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安全壳泄漏率计算过程中,最重要的环节是以不同时刻测量数据对时间进行线性回归分析。对回归的显著性检验以及方差分析是评价试验结果有效性的重要手段。本文基于统计软件R对某电厂调试阶段安全壳泄漏率试验的数据进行分析,通过对线性回归模型的独立性、正态性和异方差性检验以及极端样本点的剔除等方式,探讨泄漏率计算前的回归诊断对计算结果可靠性的影响。通过回归诊断的实例分析发现,在安全壳泄漏率计算的数据样本中,可能存在自相关、非正态和异方差性等问题影响回归结果,进而影响泄漏率的最终结果。因此,在计算泄漏率结果时,须通过回归诊断方法评价数据的有效性,对不能通过检验的样本应通过适当方法对最终结果进行修正。   相似文献   
The most important part in the calculation of the containment leakage is to perform the linear regression on time for a series of data measured at different times. The significance test of the regression and residual analysis are the substantial means to evaluate the test results. This paper analyzes the data of the containment test during the commissioning and startup phase of a power plant based on the statistical software R, and explores the regression diagnosis before the leakage calculation by examining the independence, normality and heteroscedasticity of the regression model and the elimination of extreme sample points impact on the reliability of the result. Through the regression diagnosis on the examples, it was found that in the samples which leakage rate is calculated, there may be problems that affect the regression results and then the affect the final results, such as autocorrelation, non-normality and heteroscedasticity. Therefore, the validity of the data shall be evaluated by the regression diagnostic methods, while calculating the leakage rate, and the final results shall be corrected by appropriate methods for samples that fail the test.  相似文献   
结合预应力阶段的安全壳仪表系统监测数据,利用CEB-FIP 90荐的混凝土收缩、徐变公式进行分析,可计算得到安全壳筒壁区域结构性能参数。在计算过程中,需要对垂直预应力钢束施工过程对K层仪表处混凝土应力影响、钢束张拉时间点进行简化。介绍一种简化方案,并结合工程案例对此简化方案进行验证。  相似文献   
高寒地区安全壳打压试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高寒气候对安全壳打压试验可能造成的各种影响,从设计、设备、施工、调试等角度分析试验风险点并提出解决方案。主要解决的问题有:低温条件下试验载荷对安全壳附属部件的影响,以及低温对安全壳整体泄漏率测量的影响等。在红沿河核电厂1号机组冬季安全壳打压试验的应用表明,所提出的方案可有效克服高寒地区恶劣气候对试验造成的影响。  相似文献   
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