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There are two separate traditional approaches to model contact problems: continuum and atomistic theory. Continuum theory is successfully used in many domains, but when the scale of the model comes to nanometer, continuum approximation meets challenges. Atomistic theory can catch the detailed behaviors of an individual atom by using molecular dynamics (MD) or quantum mechanics, although accurately, it is usually time-consuming. A multiscale method coupled MD and finite element (FE) is presented. To mesh the FE region automatically, an adaptive method based on the strain energy gradient is introduced to the multiscale method to constitute an adaptive multiscale method. Utilizing the proposed method, adhesive contacts between a rigid cylinder and an elastic substrate are studied, and the results are compared with full MD simulations. The process of FE meshes refinement shows that adaptive multiscale method can make FE mesh generation more flexible. Comparison of the displacements of boundary atoms in the overlap region with the results from full MD simulations indicates that adaptive multiscale method can transfer displacements effectively. Displacements of atoms and FE nodes on the center line of the multiscale model agree well with that of atoms in full MD simulations, which shows the continuity in the overlap region. Furthermore, the Von Mises stress contours and contact force distributions in the contact region are almost same as full MD simulations. The method presented combines multiscale method and adaptive technique, and can provide a more effective way to multiscale method and to the investigation on nanoscale contact problems. 相似文献
Detailed behaviors of nanoscale textured surfaces during the reciprocating sliding contacts are still unknown although they are widely used in mechanical components to improve tribological characteristics. The current research of sliding contacts of textured surfaces mainly focuses on the experimental studies, while the cost is too high. Molecular dynamics(MD) simulation is widely used in the studies of nanoscale single-pass sliding contacts, but the CPU cost of MD simulation is also too high to simulate the reciprocating sliding contacts. In this paper, employing multiscale method which couples molecular dynamics simulation and finite element method, two dimensional nanoscale reciprocating sliding contacts of textured surfaces are investigated. Four textured surfaces with different texture shapes are designed, and a rigid cylindrical tip is used to slide on these textured surfaces. For different textured surfaces, average potential energies and average friction forces of the corresponding sliding processes are analyzed. The analyzing results show that “running-in” stages are different for each texture, and steady friction processes are discovered for textured surfaces II, III and IV. Texture shape and sliding direction play important roles in reciprocating sliding contacts, which influence average friction forces greatly. This research can help to design textured surfaces to improve tribological behaviors in nanoscale reciprocating sliding contacts. 相似文献
当两个粗糙面在力的作用下相互接触时,只有表面上的微凸体相互接触。这些微凸体的接触影响着接触面的摩擦、磨损并且决定着两接触面之间的导电性和热传递功能。这些微凸体存在于各个不同的尺度下,并且形状也不相同。运用堆叠式多尺度接触模型对典型的加工表面进行分析,研究多尺度粗糙度对接触面真实接触面积的影响。结果表明,在塑性接触和弹塑性接触情况下,接触表面的多尺度粗糙度对于真实的接触面积和接触力均都有着很大的影响,不同表面之间的接触面积和平均接触压力以一个数量级的大小变化。研究结果表明某些加工工艺得到的表面或许更适合于作为设备中相互接触的表面。 相似文献
接触刚度和接触阻尼是表征机械结合面动力学性能的两个重要参数,而机械结合面的动力学性能很大程度上影响着整个机械系统的振动水平,因此对于接触参数的研究一直是相关学者关注的方向。介绍了一种测试机械连接界面切向接触刚度和接触阻尼的实验装置和方法,并将表面织构技术运用到机械结合面设计,通过实验测量分析初步探索了机械结合面切向接触参数的表面织构效应。 相似文献
The scale of surface texture is becoming an important issue of surface texture design, particularly for the condition of low speed and high load. Experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of dimple size on friction under line contact condition. The patterns of dimples distributed as square array were fabricated on the surface of brass disks. Each pattern has the same area density of 7%, the same depth over diameter ratio h/d of 0.03, and dimple diameter d varying from 20 to 60 μm. The frictional tests of the brass disk sliding against a stationary cylindrical surface of bearing roller were conducted. It was found that the pattern with dimple diameter of 20 μm presented the effect of friction reduction. For the further understanding of the effect of dimple size under line contact condition, numerical simulations were also carried out to evaluate the hydrodynamic pressure within the contact of cylindrical and plane surfaces. The effects of dimple size and radius of the cylinder on the load carrying capacity were evaluated and discussed. 相似文献
Fundamental studies of Au contacts in MEMS RF switches 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) radio frequency (RF) switches hold great promise in a myriad of commercial, aerospace, and military applications. However, there is little understanding of the factors determining the performance and reliability of these devices. Fundamental studies of hot-switched gold (Au) contacts were conducted using a micro/nanoadhesion apparatus as a switch simulator. Experiments were conducted in a well defined air environment under precisely controlled operating conditions. Fundamental properties were connected to performance with an emphasis on the effects of contact force and electric current on contact resistance (R), microadhesion, and reliability/durability. Electric current had the most profound effect on switch performance. Observations at low current (1–10 A) include: (1) slightly higher R; (2) asperity creep; (3) high adhesion after rapid switching; (4) switch bouncing; and (5) reasonable durability. Conversely, observations at high current (1–10 mA) include: (1) slightly lower R; (2) melting; (3) no measurable adhesion; (4) less propensity for switch bouncing; (5) necking of contacts; and (6) poor reliability and durability due to switch shorting. Low current behavior was dominated by the propensity to form smooth surface contacts by hammering, which led to high van der Waals force. High current behavior was dominated by the formation of Au nanowires that bridge the contact during separation. Data suggest the presence of an adventitious film containing carbon and oxygen. Aging of the contacts in air was found to reduce adhesion. 相似文献
在 M-B 分形接触模型的基础上,建立机械密封环端面各向异性的数学模型。在考虑表面各向异性的情况下,分别利用弹性力学和分形接触模型相关原理求出端面接触载荷和弹塑性接触面积,分析表面纹理参数、端面接触载荷和接触面积三者之间的关系。结果表明:当施加一定的接触载荷时,随着表面纹理参数增大,真实接触面积增大,但增速逐渐变缓,弹塑性接触面积的比值在增大;在表面纹理参数不变时,随着真实接触面积的增加所需的接触载荷增大,但增加速逐渐变缓,弹塑性接触面积的比值随着接触载荷的增大而增大。在粗糙表面各向同性和各向异性两种情况下,接触载荷与接触面积的变化趋势是一致的,但考虑表面各向异性时,能更好地反映出真实粗糙表面各个参数之间的关系。 相似文献
The influence of surface topography on contacting solids is considered. The rough surface model is suggested and is used for the calculation of some tribological contact characteristics. A rough surface is modelled by a set of asperities of regular shape (wedge, cone, cylindrical, spherical segment), of differing height. A simple height distribution function and asperity shape function are used. These functions may be integrated analytically in further calculations.The surface model is used for calculation of one of the main contact parameters - real contact pressure (or real contact area) and other principal contact parameters, such as deformation, number of contact spots, average spot area, average distance between contact spots and intercontact gap.It is shown how the above parameters may be used for the calculation of such operational contact characteristics as friction coefficient, wear rate and electrical and thermal resistance. 相似文献
基于分形几何的表面微观形貌模拟及粘着弹性接触计算研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于Ausloos和Berman提出的推广的W-M函数对具有分形特征的粗糙表面进行仿真模拟,分析了函数中与尺度无关的特征参数对表面微观形貌的物理意义。同时,基于Yan和Maugis的理论研究,用模拟的分形表面建立了考虑表面效应的弹性接触模型,通过数值方法对整个过程进行迭代求解,得到了两接触面在不同的接触条件下各个接触斑点上的载荷分布和真实接触面积以及接触斑点的数量和尺寸。由于真实接触面积的尺寸敏感地反应表面微观几何形貌的变化,因此该方法为研究粘着机制和减小微尺度粘着效应提供了思路。 相似文献
基于改进多尺度模糊熵的滚动轴承故障诊断方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
滚动轴承故障诊断的关键是敏感故障特征的提取。多尺度模糊熵(multi-scale fuzzy entropy,简称MFE)是一种衡量时间序列复杂性的有效分析方法,已经被用于滚动轴承振动信号故障特征提取。针对MFE算法中多尺度粗粒化过程存在的缺陷,笔者采用滑动均值的方式代替粗粒化过程,提出了改进的多尺度模糊熵算法,并通过仿真信号将其与MFE进行了对比分析。在此基础上,提出了一种基于改进多尺度模糊熵与支持向量机的滚动轴承故障诊断方法。最后,将所提故障诊断方法应用于的滚动轴承实验数据分析,并与基于MFE的故障诊断方法进行了对比,结果验证了所提方法的有效性和优越性。 相似文献
Abdallah A. Elsharkawy 《Lubrication Science》2006,18(3):209-221
A numerical solution to the elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) problem of two coated elastic bodies in line contact is introduced. The non‐Newtonian behavior of the lubricant is incorporated into EHL analysis using Eyring's nonlinear viscous model. The surface elastic deformations are computed from full elasticity analysis of layered elastic half‐space. The iterative Newton–Raphson technique is used in the numerical solution. Subsurface stresses are calculated using two different techniques, the numerical integral scheme based on Fourier transformation and the finite element method. The effects of surface coating (material and thickness) on the pressure profile and subsurface stresses are presented and discussed. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Lars A. Hagman 《Lubrication Science》1998,5(1):15-30
Micro-slip can be characterised as local slip in a contact. Test equipment has been developed to study the phenomenon in point contacts. Although the equipment is designed for any point contact, the surface configuration presented here is a sphere against a flat. With the equipment, it is possible to measure accurately forces and displacements in both the normal and the tangential direction of the contact. Three-dimensional surface topography measurements of the contact surfaces can also be made before and after each test. A series of experiments has been carried out in which normal load, surface roughness, material combination, and lubrication were varied. The general experience gathered from the tests was that the equipment is accurate enough for very small contacts and is easy to use. The test results presented in this paper show tangential and normal displacement and tangential load for contacts subjected to small macro displacements, both undirectional and oscillating. The degree of plastic deformation in a contact is also shown for some tests. 相似文献
Iuliana Stoica Luiza Epure Ion Sava Victor Damian Nicolae Hurduc 《Microscopy research and technique》2013,76(9):914-923
The surface morphology of azo‐polyimide films was investigated after 355nm Nd: YAG laser irradiation with two different incident fluencies. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was employed to correlate the laser‐induced tridimensional nanogrooved surface relief with the incident fluence and the number of irradiation pulses. The height images revealed that the grooves depth increased even tens of times by increasing the incident fluence, using the same numbers of irradiation pulses. For low incident fluence, the films were uniformly patterned till 100 pulses of irradiation. Instead, when using higher fluence, after 15 pulses of irradiation the accuracy of the surface relief definition was reduced. This behavior could be explained by means of two different mechanisms, one that suppose the film photo‐fluidization due to the cis‐trans isomerization processes of the azo‐groups and the second one responsible for the directional mass displacement. The dominant surface direction and parameters like isotropy, periodicity, and period were evaluated from the polar representation for texture analysis, revealing the appearance of ordered and directionated nanostructures for most of the experimental conditions. Also, the graphical studies of the functional volume parameters have evidenced the improvement of the relief structuration during surface nanostructuration. The correlation of these statistical texture parameters with the irradiation characteristics is important in controlling the alignment of either the liquid crystals or the cells/tissues on patterned azo‐polyimide surfaces for optoelectronic devices and implantable biomaterials, respectively. Microsc. Res. Tech. 76:914–923, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
Ilya I. Kudish 《Lubrication Science》2013,25(8):479-505
The paper is devoted to the development of an asymptotic approach to solution of the steady isothermal problem of elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) for heavily loaded point contacts. It is shown that the whole contact region can be subdivided into three subregions: the central one that is adjacent to the other two regions occupied by the ends of the horseshoe‐shaped pressure/gap distribution zone. The central region, in turn, can be subdivided into the Hertzian region and its adjacent inlet and exit zones that, in turn, are adjacent to the inlet and exit boundaries of the contact, respectively. Moreover, in the central region, in the inlet and exit zones of heavily loaded point EHL contact, the EHL problem can be reduced to asymptotically valid equations identical to the ones obtained in the inlet and exit zones of heavily loaded line EHL contacts. The latter means that many of the well‐known properties of heavily loaded line EHL contacts are also valid for heavily loaded point EHL contacts. These asymptotically valid equations can be analysed and numerically solved based on the stable methods using a specific regularisation approach that were developed for lubricated line contacts. Cases of pre‐critical and over‐critical lubrication regimes are considered. The by‐product of this asymptotic analysis is an easy analytical derivation of formulas for the lubrication film thickness for pre‐critical and over‐critical lubrication regimes. The method is validated by the results of some experimental and numerical studies published by a number of researches. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
M. Ciavarella A. Baldini A. Strozzi 《International Journal of Mechanical Sciences》2006,48(9):917-925
In cases of completely conforming frictionless contact, the contact area generally either decreases or stays the same under load, in which case the extent of the contact area is subsequently independent of load and the stress and displacement fields vary linearly with the loading parameter. Dundurs and Stippes describe such cases as receding contact problems. Here, we demonstrate that similar results apply in the presence of Coulomb friction, in which case the extent of the stick and slip zones and the local direction of sliding are independent of load. We also show that if there is a small initial gap or interference throughout the potential contact area, the extent of the contact area and the stress and displacement fields will approach those of the corresponding receding contact problem as the applied load is increased. If the interface conditions permit adhesion between the contacting surfaces, the extent of the adhesion zone shrinks to zero as the load increases without limit. Progress of the contact configuration towards the limit is governed solely by a dimensionless load factor involving the ratio between the applied load and the initial clearance or interference. This permits results for a variety of initial geometries (due to tolerance variations) to be obtained from a set of finite element results for a single case. Some of these characteristics are demonstrated using a finite element solution of a connecting rod/bushing/gudgeon pin contact. Other interesting applications are those with complex geometries, ranging from biomechanics, as in prostheses, to the design of multiple fasteners. 相似文献
Nanoscale sliding contacts of smooth surfaces or between a single asperity and a smooth surface have been widely investigated by molecular dynamics simulations, while there are few studies on the sliding contacts between two rough surfaces. Actually, the friction of two rough surfaces considering interactions between more asperities should be more realistic. By using multiscale method, friction characteristics of two dimensional nanoscale sliding contacts between rigid multi-asperity tips and elastic textured surfaces are investigated. Four nanoscale textured surfaces with different texture shapes are designed, and six multi-asperity tips composed of cylindrical asperities with different radii are used to slide on the textured surfaces. Friction forces are compared for different tips, and effects of the asperity radii on the friction characteristics are investigated. Average friction forces for all the cases are listed and compared, and effects of texture shapes of the textured surfaces are discussed. The results show that textured surface II has a better structure to reduce friction forces. The multi-asperity tips composed of asperities with R=20r0 (r0=0.227 7 nm) or R=30r0 get higher friction forces compared with other cases, and more atoms of the textured surfaces are taken away by these two tips, which are harmful to reduce friction or wear. For the case of R=10ro, friction forces are also high due to large contact areas, but the sliding processes are stable and few atoms are taken away by the tip. The proposed research considers interactions between more asperities to make the model approach to the real sliding contact problems. The results will help to vary or even control friction characteristics by textured surfaces, or provide references to the design of textured surfaces. 相似文献