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由于PDC钻头几何外形、岩石材料以及井底钻井工况的复杂性,PDC钻头切削破岩机理的研究一直都是难点问题。基于单齿切削机理,引入岩石比功ε,推导出钻井钻压W、扭矩t和切削厚度d之间的关系,建立切削比功E与钻井强度S的二维图;同时结合接触摩擦分量,分析并阐述了破岩过程的概念模型;通过有限元方法建立全尺寸PDC钻头动态破岩的非线性动力学三维仿真模型,开展PDC钻头切削破岩机理的研究,进一步分析PDC钻头破岩过程的响应规律。结果表明:岩石损伤与应力云图可直观反映钻井过程岩石损伤剥落形成井眼及井底应力分布状况;PDC钻头钻进方向的位移、加速度和扭矩响应规律与理论分析相一致,并揭示了PDC钻头钻进过程中的"进尺台阶"现象,亦佐证了破岩过程的概念模型。  相似文献   

基于弹塑性力学和岩石力学,以Drucker-Prager 准则作为岩石的本构关系,采用剪切失效准则,在验证岩石模型及PDC齿破岩建模方法可行性的基础上,建立了PDC齿切削3种典型断面岩石的三维有限元模型,并针对井底不同围压,研究了切削断面的面积、切削齿的后倾角及侧转角对破岩效率的影响。结果表明:不论何种围压,减小切削断面的面积有利于岩石的破碎,且应多采用宽切削断面进行PDC钻头径向布齿;切削齿后倾角对岩石破碎效率影响大于切削齿的侧转角对岩石破碎效率影响,切削齿最优破岩后倾角在低围压下为5°,在高围压下为20°。  相似文献   

柳波  倪鹏  谭孝刚  张超 《机电工程》2020,37(7):801-805
针对岩石钻机旋冲钻孔过程中破岩效率低的问题,基于岩石力学理论和有限元理论,建立了球形钻齿与岩石的相互作用受力模型以及旋冲钻孔破岩的有限元模型。采用了非线性有限元分析软件LS-DYNA来模拟不同参数下的旋冲钻孔过程,得到了钻头破岩过程中钻齿吃入深度与时间以及破碎体积、破碎比功随转速和频率的变化曲线;分析了转速与频率对破岩效率的影响规律。研究结果表明:转速对钻齿吃入深度影响不大,岩石破碎主要发生在冲击力卸载之后,当转速在30 r/min~35 r/min,频率在20 Hz~30 Hz范围内,破岩效率相对较高,能够充分提高能量利用率;该结果可以为钻头的合理设计以及岩石钻具的钻孔工艺参数选择提供依据。  相似文献   

针对新型油气资源开采的复杂条件,为提高新形势下定向井造斜段井眼质量,提出一种新型斜控PDC钻头。首先根据刀翼线型轮廓设计准则,突破现有锥形心部曲线的局限,将传统锥形心部曲线变为圆弧过渡型曲线;综合考虑影响钻头造斜能力的关键因素,结合布齿参数与钻井实际工况,建立切削齿破岩过程的力学分析模型,然后在此基础上分析钻头造斜易控特性。研究结果表明:传统PDC钻头的锥形心部是制约钻头偏转的关键因素,钻头心部曲线变为圆弧轮廓后,其偏转易控特性得到较大提升。同时通过现场试验,将新型斜控PDC钻头与现有钻头的造斜段钻进性能进行对比,分析其定向钻进的破岩特性与造斜能力。研究结论对钻头破岩机理的研究及定向井技术的发展具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

提出了新型单牙轮-PDC钻扩联合钻头,先依靠单牙轮破岩钻孔,释放地应力,产生岩石损伤,再助推PDC钻头刮切破岩。运用有限元法,建立钻扩联合钻头、双级PDC和常规PDC钻头破岩的非线性动力学模型。通过对岩石本构关系进行D-P准则描述以及确定岩石破碎的判据,分析钻扩联合钻头钻进硬地层的破岩机理,开展了3种钻头动态破岩过程的对比研究。结果表明:钻扩联合钻头在钻进过程中井底井壁的岩石应力得到明显释放,大大提高了岩层可钻性;在硬地层中钻扩联合钻头钻进速度提高的主要原因是拉应力破岩;钻扩联合钻头在硬地层钻进过程中的扭转振动大大降低,破岩效率更高,钻头寿命更长;由于单牙轮领眼破碎岩石的作用,钻扩联合钻头对井底岩石的冲击破碎能力更强,在硬地层中钻进更快。研究结果为新型单牙轮-PDC钻扩联合钻头的研发提供了参考。  相似文献   

岩石切削加工时必须考虑其离散性。利用颗粒流程序对两种不同成份的岩石样本建立了离散元模型,通过改变岩石内部颗粒大小和形状从而获得了各个样本的最佳理论强度值,用离散元方法对两种不同岩石样本分别进行了压缩试验和四点抗弯试验数值模拟;监控整个切削加工过程中刀具受到的法向力和切向力,通过改变刀具切削角、切削速度及切深等参量研究了加工过程中岩石的动态行为。  相似文献   

针对聚晶金刚石复合片(PDC)钻头在钻井破岩过程中因受力不平衡,导致钻井倾斜、井径扩大、钻头产生横向振动和涡动,造成钻头早期失效的问题,基于已有PDC钻头切削力学知识,构建了PDC钻头弯曲力矩及全局力平衡布齿优化设计模型,并提出模型求解方法。布齿设计实例结果表明,采用全局力平衡布齿设计方法得到的布齿结构可使PDC钻头在不同进尺条件下均能保持全局力平衡状态,尤其低进尺(小于1 mm)时的力平衡状态得到极大改善,提高了PDC钻头的钻井稳定性,对于改善钻头受力、提升钻头使用寿命、提高钻井质量与效率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为更好地研究混合钻头的性能,分析混合钻头与岩石相互作用机制,使用C#语言对混合钻头牙齿的几何表面进行离散化,再将离散化得到的数据导入MATLAB软件生成模型。结果表明:用离散点绘制的牙齿模型与牙齿的三维实体模型基本一致,牙齿离散化的可行性和准确度非常高。切削齿工作部位几何面离散化有利于改进牙齿设计,优化钻头结构,从而提高破岩效率,为后续钻头的工作行为研究及钻头与岩石相互作用的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

<正> 一、全切式小模数齿轮滚刀的特点常用小模数渐开线齿轮滚刀(以下简称小模数滚刀)的设计,与大、中模数渐开线齿轮滚刀基本相同,但小模数齿轮的制造工艺却与大、中模数齿轮有较大的不同。小模数滚刀按齿形分类有全切式(顶切)和标准型(非全切式)两种,标准型滚刀齿形直接采用齿轮标准的基准齿形,只有顶刃和侧刃参与切削。全切式滚刀顾名思意则是整个齿形都要参与切削。这种全切式滚齿工艺加工仪表齿轮具有以下特  相似文献   

针对隧道掘进机(Tunnel Boring Machine,TBM)刀盘设计过程中的滚刀间距确定问题,基于ABAQUS平台,采用用户定义子程序(User Material Subroutine,VUMAT)方法,编制了考虑损伤断裂和混合强化的岩石本构模型,进行了滚刀破岩过程的仿真计算。通过回转切削破岩试验,验证了仿真模型。使用经过验证的仿真模型开展成组计算,研究了刀间距对滚刀破岩法向力、滚动力和比能的影响,发现法向力和滚动力随刀间距增大而线性增大,TBM切削硬质砂岩的最优刀间距介于70~80 mm之间。  相似文献   

Classical ways of computing cutting force coefficients cannot be used by the cutters with non-uniform helix and pitch angles. So, this paper presents a novel separate-edge-forecast method to compute cutting force coefficients for any kind of flank-end cutter, especially for cutters with non-uniform helix and pitch angles. Using this method, the cutter runout can be combined into the cutting force coefficients without computing the cutter runout parameters. Simultaneously, the method predicts the cutting force coefficients for every cutter edge. Firstly, a series of three-axis machining experiments, which must satisfy the specific condition that only one cutter edge is removing materials at any time, is conducted. Then, the cutting force-curves are divided into N force lobes. Each lobe is assigned to the corresponding cutter edge using an algorithm. Subsequently, the cutter edge and the corresponding cutting force lobe are used to determine the cutting force coefficients. This means N cutter edges have N groups of cutting force coefficients, correspondingly. Finally, in order to verify the validity and correctness of the proposed method, a cutter with non-uniform helix and pitch angle is utilized to predict cutting force coefficients based on which the cutting forces are also computed. The results demonstrate that the cutting forces predicted agree well with the data measured. Simultaneously, it can be observed that the method can predict the coefficients considering the cutter runout effect.  相似文献   

Currently, the modeling of cutting process mainly focuses on two aspects: one is the setup of the universal cutting force model that can be adapted to a broader cutting condition; the other is the setup of the exact cutting force model that can accurately reflect a true cutting process. However, there is little research on the prediction of chatter stablity in milling. Based on the generalized mathematical model of inserted cutters introduced by ENGIN, an improved geometrical, mechanical and dynamic model for the vast variety of inserted cutters widely used in engineering applications is presented, in which the average directional cutting force coefficients are obtained by means of a numerical approach, thus leading to an analytical determination of stability lobes diagram (SLD) on the axial depth of cut. A new kind of SLD on the radial depth of cut is also created to satisfy the special requirement of inserted cutter milling. The corresponding algorithms used for predicting cutting forces, vibrations, dimensional surface finish and stability lobes in inserted cutter milling under different cutting conditions are put forward. Thereafter, a dynamic simulation module of inserted cutter milling is implemented by using hybrid program of Matlab with Visual Basic. Verification tests are conducted on a vertical machine center for Aluminum alloy LC4 by using two different types of inserted cutters, and the effectiveness of the model and the algorithm is verified by the good agreement of simulation result with that of cutting tests under different cutting conditions. The proposed model can predict the cutting process accurately under a variety of cutting conditions, and a high efficient and chatter-free milling operation can be achieved by a cutting condition optimization in industry applications.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model for predicting the cutting forces for waved-edge milling cutters that are widely used in rough machining. The development of the model is based on the analysis of the complicated cutting edge of waved-edge cutter. According to the existing local cutting force model and from the relationship of local cutting force and chip load, local cutting force can be derived. Then the model is obtained by dividing the cutter into a number of differential elements in the axial direction and summarising the resultant cutting force produced by each differential cutter disc engaged in the cut. A numerical algorithm is introduced for the calculation of total force and the calibration of the relevant parameters in the model. A series of experiments under different cutting conditions are conducted to confirm the validity of the developed model. The agreement between the experimental and simulative results is satisfactory, which shows that the model is effective for cutting force prediction in end milling with waved-edge cutters. ID="A1"Correspondance and offprint requests to: Prof. L. Zheng, Institute of Manufacturing Engineering, Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, P. R. China. E-mail: lzheng@tsinghua.edu.cn  相似文献   

This study investigates the properties of machining MAR-M247 nickel-based superalloy combined ultrasonic vibration with high-temperature aided cutting. Taguchi experimental design was adopted to identify the influence of machining parameters on the machining characteristics. The six machining parameters, namely cutting tools for different materials; depth of cut; cutting speed; feed rate; working temperature; and, ultrasonic power. The machining characteristics analyzed include surface roughness, flank wear, cutting force, and milling temperature. According to the experimental results, when the cutting speed is greater than 90 m/min, P-type tungsten-carbide cutters with or without a Ti-alloy coating were unable to endure the very high temperatures generated in milling MAR-M247 nickel-based superalloy. The tungsten-carbide cutters melted and fractured. Due to the insufficient toughness of cermet cutters, the periodic high-impact stress causes severe cutter fractures when the cutting speed is greater than 60 m/min. When the cutting speed was less than 40 m/min, the cutter temperature was not significantly increased. Thus no melting or fracture of the cutters was found. Furthermore, when the cutting speed was less than 40 m/min, and fluid containing nano-particles of 5–23 nm in size was used, the cutter-workpiece friction force was reduced and the cutter life was extended.  相似文献   

PCBN刀具的磨损机理和干切削GCr15时的磨损与寿命   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
研究了PCBN刀具的磨损机理和磨损形式。通过对干切削GCr15轴承钢时刀具的磨损形式及寿命进行试验研究 ,得出了工件硬度、切削速度对PCBN刀具磨损的影响规律以及工件硬度在临界硬度附近时刀具磨损速度最快的结论。加工两种硬度工件时的刀具寿命方程表明 ,切削速度对PCBN刀具寿命的影响小于对硬质合金及陶瓷刀具寿命的影响。  相似文献   

王殿龙  康德纯 《工具技术》2001,35(11):13-15
借助建立的铣刀切削力、扭矩和切削功率的计算机预报模型 ,对平前刀面球头铣刀的切削性能进行了数值仿真研究 ;通过分析各种切削参数对切削性能的影响规律 ,获得了不同切削条件下球头铣刀切削力和扭矩的特征和变化趋势  相似文献   

针对大型电站设备制造中难加工材料及复杂零件加工过程中刀具破损严重的问题,设计了双层齿铣刀、直齿铣刀和斜齿铣刀三种刃形的倒角铣刀,并利用l-deas软件进行了三维实体造型,采用三种齿形铣刀进行了铣削试验研究。在大量实验数据的基础上,对三种齿形铣刀在铣削力上进行了对比评判,优化出使用效果最佳的铣刀为双层齿倒  相似文献   

面向加工特征的小直径螺旋球头立铣刀切削力模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在Bayoum i的广义螺旋铣刀几何模型基础上,建立了小直径螺旋球头铣刀的刀具前刀面几何模型和切削力模型;通过将特征概念引入数控加工过程,提出了球头刀加工时的“爬坡”与“下坡”等加工特征的切削力模型求解方法;最后通过实验对比验证了刀具切削力模型的有效性。  相似文献   

针对磨损状况下PDC钻头切削齿的切削参数预测方法尚未建立,无法很好地开展等磨损布齿设计的问题,建立了磨损齿的几何模型,并提出了求解切削参数的零点遍历法。基于MATLAB平台对零点遍历法进行编译,并对切削齿的切削弧长、切削面积和切削体积进行求解。结果表明,提出的零点遍历法能够用于磨损齿和未磨损齿的切削参数求解(误差在2%以下);结合切削齿的受力与磨损模型,能够预测PDC钻头每颗齿的磨损趋势。  相似文献   

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