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Microchannel plate (MCP) detectors have been widely used as two-dimensional photon counting devices on numerous space EUV (extreme ultraviolet) missions. Although there are other choices for EUV photon detectors, the characteristic features of MCP detectors such as their light weight, low dark current, and high spatial resolution make them more desirable for space applications than any other detector. In addition, it is known that the photocathode can be tailored to increase the quantum detection efficiency (QDE) especially for longer UV wavelengths (100-150 nm). There are many types of photocathode materials available, typically alkali halides. In this study, we report on the EUV (50-150 nm) QDE evaluations for MCPs that were coated with Au, MgF(2), CsI, and KBr. We confirmed that CsI and KBr show 2-100 times higher QDEs than the bare photocathode MCPs, while Au and MgF(2) show reduced QDEs. In addition, the optimal geometrical parameters for the CsI deposition were also studied experimentally. The best CsI thickness was found to be 150 nm, and it should be deposited on the inner wall of the channels only where the EUV photons initially impinge. We will also discuss the techniques and procedures for reducing the degradation of the photocathode while it is being prepared on the ground before being deployed in space, as adopted by JAXA's EXCEED mission which will be launched in 2013.  相似文献   

We present the design and calibration of a microchannel plate based extreme ultraviolet spectrometer. Calibration was performed at the Advance Light Source (ALS) at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). This spectrometer will be used to record the single shot spectrum of radiation emitted by the tapered hybrid undulator (THUNDER) undulator installed at the LOASIS GeV-class laser-plasma-accelerator. The spectrometer uses an aberration-corrected concave grating with 1200 lines/mm covering 11-62 nm and a microchannel plate detector with a CsI coated photocathode for increased quantum efficiency in the extreme ultraviolet. A touch screen interface controls the grating angle, aperture size, and placement of the detector in vacuum, allowing for high-resolution measurements over the entire spectral range.  相似文献   

球面微通道板在极紫外波段的量子探测效率   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
由于球面微通道板(MCP)的量子探测效率与极紫外(EUV)相机的灵敏度有关,本文研究了球面MCP量子探测效率的特点和测量方法.根据微通道板在EUV波段光电子产额的理论模型,计算了球面MCP在该波段下随不同入射角变化的电子产额.使用激光等离子体光源测量球面MCP在EUV波段的量子探测效率,搭建了球面MCP在该波段的量子探...  相似文献   

介绍了离子迁移计的基本原理;概述了一种微处理器控制的离子迁移计样机的设计,包括总体结构、信号采集方法和主程序流程;给出了用本仪器测得的二氯二乙硫醚的负离子信号谱图.离子迁移计的灵敏度很高,可以应用于环境监测和化学侦察.  相似文献   

This paper is the second part of a continuing study of straight-channel microchannel plate (MCP)-based x-ray detectors. Such detectors are a useful diagnostic tool for two-dimensional, time-resolved imaging and time-resolved x-ray spectroscopy. To interpret the data from such detectors, it is critical to develop a better understanding of the behavior of MCPs biased with subnanosecond voltage pulses. The subject of this paper is a Monte Carlo computer code that simulates the electron cascade in a MCP channel under an arbitrary pulsed voltage, particularly those pulses with widths comparable to the transit time of the electron cascade in the MCP under DC voltage bias. We use this code to study the gain as a function of time (also called the gate profile or optical gate) for various voltage pulse shapes, including pulses measured along the MCP. In addition, experimental data of MCP behavior in pulsed mode are obtained with a short-pulse UV laser. Comparisons between the simulations and experimental data show excellent agreement for both the gate profile and the peak relative sensitivity along the MCP strips. We report that the dependence of relative gain on peak voltage is larger in pulsed mode when the width of the high-voltage waveform is smaller than the transit time of cascading electrons in the MCP.  相似文献   

Plasma spectroscopy requires determination of spectral line intensities and widths. At Sandia National Laboratories Z facility we use elliptical crystal spectrometers equipped with gated microchannel plate detectors to record time and space resolved spectra. We collect a large volume of data typically consisting of five to six snapshots in time and five to ten spectral lines with 30 spatial elements per frame, totaling to more than 900 measurements per experiment. This large volume of data requires efficiency in processing. We have addressed this challenge by using a line fitting routine to automatically fit each spectrum using assumed line profiles and taking into account photoelectron statistics to efficiently extract line intensities and widths with uncertainties. We verified that the random data noise obeys Poisson statistics. Rescale factors for converting film exposure to effective counts required for understanding the photoelectron statistics are presented. An example of the application of these results to the analysis of spectra recorded in Z experiments is presented.  相似文献   

X-ray detectors based on straight-channel microchannel plates (MCPs) are a powerful diagnostic tool for two-dimensional, time-resolved imaging and time-resolved x-ray spectroscopy in the fields of laser-driven inertial confinement fusion and fast Z-pinch experiments. Understanding the behavior of microchannel plates as used in such detectors is critical to understanding the data obtained. The subject of this paper is a Monte Carlo computer code we have developed to simulate the electron cascade in a MCP under a static applied voltage. Also included in the simulation is elastic reflection of low-energy electrons from the channel wall, which is important at lower voltages. When model results were compared to measured MCP sensitivities, good agreement was found. Spatial resolution simulations of MCP-based detectors were also presented and found to agree with experimental measurements.  相似文献   

板件自动化冲压加工生产过程中板料抓取装置是实现冲压自动化的一个关键设备.采用真空吸附技术的板料抓取装置在冲压自动化生产中运用十分广泛.介绍了板料抓取真空吸附技术及真空吸盘的选择方法,提出了基于MATLAB的真空吸盘布置设计方法,对真空吸盘型板料抓取装置的设计具有借鉴作用.  相似文献   

We describe here the key technical elements of a two-color tunable IR/VUV photoionization TOF mass spectrometer system which allows a wide-range of high-resolution experiments to be performed on a diverse range of cold molecules and clusters in a molecular beam. In particular we highlight the methods we have applied to provide efficient wavelength separation of the VUV radiation from the longer wavelength components used to generate it and discuss a number of systems that we have studied with the instrument which highlight its flexibility for use in the study of molecular spectroscopy.  相似文献   

A Thomson parabola ion spectrometer has been designed for use at the Multiterawatt (MTW) laser facility at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) at the University of Rochester. This device uses parallel electric and magnetic fields to deflect particles of a given mass-to-charge ratio onto parabolic curves on the detector plane. Once calibrated, the position of the ions on the detector plane can be used to determine the particle energy. The position dispersion of both the electric and magnetic fields of the Thomson parabola was measured using monoenergetic proton and alpha particle beams from the SUNY Geneseo 1.7 MV tandem Pelletron accelerator. The sensitivity of Fujifilm BAS-TR imaging plates, used as a detector in the Thomson parabola, was also measured as a function of the incident particle energy over the range from 0.6 MeV to 3.4 MeV for protons and deuterons and from 0.9 MeV to 5.4 MeV for alpha particles. The device was used to measure the energy spectrum of laser-produced protons at MTW.  相似文献   

ITER校正场线圈馈线系统的真空隔断是过渡馈线中的重要组成部分,位于S弯盒与过渡馈线的接口处,用以保证S弯盒和过渡馈线中不同真空系统的独立性,便于系统维护.针对真空隔断的作用,介绍了其设计结构,使用ANSYS软件建立了真空隔断的热及结构有限元模型,考虑到热传导、热辐射及外部自然对流对真空隔断工作环境的影响,计算了其温度分布、低温区的热载及其热应力,结果验证了真空隔断结构设计的可行性,为真空隔断的进一步优化及试制奠定基础.  相似文献   

A bipolar plate is one of the crucial components that strongly influence the power density of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack. Especially, an aluminium bipolar plate not only has better mechanical properties such as density, electrical resistivity and thermal conductivity but also has more corrosion resistance than bipolar plates made of stainless steel and graphite composites. Furthermore, the use of aluminium reduces the cost and weight of the plates, and the plates are easily machinable. This study presents the results of experiments conducted to investigate the feasibility of developing bipolar plates made of aluminium that consist of microchannels. This paper explains experimental investigations performed to investigate the formability of an aluminium sheet. The effects of forming velocity and die temperature on the microchannels in thin sheets of Al5052 having a thickness of 0.3 mm are investigated. The roundness of the core-die channels ranged from 0.3 to 0.1 mm, and the height is 0.6 mm. Formability tests are conducted for forming velocities of 0.1 and 1.0 mm/s and die temperatures in the range from room temperature to 300°C. The experimental results indicate the feasibility of the proposed technique for manufacturing the bipolar plates of aluminium.  相似文献   

为了提高紫外成像器件的填充因子,解决凝视型高性能紫外成像器件的核心技术问题,根据标量衍射理论设计了用于128×128日盲型紫外成像器件的微透镜阵列,其工作中心波长为350nm,单元透镜F数为3.56。采用组合多层镀膜与剥离的工艺方法制备衍射微透镜阵列,对具体的工艺流程和制备误差进行了分析,测量了衍射微透镜阵列的光学性能。实验结果表明:衍射微透镜阵列的衍射效率为86%,与理论值95%有偏差,制备误差主要来自对准误差和线宽误差。紫外衍射微透镜阵列的整体性能满足了微透镜阵列与紫外成像阵列的单片集成要求。  相似文献   

为了提高数字微镜(digital micro-mirror device,DMD)哈达玛变换光谱仪的编码效率,满足光谱仪大量、实时采集的要求,设计了一种新的DMD哈达玛变换光谱仪的电学结构。将哈达玛编码数据预存到DMD驱动板板载FLASH芯片上,编码时将编码数据读取到DDR2板载内存上,连续播放DMD编码条纹,通过DMD的内同步信号触发光谱采集系统采集光谱数据。实验表明,对511阶哈达玛变换来说,光谱仪的采集时间小于1s,可以满足哈达玛变换光谱仪实时的光谱检测要求,并且其结构还降低了对上位机的依赖,为光谱仪脱离上位机操作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

在对扬州恒星精密机械有限公司现有混合接头工艺分析的基础上,针对工程实践中存在的诸多问题,提出了托卡马克装置冷却管路钢铝混合接头真空钎焊工艺.该工艺在确定了抗拉强度、抗剪切强度、真空漏率等技术指标的基础上,采用Mg蒸汽保护进行真空焊接的同时缩小预置焊缝间隙,并通过改良钎焊料成分提高了焊缝韧性.  相似文献   

Imaging x-ray crystal spectrometer (XCS) arrays are being developed as a US-ITER activity for Doppler measurement of T(i) and v profiles of impurities (W, Kr, and Fe) with ~7?cm (a/30) and 10-100 ms resolution in ITER. The imaging XCS, modeled after a prototype instrument on Alcator C-Mod, uses a spherically bent crystal and 2D x-ray detectors to achieve high spectral resolving power (E/dE>6000) horizontally and spatial imaging vertically. Two arrays will measure T(i) and both poloidal and toroidal rotation velocity profiles. The measurement of many spatial chords permits tomographic inversion for the inference of local parameters. The instrument design, predictions of performance, and results from C-Mod are presented.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to verify a perforated plate design technique for generating a certain velocity and turbulence distribution by introducing the connection condition that demonstrates the disturbance attenuation characteristics of the plate. The application range on the downstream side of the perforated plate is studied based on a numerical simulation of the resistance characteristics of perforated plates. The optimum numerical simulations of turbulent flows through perforated plates are then clarified. The numerical simulation results and the experimental data for the disturbance attenuation are highly consistent with the numerical simulation and experimental data for the perforated plates with fixed opening ratios and pore diameters. In addition, the calculation results for the downstream disturbance distribution almost correspond with the experimental results when the opening ratio of the perforated plate is fixed but the pore diameter is variable. Consequently, the disturbance numerical simulation technique developed in this research by utilising the connection conditions for perforated plates clarifies the reliability of the rectifying device design method used to generate the velocity and turbulence distribution of perforated plates.  相似文献   

High-resolution x-ray measurements were performed with a von Hamos-type bent crystal spectrometer using for the detection of the diffracted photons either a back-illuminated charge-coupled device (CCD) camera or a front-illuminated one. For each CCD the main x-ray emission lines (e.g., Kalpha, Kbeta, Lalpha, and Lbeta) of a variety of elements were measured in order to probe the performances of the two detectors between 1 and 18 keV. From the observed x-ray lines the linearity of the energy response, the noise level, the energy resolution, and the quantum efficiency ratio of the two CCDs were determined.  相似文献   

We developed a lost alpha detection system to use in burning plasma experiments. The scintillators of Ag:ZnS and polycrystalline Ce:YAG were designed for a high-temperature environment, and the optical transmission line was designed to transmit from the scintillator to the port plug. The required optical components of lenses and mirrors were irradiated using the fission reactor with the initial result that there was no clear change after the irradiation with a neutron flux of 9.6×10(17)?nm(-2) s(-1) for 48 h. We propose a diagnostic of alpha particle loss, so-called alpha particle induced gamma ray spectroscopy. The initial laboratory test has been carried out by the use of the Ce doped Lu(2)SiO(5) scintillator detector and an Am-Be source to detect the 4.44 MeV high energy gamma ray due to the (9)Be(α,nγ)(12)C reaction.  相似文献   

提出了液压锤性能测试装置的闭式机架结构方案,对其结构组成和工作原理进行了分析,并导出了该装置的主要参数计算公式.基于ADAMS环境并应用其二次开发技术,建立了适合于动力学分析和优化设计的参数化模型及其参数化设计界面,可高效、高质量地完成该装置的参数化虚拟样机设计.  相似文献   

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