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The development of the Internet of Things brings new opportunities and challenges for sensor networks. The scale of sensor networks tends to be larger. And the fusion rules need to be intelligent. In this paper, we propose a new Internet of Things group search optimizer (ITGSO) to solve intelligent information fusion problems in the high‐dimensional multi‐sensor networks. ITGSO is inspired by the latest research achievement about leader decision in Nature and works about social coordination, which mainly consists of three parts: basic group search optimizer, binary group search optimizer, and social decision model. With ITGSO, we need less time to obtain minimum Bayes cost than particle swarm optimization. And information of uncertain social intelligent problems can be fused. In this paper, we give the theoretical basic of ITGSO and proved its validity via mathematical analysis and simulation results. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

设计了一种高隔离度双频多输入多输出(MIMO)天线,该天线覆盖2.4 GHz和5 GHz无线局域网频带,可以应用于移动物联网之中。天线包含两个相同的辐射单元天线,采用微带馈电的方式进行馈电。单元天线使用单极子天线作为基本辐射器,其包含一根长的和短的单极子天线,分别谐振在低频和高频频段。通过在两个单元天线中间加载T型隔离器提高了单元天线之间的隔离度。天线的辐射振子、馈电以及T型隔离器都印刷在同一块微波板材上,从而方便了天线的制作和加工。仿真结果表明,该天线在1.9~2.8 GHz以及4.7~6.2 GHz频带范围内能实现良好的双频工作特性,天线隔离度近20 dB,可以广泛应用于物联网系统中。  相似文献   

物联网天线技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕文俊  郁剑  朱洪波 《电信科学》2019,35(7):124-135
分别从射频识别天线、可穿戴/可植入天线、多物理量传感天线、能量收集天线、基于先进材料及工艺的片上封装天线等角度,系统介绍了目前物联网中的天线技术研究进展。进而结合近年在天线领域科研和教学实践,提出基于“单腔多模”思想、面向物联网应用的多谐天线设计理论,最后列举基于该理论的若干应用实例。  相似文献   

With the rapid development of the internet of things(IoT) technology and big data technology,the search engine for internet of things become a hot research topic.However,because of the openness of the search of IoT,the privacy in traditional internet search area become more prominent and face more challenges.Firstly,the research background and challenges of privacy preservation for search of IoT were described.Secondly,the framework of data privacy preservation for search of IoT were presented and several main research domain in this framework were described.Thirdly,several privacy preservation technology appropriated for search of IoT were described in detail,including the background,recent research work,main research directions.Finally,the current problems and important research field for future were presented.  相似文献   

针对基于神经网络的可见光室内定位技术存在训练速度慢、泛化能力弱而导致定位精度不高的问题,提出采用天牛须搜索(BAS)算法优化神经网络的可见光定位方法,搭建了 0.8 m×0.8 m×0.8 m的实测模型.该方法使用BAS算法优化神经网络的连接权重矩阵,拟合了室内无线信道参数,实现室内定位.仿真与实验结果表明:该方法仿真...  相似文献   

一种预测菱形运动估计算法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
在保证估计质量的情况下,为了降低运动估计算法的搜索次数,提出了一种预测菱形搜索算法.该算法保留了菱形算法的简易性和规则性,在菱形搜索算法中加入了对运动矢量的预测.实验表明和菱形算法比较,该算法减少了搜索次数,提高了估计质量.  相似文献   

姜官男  华伟  郭建华  蒋凯 《电讯技术》2019,59(7):817-822
为解决机场站坪区域多点定位系统定位检测率低的问题,基于射线追踪法与一致性几何绕射理论,建立了机场站坪区域的三维模型,仿真分析了复杂电磁环境中多点定位系统定位失败的原因与多径干扰来源,提出了抑制多径信号的定向接收天线方法。在机场站坪区域的仿真和实测结果表明,多点定位系统中采用定向接收天线的方法,可有效抑制多径干扰,显著提高多点定位系统定位检测率。  相似文献   

物联网智能终端设备识别方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
物联网终端身份的正确识别是建立物联网安全连接的重要前提,其中智能终端的身份识别问题尤为重要.介绍现有技术条件下,物联网中智能终端的设备识别方法.从物联网安全的角度,分析现有方案存在设备识别方式过于简单导致设备易被冒用的安全问题.为解决该问题,将物联网领域内项目研究工作的成果和业界的经验相结合,提出了物联网智能终端的多维度设备特征信息的识别方法.  相似文献   

一种新的天线阵列位置误差校正算法   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
天线阵元的位置误差会影响天线阵元所接收到信号的相位.基于特征值分解的波达方向算法对信号的相位误差非常敏感,因此有必要对阵元的位置误差所带来的接收信号相位误差进行校正.提出了一种基于噪声子空间的最优化算法能有效的校正直线阵列的位置误差.与原方法相比,该算法的优化参数仅为原来的一半,提高了梯度优化算法的收敛速度.数值计算结果表明该算法是有效的.  相似文献   

Adaptive digital filters have proven their worth in a wide range of applications such as channel equalisation, noise reduction, echo cancelling, and system identification. These filters can be broadly classified into two groups: finite impulse–response (FIR) and infinite impulse–response (IIR) filters. IIR filters have become the target of increasing interest because these filters can reduce the filter order significantly as compared to FIR filters. Tabu search is a heuristic optimisation algorithm which has been originally developed for combinatorial optimisation problems. It simulates the general rules of intelligent problem solving and has the ability of discovering the global minima in a multi-modal search space. In this work, a novel method based on tabu search is described for the design of adaptive IIR filters.  相似文献   

在发射分集系统中,使用虚接收天线技术将时间分集转化为虚接收天线分集,以提高信道的秩,可以有效提高系统中断速率,这十分适用于某些需要能够在较低的中断概率下以一定的传输速率进行通信的系统。已有的研究是将同样的数据在两个时隙内重复发送以形成虚接收天线,而这使得传输效率下降了一半。为改善性能,提出了一种新的虚接收天线方案,不再简单地重复发送,而用一个时隙发送前两个时隙数据的和,从而提高传输效率。分析和仿真表明,新方案可以提供与重复发送方案相同的分集阶数,而且相对于重复发送方案,新方案可以更有效地提高系统中断速率,并且遍历容量也相应提高。  相似文献   

The authors consider the class of conformal antennas consisting of bounded smooth closed curves in two dimensions and determine the surface field which maximizes power radiated in angular sector. The problem is cast as one of optimal control with the control set consisting of the surface current, constrained to have energy bounded by some constant, and the cost functional is taken to be the far field power radiated in an angular sector. A constructive algorithm is presented for approximating both the optimal value of the cost functional and the surface current which produce this optimal value. Bothte andtm polarizations are considered.  相似文献   

In this paper, we put forward a new classification algorithm based on RGH-Tree search and perform the classification analysis and comparison study. This algorithm can save computing resource and increase the classification efficiency. The experiment shows that this algorithm can get better effect in dealing with three dimensional multi-kind data. We find that the algorithm has better generalization ability for small training set and big testing result.  相似文献   

在编码解析需求的基础上,首先,提出了一个应用在大规模动态场景下的物联网编码解析系统的体系结构,它由多个相互独立且协作的编码解析服务组成。然后,提出了一个基于改进的SkipNet的编码解析服务,它不但继承了传统DHT覆盖网络的优点,还支持区域自治。最后,通过仿真实验表明,该服务具有优良的性能。  相似文献   

Halder  Subir  Ghosal  Amrita  Conti  Mauro 《Wireless Networks》2019,25(8):4459-4477
Wireless Networks - The idea of Internet of Things (IoT) is that many of the live objects (e.g., appliances) in the network are accessible, sensed, and interconnected. However, energy-constrained...  相似文献   

There are many problems in Social Internet of Things(IoTs), such as complex topology information, different degree of association between nodes and overlapping communities. The idea of set pair information grain computing and clustering is introduced to solve the above problems so as to accurately describe the similarity between nodes and fully explore the multi-community structure. A Set Pair Three-Way Overlapping Community Discovery Algorithm for Weighted Social Internet of Things (WSIoT-SPTOCD) is proposed. In the local network structure, which fully considers the topological information between nodes, the set pair connection degree is used to analyze the identity, difference and reverse of neighbor nodes. The similarity degree of different neighbor nodes is defined from network edge weight and node degree, and the similarity measurement method of set pair between nodes based on the local information structure is proposed. According to the number of nodes' neighbors and the connection degree of adjacent edges, the clustering intensity of nodes is defined, and an improved algorithm for initial value selection of k-means is proposed. The nodes are allocated according to the set pair similarity between nodes and different communities. Three-way community structures composed of a positive domain, boundary domain and negative domain are generated iteratively. Next, the overlapping node set is generated according to the calculation results of community node membership. Finally, experiments are carried out on artificial networks and real networks. The results show that WSIoT-SPTOCD performs well in terms of standardized mutual information, overlapping community modularity and F1.  相似文献   

提出了用分布于 x?y?z 三轴上的三个阵元估计扩频信号各条多径的来波方向(DOA)的方法,以及用由 x?y 均匀平面圆阵和 z 轴直线阵组成的阵列天线形成 3 维波束的方法。根据 CDMA 信号模型和多径信道模型,用 最大似然(ML)法分别估计出信号到达 3 个阵元的复信道响应,并利用复信道响应的幅角来估计各条多径信号 的 DOA;然后在已有最小均方误差(MMSE)法和最小二乘(LS)法的基础上生成带限制条件的扩展 MMSE(EMMSE)法形成 3 维波束。模拟表明,给出的 DOA 估计方法具有很高的精度,而 EMMSE 方法形成的波束主 瓣窄,旁瓣被抑制,有很高的输出信干噪比。  相似文献   

Internet of Things (IoT) as an important and ubiquitous service paradigm is one of the most important issues in IoT applications to provide terminal users with effective and efficient services based on service community. This paper presents a semantic-based similarity algorithm to build the IoT service community. Firstly, the algorithm reflects that the nodes of IoT contain a wealth of semantic information and makes them to build into the concept tree. Then tap the similarity of the semantic information based on the concept tree. Finally, we achieve the optimization of the service community through greedy algorithm and control the size of the service community by adjusting the threshold. Simulation results show the effectiveness and feasibility of this algorithm.  相似文献   

针对当前物联网技术飞速发展和社会对物联网专业技术人员的需求的现状,结合机器人技术特有的电子、计算机和机电一体化等学科的交叉学科特性,为进一步促进物联网专业的健康和持续快速发展,并为避免专业的同质化,提出了将机器人相关课程引入物联网专业教学中设想。  相似文献   

本文从理论和实验两个角度研究单荧光分子中心定位精度与信噪比的关系,提供了一种相对简单的方法来确定基于单分子中心定位技术的超高分辨显微成像系统的分辨率。特别是,本文给出一种提高定位精度的像素重建算法,在信噪比等条件不变的情况下,该算法可有效改善单分子定位精度,从而提高超高分辨成像系统的分辨率。  相似文献   

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