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Due to the importance of predicting the SIDR1 associated with engineering problems such as combustion chambers, draft tube of the Francis and Kaplan turbines, heat exchanger tubes, separators and so forth, in this research the trend of SIDR and its affecting factors, through a turbulent swirl decay pipe flow have been investigated. The swirling flow is created by means of a rotating honeycomb which produces solid body rotation at the inlet of a fixed pipe. First of all, turbulent swirling decay flow has been numerically surveyed using different flow conditions at the pipe inlet. The numerical results have been validated and compared with the existing experimental data and mathematical relations, showing satisfactory coincide. The obtained results show that, the SIDR depends mainly on the Reynolds number of the passing flow. On this basis, correlations have been proposed in order to improve the predictions of swirl intensity decay rate at upstream regions as well as those with high swirl intensity. In addition, conducted analyses demonstrates (analyses have been made to demonstrate) that the previous developed correlations for predicting swirl intensity decay rate, agree with those provided in this study only for regions far enough from downstream having the low swirl intensity. This implies that the swirl intensity decay rate should be a function of the type of swirl generator at the pipe inlet.  相似文献   

A simple and sensitive measurement method of multi-tube pressure probes applicable in swirling flow fields is presented in this paper. Determination of flow direction associated with local pitch, , and yaw, ψ, angles, magnitudes of local static and dynamic pressures can be achieved through a calibration method used with 3- and 5-tube versions of a multi-tube pressure probe. The 5-tube probe was tested in a conventional air cyclone where a strong rotational flow prevailed while the 3-tube probe was used in a low swirl flow field in a pipe internally fitted with a helical coiled wire insert. The method is based on the rotational sensitivity of the pressure probe handled through non-dimensional calibration parameters.  相似文献   

On the path to carbon neutrality to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Korean government has mandated legislation for controlling and monitoring GHG emissions emitted from smokestacks. A continuous emission measurement (CEM) method is considered to be the most reliable for determining CO2 emissions from stationary sources. In Korea, an S-type Pitot tube is the most popular technique to measure the gas velocity in a smokestack, but it will result in a certain error when the non-axial velocity components exist. To vanquish this limitation, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) developed a nulling smokestack flow measurement (NSFM) instrument equipped with 3D Pitot tubes for taking on-site stack gas velocity measurements. 3D Pitot tubes used in this research, such as prism Pitot tube and sphere Pitot tube, are calibrated in the KRISS airspeed system. The instrument using 3D Pitot tubes with the nulling technique is expected to diminish the restriction on S-type Pitot tubes, and to enhance the quality of the GHG emission measurements in the smokestack. The 3D Pitot tubes can measure both axial and non-axial velocity components of a flow, whereas the S-type Pitot tubes can measure only the axial velocity component. The averaged axial velocity of the stack gas as measured by this instrument has expanded uncertainty of 3.3% (P = 95%, k = 2) for both prism and sphere Pitot tubes.  相似文献   

In the magnesium electrolysis process, chlorine gas bubbles release at the surfaces of anode and affect electrolyte flow patterns. This paper presents an experimental apparatus to simulate the flow field induced by chlorine gas evolution at the gas-evolving electrodes of magnesium electrolysis cell. The three-dimensional flow structures were determined by using volumetric three-component velocimetry (V3V) technique, which has the ability to capture the out-of-plane velocity component. The three-dimensional flow structures in the region with a depth about 120 mm can be obtained. To achieve this, approximately 15,000 three-dimensional velocity vectors were detected in the flow measurements and constituted the three-dimensional flow field, which eliminated the perspective error caused by the out-of-plane motion in Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) method. In experiments, comparisons are made between the V3V and PIV results. The in-of-plane velocities data obtained by V3V technique have the same trend with the PIV results, and V3V provides more details in the third direction for the flow field accurately.  相似文献   

Detailed measurements including two-component mean velocities (U andV), RMS of turbulent fluctuations (u′ andv′) and turbulent cross-correlation (uv) were made throughout a turn-around duct. Two-component velocity data were obtained using a Laser Doppler Velocimeter. With the aid of a digitized data acquisition system, energy spectra were estimated using a Fast Fourier Transform. Along the outer wall, the flow is affected more than the half across the channel height due to the centrifugal instability. The measured results are consistent with the turbulence production mechanism for stabilizing and destabilizing curved flows. Energy production and dissipation are reduced along the convex wall and amplified along the concave wall. In the quasi-laminar region, turbulent fluctuations and cross-correlations are damped. The mean flow and turbulence structure in this region are influenced mainly by the streamwise pressure gradient rather than curvature. The flow in the downstream part of the turn is dominated by the inertial effect. The turbulent large eddy motions along the concave wall are strongly anisotropic.  相似文献   

为快速、准确地检测工业生产中工件表面产生的缺陷,提出了一种基于Yolo V3的工件表面缺陷检测方法.该方法以DarkNet卷积模型作为特征提取网络,通过引入数据增强方法防止产生过拟合现象,并针对工件表面缺陷形状单一、缺陷尺寸普遍偏小的特点改进了Yolo V3网络的特征融合方式,减少了冗余候选框的数量,提升了算法性能.以...  相似文献   

A developing narrow open-channel flow has been investigated using Acoustic Doppler Velocimetry (ADV) and Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA). The objectives were to first characterize the flow environment with the LDA system alone, then quantify the intrusion effect of the ADV sensor immersion, and finally compare ADV-LDA measurements. The main features of the flow have been described. The turbulence levels measured in the outer flow region are high and almost isotropic due to the specificities of the flow (3D, narrow, developing). This contributes to a flattening of the mean streamwise velocity profile in this region. The intrusion effect of the ADV sensor is found to be dependent on Froude number (Fr=U0/gH with U0 the discharge velocity, H the flow depth, and g the gravity acceleration). Vertical flow below the sensor is amplified while the streamwise component of the flow is enhanced for “low” Fr (0.6) and reduced for “high” Fr (1.1). On the other hand, turbulence quantities are not affected by the sensor presence. Compared to the LDA, the ADV is shown to underestimate the mean flow and turbulence intensities, while not affecting Reynolds shear stress measurements. The underestimation of the turbulence intensities can be attributed to the lower sampling rate and larger sampling volume of the ADV, but the underestimations of the mean velocities are more likely linked to a constant bias that the ADV seems to have or to some type of ADV-intrinsic noise. Some implications for practical application are discussed.  相似文献   

为提高3Cr2W8V钢热挤压模的使用寿命,从模坯锻造、热处理、机加工和电加工等方面,提出了工艺措施,生产实践证明是有效的。  相似文献   

使用OM、SEM、XRD等方法研究了不同预先热处理工艺对3Cr2 W8V钢低温盐浴渗铬渗层的影响。结果表明,离子氮化的预先热处理有助于实现610℃的低温盐浴渗铬,并得到良好的渗层,渗铬白亮层的相组成为Cr23C6、CrN、Cr/Fe、(Cr,Fe)7C3、(Cr,Fe)2N等相。  相似文献   

利用粉末冶金技术,原位烧结合成了(Ti,V)C钢结硬质合金,并用扫描电镜、X射线衍射仪等研究了热处理对原位烧结(Ti,V)C钢结硬质合金组织和耐磨性的影响。结果表明:烧结态(Ti,V)C钢结硬质合金基体组织为细珠光体组织;1 000℃淬火后的组织转变为片状马氏体+(Ti,V)C硬质相颗粒+少量未溶碳化物;回火过程中合金具有较高的抗回火稳定性,在500℃左右回火时存在二次硬化现象;该合金在1 000℃淬火、经250,500℃回火后具有较好的耐磨性。  相似文献   

这里对碳/碳复合材料车削圆柱表面进行了二维轮廓分析和三维形貌分析的对比研究,分析计算表明三维形貌分析方法更能够真实的反映复合材料的表面质量。  相似文献   

参数化设计是现代CAD软件的核心技术.利用参数化设计手段可使设计人员从大量繁琐的设计、计算、绘图工作中解脱出来,提高了设计效率,可以在实际制造物理样机之前通过虚拟来方便地修改设计,缩短产品开发周期,降低成本,增强市场竞争力.对基于CATIA的三维参数化建模方法及其技术进行了研究,详细地阐述了三维参数化建模的基本方法和一般步骤.并介绍了在CATIA V5中进行铰链四秆机构参数化、可视化和虚拟装配设计的方法,并对该四杆机构进行了干涉分析和运动仿真分析.详细介绍了针对设计要求通过实时修改构件参数实现铰链四杆机构“一模多型”的虚拟装配设计方法.以可视化的形式实现设计意图,提高了设计速度和质量.  相似文献   

利用稀土多元共渗工艺将碳、氮、氧、硫、硼、稀土元素同时渗入W4Mo3Cr4V高速钢表面,研究了多元共渗层的硬度、耐磨性能及表面残余应力等。结果表明:多元共渗层由化合物层(主要为氧化物、硫化物和碳化物)和扩散层组成;共渗层显微硬度最高达1 150 HV左右;多元共渗层较钢表面的摩擦因数大幅降低,耐磨性能提高,其表面产生了较高的残余压应力,有利于提高材料的疲劳性能。  相似文献   

基于直线光流场的三维检测新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈震  许强  闫军  江少锋 《仪器仪表学报》2012,33(5):1141-1147
提出了基于直线光流场的三维检测计算方法。在透视投影下,将表示二维直线的参数对时间的导数定义成直线光流场,详细推导出基于直线光流场检测三维刚体运动参数的模型。使用最小二乘法,求出刚体的三维旋转运动参数、平移运动参数和空间直线坐标,从而实现了刚体的三维检测。该方法利用单目图像序列中连续3幅图像的2对直线光流,能够检测出物体的运动参数和结构参数,有助于全面检测和识别物体。多组实验表明该方法是稳定的,具有较好的鲁棒性能。  相似文献   

为研究某雷达阵面管网系统的流量分配,采用1D-3D联合仿真方法对阵面进行流动与传热仿真。首先采用一维系统级仿真软件Flowmaster对阵面进行一维建模,并通过三维仿真软件FloEFD对水接头以及冷板组件进行详细的流动仿真,获得其流量–流阻变化关系,并将结果带入Flowmaster软件中得到拟合曲线,定义一维模型各元件参数进行阵面流动与传热仿真计算,实现1D-3D联合仿真。结果表明,经优化后的阵面各支路流量差异低于1.5%,且阵面温度分布均匀。文中还研究了插拔组件对阵面流量分配的影响,各支路流量差异低于2%。通过1D-3D联合仿真研究,可以实现高精度流量分配并获得直观的阵面详细仿真结果,并且大大节省了计算时间与研发成本,对今后雷达阵面流量分配设计具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

对非均匀栅距叶片排的轴流压缩机进行了三维数值模拟研究,着重探讨了动静相干对压缩机动叶表面非定常气动力的影响。结果表明:不同非均匀栅柜分布结构组合构成的新型"时序效应"有助于降低动叶所受到的非定常激振力。此外,通过频谱分析发现,非均匀栅距结构将动叶在单一频率下的较大激振力分散到几个频率处,从而降低了单一频率下的激振力。  相似文献   

Micrometer-scale three-dimensional data from fluorescence microscopes offer unique insight into cellular morphology and function by resolving subcellular locations of fluorescent dyes and proteins. To increase field-of-view size while using a high-resolution multiphoton microscope, we have created an automated system of rapidly acquiring overlapping image stacks from multiple fields-of-view along a nonplanar tissue surface. Each image stack is acquired only between the surface and the maximal penetrating depth, as determined by the image signal-to-background ratio. This results in the acquisition of the volume containing visible tissue along the tissue surface, excluding the empty volume above the tissue and the volume beyond the maximum imaging depth within the tissue. The automated collection of overlapping volumes is followed by reconstruction that can efficiently generate a single three-dimensional volume of the tissue surface. This approach yields data spanning multiple millimetres at micrometre resolution that is faster while requiring less work from the microscope operator. The advantages of the system are demonstrated by acquisition of data from intact, unfixed organs without a coverglass both in vivo and in situ.  相似文献   

钛合金旋转超声辅助钻削的钻削力和切屑研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对难加工材料钛合金在采用普通麻花钻传统钻削过程中存在钻削力和扭矩较大使得钻孔困难,刀具使用寿命低,连续长切屑易缠绕刀具、划伤孔加工表面、增大刀具-切屑-工件孔壁之间的摩擦以及排屑差引起堵屑和卡刀具的问题,引入一种新刃型刀具(即八面钻),并结合超声振动钻削技术,进行了钛合金旋转超声辅助钻削试验。分析了旋转超声辅助钻削和普通钻削中切屑形成原理,采用文中所设计的旋转超声振动钻削主轴结合BV100立式加工中心平台、测力系统和非接触激光测量系统进行了无冷却条件下基于八面钻的钛合金旋转超声辅助钻削和普通钻削试验以及钻削力、扭矩和切屑形态的研究。试验结果表明:相比于普通钻削,超声钻削明显降低钻削力和扭矩分别为19.07%~20.09%和31.66%~34.3%,明显增强了钻头横刃和主切削刃的切削能力,获得了良好的断屑和排屑效果,提高了切削过程的稳定性,能够极大改善钛合金钻孔过程钻削困难、刀具使用寿命低和孔加工质量差的问题。  相似文献   

Computed Tomography (CT) has become an important noninvasive tool in diagnostic medicine. In fact, the use of cone-beam CT is growing in the clinical area due to its ability to provide 3D volumetric information. This study aims to parallelize an analytical 3D image reconstruction algorithm and then implement it on a commercial homogeneous multi-core processor. It is indicated from our results that the homogeneous multi-core processor actually achieved faster reconstruction than the heterogeneous processor-based or the FPGA-based implementation. Our results demonstrated that the shared cache mechanism associated with the homogeneous processor would represent a significant benefit to performing high-speed CT reconstruction or other High Performance Computing (HPC) applications. In addition, while the Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) is considered the most powerful processor nowadays, our experimental results further indicated that the joint use of the multi-core CPU and GPU could enhance the processing power as well as improve the computational efficiency.  相似文献   

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