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基于稀疏表示的自适应图像超分辨率重建算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对图像高分辨率重建过程中稀疏解的存在性和唯一性问题以及超分辨率图像的边缘特征和平滑噪声的关系进行了研究, 提出了局部正则化参数自适应选取的方法。结合联合构造字典的算法, 在重建过程中动态调整正则化参数。通过对图像的超分辨率实验证明, 改进的算法具有较高的可行性, 能有效平衡超分辨率图像的边缘特征和平滑噪声两者的关系, 与传统的超分辨率重建算法相比, 有更高的峰值信噪比。  相似文献   

In image processing, the super-resolution (SR) technique has played an important role to perform high-resolution (HR) images from the acquired low-resolution (LR) images. In this paper, a novel technique is proposed that can generate a SR image from a single LR input image. Designed framework can be used in images of different kinds. To reconstruct a HR image, it is necessary to perform an intermediate step, which consists of an initial interpolation; next, the features are extracted from this initial image via convolution operation. Then, the principal component analysis (PCA) is used to reduce information redundancy after features extraction step. Non-overlapping blocks are extracted, and for each block, the sparse representation is performed, which it is later used to recover the HR image. Using the quality objective criteria and subjective visual perception, the proposed technique has been evaluated demonstrating their competitive performance in comparison with state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

针对传统基于稀疏字典对的超分辨率(SR)算法训练速度慢、字典质量差、特征匹配准确性低的缺点,提出一种基于改进稀疏编码的图像超分辨率算法。该算法使用自适应阈值的形态组成分析(MCA)方法提取图像特征,并采用主成分分析算法对训练集进行降维,提高特征提取的有效性,缩短字典训练时间,减少过拟合现象。在字典训练阶段,使用改进的稀疏K-奇异值分解(K-SVD)算法训练低分辨率字典,结合图像块的重叠关系求解高分辨率字典,增强字典的有效性和自适应能力,同时极大地提高了字典的训练速度。在Lab颜色空间对彩色图像进行重建,避免由于颜色通道相关性造成的重建图像质量下降。与传统方法相比,该算法重建图像质量和计算效率更优。  相似文献   

针对基于稀疏表示的图像超分辨率重建(SRR)提高图像的重建质量,但一般存在计算量大、耗时长的问题,通过粒子群优化稀疏表示算法获得稀疏表示;对多幅图像的稀疏系数进行融合;根据融合后的稀疏系数重建得到高分辨率图像.实验结果表明:方法的重建速度更快,重建质量更高.  相似文献   

陈晨  赵建伟  曹飞龙 《计算机应用》2018,38(6):1777-1783
针对图像分辨率较低的问题,提出了一种基于四通道卷积稀疏编码的图像超分辨率重建方法。首先,该方法将输入图像依次翻转90°作为四通道的各自输入,通过低通滤波和梯度算子将输入图像分解成高频和低频部分;接着,分别利用卷积稀疏编码方法和三次插值方法对各通道低分辨率图像的高频部分和低频部分进行重建;最后,对四通道输出图像加权求均值获得重建的高分辨率图像。实验结果表明,所提方法比一些经典的超分辨率重建方法在峰值信噪比(PSNR)、结构相似度(SSIM)和抗噪性上具有更好的重建效果。所提方法不仅克服了重叠补丁破环图像补丁间一致性的缺陷,还提高了重建图像的细节轮廓,加强了重建图像的稳定性。  相似文献   

针对目前基于稀疏表示的常用图像融合算法计算复杂度高以及忽略图像局部特征的问题,提出多尺度稀疏表示(multi-scale sparse representation,MSR)的图像融合方法.充分利用小波多尺度分析较好突出图像局部特征的特点,将其和过完备稀疏表示有效结合;待融合图像在小波解析域中进行小波多层分解,对每个尺度的特征运用K-SVD (kernel singular value decomposition)多尺度字典进行OMP (orthogonal matching pursuit)稀疏编码,并在小波域中各个尺度中进行融合.实验结果表明,与传统的小波变换、轮廓波变换、稀疏表示融合算法相比,该算法更能保证图像局部特征的完整性,实现更好的性能.  相似文献   

赵志辉    赵瑞珍    岑翼刚    张凤珍   《智能系统学报》2017,12(1):8-14
单幅图像超分辨率的目的是从一幅低分辨率的图像来重构出高分辨率的图像。基于稀疏表示和邻域嵌入的超分辨率图像重建方法使得重建图像质量有了极大的改善。但这些方法还很难应用到实际中,因为其重建图像的速度太慢或者需要调节复杂的参数。目前大多数的方法在图像重建的速度和质量两个方面很难有一个好的权衡。鉴于以上问题提出了一种基于线性回归的快速图像超分辨率重建算法,将稀疏表示和回归的方法有效地结合在一起。通过稀疏表示训练的字典,用一种新的方式将整个数据集划分为多个子空间,然后在每一类子空间中独立地学习高低分辨率图像之间的映射关系,最后通过选择相应的投影矩阵来重建出高分辨图像。实验结果表明,相比于其他方法,本文提出的算法无论在图像重建速度还是重建质量方面都取得了更好的超分辨率重建效果。  相似文献   

Recent researches have shown that the sparse representation based technology can lead to state of art super-resolution image reconstruction (SRIR) result. It relies on the idea that the low-resolution (LR) image patches can be regarded as down sampled version of high-resolution (HR) images, whose patches are assumed to have a sparser presentation with respect to a dictionary of prototype patches. In order to avoid a large training patches database and obtain more accurate recovery of HR images, in this paper we introduce the concept of examples-aided redundant dictionary learning into the single-image super-resolution reconstruction, and propose a multiple dictionaries learning scheme inspired by multitask learning. Compact redundant dictionaries are learned from samples classified by K-means clustering in order to provide each sample a more appropriate dictionary for image reconstruction. Compared with the available SRIR methods, the proposed method has the following characteristics: (1) introducing the example patches-aided dictionary learning in the sparse representation based SRIR, in order to reduce the intensive computation complexity brought by enormous dictionary, (2) using the multitask learning and prior from HR image examples to reconstruct similar HR images to obtain better reconstruction result and (3) adopting the offline dictionaries learning and online reconstruction, making a rapid reconstruction possible. Some experiments are taken on testing the proposed method on some natural images, and the results show that a small set of randomly chosen raw patches from training images and small number of atoms can produce good reconstruction result. Both the visual result and the numerical guidelines prove its superiority to some start-of-art SRIR methods.  相似文献   

针对基于稀疏表示的图像修复方法存在稀疏系数先验知识表达不足等问题,考虑图像的纹理自相似性和原子系数的群结构稀疏性,提出了群结构约束的稀疏表示模型,通过选取合适的群结构约束稀疏系数,使字典中相邻基对应的稀疏系数之间建立联系,并统一对输入图像的有效数据图块与训练样本进行稀疏编码来进一步训练字典,使其具有相同的稀疏模式,从而建立联合稀疏关联,并将其作为先验知识指导图像修复。通过区域目标剔除、像素缺失修复等实验验证其性能,实验结果表明,该方法有较强的自适应性,修复效果较好。  相似文献   


Promoting the spatial resolution of hyperspectral sensors is expected to improve computer vision tasks. However, due to the physical limitations of imaging sensors, the hyperspectral image is often of low spatial resolution. In this paper, we propose a new hyperspectral image super-resolution method from a low-resolution (LR) hyperspectral image and a high resolution (HR) multispectral image of the same scene. The reconstruction of HR hyperspectral image is formulated as a joint estimation of the hyperspectral dictionary and the sparse codes based on the spatial-spectral sparsity of the hyperspectral image. The hyperspectral dictionary is learned from the LR hyperspectral image. The sparse codes with respect to the learned dictionary are estimated from LR hyperspectral image and the corresponding HR multispectral image. To improve the accuracy, both spectral dictionary learning and sparse coefficients estimation exploit the spatial correlation of the HR hyperspectral image. Experiments show that the proposed method outperforms several state-of-art hyperspectral image super-resolution methods in objective quality metrics and visual performance.


It has been demonstrated that the sparse representation based framework is one of the most popular and promising ways to handle the single image super-resolution (SISR) issue. However, due to the complexity of image degradation and inevitable existence of noise, the coding coefficients produced by imposing sparse prior only are not precise enough for faithful reconstructions. In order to overcome it, we present an improved SISR reconstruction method based on the proposed bidirectionally aligned sparse representation (BASR) model. In our model, the bidirectional similarities are first modeled and constructed to form a complementary pair of regularization terms. The raw sparse coefficients are additionally aligned to this pair of standards to restrain sparse coding noise and therefore result in better recoveries. On the basis of fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm, a well-designed mathematic implementation is introduced for solving the proposed BASR model efficiently. Thorough experimental results indicate that the proposed method performs effectively and efficiently, and outperforms many recently published baselines in terms of both objective evaluation and visual fidelity.  相似文献   

为提高图像融合的清晰度,本文提出一种基于改进的稀疏表示和脉冲耦合神经网络(pulse coupled neural network,PCNN)的图像融合。利用非下采样剪切波变换(non-subsampled shearlet transform,NSST)对源图像进行分解变换,得到相应的低频子带和高频子带具有不同的信息。对于低频子带,采用改进的稀疏表示进行融合,利用K奇异值分解(K-singular value decomposition,K-SVD)算法,并对源图像进行自适应学习的多个子字典构造成联合词典。对于高频子带,则改进PCNN融合系数的选择方法,利用改进的空间频率作为神经元反馈输入来激励PCNN模型,并根据点火输出的总幅度最大的融合规则选择高频系数。最后,将融合后的低频子带和高频子带系数进行NSST逆变换,重构出融合图像。实验结果表明:该算法很好地保留了图像的边缘信息,并且得到的图像在相关的客观评价标准上也取得了良好的效果,表明了本算法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于像素级的交互式图像分割算法对初始种子位置和噪声敏感,同时仅基于超像素的分割方法无法保留图像细节经常导致分割结果出现欠分割问题。针对上述问题,提出超像素/像素约束和稀疏表示的图像分割模型。该方法利用高斯函数分别对像素和超像素构造了相互约束的代价函数,引入了稀疏分解对模型进行优化以提升模型对图像噪声的鲁棒性,最后利用联合优化策略对代价函数求解估计出目标和背景标记实现目标提取。实验结果表明,与现有的分割方法相比,提出的方法能获得较好的分割效果,对高斯噪声和椒盐噪声具有较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

传统的基于局部特征的图像目标检测算法具有对遮挡和旋转敏感、检测精度不高以及运算速度慢的特点,为了改进该算法的性能,提出了一种将图像局部特征应用于稀疏表示理论的图像目标检测算法。该算法利用随机树的方式有监督地学习样本图像的局部特征形成字典,通过学习好的字典和测试图像的子块来预测图像中目标的中心位置,以此寻求待检测图像稀疏的表示,从而实现对图像中感兴趣目标的检测。实验结果表明,该算法对目标的遮挡、旋转和复杂背景有很好的鲁棒性,而且检测精度和运算速度相对于同类经典算法均有提高。  相似文献   

近邻局部OMP稀疏表示图像去噪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 基于分类的稀疏字典去噪算法改善了字典训练阶段的效率问题,但稀疏分解阶段仍是全字典匹配,影响算法运行速度。为了解决稀疏去噪算法在稀疏分解阶段因复杂矩阵运算及字典全局搜索导致的算法效率低,以及冗余的稀疏字典因无法描述图像具体特征而影响图像去噪效果的问题,提出改进算法。方法 首先稀疏分解阶段,在原正交匹配追踪算法基础上引入字典原子聚类思想,提出局部正交匹配追踪算法,将全局搜索优化为局部搜索;为保证局部搜索仍能保持良好的匹配结果,提出近邻择优策略,计算聚类中心与信号原子的距离,从而按照某一阈值自适应地选择最优的n个子字典作为稀疏分解的匹配空间;最后将图像分解为内容簇和背景簇,对内容簇采用基于近邻的局部K奇异值分解(K-SVD)算法去噪,背景簇采用均值滤波方法去噪。结果 对USC标准数据库中大量图像进行去噪实验,本文算法去噪结果的峰值信噪比值比K-SVD算法平均提高了1.53 dB,比2维块匹配(BM3D)算法平均提高了0.72 dB,比聚类的稀疏表示去噪(CSR)算法平均提高了0.5 dB;运行时间比原算法提高了23.2%。结论 本文算法针对灰度图像去噪,在去噪效果及去噪效率方面均有改善,尤其对细节纹理较丰富的灰度图像去噪具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

图像重构问题中一个关键的问题是如何选取变换基实现对图像的稀疏分解。根据Meyer图像模型将图像分割为卡通部分(cartoon,or piecewise smooth)和纹理部分(texture),并用Symlet系列小波基、Contourlet基和离散余弦变换基、波原子分别构造级联字典表示图像的卡通部分和纹理部分。然后利用块坐标松弛法求解优化问题提出结合级联字典和双层稀疏分解的图像重构算法。实验结果表明,与基于单一最佳小波基的重构算法和基于级联字典的匹配追踪算法比较,该算法获得更高的图像重构质量。  相似文献   

The technique of sparse representation (SR) has achieved enormous successes in multi-source image fusion. However, using SR-based fusion methods, there exists the performance degradation in limited detail preservation caused by the independent processing of image patches. To remedy this deficiency, in this paper, a novel method based on spatially masked convolutional sparse representation (SMCSR-based) is proposed for image fusion, which is composed of three steps as follows. Firstly, low-frequency and high-frequency bands are separated from each source image by the designed two-scale gradient optimization approach. Secondly, the SMCSR model is employed to fuse the high-frequency bands, and the “average" rule is applied to the combination of the low-frequency bands. At last, the fused image is reconstructed. Compared with traditional SR-based algorithms, the proposed SMCSR-based method is focused on entire images instead of those divided patches to reduce detail-loss. In addition, this method can overcome the difficulty in the selection of decomposition levels originated by multi-scale transform (MST) based fusion strategies, as well as also suppress the boundary artifacts produced by the traditional convolutional sparse representation (CSR) model. Extensive experiments and related analysis are given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed SMCSR-based fusion method.  相似文献   

针对受加性高斯白噪声(AWGN)与椒盐噪声(SPIN)以及随机值冲击噪声(RVIN)组成的混合噪声污染的图像进行去噪的问题,提出一种在现有加权编码算法的基础上将图像稀疏表示和非局部相似先验融合的改进算法。首先,利用基于字典的图像稀疏表示构建去噪变分模型,对模型中的数据保真项设计一个权重因子来抑制冲击噪声的干扰;其次,利用非局部平均思想对混合噪声图像进行初始去噪,在得到的图像中构建掩膜矩阵将冲击噪声点排除进而求取非局部相似先验知识;最后,将非局部相似先验与稀疏先验融合进变分模型的正则项中,求解变分模型得到最终去噪图像。实验结果表明,在不同的噪声比率下,所提算法与模糊加权非局部平均算法相比,峰值信噪比(PSNR)提高了1.7 dB,特征相似性指数(FSIM)提高了0.06;与加权编码算法相比,PSNR提高了0.64 dB,FSIM提高了0.03。该算法对于纹理较强的图像可以显著提升去噪效果,能有效地保留图像的本真信息。  相似文献   

针对传统的稀疏表示字典学习图像分类方法在大规模分布式环境下效率低下的问题,设计一种基于稀疏表示全局字典的图像学习方法。将传统的字典学习步骤分布到并行节点上,使用凸优化方法在节点上学习局部字典并实时更新全局字典,从而提高字典学习效率和大规模数据的分类效率。最后在MapReduce平台上进行并行化实验,结果显示该方法在不影响分类精度的情况下对大规模分布式数据的分类有明显的加速,可以更高效地运用于各种大规模图像分类任务中。  相似文献   

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