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非正交多址接入(non-orthogonal multiple access,NOMA)和毫米波大规模多输入多输出(multiple-input multiple-output,MIMO)的结合能够支持未来无线通信网络的巨流量大连接需求。研究了上行链路毫米波大规模MIMO-NOMA系统中的功率最小化问题,提出了基于群体串行干扰消除(group-levelsuccessiveinterference cancellation,GSIC)的混合波束成形毫米波MIMO-NOMA上行传输系统新架构。具体来说,根据信道增益对用户进行群体划分,不同群体用户由NOMA服务,群体内用户采用空分多址区分。通过给不同群体设计模拟波束成形矩阵,对数字波束成形和功率控制进行联合优化,提出了一种并行迭代算法来解决优化问题。仿真结果表明,所提出的新架构在总功率方面优于传统的基于分簇和用户级串行干扰消除的毫米波大规模MIMO-NOMA。  相似文献   

This paper assumes two users and a two‐way relay network with the combination of 2×2 multi‐input multi‐output (MIMO) and nonorthogonal multiple access (NOMA). To achieve network reliability without sacrificing network throughput, network‐coded MIMO‐NOMA schemes with convolutional, Reed‐Solomon (RS), and turbo codes are applied. Messages from two users at the relay node are network‐coded and combined in NOMA scheme. Interleaved differential encoding with redundancy (R‐RIDE) scheme is proposed together with MIMO‐NOMA system. Quadrature phase‐shift keying (QPSK) modulation technique is used. Bit error rate (BER) versus signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) (dB) and average mutual information (AMI) (bps/Hz) versus SNR (dB) in NOMA and MIMO‐NOMA schemes are evaluated and presented. From the simulated results, the combination of MIMO‐NOMA system with the proposed R‐RIDE‐Turbo network‐coded scheme in two‐way relay networks has better BER and higher AMI performance than conventional coded NOMA system. Furthermore, R‐RIDE‐Turbo scheme in MIMO‐NOMA system outperforms the other coded schemes in both MIMO‐NOMA and NOMA systems.  相似文献   

以LTE TDD系统上行链路为研究对象,提出了一种基于块空时分组编码的虚拟MIMO中继传输方案,并推导给出基站低复杂度的虚拟MIMO系统接收机检测算法。研究表明:本传输方案具有提高小区边缘及网络覆盖盲区用户链路传输可靠性的特性,同时可克服传统中继方案频谱效率降低的缺点。  相似文献   

Since the concept of the multiuser multiple input multiple output (MU‐MIMO) system has been introduced for enhancement of capacity and flexibility, it has been accepted in various wireless standards. To enjoy the benefits of the MU‐MIMO system, full or partial channel information is necessary at the transmitter, but how to use the full or partial feedback information in the practical system perspective has not been investigated well. In this paper, we analyze the interference of full usage concurrent transmission codebook based on the MU‐MIMO systems and also investigate the usage of channel information for a codebook based scheme and a zero‐forcing beamforming (ZFBF) scheme. Based on the analytic results, we propose two adaptive schemes for the practical usage perspective in MU‐MIMO‐OFDM systems. Firstly, we propose an adjustable uplink channel sounding scheme, which depends on the number of users in a given cell/sector in frequency division duplexing system, with ZFBF MU‐MIMO‐OFDM systems. Secondly, we propose an adaptive switching scheme, which depends on signal‐to‐noise ratio, between the codebook based scheme and the ZFBF scheme. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated with computer simulations, and the simulation results show that the proposed scheme provides the enhanced throughput over entire signal‐to‐noise‐ratio regions. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the design problem and the robustness of space‐frequency trellis codes (SFTCs) for multiple input multiple output, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO‐OFDM) systems. We find that the channel constructed by the consecutive subcarriers of an OFDM block is a correlated fading channel with the regular correlation function of the number and time delay of the multipaths. By introducing the first‐order auto‐regressive model, we decompose the correlated fading channel into two independent components: a slow fading channel and a fast fading channel. Therefore, the design problem of SFTCs is converted into the joint design in both slow fading and fast fading channels. We present an improved design criterion for SFTCs. We also show that the SFTCs designed according to our criterion are robust against the multipath time delays. Simulation results are provided to confirm our theoretic analysis.  相似文献   

Differential unitary space‐time modulation (DUSTM) has emerged as a promising technique to obtain spatial diversity without intractable channel estimation. This paper presents a study of the application of DUSTM on multiple‐input multiple‐output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO‐OFDM) systems with frequency‐selective fading channels. From the view of a correlation analysis between subcarriers of OFDM, we obtain the maximum achievable diversity of DUSTM on MIMO‐OFDM systems. Moreover, an efficient implementation strategy based on subcarrier reconstruction is proposed, which transmits all the signals of one signal matrix in one OFDM transmission and performs differential processing between two adjacent OFDM blocks. The proposed method is capable of obtaining both spatial and multipath diversity while reducing the effect of time variation of channels to a minimum. The performance improvement is confirmed by simulation results.  相似文献   

In view of the paired weak user’s poor outage performance in multiple-input multiple-output non-orthogonal multiple access (MIMO-NOMA) systems,Alamouti code was adopted to encode for the weak user in order to improve its outage performance by means of diversity,and the closed-form expression of the strong user’s ergodic capacity as well as the boundary-form expressions of the weak user’s ergodic capacity and outage probability was derived in the proposed model.Moreover,a power allocation algorithm for optimizing the system’s throughput was proposed.Finally,the numerical results show the accuracy of the derived expressions,the efficacy of the proposed algorithm,and that the weak user’s outage performance in the proposed coding scheme is far superior to that in the current coding scheme only adopting vertical Bell lab layered space-time (V-BLAST) code.  相似文献   

Although there are many research results for the keyhole fading channels in the current literature, fewer results have investigated the antenna selection scheme and quantified the diversity order. In this letter, we first derive some simple statistics of the output signal‐to‐noise ratio for the orthogonal space–time block coding over keyhole fading channels. On the basis of these results, we derive an approximate BER expression for the keyhole MIMO channels with receive antenna selection scheme. Results show that the diversity order with receive antenna selection is min{nR,nT}for nRnT, which means that the full diversity order with antenna selection is maintained. Finally, numerical results demonstrate the accuracy of our analytical expressions and the tightness of approximate formulas. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We analyze Multiple‐Input Multiple‐Output (MIMO) coded modulation systems where either Bit‐Interleaved Coded Modulation (BICM) with spatial multiplexing or concatenation of channel coding and Space‐Time Block Codes (STBCs) is used at transmission, assuming iterative Turbo‐like decoding at reception. We optimize Serially‐Concatenated Low‐Density Generator Matrix (SCLDGM) codes (a subclass of LDPC codes) for each system configuration, with the goal of assessing its ability to approach the capacity limits in either ergodic or quasi‐static channels. Our focus is on three relevant STBCs: the Orthogonal Space‐Time Block Codes (OSTBCs) for two transmit antennas (i.e., the Alamouti code), which enables optimum detection with low complexity; the Golden code, which provides a capacity increase with respect to the input constellation; and Linear Dispersion (LD) codes, which enable practical detection in asymmetrical antenna configurations (i.e., more transmit than receive antennas) for cases in which optimum detection is infeasible. We conclude that BICM without concatenation with STBCs is in general the best option, except for Alamouti‐coded 2×1 and Golden‐coded 2×2 MIMO systems. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates blind channel estimation and multiuser detection for quasi‐synchronous multi‐carrier code‐division multiple‐access (MC‐CDMA) multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) systems with quasi‐orthogonal space–time block codes (QO‐STBC). Subspace‐based blind channel estimation is proposed by considering a QO‐STBC scheme that involves four transmit antennas and multiple receive antennas. Based on the first‐order perturbation theory, the mean square error of the channel estimation is derived. With the estimated channel coefficients, we employ minimum output energy and eigenspace receivers for symbol detection. Using the QO‐STBC coding property, the weight analyses are performed to reduce the computational complexity of the system. In addition, the forward–backward averaging technique is presented to enhance the performance of multiuser detection. Numerical simulations are given to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed channel estimation methods and symbol detection techniques. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a trellis exploration algorithm based preprocessing strategy to lower the peak‐to‐average power ratio (PAPR) of precoded MIMO‐OFDM. We first illustrate the degradation in PAPR due to optimal linear precoding in MIMO‐OFDM systems. Then we propose two forms of multi‐layer precoding (MLP) schemes to reduce PAPR. In both schemes, the inner‐layer precoder is designed to optimize system capacity/BER performance. In the first MLP scheme (MLP‐I), a common outer‐layer polyphase precoding matrix is employed. In the second MLP scheme (MLP‐II), data stream corresponding to every transmit antenna is precoded with a different outer‐layer polyphase precoding matrix. Both outer‐layer precoders are custom designed using the trellis exploration algorithm by applying the aperiodic autocorrelation of OFDM data symbols as the metric to minimize. Simulation results indicate that both MLP schemes show superior PAPR performance over conventional MIMO‐OFDM with and without precoding. In addition, MLP better exploits frequency diversity resulting in BER performance gains in multi‐path environments. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new space–time two‐stage receiver with the assistance of soft information for the Alamouti space–time block code (STBC) and spatially multiplexing (SM) combined multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) systems, which possess both the advantages of high diversity gain and high data rates to entail the next generation wireless communication systems. The first stage of the receiver, utilizing the inherent structure of the STBC, consists of a bank of soft generalized sidelobe canceller (GSC)‐based detectors, each for every STBC block, and intends to yield a more precise initial estimate of the transmitted symbols. In the second stage, the groupwise detection is conducted successively by using the matched filters (MFs) to simultaneously detect the two consecutive symbols in one STBC block with the removal of the soft interferences in between. Since the interferences have been faithfully reproduced and thoroughly annihilated, the new receiver can yield accurate symbol detection even with simple MFs. Moreover, some extreme cases regarding the soft information employed in the new receiver and its extension to the multiuser (MU) MIMO downlink are addressed as well. Conducted simulations show that the developed receiver, with modest computational load, can provide superior performance compared with pervious works, especially in the MU MIMO downlink. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Space‐time block coded spatial modulation (STBC‐SM) exploits the advantages of both spatial modulation and the Alamouti space‐time block code. Meanwhile, space‐time labeling diversity has demonstrated an improved bit error rate (BER) performance in comparison to the latter. Hence, in this paper, we extend the application of labeling diversity to STBC‐SM, which is termed STBC‐SM‐LD. Under identical channel assumptions, STBC‐SM‐LD exhibits superior BER performance compared to STBC‐SM. For example, with 4 × 4, 64‐quadrature amplitude modulation (64‐QAM), STBC‐SM‐LD has a BER performance gain of approximately 2.6 dB over STBC‐SM. Moreover, an asymptotic bound is presented to quantify the average BER performance of M‐ary QAM STBC‐SM‐LD over independent and identically distributed Rayleigh frequency‐flat fading channels. Monte Carlo simulations for STBC‐SM‐LD agree well with the analytical framework. In addition to the above, low‐complexity (LC) near‐maximum‐likelihood detectors for space‐time labeling diversity and STBC‐SM‐LD are presented. Complexity analysis of the proposed LC detectors shows a substantial reduction in computational complexity compared to their ML detector counterparts. For example, the proposed detector for STBC‐SM‐LD achieves a 91.9% drop in computational complexity for a 4 × 4, 64‐QAM system. The simulations further validate the near‐maximum‐likelihood performance of the LC detectors.  相似文献   

We analyze a peak‐to‐average power ratio (PAPR) reduction property based on a hidden training sequence‐aided precoding scheme for MIMO‐OFDM systems. In addition to the benefits of a hidden training sequence‐aided precoding scheme such as improvement in bandwidth efficiency and frequency diversity gain, we address that power amplifier efficiency can be improved without any additional complexity burden. By mathematically analyzing PAPR of the precoded MIMO‐OFDM signal with a hidden training sequence, we demonstrate that PAPR reduction can be obtained by varying the allocated power to the hidden training sequence. Because of the low PAPR property of this scheme, it is possible to utilize a low‐cost power amplifier, resulting in the reduction in the total cost for hardware implementation. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the geometrical one‐ring multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) channel model with respect to frequency selectivity. Our approach enables the design of efficient and accurate simulation models for wideband space‐time MIMO channels under isotropic scattering conditions. Two methods will be provided to compute the parameters of the simulation model. Especially, the temporal, frequency and spatial correlation properties of the proposed wideband space‐time MIMO channel simulator are studied analytically. It is shown that any given specified or measured discrete power delay profile (PDP) can be incorporated into the simulation model. The high accuracy of the simulation model is demonstrated by comparing its statistical properties with those of the underlying reference model with specified correlation properties in the time, frequency and spatial domain. As an application example of the new MIMO frequency‐selective fading channel model, we study the influence of various channel model parameters on the system performance of a space‐time coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system. For example, we investigate the influence of the antenna element spacings of the base station (BS) antenna as well as the mobile station (MS) antenna. It turns out that an increasing of the antenna element spacing at the BS side results in a higher diversity gain than an increasing of the antenna element spacing at the MS side. Furthermore, the diversity gain brought in by space‐time block coding schemes is investigated by simulation. Our results show that transmitter diversity can significantly reduce the symbol error rate (SER) of multiple antenna systems. Finally, the influence of the Doppler effect and the impact of imperfect channel state information (CSI) on the system performance is also investigated. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the secrecy sum rate optimization problem for a multiple‐input single‐output (MISO) nonorthogonal multiple access (NOMA) system with orthogonal space‐time block codes (OSTBC). This system consists of a transmitter, two users, and a potential eavesdropper. The transmitter sends information by orthogonal space‐time block codes. The transmitter's precoder and the power allocation scheme are designed to maximize achievable secrecy sum rate subject to the power constraint at the transmitter and the minimum transmission rate requirement of the weak user. We consider two cases of the eavesdropper's channel condition to obtain positive secrecy sum rate. The first case is the eavesdropper's equivalent channel is the weakest, and the other is the eavesdropper's equivalent channel between the strong user and weak user. For the former case, we employ the constrained concave convex procedure (CCCP)‐based iterative algorithm with one‐dimensional search. While for the latter, we adopt the method of alternating optimization (AO) between precoder and power allocation. We solve a semidefinite programming to optimize the precoder and drive a closed‐form expression of power allocation. The simulation results obtained by our method demonstrate the superiority of our proposed scheme.  相似文献   

Precoding in the multiple‐input multiple‐output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system is investigated. In conventional wideband precoding (WBP), only one precoder, obtained from the decomposition of the subcarrier independent channel matrix, is used for all subcarriers. With an investigation of the relationship between the subcarrier independent channel matrix and the temporal/frequency channels, an improved WBP scheme is proposed for practical scenarios in which a part of subcarriers are allocated to a user. The improved WBP scheme is a generalized scheme of which narrow‐band precoding and conventional WBP schemes are special modes. Simulation results demonstrate that the improved WBP scheme almost achieves the optimum performance of a single precoder and outperforms the conventional WBP scheme in terms of the bit error ratio and ergodic capacity with slight complexity increase. The largest advantage of the improved WBP scheme on signal‐to‐noise ratio in simulation results is over 2.1 dB.  相似文献   

A hybrid MMSE‐based precoder and combiner design with low complexity is studied in this paper for both the downlink and uplink multiuser millimeter wave MIMO systems. At first, according to the underlying channel knowledge, the phases of the RF precoder and combiner are manipulated by using the MMSE criterion. On the basis of the MMSE‐based analog precoder design, the MMSE‐based digital baseband precoder can be readily derived. Thus, this method combines the advantage of using the MMSE precoding and phase extraction technique to obtain a reasonable solution. The proposed hybrid precoding design will be examined in both the uplink and downlink multiuser MIMO systems. Numerical results are presented to show that the proposed MMSE‐based hybrid precoding design is capable of attaining superior performance in terms of both the spectral efficiency and energy efficiency over the existing designs. Moreover, we will show that the MMSE‐based design can be readily extended to the multiuser millimeter wave MISO systems when only statistical channel state information is available.  相似文献   

In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), clustering has been shown to be an efficient technique to improve scalability and network lifetime. In clustered networks, clustering creates unequal load distribution among cluster heads (CHs) and cluster member (CM) nodes. As a result, the entire network is subject to premature death because of the deficient active nodes within the network. In this paper, we present clustering‐based routing algorithms that can balance out the trade‐off between load distribution and network lifetime “green cluster‐based routing scheme.” This paper proposes a new energy‐aware green cluster‐based routing algorithm to preventing premature death of large‐scale dense WSNs. To deal with the uncertainty present in network information, a fuzzy rule‐based node classification model is proposed for clustering. Its primary benefits are flexibility in selecting effective CHs, reliability in distributing CHs overload among the other nodes, and reducing communication overhead and cluster formation time in highly dense areas. In addition, we propose a routing scheme that balances the load among sensors. The proposed scheme is evaluated through simulations to compare our scheme with the existing algorithms available in the literature. The numerical results show the relevance and improved efficiency of our scheme.  相似文献   

Massive multiuser multiple input multiple output (MU‐MIMO) system is aimed to improve throughput and spectral efficiency through a large number of antennas incorporated at the transmitter and/or receiver. However, the MU‐MIMO system usually suffers from interantenna interference (IAI) and multiuser interference (MUI). The IAI imposes due to closely spaced antennas at each user equipment (UE), and MUI is enforced when one user comes under the vicinity of another user in the same cellular network. Most of the previous literatures considered any one of these interferences. However, the present work proposes singular value decomposition (SVD) precoding‐assisted user‐level local likelihood ascent search (LLAS) algorithm to mitigate both IAI and MUI. In the uplink MU‐MIMO, the IAI is cancelled by SVD, and the residual MUI is mitigated by LLAS detection. The LLAS detection balances the trade‐off between the classical suboptimal likelihood ascent search (LAS) and optimal maximum likelihood (ML) detection techniques. The proposed LLAS performs local search among all 2MT‐dimensional neighborhood vectors at each UE, where MT represents number of transmitting antennas of each UE. Thus, its performance is near optimal, and its complexity is much lower than ML detector.  相似文献   

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