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To maintain power system security, the authors are developing an integrated security monitoring and control (ISMAC) system which consists of the three main functions: security monitoring, preventive control and emergency control. This paper focuses on the dynamic preventive control which deals with the transient stability immediately after the contingency has occurred. The proposed method is based on the transient stability assessment using the pattern recognition with two-dimensional feature space. Therefore, a preventive control strategy can be obtained rapidly. An index which represents the severity of the contingency quantitatively (security index) is defined by the distance from a linear decision surface which divides a feature plane into a stable and an unstable region. Further, this method has also the advantage that it is possible to consider the effect of the control devices or damping to some extent and specify the operator demand for stabilization flexibly. The effectiveness of the proposed method is ascertained through numerical examples for model power systems.  相似文献   

介绍考虑稳定控制措施后的归一化能量函数在河南电网暂态稳定性分析中的应用。通过归一化转子运动方程,定义了稳定控制措施投入后的归一化能量函数使之适用于在故障后系统惯性中心和运行发电机数目发生变化的情况下进行电力系统暂态稳定性评估,并在此基础上提出考虑稳定控制措施的稳定裕度分析策略。通过在河南省网暂态评估中的应用说明策略的有效性。  相似文献   

叶俊 《广东电力》2006,19(10):15-16
利用外部实时同步测量的思想和能量原理,提出一种电力系统暂态稳定性实时预测方法,并在此基础上提出了暂态稳定紧急控制的方法。该预测和控制方法简单.概念清楚,无需要预先知道系统的网络结构和参数,计算速度快,能准确反映系统的真实运行情况,适于在线应用。  相似文献   

Along with the growth in size of electrical power systems, attention is increasingly being given to various reduction techniques of dynamic system models for transient stability studies. One of these is the topological reduction that includes coherency-based aggregation. A theorem from the nonlinear vibrations theory is applied to derive analytical coherency-criteria for a classical model of the system. A simplified algorithm of coherency recognition is given and results for a sample system are shown. Important properties of topological equivalents are proved and a relationship to modal reduction is pointed out.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于原对偶内点算法的安全约束最优潮流的数学模型,以控制代价最小化为目标,不仅考虑了正常状态下的安全约束,还同时考虑到了预想事故后的安全约束以及电压稳定裕度的约束。在线电压稳定评估系统中,同时考虑单重预想事故及其引发的继发性二重预想事故,分别进行筛选和排序,综合形成预想事故集。根据预想事故集,基于上述模型依次对其中每一预想事故进行预防控制,构建在线电压稳定预防控制模块,当系统处于不安全状态时,能够及时提供合理的预防控制策略,保证系统安全运行。以IEEE 118节点测试系统为算例,验证了所提出模型的正确性。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a brand‐new method for transient stability analysis in power systems. The proposed method directly computes the critical trajectory for a given contingency to obtain the critical condition of the studied system. Although the method may be useful for general nonlinear dynamic systems, it is applied to the problem of obtaining a controlling UEP, unstable equilibrium point, which provides inevitable information for the energy function methods to assess transient stability. Namely, the proposed method effectively yields a critical trajectory on PEBS together with the controlling UEP, thus improving the conventional BCU method. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated in 3‐machine 9‐bus and 6‐machine 30‐bus systems. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 159(3): 26–33, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20245  相似文献   

This paper presents a fuzzy logic-controlled superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) for the enhancement of transient stability in a multi-machine power system. The control scheme of SMES is based on a pulse width modulation (PWM) voltage source converter (VSC) and a two-quadrant DC–DC chopper using gate-turn-off (GTO) thyristor. Total kinetic energy deviation (TKED) of the synchronous generators is used as the fuzzy input for SMES control. Communication delays introduced in online calculation of the TKED are considered for the actual analysis of transient stability. Global positioning system (GPS) is proposed for the practical implementation of the calculation of the TKED. Simulation results of balanced fault at different points in a multi-machine power system show that the proposed fuzzy logic-controlled SMES is an effective device for transient stability enhancement of multi-machine power system. Moreover, the transient stability performance is effected by the communication delay.  相似文献   

提出的综合的静态电压失稳预防控制策略以最小控制代价为目标,综合考虑了负荷增长方式和多预想故障条件下的静态电压稳定裕度约束对系统静态电压稳定性的影响。该策略分2步进行:首先考虑负荷增长的影响,若系统在未来运行点不满足静稳指标,则找出系统的薄弱区域和负荷最安全变化方向,在此方向进行合理的无功补偿;其次考虑多预想故障条件下系统的静态电压稳定裕度约束,并引入关键故障集的概念求解计算优化策略,施加控制措施后再进行扫描确定新的关键故障集,循环直至对所有故障都满足裕度要求。IEEE-39节点算例证明了该综合预防控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a methodology for estimating a normalized power system transient stability margin (ΔVn) using multi-layered perceptron (MLP) neural network with a fast training approach. The nonlinear mapping relation between the ΔVn and operating conditions of the power system is established using the MLP neural network. The potential energy boundary surface (PEBS) method along with a time-domain simulation technique is used to obtain the training set of the neural network. Results on the New England 10-machine 39-bus system demonstrate that the proposed method provides a fast and accurate tool to evaluate online power system transient stability with acceptable accuracy. In addition, based on the examination of generators rotor angles after faults, a method is presented to select the power system operating conditions that most effect the ΔVn for each fault.  相似文献   

暂态能量函数的动力学机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了全阶Park模型下同步发电机机电暂态能量转换机制,为暂态能量函数法成功地应用于详细模型下多机电力系统暂态稳定分析之中奠定了物理基础。同时也阐明了用参变量法构造暂态能量函数的局限性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for obtaining preventive control strategies based on nonlinear optimization for power systems which will incur voltage instability when load demand increases. An algorithm is proposed to determine an appropriate and effective control action taking into account the operating constraints to widen the margin between the present operating point and a voltage collapse point, thereby improving the system state. The method proposed here is based on a complex-valued load-flow technique using the Newton-Raphson method which has been developed already by the authors. Consequently, the preventive control algorithm also can evaluate the voltage instability in the event the present operating point becomes closer to the critical point and the system state becomes unfeasible at increased loading point. Further, in optimization, two-types of objective functions are introduced so that voltage stabilization and dissolution of constraint violation can be attained simultaneously. In addition, this paper discusses the extension of the proposed preventive control to the successive control method which carries out the control action to avoid voltage collapse while the load demand is increasing. Numerical examples for various model systems demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper investigates various approaches to relieve the transient stability constraint in restructured power systems. The approaches adopted fall into two broad categories: those based on eliminating the constraint in the least-cost way and those based on eliminating with the least possible rescheduling. The latter group can, on the other hand, emerge in the form of a pool-protected policy in which the bilateral contracts are rescheduled to maintain the stability or in the form of a contract-protected policy in which the realizable bilateral contracts are maximized while minimizing the rescheduling in pool market. Transient energy function (TEF) method is used as a tool to calculate the sensitivity of energy margin to the variations in the magnitude of generation and load. The effectiveness of the method is illustrated by case studies on Western System Coordinating Council (WSCC) 3-machine 9-bus power system and on the 10-machine 39-bus New England test system and the results are compared. The results are also verified by time domain simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, the possibility of applying a Power System Stabilizer (PSS) via the governor-turbine system of a generating unit is studied for both single-machine and multimachine power systems. The results of analysis and simulation show that the conventional exciter-based PSS can be used in conjunction with the modern high-speed governor to suppress low-frequency oscillations in power systems. This arrangement of stabilizer possesses better robustness to the changes of power system operating conditions. Furthermore, in the environment of a multimachine power system, the control of PSS on the governor of every generator can be locally synthesized to stabilize the whole system, PSS design becomes much easier and simpler.  相似文献   

A decentralized control system is studied for stabilizing multimachine power systems. A longitudinal power system with three areas, each having one machine, is considered in this study. A decentralized control design method is proposed, which is based on the optimal regulator theory. First a centralized control system is designed without any consideration on whether state variables are all available or not. Second a pseudo-decentralized control system is designed by omitting control gains corresponding to state variables which give hardly any effects on the power system stability. It is found that only one variable of phase angle of each machine is absolutely necessary for the pseudo-decentralized control system. This leads to an idea based on power system engineering, that is to say, new variables of tieline power flow are introduced in the decentralized control system design to substitute for the phase angle of each machine. Thus a decentralized control system for power system stability can be designed using the new variables of tieline power flow. It is demonstrated from simulation studies that the decentralized control system improves even longitudinal power system stability as well as the centralized control system.  相似文献   

基于网络局部暂态能量的TCSC控制策略的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大扰动下可控硅串联补偿装置控制策略的易实现性、对系统运行方式、故障状态、网络结构的适应性等问题是可控硅串联补偿装置能否实用化的关键。基于结构保持的多机系统的拓扑能量函数,在探索了系统故障后暂态势能在网络中的分布变化特点基础上,提出大扰动下仅依赖于本地输入信号的TCSC(可控硅控制串联补偿)的控制规律,不仅控制规律简单易行,而且在实际系统中的仿真结果表明了该控制规律的有效性。  相似文献   

Since an adjustable-speed generator/motor (ASGM) is excited by ac voltage fed by a quick-response cyclo-converter, rotating speed of the rotor can be constantly changed. The ASGMs installed at some pumped-storage power stations achieve automatic frequency control during nightly demand troughs by changing the pumping power to accord with the rotating speed. It is expected, on the other hand, that under peak generation during the day, the ASGM will be used for enhancement of transient stability because it can generate or absorb active and reactive power independently via the ac excitation voltage control. This paper proposes a novel control method for the excitations systems of ASGM that will improve the transient stability of multi-machine power systems like multiple ASGMs. The controller, which is designed for an energy function, works well for stability enhancement. To gauge it against conventional excitation control of synchronous generators and against constant output power control of ASGMs, the effectiveness of the proposed method is simulated in digital trials. © 1997 Scripta Technica, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 118 (4): 10–19, 1997  相似文献   

电力市场稳定安全约束下的经济代价最小数学模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于归一化能量裕度对电力系统可控参数的二阶灵敏度算法,提出了电力系统以经济代价最小为目标函数,以动态安全为约束条件的数学规划模型.该模型同时适用于单一类型和合同与非合同混合类型两种市场模型,既可用于市场交易管理又可用于在线安全控制.最后通过新英格兰10机典型电力系统上的算例说明了它在电力市场安全管理中的应用方法.  相似文献   

This paper presents an application of fuzzy control to enhance power system stability. The proposed control consists of the controller for large disturbance (FU 1), the fuzzy controller for small disturbance (FU 2), and the fuzzy judgment mechanism (FU 3). FU 1 is determined based on the fuzzy controller [FU 1(F)] is determined according to the control rules and its input signals, i.e., speed deviation and acceleration at every sampling time of the machine. FU 2 consists of two controllers, namely, FU 2-ω and FU 2-P; FU 2-ω has the same mechanism as FU 1, while the output signal of FU 2-P is determined according to the rules together with the change of error of electrical power and terminal voltage. To obtain the optimal desired control signal during both the large and the small disturbances, the operations of FU 1 and FU 2 are judged by FU 3, where the magnitude of speed deviation is chosen as its input signal. The determined control signal is fed to AVR of the machine. The implementation of the proposed control is simple due to the small amount of calculations and required data. The effectiveness of the proposed control is demonstrated by the one-machine infinite-bus system model and very good system performance is obtained throughout all the simulations.  相似文献   

Recently, power systems have become larger and more complicated, and the rate of occurrence of constant power loads has increased. Under a situation like this, concerns about voltage instability phenomena have been raised. Therefore, in addition to the conventional local voltage control, the necessity of a global on‐line voltage control scheme has risen. In this paper, we propose a method of on‐line voltage stability control including preventive and emergency‐preventive controls to retain voltage stability even if a severe fault occurs. According to the result of contingency analysis for severe faults, we consider operation of control equipment as preventive control. And in the case that the fault seems severe still after preventive control, we consider load curtailment as emergency‐preventive control. When we select the control equipment and loads to curtail, we use voltage stability index VIPI sensitivity. And we determine the amount of control and load curtailment using Optimal Power Flow calculation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by simulations using a 28‐bus system. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 143(4): 22–30, 2003; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10128  相似文献   

提出了改善双馈感应发电机并网系统暂态稳定性的变频器控制策略。首先,分析了双馈感应发电系统的动态模型和控制原理。其次,在双馈感应发电机有功控制环节中引入暂态功角控制,利用风电机组转速的变化,短时吸收或者释放部分旋转动能,加速系统不平衡能量的衰减,减小系统中同步发电机功角波动;在无功控制环节中引入暂态电压控制,系统故障电压跌落后进行快速无功补偿,支持电网电压的恢复和重建;提出了能够同时改善电网暂态功角稳定和暂态电压稳定的控制策略。最后,在Dig SILENT/Power Factory中进行了仿真分析,仿真结果验证了提出控制策略的有效性及其对电网稳定性的贡献。  相似文献   

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