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Kenji Takahara Shingo Ohsaki Yuzo Itoh Kazuhiro Ohyama Hideki Kawaguchi 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》2009,166(3):94-100
This paper describes the design and trial manufacture of a linear generator which can convert any mechanical vibration of an automobile to electrical energy. A mover, which includes permanent magnets, is linearly driven through a stator by vibrations. The Nd‐Fe‐B magnets in the mover are placed facing the same magnetic poles in order to produce a change of magnetic flux in the coils of the stator. The coils are placed in the stator with the same intervals as the magnets. Successive coils are wound in opposite directions and are connected in series. A magnetic iron core covering the stator makes the magnetic flux extend through the case and reduces flux canceling in the coils of the stator. The distribution of the magnetic field, the electromotive force, and the driven power of the mover were calculated by numerical simulations in order to determine the size of the linear generator. A linear generator and experimental apparatus were built on the basis of the simulation. The performance characteristics were tested in experiments, and the produced linear generator was confirmed to be useful as an onboard auxiliary power supply. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 166(3): 94– 100, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20751 相似文献
针对传统斥力型磁悬浮系统永磁部分磁密利用率低、悬浮高度不高、悬浮力小等问题,引入Halbach永磁阵列,对传统模型进行改进,其主要思想是在不改变模型材料与尺寸的前提下,将传统模型底部主磁环设计为Halbach阵列,利用Halbach阵列单边磁场的特点,提高底部主磁环的磁场利用率。分析结果表明,Halbach斥力型磁悬浮模型的磁场分布强度比传统模型大将近2倍;对于相同的悬浮高度,Halbach阵列结构模型的悬浮力明显高于传统模型,悬浮高度越低,二者的差异越大;对于同样重量的悬浮物,Halbach阵列结构可以获得更大的悬浮气隙。研究结果为斥力型磁悬浮模型的结构尺寸优化和悬浮控制提供依据。 相似文献
直线同步电机的磁场与力特性分析 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6
本文通过合理的假设,建立了直线同步电动机的磁场分析模型,在此模型的基础上,运用基本的电磁场理论,经推导得到了直线同步电机电磁场的解析表达式以及驱动力和悬浮力的表达式。经过实验的验证,与实验值基本吻合,并对实验结果进行了分析。 相似文献
永磁直线同步电机解析分析及有限元验证 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对永磁直线同步电动机具有边端效应、气隙不均匀、气隙磁场分布复杂、永久磁极几何尺寸难以确定的问题,给出了单段永磁直线同步电动机气隙磁场的二维解析分析,讨论了电机的各主要尺寸参数对气隙磁场和性能的影响,提出了永久磁极的设计原则和计算公式,分析了考虑饱和影响、计及边端效应时分段式永磁直线同步电动机的非线性、不对称、变化的自... 相似文献
磁悬浮列车中直线发电机感应电动势的计算 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
对磁悬浮列车中,利用气隙磁场的一阶、二阶齿谐波发电的直线发电机进行了理论分析,导出了直线发电机电枢绕组在两种连接方案下感应电动势瞬时值表达式,继而导出了满足一阶齿谐波感应电动势同相位的条件,为磁悬浮列车中的直线发电机的设计提供了理论依据。 相似文献
磁悬浮系统的哈密顿建模和无源控制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对磁悬浮系统非线性特点,采用端口受控哈密顿系统理论与无源性控制原理研究磁悬浮系统的建模和控制。将磁悬浮看作能量变换装置,从能量平衡角度推导出单自由度磁悬浮系统的端口受控哈密顿模型。在哈密顿结构基础上,引入结构互联和阻尼配置,给出闭环系统期望的哈密顿函数,设计了磁悬浮系统的无源控制器。设计中直接采用哈密顿函数作为存贮函数,保证了数学严密性,且使系统在满足无源性的条件下达到要求的性能,具有明确的物理意义。仿真结果表明,系统能够快速响应,并且对负载的变化具有很强的抗干扰性能。 相似文献
The authors earlier proposed a revolving permanent‐magnet type wheel called the “magnet wheel,” which has the functions of both induction repulsive magnetic levitation and thrust. In this paper, the relationship between magnetic poles and lift force or thrust characteristics is examined to investigate the performance. Five types of magnet wheels are discussed in an experimental study and four more types are used in a theoretical study with three‐dimensional numerical analysis. The following parameters are considered: magnetomotive force (mmf) of a permanent magnet; thickness of the magnet in the magnetizing direction; total volume of magnets; fundamental factor; distortion factor of the space mmf distribution of poles; pole pitch; diameter of magnet wheel; mechanical clearance; and thickness and resistivity of conducting plate. The results show the following: 1. The lift force per unit of magnet volume is approximately proportional to the fundamental factor of the space mmf distribution of the poles. A low degree space harmonic mmf is effective in increasing lift force. 2. The driving power per unit of lift force is almost entirely independent of the configuration of the primary member, including pole arrangement and position relative to the secondary conducting plate, respectively, and depends only on the resistance of the conducting plate. 3. In both the “partial‐overlap type” and “tilt type” magnet wheels, many poles with sufficiently large pole pitch are useful. In the tilt type the use of a small tilt angle is desirable. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 128(4): 111–120, 1999 相似文献
电磁装置的发热问题是影响磁悬浮系统工作稳定的重要因素之一,本文首先分析了装置的发热机理,采用ANSYS软件建立电磁装置的三维有限元模型,并将装置中动铁芯随大轴旋转时与空气产生的风摩擦损耗包含在模型中.通过瞬态仿真分析,计算出电磁装置的温度分布及温度随时间的变化趋势,由计算结果发现电磁装置长期运行后其内部温度较高,超出了系统内部正常工作的温升允许范围.继而提出冷却方案,即采用冷却管进行散热,并初步设计冷却管的安装位置、形状、参数等.最后进行仿真计算,结果表明其冷却效果非常明显,符合温升允许要求.热分析中计及了热参数随温升的变化. 相似文献
无轴承电机集磁性悬浮与转矩驱动于一体,具有无摩擦、无磨损、无损耗、免维修、寿命长等独特优点,从根本上改变了传统的支承与传动形式.该文介绍一种无轴承绕线型异步电机,通过瞬态有限元分析法(TFEM)计算其径向力和转矩的瞬态响应,结果表明该无轴承电机可以同时产生支承转子重量的稳定径向力与恒定转矩,且其控制电流相互独立,与鼠笼型转子无轴承异步电机相比,前者能够产生更有效的径向力,且转矩不受径向力绕组电流干扰;并在基于SVM-DTC的磁悬浮异步电机悬浮子系统独立控制实验平台上加以测试,结果表明该系统能够实现了无轴承绕线型异步电动稳定悬浮. 相似文献
Hiroshi Ueda Mami Iwamoto Yuhya Kudo Atsushi Ishiyama 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》2007,159(2):44-54
A magnetic levitation device with two‐dimensional movement, the so‐called “levitating X‐Y transporter,” has been developed. In order to develop a working levitating X‐Y transporter, it is necessary to clarify the levitation characteristics, such as the lift force, levitation height, and stability against mechanical disturbances. In this paper, we examine the lift and the restoring force experimentally and propose a new simulation program based on the three‐dimensional hybrid finite and boundary element method to analyze the dynamic behavior of electromagnetic characteristics of YBCO bulk. Using the numerical simulation and experiments, we investigated a suitable arrangement of permanent magnets to enhance the levitation characteristics. We also designed a levitating transporter which can carry a load of 200 kg with a gap of 16 mm. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 159(2): 44–54, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20220 相似文献
Takeshi Takanashi Yuji Matsuya Yusuke Ohtsuka Masahiro Nishikawa 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》2009,166(4):80-87
In chemical plants, an anticorrosion magnetic drive pump is commonly used to deliver corrosive chemical liquids because of its high anticorrosion performance. However, when bubbles enter the chemical pump and accumulate between the shaft and the bearing, the shaft is often broken by thermal shock. The magnetic bearing which holds the rotor in noncontact has the advantage of avoiding thermal shock and keeping the rotor in a stable state by restoring force induced from the eddy current in the conductor. A model of magnetic bearing was analyzed using the three‐dimensional finite element method. In this model, a restoring force of 68.6 N and a braking torque of 8.7 N‐m were found. The locus of the rotation axis was also estimated using a radial load and a drag coefficient. The rotor may be located inside the movable range. ©2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 166(4): 80–87, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20652 相似文献
Takashi Sasakawa Naoto Tagawa Toshiki Herai Ken Nagashima Shunsuke Fujiwara 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》1998,124(1):42-54
For EDS-type magnetically levitated trains, magnetic shielding of stray fields produced by superconducting magnets is an important task. We seek the “optimal” thickness distribution (configuration) of magnetic material, which is the lightest and keeps the magnetic field at tolerable levels in the vehicle. In many cases, trial-and-error methods have been adopted for this purpose. In this paper, we propose a new method for preliminary design of the magnetic shielding. In this method, we simplify the magnetic shielding problem, assuming infinite permeability of the magnetic material, and calculate the magnetic flux going into or out of the shield surface. In this case, we can design an optimal magnetic shield (distribution and configuration of the magnetic material) and know the minimum weight of the magnetic shielding. We finally present an example of the magnetic shielding designed by this method and investigate its characteristics in a magnetically levitated train. © 1998 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 124(1): 42–54, 1998 相似文献
Shunsuke Ohashi 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》2005,150(1):71-77
Magnetic bearing using pinning force of a permanent magnet and a high‐temperature superconductor has been developed. Additional permanent magnet is introduced to increase the levitation force of the magnetic bearing. In this hybrid magnetic bearing system, levitation force is mainly given by the repulsive force of the permanent magnets, and stability for the lateral direction is given by pinning force of the superconductor. The experimental device is developed. A ring‐type superconductor and a bulk one are examined. Levitation characteristics of the hybrid magnetic bearing are measured. The bulk superconductor shows better characteristics of both levitation and lateral stability than the ring one. Levitation force of the hybrid system becomes about twice as large as that of the nonhybrid one. Although, the repulsive force of the permanent magnet decreases the lateral stability of the system, its influence becomes small by choosing an adequate position of the permanent magnets and the superconductor. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 150(1): 71–77, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10350 相似文献
基于电势法求解稀土永磁电机的同步电抗 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文运用有限元方法分析一台800W稀土永磁同步电动机内部电磁场的分布情况,并在传统的计算电枢反应电抗的基础上提出了一种基于电势平衡方程式的计算方法,本文称之为"电势法".文章还运用直接负载法测定出样机在不同负载下的同步电抗参数,验证了"电势法"的正确性. 相似文献
圆筒永磁直线同步电机磁场和推力分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
针对轴向磁化圆筒永磁直线同步电机,提出一种基于圆柱坐标的标量磁位分离变量法的磁场解析计算方法,并利用该解析法对无槽电机的气隙磁场分布进行理论分析,得出气隙磁场的轴向和径向磁场分布的解析结果,并解析计算了电机的推力。利用有限元数值计算法对磁场和推力结果进行验证。结果表明,该电机气隙磁场的两种计算方法的结果误差很小,验证了标量磁位分离变量法解析计算气隙磁场及电磁推力的正确性和实用性。给出实验样机的径向磁场分布实验结果,磁密实测值与计算值一致,用负载传感器对电机额定负载的推力进行了实测,验证了样机分析和设计的正确性。 相似文献
精密磁悬浮工作平台的力特性分析 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
构建了一种新型磁悬浮工作平台结构,该平台结构利用永磁直线电机提供水平洛仑兹力,利用电磁铁提供垂直电磁吸力,悬浮和驱动部分相互独立,避免了两者间的耦合问题,具有出力大、运动范围广、定位精密的特点。为了研究磁场饱和、纵向边端效应和倾斜角度等因素对磁场的影响,基于有限元数值方法建立了该平台的数学模型,并在模型的基础上对该平台的力特性进行了详细分析,获得了推力和悬浮力与气隙高度、电流和倾斜角度间的变化对应关系。分析结果表明该平台的电磁力具有较好的线性度,降低了控制的复杂度。 相似文献
针对直线压缩机要求结构紧凑及力特性好的特点,提出一种新型动磁式直线振荡电机.该电机具有无需内定子、动子质量轻、加工难度小及力特性平稳等优点.在分析电机运行原理的基础上,建立了该电机的等效磁路模型,并推导了气隙磁链、电磁推力及电感的解析表达式.为验证等效磁路模型的正确性,建立了电机准二维有限元模型,并对电机气隙磁场分布及力特性进行了深入分析.实际加工了一台实验样机并进行了静态推力实验,样机测试结果、有限元分析结果和磁路分析结果较好吻合,证明了所建模型的正确性. 相似文献
本文提出用于城市轨道交通系统的直线感应电机(LIM)的非线性设计方法.该方法采用二维时步有限元法和外部驱动电路联立求解,考虑LIM的磁轭和背铁材料中的磁饱和现象和运动速度对端部效应的影响,直接计算出LIM在起动和正常工况运行时的电流、电压、磁密、推力、效率等参数.与传统的线性设计方法相比,非线性设计得到的电流与推力关系更为准确,为正确选择电机的冷却容量和驱动变频器的伏安容量提供了可靠的依据.计算实例验证了新方法的有效性. 相似文献