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用液晶分子运动的动力学方程,求出了激光诱导向列相液晶分子重新取向的取向角、折射率改变、阈值场强和上升时间的近似表达式。讨论了它们随液晶材料参数、激光强度和激光在液晶中传播方向的变化,进行了数值计算。给出了激光能诱导向列相液晶分子重新取向的必备条件,得到向列相液晶的各向异性是其分子重新的取向的根本原因。 相似文献
Key P. Harrison R. Little V. Katzenstein J. 《Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of》1970,6(10):641-646
Bragg reflection of light from a phase grating has been used as a technique for the investigation of nonlinear optical phenomena. A continuous argon ion laser was used to probe the structure induced in a liquid by the nonlinear interaction of a high-intensity ruby-laser beam with that liquid. This arrangement had the advantage of allowing direct space and time-resolved measurements of the induced effects. 相似文献
The variation of the laser linewidth within an optically pumped NH3 FIR laser has been studied theoretically on the basis of three-level quantum system approach. It has been shown that the activated medium within the sample tube of an optically pumped ASE FIR laser can be divided into three regions: A). Laser induced line narrowing region, in which the FIR laser linewidth is less than Lorentz linewidth; B). Saturation broadening region, in which the power density of the FIR. signal becomes large enough to make saturation effect important and the linewidth broadens; C), Self-absorption narrowing region, in which the pumping energy density is below the threshold, so self-absorption dominates and the linewidth decreases. The necessary linewidth of the OPFIRL can be obtained by appropriate selection of the length of the sample tube. 相似文献
We have studied an optically-induced index inhomoganeity in CdS. Using ∼10 mW of focused laser radiation whose frequency is near the band gap, a reduction in index as large as one part in 103was observed which resulted in induced lenses with focal lengths as short as 1 mm. We also find large absorption saturation and highly efficient recombination radiation (green edge emission) accompanying the index effects. Changes in optical transmission of two orders of magnitude and quantum conversion efficiencies of ∼50 percent were measured. The effects occur in selected samples near liquid nitrogen and liquid hydrogen temperature. Various mechanisms for the inhomogeneities are discussed. The effect is ultimately attributed to the presence of compensated Cd acceptor vacancies which act, directly or indirectly, as absorbing centers. The relevance of these effects to laser-induced index inhomogeneities occurring in LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 is discussed. 相似文献
Abdulhalim I. Archambault J.L. Reekie L. Pannell C.N. Russell P.StJ. 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》1993,5(12):1395-1397
Strong effects due to uniaxial stress applied to an in-fiber grating reflection peak splits because of the elastooptically induced birefringence. The separation between the two peaks increases with the stress, and they broaden and shift. By modulating the pressure using a PZT disk at frequencies up to 1 MHz, modulation of the reflectivity, which varies with the wavelength within the grating reflection band, was obtained 相似文献
在光电对抗中,高速、可靠地获取敌方来袭激光的参数是实施有效对抗的关键。提出了基于正弦振幅透射光栅衍射原理的窄脉冲激光波长和入射方向的测试方法,并设计了激光告警接收机原理样机,该样机由光栅、平凸柱面镜、ATMEL公司的驱动频率为50MHz的线阵CCD探测器、高速数字信号处理器TMS320V C5509和液晶显示电路构成。结果表明,该样机可达到如下技术指标:波长范围为500~1100nm、波长分辨率≤10nm、视场范围为22.5°、角度分辨率≤1°、反应时间<0.1s、灵敏度<10mW/cm2。 相似文献
在光致折变晶体(如SBN,BaTiO_3等)中发生两波混频及能量耦合是由于晶体干涉场内产生了相对于干涉场有相位移动的折射率光栅(相位光栅),这已被实验和理论证实。如果仅有两波混频产生的相位光栅,而此光栅相对于干涉场并无相位移动,或相位移动量较小(不足π/2),此时不会发生波能量耦合或耦合极微弱。1981年A.Yariv用耦合波方程从数学上解决了这个问题。 相似文献
An optical-diffraction modulator, using an electro-optic crystal excited by a periodic array of metallic conductors, is described. The operation of the device is in some ways similar to that of an acoustoelectric modulator; it differs from it in that it has a bandwidth, potentially very wide, which extends from d.c. It may therefore find application as a baseband modulator. 相似文献
An alternative system for producing an electro-optic grating modulator is discussed. A polarisation grating is used to overcome electric-field reduction occurring with closely spaced electro-optic grating electrodes. 相似文献
V. A. Komotskii Yu. M. Sokolov N. V. Suetin 《Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics》2017,62(7):822-826
A new scheme of the power modulator of laser beam is based on a corner-reflector unit with a relief diffraction grating that is placed on a plane of the unit and has a relief depth of several wavelengths of the laser radiation. It is shown that angular oscillations of the unit make it possible to implement modulation of the zero-order diffraction beam at a modulation depth of almost 100% and a relatively high linearity of the modulation characteristic that is reached at modulation depths of greater than 50%. 相似文献
Large absorption of 980-nm pumping in Er-Yb doped fibers causes significant temperature differentials along small length of the fibers. When pumped with 40 mW of power, unequal Bragg wavelength shifts of 0.25 and 0.16 mm were measured in the respective 6- and 10-mm-long Bragg reflectors constructed around the Er-Yb core of a 2.5-cm-long DBR laser. This causes large fluctuation in the laser's output power. Stable operation resumed with increased pump power. At 68 mW of pump power, 0.32-nm shift in lasing wavelength (corresponding to a temperature rise of 38°C) was measured in the distributed Bragg reflector fiber laser 相似文献
The dynamic self-diffraction effects due to large optical nonlinearities of nematic liquid crystals via molecular reorientation are reviewed. The laser-induced gratings are shown to arise because two waves with ordinary and extraordinary polarizations propagate in a nonlinear anisotropic medium. Both threshold and thresholdless effects as well as nonlinear scattering in an initially nonhomogeneous medium are discussed. Direction of further work in this field as well as potential applications are indicated. 相似文献
A novel method of overcoming spatial hole burning, in order to achieve narrow-band operation of a standing wave laser, is proposed. Frequency selection is obtained by the interaction between cavity modes and a grating induced in the active medium. A third-order Lamb theory analysis of the proposed system is made and the coefficients for net gain, self, and cross saturation obtained. These coefficients are used to examine the stability of the cavity modes. It is shown that, for the case of a transversely pumped dye laser, single-frequency selection should be possible using a suitable cavity arrangement. 相似文献