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The surface resistanceR s of Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 films fabricated on LaAlO3 wafers up to 3 inches (7.6 cm) in diameter through a post-deposition anneal process was measured over the frequency range 5.55–94.1 GHz by the following techniques: 5.55 and 27.5 GHz high-temperature superconductor (HTS)-sapphire resonators, 10 GHz parallel plate resonator, and 94.1 GHz scanning confocal resonator.R s was found to exhibit a quadratic dependence on frequencyf at 77 K:R s f 2.0±0.1. The highest-quality films yieldR s =145±15 at 10 GHz and 77 K. Scanning confocal resonator mapping ofR s across a 2-inch (5.1 cm) diameter wafer yielded a base value forR s of 16±1 m at 77 K and 94.1 GHz (equivalent to 180±10 at 10 GHz) and good uniformity inR s across the wafer. HTS-sapphire resonator measurements ofR s for fifteen 1.2 cm square parts cut from a 3-inch diameter wafer yieldedR s values scaled to 10 GHz of 196±10 at 80 K. Similar values were measured for Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 films prepared on both sides of a 2-inch diameter wafer.Rs values at 10 GHz and 80 K of 147–214 were maintained over the course of 40 independent and successive deposition runs and corresponding anneals under nominally identical film fabrication conditions. Surface resistance at 5.55 GHz remained below 80 for maximum rf magnetic fields up to 85 Oe at 4.2 K and 7 Oe at 80 K, respectively. Results are compared with predictions of the two-fluid model. The relative advantages and disadvantages of the different techniques for measuring surface resistance are discussed.  相似文献   

Anex situ process has been developed to produce thin superconducting Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 films. The properties of films grown on different substrates using different annealing regimes were studied. Critical temperatures of 103–107 K were measured on films prepared in a broad range of annealing temperatures on SrTiO3, LaAlO3, and Y-ZrO2 substrates. A critical current density,J c, of 2×106 A/cm2 at 77 K was measured on LaAlO3. Film morphology was studied by SEM, AFM, and STM.  相似文献   

研究了高压Ar气氛中750℃低温下Tl2O分压对Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8超导薄膜相组成及其性能的影响。结果表明采用名义比为Tl1.9Ba2Ca2Cu3Oy的混合物作铊源时.生成的Tl2O分压达到最佳值。在该Tl2O分压下,获得了单相c取向的Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8超导薄膜,其Tc值达到108K;高于该分压时,薄膜中出现Tl2Ca3O6、Tl2O3。等杂相,导致膜面粗糙度增大和Tc值下降;低于最佳Tl2O分压.薄膜中生成了Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8和Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10的共生相,导致Tc值下降;而Tl2O分压的进一步降低.则薄膜在铊化中不形成超导相。  相似文献   

Investigations on flux dynamics of ring-shaped T12Ba2CaCu2O8 superconducting thin films have been carried out by measuring the temperature dependent magnetization M(T) during field-cooling (FC) and zero-field-cooling (ZFC) processes. For a given magnetic field, from the magnetization behavior two distinct temperatures, Tkink and Tirr, can be defined. Below Tkink, a clear hysteretic behavior of M(T) is observed leading to a large irreversible signal ΔM = MFC ? MZFC. Above Tkink, this irreversible signal, though being very small, is still non-zero until it eventually vanishes at a higher temperature Tirr. Above Tirr, both curves MFC(T) and MZFC(T) merge together and become temperature independent. We attribute the first region ( T< Tkink) to a 3D vortex-glass phase, the second region (Tkink < T < Tirr) to a vortex line liquid state and the third region (Tirr < T < Tc) to a pancake liquid state.  相似文献   

Low-temperature x-ray diffraction studies of superconducting Tl-2212 ceramics revealed anomalies in thec cell parameter andc-axis thermal expansion coefficient near the superconducting transition. Air and vacuum anneals in the range 400–550‡C demonstrate that these anomalies correlate with the superconducting properties of the material. The anomalous temperature variation of thermal expansion suggests that the superconducting transition is accompanied by significant changes in the phonon spectrum.  相似文献   

By doing sensitive magnetic measurement, the current-voltage ( I-V or E-j ) characteristics were determined for Tl 2 Ba 2 CaCu 2 O 8 thin films at temperatures between 4.2 K and 70 K in magnetic fields up to 6T. We found a crossover of the dimensionality of flux dynamics from 3D at low fields to 2D at high fields. The vortex matter melts at a finite temperature at a low field ( 3D ) and at zero K at a high field ( 2D ). Finally we attempt to give a vortex phase diagram based on this analysis.  相似文献   

We measure the current?Cvoltage (I?CV) curves of intrinsic Josephson junctions (IJJs) in misaligned Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 thin films embedded in a Fabry?CPérot (F-P) resonator at liquid nitrogen temperature. Regarding the substrate as a dielectric resonator, electromagnetic coupling between the intrinsic Josephson junctions is improved. By adjusting the location of the substrate in the F-P resonator, the critical current of the IJJs under microwave irradiation (75.6?GHz) is suppressed almost to zero. Two pairs of symmetrical radiation (75.6?GHz) peaks are detected. Possible explanations for this experimental result are discussed.  相似文献   

We have investigated the millimeter wave irradiation characteristics of misaligned Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 thin-film intrinsic Josephson junction arrays at a liquid nitrogen temperature in an antenna system by both simulation and experiments. The dielectric substrate was regarded as a dielectric resonance antenna to improve high-frequency electromagnetic coupling between the intrinsic Josephson junction array and a horn antenna. A useful model for simulating the microwave system was devised to demonstrate and analyze the optimization of the irradiation in the antenna system. The electric field distribution in the antenna system was computed and displayed. Also, the near-field and far-field frequency characteristics of the receiving antenna and transmitting antenna were calculated and analyzed to study the mechanism of the irradiation. In the experiment, by detecting the suppressed critical current of the IJJA, an optimum transmission frequency range was measured and the frequency characteristic was studied in the transmitting and receiving antenna system. The critical current of the IJJA was suppressed to 37 % and the optimum coupling effect was achieved at 74.8 GHz. And the electromagnetic simulation matched up well with the experimental result. Potential reasons of the acceptable nuances between the simulation and experiment results were also taken into account. The influence the size of the microbridge had on the frequency characteristic of the dielectric antenna were elaborately discussed.  相似文献   

We report a dc sputtering method for the fullin situ preparation of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ thin films on SrTiO3 and LaAlO3.T c values of more than 90 K can be achieved by oxidizing annealing below the melting point, followed by a reducing anneal at 500°C. The structural properties of the films are revealed by X-ray diffraction in Bragg-Brentano geometry (strongc-axis orientation with FWHM (0 0 10)=0.3) and also byΦ scans (epitaxy within the substrate plane). Rutherford backscattering and channeling confirmed the correct composition of the cations while the minimum yield,χ min, is 23%. Depth profiles by SNMS show a very homogeneous distribution of the cations with no detectable loss of bismuth near the surface. The surface morphology of the films was studied by SEM and by STM. Patterning of the films in lateral geometry can be performed by photolithographic techniques without degradation ofT c .  相似文献   

Superconducting films of the high-T c compound Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+y , have been grown on (111)-oriented gadolinium gallium garnet substrates by a liquid-phase technique. The films show a very high degree of preferential orientation with thec-axis perpendicular to the substrates. The onset of the resistive transition was 85 K while zero resistance was obtained at 78 K. Results concerning the critical current properties of the films are described. Measurements of the paraconductivity effects on the electrical resistivity above the superconducting transition due to thermodynamic fluctuations are also reported.  相似文献   

《Materials Letters》2005,59(2-3):313-318
The crystal structures of the two ternary compounds, Ba4CaCu3O8+δ and Ba6CaCu3O10+δ, have been investigated by means of X-ray diffraction combined with Rietveld analysis. We found that the Ba4CaCu3O8+δ phase has a cubic structure (Im–3m, a=8.1515(1) Å, δ=+0.8) for high oxygen content as reported in the literature but undergoes a transformation into a tetragonal structure (I4/mmm, a=8.1888(1) Å, c=8.0634(1) Å for δ=−0.3) when the oxygen content is lowered. The crystal structure of Ba6CaCu3O10+δ (I4/mmm, a=4.0463(1) Å, c=21.7322(4) Å for δ=+0.2) is confirmed. Changes in the c value with sintering conditions suggest a variable oxygen content with no structure transformation.  相似文献   

Radio-frequency-sputtered barium titanium silicate (BST, Ba2Si2TiO8) thin films were grown on crystalline Si (100) substrates and were characterized using wavelength-dispersive spectrometry (WDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and diagonal techniques for dielectric properties. The chemical compositions of the films increasingly deviated from stoichiometry with film thickness. At the initial stage of deposition the grain configuration is dependent on the Si substrate texture. XRD analysis indicates that the BST films deposited at an optimum substrate temperature of 845 °C were strongly c-axis oriented, and that the film orientation is manipulated by substrate temperature and supersaturation. The corresponding film-growth rate in the direction normal to the film surface at 845 °C was 1.95 nm min–1 at the initial stage, and decreased with sputtering time. The as-deposited films have a room-temperature bulk resistivity of 1.8 ×107 m in the direction of thickness and an isotropic surface resistivity of 1.5×103 m. The high-frequency relative dielectric constant, 0.05 at frequencies higher than 9 MHz, is lower than that of many typical piezoelectric materials. The high-frequency impedance character is typical of piezoelectric materials, giving a minimum impedance frequency of 9.0 MHz and a serial resonant frequency at about 9.5 MHz.  相似文献   

Flux creep characteristics ofc-axis-oriented Bi2Sr2CaCu2O x thin films grown by the method of electron beam evaporation of stoichiometric target and subsequent annealing have been investigated in the absence of external magnetic field. A decrease of the pinning potential with decreasing temperature is obtained fromI–V curves. This result is explained by the presence of the spatially nonlinear pinning potential.  相似文献   

We used a dielectric resonator technique for highly sensitive measurements of the temperature dependence of the microwave surface resistanceR s of 1×1 cm2 superconducting films at 18.7 GHz. It consists of a sapphire disc positioned on the film under investigation within a copper cavity which is acting as a radiation shield. In the TE01δ oscillation mode the highly reproducible quality factor of about 105 results in a sensitivity of ±50μΩ forR s measurements. The temperature dependence ofR s can be measured up to values as high as 1 Ω. We have investigated several YBa2Cu3O7 thin films prepared by high oxygen pressure d.c. sputtering on LaAlO3 and NdGaO3. Our best films exhibit a pronounced nonlinear behavior of the d.c. resistivityρ(T) withρ(300K)/ρ(100K) values of about 3.7. Those films show, besides the initial fall-off just belowT c , a further strong decrease ofR s at low temperatures. This was observed both at 18.7 GHz and 87 GHz, as measured by a conventional cavity end plate replacement technique. ForT?Tc/2 these films exhibit an exp (?αT c/T) dependence ofR s withα-values around 0.4. These observations may be explained by a superconducting energy gap with 2Δ/kT c≈0.8 for charge carriers localized in the CuO chains for YBa2Cu3O7.  相似文献   

张辉  何恩全  杨宁  张鹏翔  阮耀钟 《功能材料》2013,44(11):1642-1645,1650
用紫外脉冲激光沉积技术在单晶衬底上制备高温超导(Bi,Pb)2Sr2CaCu2O8薄膜,系统研究了不同镀膜参数对薄膜结晶质量的影响,获得了优化的镀膜工艺。并在较低温沉积、高温退火,以及高温沉积两种工艺下均获得了具有c轴取向、无杂相及无挥发(分解)的(Bi,Pb)2Sr2CaCu2O8薄膜。相比于高温沉积,低温沉积、高温退火制备的薄膜结晶质量更好。  相似文献   

陈金民  黄志良  刘羽  王升高 《功能材料》2007,38(5):743-745,749
选用V2O5为前驱物,通过在玻璃片上镀膜,采用微波等离子体增强法,在低温条件下,成功制备了氮杂二氧化钒薄膜.通过X射线衍射(XRD),FT-IR对样品进行表征,结果表明:合成的样品为多晶氮杂二氧化钒.相变温度测试结果表明:退火工艺可以降低相变温度,同时提高薄膜的结晶度;改变氮气流量,相变温度先降低后升高,当氮气流量为20ml/min时,相变温度可以降低至40℃.  相似文献   

The dielectric properties of (Ba, Sr)O-(Sm, La)2O3-TiO2 material at microwave frequencies were investigated. By varying the amount of strontium from 0–25 mol% in the 0.15(Ba1–x Sr x )O-0.15Sm2O3-0.7TiO2 composition, it was possible to adjust the frequency temperature coefficient, f, from –13 p.p.m. °C–1 to + 30 p.p.m. °C–1. When 7 mol% Sr was substituted for barium, f=0 p.p.m. °C–1 was obtained. TiO2 with rutile phase (f400 p.p.m. °C–1) acted as a dominant element in f variation of the 0.15(Ba1–x Sr x )O-0.15(Sm1–y La y )2O3-0.7TiO2 (0x0.25, 0y0.6) system. Additionally, increasing the quantity of lanthanum substitution for samarium had a greater positive effect on f than strontium substitution for barium. When 60 mol% La was substituted for samarium with 7mol% Sr substitution barium, f of the system reached 95 p.p.m. °C–1. The effect on microwave dielectric characteristics of the 0.15(Ba0.93Sr0.07)O-0.15Sm2O3-0.7TiO2 (BSST) ceramics by varying the calcination and/or sintering conditions or doping additives, were studied. The added SnO2 acted as a firing agent to lower the sintering temperature, and the dielectricQ(Q d) value was improved by properly adding CdO. With 1 wt% CdO addition, the highestQ d value of the BSST resonator, after calcination at 1100 °C/2 h and sintering at 1370 °C/4 h, reached 4180 at 4 GHz with a small f of –4 p.p.m. °C–1 and an r of 80.7 was obtained.  相似文献   

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