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本文阐述了制定核科学领域量和单位两项国标的原则和依据。引进了物理量名称新的构间法和定名导则。对某些重要物理量的概念作了说明。从与ISO国际标准、国际辐射单位与测量委员会推荐的量相比较中说明了该标准的特点。  相似文献   
《核反应和电离辐射的量和单位》国家标准的修订陈丽姝(中国原子能科学研究院,北京,102413)1982年国家标准总局批准发布了我国第一套15项各科学技术领域中使用的量和单位的国家标准(GB3100,GB3101以及GB3102.1-GB3102.13...  相似文献   
In this report, the results of preliminary research on L-alanine/ESR electron dosimeters are described. They include the designs of modelling tools and experimental capsules, the preparation and irradiation of very thin dosimeters, the measurement of ESR signal spectrum and the calibration method. The physical, chemical and dosimetric properties of the alanine free radical dosimeters, such as the smallest thickness, average density, lowest detectable limit, repeatability of the method, reproducibility resulted in directivity and location in resonance cavity, linearity regions as well as relative scattering of the response to identical doses, are summarized.  相似文献   
国务院通过的《全面推行我国法定计量单位的意见》第(二)条第10款中已说明:“个别科学技术领域中,如有特殊需要,可使用某些非法定计量单位,但必须与有关国际组织规定的名称、符号相一致”,这些国际组织在其专门领域中决定现在暂时保留的计量单位虽不是我国的法定计量单位,仍可在我国继续  相似文献   
本文描述了一台石墨电离室型强场照射量率仪。球形电离室的体积为14立方厘米,壁厚为5毫米。用它可以测量0.3—3兆电子伏能量范围γ射线的照射量。电流测量采用的是结型场效应晶体管作为输入级的差分放大电路。仪器有六个可转换的量程,可以测量到3×10~5伦/时。8小时的零点漂移不超过满量程的5%。用两种方法对仪器进行了刻度,误差在±5%以内。  相似文献   
纪念放射性发现一百周年(二)中国原子能科学研究院陈丽姝年代重大事件1903(1)建立衰变的定量规律,引入半衰期T1/2概念。(2)爱因斯坦(AlbertEinstein)的光电效应论文,引入了光量子(光子能量E=hv)概念。1904巴克拉(Glove...  相似文献   
This paper describes an exposure ratemeter made of graphite ion chamber. The sensitive volume is 14 cm~3. The wall is 5 mm in thickness. The DC amplifier with a high input impedance consists of several stage differential amplifications, and is used for measurement of the ionization currents. Six ranges are able to cover a wide range of exposure rates. The full scale of the maximum range is 75 C/(kg·h). The lowest measurable limit is 5 mC/(kg·h). The zero drift within 8 h is less than 5% of each full scale. This instrument provides with a relatively convenient method for the measurement. The main advantages of the ionization chamber over other methods lie in rapidity and accuracy, and the change in radiation field with time can be indicated directly. It is particularly successful in acting as a routine dosimeter under high exposure rates.  相似文献   
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