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Application of controlled series capacitors with anti-parallel thyristor combination across the capacitor segment is one of the new and promising countermeasures for enhancement of power system stability. The line reactance can be directly controlled by the controlled series capacitors, hence, it is very effective to apply the capacitors for damping power system disturbances. In this paper, we describe the following. (1) The design method of control system for the segmented series capacitors with thyristor switches is proposed. (2) The effectiveness of the controlled capacitors proposed for power system stabilization is shown with the results of EMTP analysis. (3) The possibility of zero passing missing phenomena of capacitor voltage is indicated by EMTP simulation, and a countermeasure is proposed in order to avoid the phenomena. The effects of the countermeasure is indicated by the results of EMTP simulation.  相似文献   

串补电容可能引发次同步暂态扭矩放大,极端情况下在0.5 s内导致汽轮发电机组大轴损伤,常规扭应力保护来不及保护。提出一种快速保护方法,该方法将电流或有功功率的工频变化量越限作为启动判据,波动转速幅值越限作为动作判据。针对XM地区M电厂的机组,选取12个算例进行时域仿真分析,结果表明,波动转速幅值与扭振幅值有较好的一致性,近似成正比;在仿真的转速中叠加现场实测的转速噪声信号,对保护算法及保护逻辑进行验证,结果表明扭振较轻时保护不动作,扭振较重时保护快速动作,最恶劣工况下暂态扭矩放大导致的疲劳值可降低至15 %以下。需注意机组脱网之后仍存在扭振的影响,保护定值应有足够裕度。  相似文献   

近年来,国内外多次发生并网风电场引发电力系统次同步振荡的事件,风电并网系统次同步振荡稳定性的分析与控制方法成为亟待解决的科学与工程问题。文中介绍了目前风电并网系统次同步振荡稳定性的分析方法—阻抗分析法、模式分析法和开环模式分析法,并从对振荡机理的揭示、稳定性评估结论的准确性和工程实用性三个方面进行了对比。总结归纳了风电并网系统次同步振荡负电阻和开环模式耦合机理的研究成果。从柔性交流输电系统及其附加阻尼控制器、风电机组换流器附加控制环节两个方面总结归纳了风电并网系统次同步振荡的控制方法。对目前风电并网系统次同步振荡稳定性分析与控制方法的研究中尚存在的问题以及有待突破的研究方向进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

In this paper, the impact of different gate-controlled series capacitor (GCSC) control methodologies on sub-synchronous resonance (SSR) problems of series capacitive compensated transmission lines is analyzed. The low-frequency power oscillation (LFPO) damping using GCSC also is studied. In these studies, the effect of the rating of the GCSC is also considered. Three different control methodologies are proposed: open loop, constant power, and Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy control. It is shown that the GCSC can damp both the SSR and LFPO using the constant power control (CPC) methodology. It is also shown that when the parameters of the CPC is optimized by the TS fuzzy controller, the third methodology can present a cost-effective solution for both the SSR and LFPO damping. In this work, the IEEE First Benchmark Model is employed, including a GCSC device, and the study is performed using MATLAB program.  相似文献   

Recent progress in power electronics technology makes it possible to consider applying self‐commutated converters using gate turn‐off thyristors (GTOs) to HVDC transmission systems. Since the self‐commutated converter can be operated stably without depending on ac‐side voltage, the magnitude and the phase angle of the converter output voltage can be controlled independently. Therefore, this type of converter will improve voltage stability at its ac side. On the other hand, shaft torsional oscillation of a thermal power plant caused by the interaction between the shaft‐generator system and the control system of the self‐commutated converter is still an open problem. In this paper, a linearized model for eigenvalue analysis of a power system, including HVDC interconnection with self‐commutated converters, is described to analyze the effect of the self‐commutated converter on the shaft torsional oscillation of a thermal power plant. Then, numerical results from the eigenvalue analysis of the shaft torsional oscillation are presented. Results obtained by the frequency response method are also reported. The numerical results make it clear that parameter regions of DC‐AVR and ACR control systems of self‐commutated converters exist where the shaft torsional oscillation may be caused. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 128(4): 25–37, 1999  相似文献   

研究汽轮发电机组扭振问题及次同步谐振/振荡时需使用“简单多质量块-弹簧”模型,其中扭转刚度的准确性十分重要。在已知转动惯量、固有模态频率的前提下,提出一种扭转刚度的简易计算方法,该方法根据已有资料给出扭振振型矩阵的估计值,利用模态向量的正交性求解模态扭转刚度矩阵估计值,反算出扭转刚度;考虑计算结果可能存在偏差,再采用牛顿-拉夫逊方法进行修正。给出沙角C厂1号机组的算例,解决了该机组因为缺失扭转刚度数据导致扭振问题不能详细分析、扭振保护设备不能投运的问题。所提方法计算量小、易于实现,也可以用于扭振保护在实测模态频率之后对轴系模型参数的修正。  相似文献   

针对送端电网大规模风电接入可能加剧火电机组次同步振荡的问题,提出一种基于改进遗传算法的自抗扰附加阻尼控制方法。利用基于总体最小二乘法-旋转不变技术的信号参数估计(TLS-ESPRIT)算法对系统进行次同步振荡特性辨识,根据主模比指标选择合适的控制反馈信号,得到系统在次同步频段内各振荡模式对应的低阶传递函数;结合时间乘绝对误差积分准则(ITAE)指标与极大极小值原理确定被控系统控制目标,并利用改进遗传算法寻优确定多通道自抗扰控制器参数。在PSCAD上搭建含大规模风电的测试系统模型,仿真结果表明基于改进自抗扰控制的附加次同步阻尼控制器在送端电网多种运行方式和不同故障情况下都能有效抑制汽轮发电机组的次同步振荡,鲁棒性较强,同时低阶自抗扰控制器也具有令人满意的控制效果。  相似文献   

TCSC次同步频率阻抗特性及其抑制SSR的参数设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
正确分析TCSC次同步频率阻抗特性是研究TCSC抑制次同步谐振(SSR)能力以及进行TCSC参数设计的重要基础。基于对TCSC次同步频率阻抗模型的研究,绘制了三维频率阻抗图,分析了TCSC次同步频率阻抗特性,特别提出了次同步谐振导通角的概念。基于内蒙古上都电厂串补输电线路模型,在满足工频基波阻抗调节特性的前提下,根据次同步频率阻抗特性研究了考虑TCSC自然抑制SSR时其主电路参数的设计原则。通过对上述系统各模态频率阻抗特性的综合分析,讨论了TCSC控制参数的选择方法。仿真结果证实了次同步频率阻抗特性分析结果的正确性。  相似文献   

The thyristor‐controlled series capacitor (TCSC) is promising as a powerful device to increase power transfer capability and transient stability. The basic configuration of the TCSC consists of a series of capacitors connected antiparallel with thyristor‐controlled reactors, so that firing angle control of the thyristors makes the TCSC capable of achieving impedance control in a wide range with quick response. It is important to clarify the relationship between the fundamental reactance of the TCSC and the firing angle of the thyristors, thus leading to practical applications of the TCSC for enhancement of power transfer capability and transient stability in transmission lines. Two relationship equations for the TCSC's fundamental reactance have already been proposed. One is the relationship equation derived from a TCSC circuit whose source is a voltage. The other is the relationship equation derived from a TCSC circuit whose source is a current. For TCSC installed in a transmission line, it is clear which equation is more adequate for analyzing power system stability. In this paper, the authors determine whether either of the equations is valid for analyzing a power system stability.
  • 1. In the steady state, the TCSC fundamental reactance is analyzed and compared with the two equations and EMTP. It is clear that the TCSC reactance based on current source is adequate.
  • 2. The swing angle of a generator when the firing angle is stepped up is analyzed with EMTP and an analytical model using the TCSC model based on current source. It is shown that the proposed model is effective for power system stability analysis. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 129(1): 20–28, 1999

HVDC解决了长距离输电中电压降低、线损加大、无功补偿等问题,却又给系统带来了次同步振荡的危险。SVC在补偿HVDC无功功率需求的同时也可以通过增加附加控制来抑制可能产生的次同步振荡。为了使SVC的补偿精确,SVC附加控制的输入信号取易于获得的电压电流信号且有明显的抑制效果,将采用基于瞬时无功理论的方法来设计SVC的控制,消除不对称分量和其他频率下谐波分量的影响,使得控制效果更精准。以向上直流降功率25%单极孤岛运行方式为例,验证了基于瞬时无功理论设计的SVC控制对次同步振荡抑制的有效性。  相似文献   

我国新疆等西北地区采用风火打捆外送系统将电能输送至用电紧缺的地区,但是由于系统网架结构相对薄弱等特点,经常发生无规律的次同步振荡。基于以往对风电场群次同步振荡监控策略的研究,当风电场群次同步振荡发生漏监时,通过对谐波产生原因及传播路径的分析,在最佳监控点220 kV电网处构架了由PMU等装置组建的监视系统,并提出分轮分级次同步振荡安全控制策略。最后,将监控策略应用于新疆麻黄沟地区,通过对振荡前后采样值波形图对比分析,验证了该策略的可行性。  相似文献   

TCSC对电力系统次同步谐振的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以IEEE次同步谐振第1标准模型为研究对象,采用扫频和时域仿真相结合的复转矩系数法,从系统阻尼特性的角度分析了系统发生SSR的危险性,并用时域仿真法验证了该方法的正确性.在系统中加入TCSC,通过对电气阻尼特性的深入研究,发现在一定的条件下,TCSC使系统的电气谐振点发生了偏移,从而破坏系统发生SSR的条件;但是TCSC运行在较小导通角时,可能引起系统负阻尼频带加宽的现象,从而引起系统的次同步振荡,并通过时域仿真验证了该现象的危险性.讨论了TCSC的参数设计原则,使TCSC能够最大限度地提高对SSR的抑制能力.  相似文献   

This paper presents a zero‐voltage‐switching modular equalization for series super‐capacitor string in a large energy storage system. The zero‐voltage working scheme is analyzed based on Power Simulation (PSIM) to verify its validity. An equalization system test for 16‐super‐capacitor cells is conducted under voltage‐imbalanced conditions. The power flow model, switching patterns, and zero‐voltage gap are discussed. The simulation and experimental results are presented, indicating that the equalization not only inherits the advantages of traditional inductor‐based super‐capacitor equalization system, but also brings some merits, such as flexible, low switching loss, and highly modularized.  相似文献   

随着新能源发电的快速发展,大规模风电场与电网相互作用引起的次同步振荡问题不断凸显,对次同步振荡进行预测并采取预防性控制措施具有重要意义。为此,提出了一种基于机器学习可解释代理模型的风电并网系统次同步振荡的在线预测和优化控制方法。采用Prony算法分析电网小扰动过程以辨识系统阻尼水平。建立了基于梯度提升树模型的系统阻尼评估系统。提出了基于可解释代理模型的优化控制辅助决策方法。在Matlab Simulink中搭建了多个直驱风电场并网系统的仿真模型,验证了所提方法能够有效进行次同步振荡在线预测和优化控制,从而抑制次同步振荡,提升系统的稳定性。相较于传统的抑制方法,所提方法不依赖风电系统的详细模型,能够对风电场进行有针对性的控制,且控制措施的效果是可估测的。  相似文献   

Recently, due to a rapid increase of demand for air conditioning in summer, peak power demand is becoming increasingly acute. Therefore, the load factor has a tendency to drop every year. The drop of the load factor is leading to a drop in the utilization factor of the power facilities and an increase in the cost of installation. In this paper, we propose an energy storage system for peak‐cut of power demand, in which we use large‐capacity electric double‐layer capacitors. This energy storage system has some distinctive characteristics, including long life span, maintenance‐free operation, preservation of environment, high efficiency at charge/discharge, and so on. This paper deals with the circuit arrangement of the proposed energy storage system, the charge equalization method of the capacitors, and the control method of the converter at charge/discharge. Finally, the operating characteristics of this system are evaluated by simulation analysis. © 2000 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 133(3): 83‐92, 2000  相似文献   

With the advent of interconnection of large‐scale electric power systems, many new dynamics power system problems have emerged, which include low‐frequency intersystem oscillations and many others. To date, most major generators in trunk electric power systems in Japan are equipped with supplementary excitation control, commonly referred to as the conventional single and two input PSS. However, low‐frequency oscillations still occur. It is difficult for these conventional PSS to improve the additional damping of power system oscillation, because of the hardware and design of fixed PSS control constants from a one‐machine infinite‐bus model. It has therefore become necessary to develop a new adaptive LQG system generator. This paper explains the development of the new adaptive LQG system and the simulation of low‐frequency and local mode oscillation for this new adaptive LQG system. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 142(3): 30–40, 2003; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10109  相似文献   

This paper presents a free‐weighting matrix (FWM) method based on linear control design approach for the wide‐area robust damping (WARD) controller associated with flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) device to improve the dynamical performance of the large‐scale power systems. First, the linearized reduced‐order plant model is established, which efficiently considers the time delay of the remote feedback signals transmitted by wide‐area measurement systems. Then, based on the robust control theory, the design of the FACTS‐WARD controller is formulated as the standard control problem on delay‐dependent state‐feedback robust control, which is described by a set of linear matrix inequality constraints. Furthermore, in order to obtain the optimal control parameters that can endure the maximum time delay, a FWM approach is proposed to solve the time‐dependent problem of the time‐delay system. Meanwhile, an iterative algorithm based on cone complementary linearization is presented to search out the optimal control parameters. Finally, the nonlinear simulations on the 2‐area 4‐machine and the 5‐area 16‐machine test systems are performed, to evaluate the control performance of the proposed robust wide‐area time‐delay control approach. © 2011 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

随着串联电容补偿输电的推广应用,中国电力系统面临着严峻的次同步谐振(SSR)问题。针对SSR问题,文中基于采用电流控制模式的统一潮流控制器(UPFC),提出了一种UPFC附加阻尼控制抑制SSR的方法;首先选择了附加阻尼控制信号接入UPFC控制器的位置,然后设计了UPFC附加次同步阻尼控制器(SSDC),并推导了其抑制系统SSR的机理,且所设计的SSDC采用了模态分离控制以达到抑制多模态SSR的目的。最后,综合利用复转矩系数和时域仿真的方法,对所设计的UPFC装置SSDC抑制SSR的有效性进行了分析和仿真。结果表明,所设计的SSDC在有效抑制SSR的同时,不会影响系统和UPFC装置的正常运行。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new friction‐free bilateral system based on twin drive control system considering resonant frequency for bilateral systems. The twin drive system consists of two motors which are coupled by the differential gear. The output torque becomes a different torque of both motors. The nonlinear friction torque of the twin drive system can be easily compensated. However, the resonant frequency and the antiresonant frequency caused by the tensional vibration exist. This paper proposes a new two‐mass model of twin drive system that supresses torsional vibration by state feedback. The proposed control method is applied to the bilateral robot, and the effectiveness of the control method is confirmed by the experimental results. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 159(1): 72–79, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20355  相似文献   

电力系统小干扰稳定实时控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出小干扰稳定实时控制的概念,即在某种运行方式下,由于某种故障场景的诱因,小干扰稳定的预防控制措施已经失效,低频振荡已经发生时,基于控制措施(切机、切负荷)对运行方式进行调整,以有效抑制和平息振荡。首先比较了小干扰稳定实时控制和紧急控制的不同点,指出故障特征和事件特征的差异决定了小干扰实时控制的特殊性和可行性;小干扰稳定实时控制的核心是在线控制决策的生成,基于模态对运行方式和运行参数灵敏度,对控制措施和控制效果进行量化,以确定最优控制措施,包括控制地点的选择和控制量的确定。最后基于某大规模互联电网,在低阻尼模态已经起振时,通过小干扰稳定实时控制实时增加系统阻尼,有效地抑制了系统振荡模态。  相似文献   

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