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康波 《计算机测量与控制》2006,14(11):1431-1434,1455
增强现实是一种正在发展的新技术,它将由计算机产生的虚拟场景或信息准确叠加到真实环境中,可以增强用户对真实世界的感知与交互能力;对用户视场及视点的跟踪是增强现实中实现虚、实场景配准的关键技术之一;通过对增强现实中跟踪技术性能要求的讨论,介绍了基于磁场、声学、惯性、光学传感等多种跟踪技术,分析了各种方法的跟踪性能与局限性,认为以基于视觉跟踪为主的混合跟踪技术将是增强现实系统的主流跟踪技术,重点论述了基于视觉的跟踪与基于视觉一惯性的混合跟踪技术及其有待解决的问题,并针对户外增强现实中的跟踪技术做了专门讨论。 相似文献
根据增强现实在视频对象跟踪中的应用需求,提出一种综合利用尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)算子、K聚类算法和轮廓检测的视频对象跟踪算法。该算法利用简易SIFT获得输入图像的特征点,通过K聚类算法获得可能的对象聚类,并采用改进的轮廓处理方法得到对象边界,移除孤立点,确定对象特征点,在对象特征点中获取增强现实应用中需要的注册点。在关键帧匹配中,只要使用对象特征点进行对象匹配。实验结果表明,该算法具有运行速度快、匹配正确率高的特点,能满足增强现实视频应用的注册需求。 相似文献
Android的无标识增强现实注册算法实现 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了克服传统增强现实技术的局限性,在Android系统上实现了基于无标识增强现实注册算法.使用ORB和强制匹配算法对特征点进行检测、描述和匹配,再使用RANSAC算法计算单应性矩阵并对匹配结果进行优化,然后计算摄像头位姿并进行滤波处理,最后将三维模型注册到真实场景中,达到了虚实融合的效果.实验结果表明,算法结合Android NDK编程和多线程技术,注册准确,性能较好,能够达到实时的要求,而且在光照和距离发生变化、标志被部分遮挡的情况下鲁棒性较好,克服了传统增强现实技术的局限性,具有一定的研究价值. 相似文献
Machine Intelligence Research - Tracking registration is a key issue in augmented reality applications, particularly where there are no artificial identifier placed manually. In this paper, an... 相似文献
基于视觉的增强现实运动跟踪算法 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
增强现实系统不仅具有虚拟现实的特点同时具有虚实结合的新特性,为实现虚拟物体与真实物体间的完善结合,必须实时地动态跟踪摄像与真实物体间的相对位置和方向,建立观测模,墼是而通过动态三维显示技术迅速地将虚拟物体添加到真实物体之上,然而目前大多数增强现实系统的注册对象均匀静物体,运动物体的注册跟踪尚很少有人涉足。该算法通过标志点的光流场估计真实环境中运动物体的运动参数,根据透视投影原理和刚体的运动特性确定摄像机与运动物体间的相对位置和方向,实现增强现实系统的运动目标跟踪注册。该算法构架简单、实时性强,易于实现,扩展了增强现实系统的应用范围。 相似文献
针对基于标识物的增强现实跟踪注册方法对复杂环境的适应能力和鲁棒性的不足,提出一种用SURF实现标识物跟踪注册的改进算法。用SURF对平面标识物的特征点进行检测与描述,采用K-means算法对检测出的标识物特征点集合进行聚类分析得到其聚类中心,结合对视频图像中标识物的阈值分割与连通域分析,以聚类中心构建标识物的SURF特征点坐标系,通过矩阵变换实现标识物的跟踪注册。实验结果表明,该算法的增强现实系统具备较好的鲁棒性、稳定性和实时性。 相似文献
增强现实应用中基于三维模型的手形追踪 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文介绍了一种基于三维模型的分步迭代法来实现对全局和局部手运动的估计追踪。手部位置由ICP(Iterative Closed point)算法和因式分解法求得的掌形近似。结合自然手运动限制,本文采用基于序列的Monte Carlo算法追踪手指运动。最后采用在姿态估计和手指关节追踪之间的迭代算法得到一个精确的结构估计。实验证实本方法对自然手势运动具有较好的精确性和鲁棒性。 相似文献
三维跟踪注册技术是增强现实领域中的重要关键技术,通过对现实场景中的图像或物体进行跟踪与定位,将虚拟物体按照正确的空间透视关系叠加到真实场景当中。综述了增强现实中的三维跟踪注册技术(基于计算机视觉的跟踪注册技术、基于硬件传感器的跟踪注册技术以及混合跟踪注册技术),详细阐述了不同跟踪注册技术的优势与不足,并介绍了不同跟踪注册技术的当前应用现状,随后探讨了跟踪注册技术的发展趋势与存在的难题,对三维跟踪注册技术的进一步研究进行了展望。 相似文献
G. A. Koulieris K. Akit M. Stengel R. K. Mantiuk K. Mania C. Richardt 《Computer Graphics Forum》2019,38(2):493-519
Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) are expected to revolutionise entertainment, healthcare, communication and the manufacturing industries among many others. Near‐eye displays are an enabling vessel for VR/AR applications, which have to tackle many challenges related to ergonomics, comfort, visual quality and natural interaction. These challenges are related to the core elements of these near‐eye display hardware and tracking technologies. In this state‐of‐the‐art report, we investigate the background theory of perception and vision as well as the latest advancements in display engineering and tracking technologies. We begin our discussion by describing the basics of light and image formation. Later, we recount principles of visual perception by relating to the human visual system. We provide two structured overviews on state‐of‐the‐art near‐eye display and tracking technologies involved in such near‐eye displays. We conclude by outlining unresolved research questions to inspire the next generation of researchers. 相似文献
该文以提出一种对设备要求较低、较易实现、更符合"以人为中心"理念的交互方式为出发点,以普通摄像头作为输入设备,基于计算机视觉技术,设计了简单的头部跟踪系统,实现上以增强现实技术为核心,结合了ARToolKit和Coin3D两个开源库的优点,大大降低了开发成本.实验中本系统在Vega构建的视景仿真环境中得到了良好的应用,... 相似文献
Kalkofen D. Mendez E. Schmalstieg D. 《IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics》2009,15(2):193-204
This article presents interactive visualizations to support the comprehension of spatial relationships between virtual and real world objects for augmented reality (AR) applications. To enhance the clarity of such relationships we discuss visualization techniques and their suitability for AR. We apply them on different AR applications with different goals, e.g. in X-Ray vision or in applications which draw a user's attention to an object of interest. We demonstrate how Focus and Context (F+C) visualizations are used to affect the user's perception of hidden or nearby objects by presenting contextual information in the area of augmentation. We discuss the organization and the possible sources of data for visualizations in augmented reality and present cascaded and multi level F+C visualizations to address complex, cluttered scenes that are inevitable in real environments. This article also shows filters and tools to interactively control the amount of augmentation. It compares the impact of real world context preserving to a pure virtual and uniform enhancement of these structures for augmentations of real world imagery. Finally this paper discusses the stylization of sparse object representations for AR to improve x-ray vision. 相似文献
Ross T. Whitaker Chris Crampton David E. Breen Mihran Tuceryan Eric Rose 《Computer Graphics Forum》1995,14(3):15-27
Augmented reality involves the use of models and their associated renderings to supplement information in a real scene. In order for this information to be relevant or meaningful, the models must be positioned and displayed in such a way that they align with their corresponding real objects. For practical reasons this alignment cannot be known a priori, and cannot be hard-wired into a system. Instead a simple, reliable alignment or calibration process is performed so that computer models can be accurately registered with their real-life counterparts. We describe the design and implementation of such a process and we show how it can be used to create convincing interactions between real and virtual objects. 相似文献
Oriel Bergig Nate Hagbi Jihad El-Sana Klara Kedem Mark Billinghurst 《Virtual Reality》2011,15(2-3):201-212
In this paper, we present a vision-based approach for transmitting virtual models for Augmented Reality, which we name In-Place Augmented Reality (IPAR). A two-dimensional representation of the virtual models is embedded in a printed image. We apply computer vision techniques to interpret the printed image and extract the virtual models, which are then overlaid on the printed image. The main advantages of our approach are: (1) the image of the embedded virtual models and their behaviors are understandable to a human without using an AR system and (2) no database or network communication is required to retrieve the models. To demonstrate the technology and test its usability, we implemented several applications and performed a user evaluation. We discuss how the proposed technique can be used for the development of applications in different domains such as education, advertisement, and gaming. 相似文献
单目视频中无标记的人体运动跟踪 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
提出一种人体运动跟踪算法,从无关节标记的单目视频中获取人体运动,利用一个带外观模板的人体关节模型,通过学习得到的运动模型及基于外观模型的相似性计算,巧妙地利用粒子滤波的概率密度传播策略鲁棒地跟踪普通单目视频中的人体运动,当出现跟踪丢失时,能在后续序列中自动恢复正确跟踪,且能较好地处理遮挡和自遮挡问题,实验表明,该算法鲁棒性好,跟踪结果令人满意。 相似文献