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为了通过减少条纹投影轮廓术所需投影和采集的条纹图像数量,提高三维测量速度,提出了一种用于条纹投影轮廓术的三灰度编码相位展开方法.投影仪投射5幅条纹图像到被测物体表面,包括三幅正弦相移条纹图像和两幅三灰度编码图像,由相机采集经物体表面调制的变形条纹图.通过相机采集到的三幅变形正弦相移条纹图像计算包裹相位.通过相机采集的三...  相似文献   

提出一种基于彩色三步相移算法和DLP Light Crafter 4500的实时相位测量轮廓术。在测量系统中,DLP Light Crafter 4500快速有序地投影MATLAB生成的三帧相移量为2π/3的R、G、B调制正弦相移光栅条纹到被测物体表面,一台与DLP Light Crafter 4500投影光栅条纹信号同步的高速黑白CMOS相机拍摄受被测物体面形调制的变形条纹。由于捕获的变形条纹间存在颜色失衡,需要采用校正算法进行校正。基于传统的三步相移技术,利用校正后的三帧变形条纹图像可以实时重建被测物体的三维形貌。  相似文献   

在三维轮廓测量领域,互补格雷码相移法能够得到连续的展开相位,然而,单组相移条纹导致其测量精度极易受到周围环境变化的影响,且传统投影方式增加了干扰的引入。针对此问题,本文提出了一种基于彩色编码光栅投影的互补格雷码双N步相移法。首先将双N步相移条纹和互补格雷码条纹混合编码成彩色条纹,然后依次投射到目标表面,最后从采集的彩色条纹中提取相位信息分别进行相位解算、融合后求得表面三维形貌。为了验证本文所提方法,将该方法与传统互补格雷码N步相移法以及三频外差法进行了对比实验。实验结果证明,本文方法能够获得高精度表面形貌信息,有效降低测量误差,同时检测效率提高50%。  相似文献   

李霖  赵宏 《工具技术》2003,37(3):41-43
提出一种将阴影莫尔条纹法与相位测量技术相结合的物体表面三维轮廓测量方法 ,该方法利用电磁铁和精密机械部件对光栅进行定位控制以实现精确相移 ,并采用三步相移技术对CCD摄像机采集的物体表面形貌莫尔条纹进行相位解调 ,可有效实现物体表面三维轮廓的高速、高精度自动测量。  相似文献   

物体表面三维形貌数据的获取在智能制造、航空航天、文物保护、医疗卫生、远程教育等领域有着广泛的应用。三维形貌数据的获取受限于系统硬件的性能,特别是现有数字投影系统的投影速度,无法快速测得物体面形的三维形貌。彩色成像和投影系统的出现,为并行多颜色通道三维成像系统提供了新的研究方向。详细综述了基于彩色条纹投影术的三维形貌数据测量研究的现状。具体包括彩色条纹投影术的基本原理、彩色条纹调制和解调相关技术、三维成像系统的标定、以及未来的研究方向。接着给出几个利用彩色条纹投影术获取物体表面三维形貌和彩色纹理的实例。为彩色条纹投影术测量物体表面三维形貌数据提供了详尽的综述,并指明了未来潜在的研究新方向。  相似文献   

曹慧 《工具技术》2010,44(6):98-101
介绍了采用复合光栅来进行快速测量获取物体三维信息的方法。该方法通过投影由载频光栅携带与其正交的相移光栅而形成的复合光栅来进行三维面形测量。建立了基于复合光栅方法的三维测量理论模型,运用复合光栅完整模拟物体恢复的过程,模拟结果证明了该方法的可行性。该方法具有祛噪功能,由于只需投影一幅复合光栅图像和采集一幅变形光栅图像就实现了物体的重建,因此适用于物体三维面形的快速实时测量。  相似文献   

测试构件形貌可以了解整体结构在工作中的变形信息,可以有目的进行结构的安全预警。为测试构件形貌,利用投影条纹法,采用由计算机软件产生四帧有一定相位差的相移正弦光栅,利用相移技术求解物体相位,实现点对点的运算,无需精密的相移装置。通过车门把手的非接触测试其三维形貌,得到了测试对象的位相图,通过解包裹处理,得到了车把手的三维形貌。表明该方法通过标定后,测量构件三维形貌精度高,易于操作,尤其适合现场监测结构安装前后变形状态。  相似文献   

颜国霖  林琳 《机电技术》2010,33(5):14-17
投影光栅相位法(PMP)是一种基于光栅投影和相位测量的光学三维轮廓测量技术,可实现物体表面三维轮廓的自动测量。提出了结合投影仪移轴技术的平行光轴系统,利用计算机编程生成具有高对比度和高亮度、有相差的正弦光栅,用数字投影仪LCD将这些条纹依次投射到被测物体表面,由CCD摄像机获取受物体表面面形调制的变形光栅像,根据数字相移算法计算出相位分布再通过相位展开恢复出连续相位分布,由相位.高度关系最终求出物体轮廓的三维数据信息。针对该原理进行了阐述,并给出了详尽的算法及实验结果。通过MATLAB实验仿真,对条纹图像进行处理和轮廓重构。模拟实验证明,这种测量方法快速高效、分辨率高,且易于实现。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于相移和颜色分光的电子散斑干涉(ESPI)瞬态三维变形测量方法,该方法包括一个彩色CCD和红绿蓝三种不同波长的激光器,可同时采集来自三路的散斑干涉图像。物体面内水平方向、竖直方向以及离面方向的散斑干涉图像信息通过颜色分光实现分离,并利用相移算法对散斑干涉条纹图进行分析处理,分别解调出水平、竖直及离面方向的变形场相位,实现三维变形场的测量。模拟及实验分析表明,此方法能同时实现物体面内水平方向、竖直方向以及离面方向的变形测量,可用于物体表面的三维瞬态变形测量,也可单独完成面内或离面的二维变形测量。  相似文献   

采用光栅相位法的三维人体测量系统设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据相移法开发出便携式三维人体扫描仪,用于实现快速三维人体重建.阐述了光栅相位法测量三维物体的工作机理.设计出光学投影系统、相移装置及图像采集与处理模块实现人体三维测量功能.利用单片机C8051 F340搭建硬件控制平台并开发了相应的控制软件,利用VC++编制上位机程序控制三维测量系统,完成三维人体光栅图像获取及图像处理.人体模型测量实验表明:所设计的三维人体测量仪可在100ms内获取4幅变形光栅图像,经解相处理生成三维点云,通过曲面重构获取完整人体模型.测量仪具有接口方便、体积小、操作方便、测量速度快、精度高的优点,满足快速获取三维人体信息及模型重建的要求.  相似文献   

针对条纹投影三维形貌测量涉及的相位提取,提出了一种基于变分模态分解的单幅条纹投影相位提取方法。通过建立变分模态分解模型和极小化变分模态分解将单幅投影条纹图分解成背景部分、条纹部分和噪声部分。然后对得到条纹部分进行Hilbert变换和反正切变换得到包裹相位;对其进行质量导向相位解包裹和Zernike多项式去载频得到解包裹相位。将该方法与Fourier变换、连续小波变换进行了对比,结果显示:本文提出的相位提取方法相位误差为3.14×10-4,小于Fourier变换和连续小波变换方法对应的误差3.30×10-4和6.52×10-4。模拟和实验结果表明:本文提出的方法在处理具有边缘信息投影条纹图时具有优势,能够提取出更准确的相位信息,可有效地用于含边缘不连续和突起的三维物体测量。  相似文献   

In this paper a new approach to enhance the dynamic range of a fringe projection system for measuring 3D profile of objects with wide variation in their optical reflections is proposed. The high dynamic range fringe images are acquired by recursively controlling the intensity of the projection pattern at pixel level based on the feedback from the reflected images captured by the camera. A four step phase shifting algorithm combined with a quality guided algorithm is used to obtain the unwrapped phase map of the object from the acquired high dynamic range fringe images. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed technique can accurately measure the 3D profile of objects with wide variation in their optical reflectivity.  相似文献   

通过聚晶金刚石复合片与YG8硬质合金的高频感应钎焊试验,研究了不同钎料钎剂搭配对高频感应钎焊接头抗剪强度、焊缝厚度的影响,并用扫描电镜和电子探针观察、分析了焊缝的微观结构。结果表明,690℃钎焊温度下含Mn的1号钎料和活性温度较高的QJ102钎剂是最佳搭配方案。探讨了聚晶金刚石复合片的特殊钎焊工艺,认为采用复焊方法可以大幅提高钎焊接头的抗剪强度。  相似文献   

An accurate three-dimensional scanning system based on fringe projection and active triangulation is presented. The structured light projection is implemented by using a special grating element fabricated by electron beam lithography which ensures the phase-shifting accuracy and continuous intensity. The phase error caused by non-sinusoidal phase-shifting patterns is reduced significantly by a new compensation method, and an average 62.5% improvement of the vibration error is revealed. The experimental results indicate that the measurement error of the system is lower than 0.04 mm, with a variability of about 0.03 mm. The registration of multi-view test results indicates registration standard deviation can be lower than 0.1 mm. The system promises a favourable future for industrial application, especially in reverse engineering of free form surfaces.  相似文献   

The design of thin-walled structures based on naturally occurring folded structures, such as the Johannesteijsmania altifrons leaf, is relatively unexplored. The main advantage of this particular type of folded leaf is that it is supported by a single main stem, which can be exploited in structural designs if the 3-D surface form is known. Since the leaf can deform if the surface form is measured using conventional contact methods, the non-contact phase-shifting fringe projection method was applied to determine the 3-D surface form of the leaf. The potential of the phase-shifting fringe projection method for reconstructing the 3-D surface of naturally occurring folded structures such as J. altifrons leaf has not been attempted in the past. The objective of this work is to investigate the potential of using this technique to measure the 3-D surface of the life folded leaf in its natural environment. Three fringe patterns were projected onto the leaf with phase-shifts of 0, 2π/3 and 4π/3, captured using a CCD camera and processed to obtain a phase map. The 3-D data of the leaf surface were successfully reconstructed from the phase map using a phase-unwrapping algorithm.  相似文献   

随着集成电路、汽车行业、先进制造和天文学的发展,条纹反射术被广泛应用于测量镜面物体的三维形貌。条纹反射术通过反射条纹图中的相位信息计算被测镜面物体的局部斜率或深度信息来恢复物体的三维形貌。为全面了解条纹反射术研究的最新进展,本文综述了条纹反射的基本原理、反射条纹产生的方式、相位的计算方法、系统参数的标定和斜率积分获得深度数据,同时介绍了不依赖积分过程的直接条纹反射术。通过具体的应用和实例,指出了条纹反射术的优缺点。最后,指出了条纹反射术未来的研究方向。该综述文章为深入研究镜面反射物体的三维面形测量提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

The tilt angles of peripheral component interconnect (PCI) connectors on a printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) were measured using the phase-shift fringe projection method. The inspection system developed consists of a personal computer, digital camera, a standard projector and a mirror. The projector was used for projecting a sinusoidal fringe pattern onto the connectors. Phase-shifting was achieved by using a mirror mounted on a rotary stage in the path of the projected fringes. Since the light source used is non-collimated, calibration was performed to obtain an equation for the incident angle of the beam along the length of the object surface for different object heights. Glass blocks of known dimensions were used to test and verify the measurement system. The phase-shifting technique was applied to determine the tilt angles on the glass blocks and later applied to actual connectors. The vision-based inspection system developed using phase-shifting technique demonstrates successful tilt angle measurement on a PCBA.  相似文献   

针对目前相移控制器件费用高、操作复杂等不足,提出了一种数字相移方法.并将其与全息干涉术相结合,进行了相移全息干涉术的实验研究.应用MATLAB软件,结合图像处理方法,通过对全息干涉条纹精确控制使其定向移动,实现了四步相移,获得4个干涉图.应用四步相移法原理和相位去包裹方法,最终成功求得物体变形引起的三维位相差,实现物体变形的三维测试.实验表明,该方法不仅简化了全息干涉测试的光学装置,避免传统相移器件相移精度低、容易造成相移误差的缺点,且操作简单,测试精度高,其精度容易达到1/10波长.  相似文献   

A thin-structured light projection system with simple setup is proposed and applied to small-height measurement. In this system, the design of structured light pattern is carried out on the computer. The structure, color, geometric dimension, motion mode, projection brightness, contrast, and other attributes of the pattern can be edited easily. The optical system with zoom function is designed, which can output thin-structured-light fringe with a minimum width of 10 μm. The camera and microscope are used to construct a vision system, which is used to capture the pattern of structured light. The three-dimensional (3D) shape reconstruction is realized by analyzing the pattern of structured light. The results show that this system can project a small width of thin-structured light pattern, which is very suitable for 3D shape reconstruction of microscopic objects with the small-height of tens of microns to hundreds of microns.  相似文献   

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