一套,从永久压损与相对压损2个角度进行分析。研究表明,一方面等效直径比相同而雷诺数不同时,内锥流量计的永久压损随雷诺数的增大而增大,在对数坐标系下成线性关系;雷诺数相同而等效直径比不同时,永久压损随等效直径比的增大而减小;另一方面,内锥流量计的相对压损与雷诺数无关,与等效直径比相关,随等效直径比的增大而减小。将本研究给出的内锥流量计相对压损计算公式与国外公式预测结果进行了比较,最大偏差为21%;同时,与国外测试的不同流量计相对压损曲线进行了比较,得出本套样机相对压损曲线介于孔板和喷嘴之间,且更靠近孔板的结论。  相似文献   

锥形流量计的锥角参数是影响锥形流量计性能的重要参数,锥体前锥角和后锥角均有较大的取值范围,这造成供选择的锥角组合无限多。通过实验和传统的CFD仿真优化锥形流量计锥角工作量大,效率低。研究证明了锥角的变化引起的下游取压位置处的压力波动会导致锥形流量计流出系数的改变。根据流体力学本构方程理论定义了评价黏性应力对压力波动影响的黏性应力比例因子k1和k2,并得到结论:任一锥角组合锥形流量计下游取压位置处黏性比例因子k1和k2越大,锥形流量计的压力信号受到的干扰越大,对应的流出系数重复性和线性度误差越差,在低入口雷诺数状态下这种干扰尤为明显。基于黏性比例因子的具有不同锥角组合锥形流量计的性能预测结论是:β值在0.45~0.75的锥形流量计,前锥角为27.5°±2.5°,后锥角为65°±5°时锥形流量计的流出系数重复性和线性度误差好于其他的锥角组合。实验测试DN100口径,β值分别为0.45,0.5和0.65的9个不同锥角组合的锥形流量计,实验结论证明了基于黏性应力比例因子的锥形流量计锥角组合预测的准确性。  相似文献   

上游单弯头对内锥流量计性能影响的仿真与实验研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
旨在获取上游安装单个90°弯头条件时内锥流量计所需要的最短直管段长度.将计算流体动力学数值仿真和实流实验有机结合,通过数值仿真揭示速度场与压力的分布信息,预测上游弯头及直管段长度对内锥流量计流出系数的影响规律,并结合实流实验进行验证.仿真和实验的介质均为常温水,雷诺数范围分别为0.498×105~4.98×105和0.14×105~5.1 × 105.实验包含基线实验与弯头实验两种类型,以基线实验为基准,其中节流比分别为0.45/0.65/0.85,利用平均流出系数相对误差及附加不确定度作为安装条件影响的主要评价标准,给出上游单个90°弯头的直管段长度,并与国外研究结论进行了比较.  相似文献   

上游双弯头对内锥流量计性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为提高对内锥流量计安装与使用条件的认识,开展了上游连续两个90°在同一平面成S型结构和互成垂直平面上弯头的数值仿真与实流实验研究.研制了实验样机一套,β值分别为0.45/0.65/0.85.利用平均流出系数相对误差及附加不确定度作为安装条件影响的主要评价标准,研究结果表明:对于β值分别为0.45/0.65/0.85的内锥流量计,在互成垂直面双弯头安装条件下所需最短直管段长度均为1D;在同平面S型双弯头安装条件下所需最短直管段长度分别为1D/1D/2D.  相似文献   

利用常压气体作为流动介质,以流出系数平均相对误差、线性度和不确定度为评价指标,通过实流实验,研究上游组合管件对V锥流量计测量性能的影响。在上游相同阻流件条件下建模仿真,对V锥流量计和孔板流量计的结构进行对比。  相似文献   

文中采用CFD数值模拟的方法对多孔均流式流量计进行仿真研究。首先利用正交试验法确定了其最优结构参数,然后分析了流场的特点,进而比较了管道雷诺数、等效直径比、孔板厚度和不同流体类型对多孔均流式流量计与标准孔板流量计的性能的影响。结果表明,多孔均流式流量计孔板产生的涡流的尺寸更小,也更加均匀,且压损系数小,流出系数更大、更稳定;在湍流状态下,多孔均流式孔板的流出系数与雷诺数和流体基本无关。  相似文献   

V型内锥流量传感器使用灵活性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用数值仿真和实验相结合的研究方法,主要研究V型内锥流量传感器的使用灵活性和安装条件,针对50 mm口径的管道,通过长200 mm的渐扩和渐缩管与100 mm口径等效直径比分别为0.45/0.65/0.85 3种结构类型的样机进行连接,对50mm口径的管道进行常温水流量测量.设计并进行了基线和扩管2类实验,仿真预测结果和实验结论吻合,研究结果表明,在一定的前直管段安装条件下,其流出系数相对误差和附加不确定度满足性能指标要求.研究结果可为V型内锥流量传感器实际安装和使用提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

上下游闸阀对内锥流量计性能影响的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
旨在认识恶劣流场对内锥流量计性能的影响,利用上下游闸阀实现对流场的扰动,设计内径为100 mm的实验样机一台.实验介质为常温水,雷诺数范围0.1×10~5~4.5×10~5.实验分基线实验与闸阀开度实验2种形式,累计65组,上游闸阀开度分别为75%/50%/25%.下游闸阀开度分别为100%/50%,安装形式13种,等效直径比分别为0.45/0.55/0.65/0.75/0.85.提出平均流出系数相对误差、不确定度和附加不确定度作为安装条件恰当与否的主要评价标准.实验结果给出了12种不同安装形式的直管段建议长度,并与国外研究结论进行了比较.等效直径比为0.45/0.55时,前直管段均为3D;等效直径比为0.65/0.75/0.85时前直管段均为5D.  相似文献   

The present study has been carried out to optimize the shape of the cone body by providing a curved surface (the radius of curvature (R)) at the base of the cone element for improving the performance of the V-cone flowmeter using CFD. Radii of curvature of 20 mm (hemispherical, R/d = 0.5), 22 mm (R/d = 0.55) 25 mm (R/d = 0.625) and 27.62 mm (R/d = 0.6905) are taken in order to gradually reduce the arc length keeping the chord length constant. In addition a semi-elliptical based cone with 20 mm semi-major axis and10 mm semi-minor axis has also been investigated in the present study. The centre of the spheres and ellipse lie on the axis either in the frustum or cylindrical part of the cone. The equivalent diameter ratio (β) has been taken as 0.6 while three different fore-vertex angles (φ) namely 60°, 75° and 90° have been investigated. The Reynolds number has been varied in the range of 1 × 103 to 1 × 106. The results have been compared with the slant surface based cone. It is seen that introduction of a curved surface at the cone base has profound effect on the coefficient of discharge of the V-cone flowmeter. The coefficient of discharge is dependent on Reynolds number for the flowmeter with hemispherical and semi-elliptical based cone element. The coefficient of discharge is seen to be a weak function of Reynolds number for Re = 4000 and beyond for the other three curvatures. The cone flowmeter with a curved base cone of R/d equals to 0.55 has higher coefficient of discharge and smaller standard deviation compared to a device with an aft vertex cone.  相似文献   

The effect of Reynolds number and boundary layer thickness on the performance of V-cone flowmeter has been evaluated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The shear stress transport k-ω (SST k-ω) turbulence model has been adopted for closure. The performance of two V-cone flowmeters with different beta ratios (β) viz., 0.6 and 0.7 for a fixed vertex angle (ϕ) of 60° has been analysed as a function of Reynolds number (Re). The results show that the coefficient of discharge (Cd) increases with Reynolds number in the laminar and transition flow regimes whereas it is nearly constant in turbulent flow regime. From the results, it can be concluded that Cd is independent of Re for values equal to 4000 and beyond. Further, it is also seen that the performance of the V-cone flowmeter is not affected by the upstream boundary layer thickness if the velocity profiles having different boundary layer thickness are extracted from an axial distance of 10D and more are fed at 5D upstream of the meter. However, the meter is sensitive to the extracted velocity profile from an axial distance of 5D and uniform velocity profile being fed at 5D upstream. The value of Cd may be sensitive as a result of the pressure variation due to the obstruction.  相似文献   

The present experimental study has been carried out to evaluate the performance and flow characteristics of the Wafer cone flowmeter using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Two equivalent diameters (β) of 0.62 and 0.72 with combination of two vertex angles (ϕ) namely 30°and 45°are used for the evaluation of the performance of the flowmeter in the range of Reynolds number of 3 × 103 to 8.19 × 104. The investigation shows that the coefficient of discharge seems to be independent of β-value with the increase in vertex angle. Further, the appropriate location of the downstream pressure tap is also estimated for the cone configuration of β = 0.62 and ϕ = 30°. It is observed that the downstream pressure tap location of 0.8D distance gives a higher value of discharge coefficient compared to 0.0D distance with the error being also lower marginally. PIV data has been analysed for the cone configuration of β = 0.62 and ϕ = 30°at four Reynolds numbers of 3028, 6057, 52755 and 74488 in terms of axial velocity and turbulent intensity. The measurements reveal an interesting phenomenon in terms of the rapid decay of turbulent kinetic energy on the downstream of the cone. This may be due to the interference of the cone wake with the support wake resulting in fast decay. This unique phenomenon leads to the reduction in the requirement of the downstream straight length for the Wafer cone flow meter, unlike other obstruction type flowmeters.  相似文献   

通过对内舍V型内锥的圆管内的流体流动进行分析,推导出差压式流量计的流量方程,设计了一个适用于发动机试验情况的V型内锥流量计,最后通过试验对此流量计进行标定,并检验了其精度。  相似文献   

在天然气的管道运输过程中,提高气体流量测量的精度是提高运输效率、避免安全事故发生的关键技术。利用流体力学仿真(CFD)方法建立组合双弯管及变径管道模型,定量计算修正系数,对双声道超声波流量计结构和安装位置对于管道内气体速度场的影响进行研究。通过仿真得出超声波流量计的最优声道位置,并结合实验验证了仿真结果的可信性。模拟结果表明,双弯管和变径管与超声波流量计的安装位置至少为10D才能保证流体充分流动;通过修正系数随雷诺数的变化情况得出双声道超声波流量计的最优声道位置为距管道截面中心0.25D处。研究结论对于不同性质气体的流量检测同样适用,为工业中气体运输检测精度的提高以及超声波流量计的优化提供了依据。  相似文献   

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has emerged as a revolutionary tool for optimizing the design of any flowmeter for given conditions. The flow features obtained with CFD are more extensive compared to experiments. In the present study, CFD code ‘FLUENT” after validation has been used to investigate the effect of cone vertex angle and upstream swirl on the performance of cone flowmeter. The values of discharge coefficient (Cd) evaluated for different vertex angles shows that the value of discharge coefficient is independent of Reynolds number and its value decreases with increase in vertex angle. In the presence of upstream disturbance in the form of swirl, the value of discharge coefficient is also independent of Reynolds number and its value is only marginally affected by the magnitude of swirl. The flow in a longitudinal plane shows the presence of a pair of contra-rotating vortices in the recirculation region just downstream of the cone. The velocity profile downstream becomes stable after a distance of about 5D.  相似文献   

The present study explores novel pressure averaging technique for wafer cone flowmeter design and its robustness in the presence of double 90° bend (out-of-plane) and gate valve as a source of upstream flow disturbance. The wafer cone flowmeter is tested in a circular pipe (inside diameter of 101 mm) with water as the working medium for the flow Reynolds number ranging from 1.19×105 to 5.82×105. Influence of the half cone angle (α) on the coefficient of discharge (Cd) of wafer cone flowmeter is studied with this new pressure averaging technique. Half cone angles considered in this study are 30° and 45° with a constant constriction ratio (β) of 0.75. The upstream static pressure tap is located at 1D upstream of the wafer cone. The downstream pressure averaging technique comprises eight circumferential holes of diameter 2 mm on the maximum diameter step of the wafer cone. The pressure taps are communicated through the support strut which serves as a downstream static pressure tap. The disturbance causing elements are individually placed at 1.5D, 5.5D, 9.5D and 13.5D upstream to the wafer cone flowmeter. The wafer cone flowmeter is also tested with gate valve opening of 25%, 50% and 75% for all the arrangements considered. The 30° cone is found to be better than 45° cone for the range of Reynolds number covered in the present study. The results show that the 30° wafer cone flowmeter with novel downstream pressure averaging technique is insensitive to the swirl flow created by a double 90° bend (out-of-plane) and requires an upstream length of 9.5D with a gate valve as a source of flow disturbance.  相似文献   

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