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A novel quasi-distributed liquid pressure sensing system based on distributed polarization crosstalk analysis (DPXA) in polarization maintaining fiber (PMF) is proposed and demonstrated. We design a special structure of liquid pressure sensing units and invent a corresponding nonlinear calibration method. Five sensing units deployed on a sensing tape can effectively transform the liquid pressure into the transverse-force applied on the sensing PMF, and the induced polarization crosstalk can be measured and located by the DPXA system, so as to further establish the relationship between liquid pressure and crosstalk through the nonlinear calibration method. The liquid pressure sensing system has good sensitivity and high repeatability, and a maximal measurement relative error of 8.96% is measured for the five sensing units, which can be much improved by optimizing the packaging of sensing units. We believe our sensing system will find great applications in the field of engineering liquid pressure sensing.  相似文献   

Retardation characteristics dependent on the direction and the curvature of a bent birefringent fiber are presented. The deflection analysis of a cantilever model in elasticity is applied to the bent fiber. Based on the retardation characteristics, fundamental techniques concerned with the separation of the two measurand effects contained in the output signal, the vibration measurement, and the multiplexing of the sensor arrays in the polarization mode interferometric fiber-optic sensing are proposed.  相似文献   

保偏光纤偏振耦合应力传感器的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作用在保偏光纤上的横向应力可以引起偏振耦合现象,通过测量耦合强度可以检测应力的位置和大小,实现应力传感.设计了应力施加装置,包括底座、手动微位移台、数显测力计、施力探头、旋转台、光纤夹持机构和受力支架.在1根直径125μm,拍长2.1 mm的保偏光纤上进行了应力大小和作用长度对偏振耦合强度影响的实验研究.结果表明作用长度为拍长一半的奇数倍时,耦合强度最大.在部分区域耦合强度和应力大小成线性关系,可应用于应力传感器中.  相似文献   

基于偏振混沌环形激光器的光纤分布传感系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以混沌对初值的敏感性作传感机理,提出一种基于偏振混沌环形激光器(PCRL)的分布光纤传感系统,并从理论和实验上研究其检测特性。数值计算和初步实验结果表明,利用PCRL输出时域波形的变化可检测引起光纤延迟角改变的应力和振动。为提高观测灵敏度,进而提出一种比直接观察波形更有效的方法,即通过监测相邻环形周期时间内混沌波形的互相关函数峰值来检测偏振混沌分布传感系统是否受到扰动,而且这种检测方法还能对扰动进行定位。初步实验结果表明,PCRL可用于检测引起光纤横向受冲击的分布传感。  相似文献   

Distributed polarization coupling in polarization-maintaining fibers can be detected by using a white light Michelson interferometer.This technique usually requires that only one polarization mode is excited.However,in practical measurement,the injection polarization direction could not be exactly aligned to one of the principal axes of the PMF,so the influence of the polarization extinction ratio should be considered.Based on the polarization coupling theory,the influence of the incident polarization extinction on the measurement result is evaluated and analyzed,and a method for distributed polariza-tion coupling detection is developed when both two orthogonal eigenmodes are excited.  相似文献   

Distributed polarization coupling in polarization-maintaining fibers can be detected by using a white light Michelson interferometer. This technique usually requires that only one polarization mode is excited. However, in practical measurement, the injection polarization direction could not be exactly aligned to one of the principal axes of the PMF, so the influence of the polarization extinction ratio should be considered. Based on the polarization coupling theory, the influence of the incident polarization extinction on the measurement result is evaluated and analyzed, and a method for distributed polarization coupling detection is developed when both two orthogonal eigenmodes are excited.  相似文献   

光纤传感技术及其军事应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
着重介绍光纤传感技术和光纤传感网络系统技术的研制发展,并叙述了光纤传感技术在军事上的重要应用状况,最后简述了光纤传感技术的发展趋势.  相似文献   

针对基于双马赫-曾德尔干涉的分布式光纤扰动传 感系统对传感光信号的偏振状态需要进行实时监测以便及时进行偏振控制的问题,本文提出 一种基于支持向量机(SVM)的偏振状态快速判别算法。该方法对采集到的两路干涉信号进 行做差处理,得到原始数据。提取原始数据中的过零率与峰值的绝对和作为分类器的输入特 征向量,使用Verilog HDL语言编写支持向量机(SVM)分类识别算法,借助现场可编程门阵 列(FPGA)的硬件并行结构和流水线技术实现分类器权系数的快速迭代求解。通过提取未知 偏振状态信号的特征向量,并将其输入到训练好的支持向量机模型中可以实现高效率的偏振 状态识别。实验结果表明:本方法可以快速并准确的实现对系统偏振状态的识别判断,平均 识别率达到93.25%,分类模型训练时间在100 ms以内,平均识别响应时间在8ms以内。  相似文献   

A polarization maintaining fiber ring resonator with dual-coupler (PMDC-FRR) for sensing application is presented in this paper. Polarization maintaining directional fiber couplers and fiber loop are employed to eliminate the polarization fading in the fiber ring resonator. Three important characteristic parameters associated with the sensing application, which are the visibility of the output intensities, the free spectral range and the finesse, are discussed as functions of the coupler coefficients and the fiber loop length in detail. In addition, the critical drive voltage of the tunable laser to keep the output intensities stable is also analyzed, when the fiber ring resonator with dual-coupler is utilized as fiber sensor with phase modulation. A PMDC-FRR is designed practically in experiment with the power coupling coefficients of 0.5 and the loop length of 22 m. The experimental results provide sufficient arguments for the theoretical predicts. The theoretical and experimental analysis results will be useful to the sensing application of the PMDC-FRR.  相似文献   

The transmission and polarization properties of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) with Faraday Effect are studied in this paper. The evolutions of transmission spectrum for different circular birefringence, grating parameter (physical length, index modulation) and input polarizations are simulated with Jones Matrix method. It is demonstrated that the monitoring of the 3rd normalized Stokes parameter peak values provide a new magnetic field measurement. The magnetic field strength sensitivity value is 1.482 × 10?5/Gs by using the optical vector analyzer whose precision is 10?5 in experiment and a very good agreement between theory and experience is reported.  相似文献   

基于二极管激光器mini-bar的光纤耦合方式是一种降低耦合系统成本并提高整体转换效率的方法。提出一种偏振折叠的光束整形方式,并采用一种CW 50 W mini-bar进行了相关耦合系统的设计。针对mini-bar的特殊结构与散热需求,设计了针对mini-bar封装用的特种微通道冷却器,并通过封装实验结果验证设计有效。将10片封装在铜微通道冷却器上的CW 50W mini-bar组装成两列各5 bar的叠阵,实现了两列叠阵的激光束沿快轴方向的空间合成,合成后输出功率439 W,空间耦合效率97%。根据耦合系统的设计进行了400μm芯径、0.22 NA的光纤耦合实验,得到光纤输出端脉冲激光功率186.9 W,整体光光效率为52.2%。  相似文献   

郭澎 《光通信技术》2012,36(3):48-49
搭建长距离分布式微振动光纤传感系统时光源的选择非常重要.结合传感系统实际使用背景,详细讨论了光源选择时需要考虑的功率、线宽、噪声等问题.针对上述问题,提出了具体选择的标准和减少光源相位噪声的方法.  相似文献   

一种高分辨率分布式光纤温度传感系统的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章介绍了一种高分辨率分布式光纤温度传感系统,该系统利用光波在光纤中传输时的拉曼散射效应,探测其背向拉曼散射光强度,并根据反射光强与温度的关系来进行传感光纤沿途温度的探测.文章详细探讨了系统的工作原理,搭建了实验平台,并进行了温度传感实验.实验证明,系统的温度精度达到0.1 ℃,空间定位分辨率为1 m.  相似文献   

保偏光纤保密通信研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用保偏光纤受到外界干扰时主轴发生变化,从而使其中传输的偏振光的偏振度发生变化的原理,实时检测介入窃听,给编码保密通信增加了一个保密度。由于是比例检出,信噪比高,抗干扰能力强。记录了无究听时系统在-3℃~60℃的背景噪声作为对比检出依据。检出窃听的阈值是裸光纤弯曲半径为8.5mm。  相似文献   

基于分布式压缩感知理论,提出了一种全极化逆合成孔径雷达超分辨成像算法,联合各极化通道进行超分辨处理.首先,建立全极化信号模型及超分辨字典,利用各极化通道信号的联合稀疏性将全极化超分辨成像建模为最小L2,1范数的优化问题,运用一种快速算法求解该优化问题.由于利用联合稀疏约束,多极化通道联合成像相比于单通道成像能够获得更好的超分辨性能和噪声抑制能力,最终有效提高图像极化融合的效果.同时,采用快速傅里叶变换操作提升了算法的运算效率.基于backhoe的仿真数据实验验证了该算法的优越性.  相似文献   

White-light interferometry (WLI) is an efficient method for measurement of strain, twist, temperature, and many other physical parameters in fiber-optic measurement systems. [1-10]. It can provide large dynamic range and high accuracy for absolute measurements of displacement and strain. Meanwhile, it is not sensitive to optical power fluctuation [6]. WLI based on optic sensors are immune to electromagnetic interference, suitable for harsh environments and compat- ible with optical fiber dat…  相似文献   

当保偏光纤存在结构不均匀或者受到外部扰动时,将使其内部传输的一部分偏振光耦合到与其正交的偏振态上去。分析了保偏光纤内偏振光模式耦合的原理,给出了基于白光干涉法的偏振模式耦合检测方法,并用迈克尔逊干涉仪对保偏光纤的偏振模式耦合的耦合强度和耦合点发生的空间位置进行了测试。通过步进电机控制迈克尔逊干涉仪扫描臂的反射镜移动,改变干涉仪两臂之间的光程差,来补偿由于偏振耦合而形成的两偏振光从保偏光纤出射时的光程差,实现了对偏振耦合的测量。为提高检测系统的灵敏度,需提高输出信号的信噪比,对光源发出的光进行高频调制,通过频谱搬移和相干解调,有效地抑制了各种干扰和噪声,使输出信号的峰值信噪比提高了5.1 dB,耦合强度测试最小值也由-57.6 dB提高到-62.7 dB,增强了测试系统检测微弱偏振耦合的能力。  相似文献   

A novel distributed optical fiber vibration sensing system based on polarization detection is proposed and demonstrated. A Faraday rotator mirror is employed at the end of the system, which eliminates the slow polarization variation of signal light and only responses to rapid polarization change caused by external vibration interference. Based on the sensing signal characteristics, the location of polarization disturbance point can be detected accurately. Experiments on polarization controller simulation and actual vibration detection show that a higher localization accuracy better than 1% is successfully obtained in 13.8 km, 21.2 km and 35.8 km sensing fibers systems.  相似文献   

基于BOTDA的分布式光纤传感技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章阐述了布里渊光时域分析(BOTDA)的原理以及布里渊频移与温度和应变的关系,对目前国内外的研究现状,从研究方法、温度、应变和空间分辨率及测量动态范围等方面进行了详细介绍.分析了国外现有的基于BOTDA技术的商用化产品及具体指标,以及BOTDA技术存在的主要问题.最后给出了基于BOTDA技术的光纤传感技术的应用领域和发展趋势.  相似文献   

孙琪真  汪静逸  张威  向阳  艾凡  刘德明 《红外与激光工程》2016,45(8):802003-0802003(7)
提出了一种基于纵向微结构光纤的分布式压力传感方案,该方案同时采用波长编码与频率编码技术,实现了单根光纤上的准分布式压力测量,具有实现大容量复用、高空间分辨率和高精度测量的潜力。采用硫化硅橡胶聚合物材料对光纤进行封装,使纵向微结构光纤的压力灵敏度提升至1.03210-3相对波长变化/MPa,是裸光纤光栅压力灵敏度的500多倍。构建了包含6个光纤微结构的单纤传感系统,并进行了分布式压力测试实验,实验结果显示出很好的线性度和较高的测量精度。该传感方案具有长距离、高分辨率测压(HRM)的潜力,可广泛运用于土木结构健康监测、管道泄漏监控、人体体内压力分布式传感等工程领域中。  相似文献   

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