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Due to the crucial importance of the FACTS based damping controllers in mitigation the deteriorative impacts of the power system low frequency oscillations, particularly the inter-area modes, improving the system stability margins seems indispensible. This paper proposes an optimization approach to effectively carry out the multi-machine based stabilization function of the Gate-Controlled Series Capacitor (GCSC) in providing a robust damping to the power system low frequency oscillations. It is aimed to provide a reliable damping framework by means of an optimized GCSC based supplementary damping controller. Thus, to attain the most efficient set of the damping controller parameters, Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm as a proficient optimum hunter is employed to explore for the global stabilization solution in accordance to a vast range of power system operating conditions. Moreover, as a weighty assessment, the eigenvalue analysis is taken into account as the cornerstone of the performed studies in order to investigate the damping methodology in which the unstable or lightly damped inter-area modes are scheduled to effectively shift to some predominant stability zones in the s-plane. Meanwhile, derived results through the nonlinear time domain simulation as well as two dynamic performance evaluators manifestly demonstrate the impressiveness and verify the robustness of the proposed GCSC based damping scheme in enhancing the power system stability, especially regarding to the inter-area modes.  相似文献   

The authors proposed a nonlinear adaptive generator control system with neutral networks for improving damping of power systems, and showed its effectiveness in a one-machine infinite bus test power system in a previous paper. The proposed neurocontrol system adaptively generates appropriate supplementary control signals to the conventional controllers such as the automatic voltage regulator and speed governor so as to enhance transient stability and damping of the power system. In this paper, the applicability of the proposed neurocontrol system to multimachine power systems is discussed. Digital time simulations are carried out for a 4-machine test power system, where one or several synchronous generators is equipped with the neurocontrol system. As a result, also in the multimachine power system, the proposed adaptive neurocontrol systems improve the system damping effectively and they work adaptively against the wide changes of the operating conditions and the network configuration.  相似文献   

电力系统低频振荡和次同步振荡统一模型阻尼分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
电力系统低频振荡和次同步振荡可能存在阻尼耦合,电力系统稳定器PSS(Power System Stabilizer)等控制装置的加入在抑制低频振荡的基础上,会引发系统次同步振荡。从系统阻尼出发,运用小干扰分析法.对低频振荡和次同步振荡实施统一建模,并分析系统的阻尼变化规律。对算例运用特征根分析法.分析比较了PSS、励磁放大倍数以及发电机出力和功率因数等参数变化对系统各振荡模式阻尼的影响。结果表明系统阻尼守恒,且低频振荡与次同步振荡不可共容;在调节以上参数时须考虑对低频振荡和次同步振荡的双重影响。  相似文献   

Contents Targetted power system simulations were carried out to analyse slow inter-area oscillations sporadically occurring in the European power system and to investigate suitable, easily applicable countermeasures. To obtain application-oriented results the investigations are based on a detailed power system dynamic model which reproduces the UCTE and the CENTREL network area-wide with the same exactitude. Received: 10 August 2001/Accepted: 14 August 2001  相似文献   

低频振荡实时控制方法将小干扰稳定在线控制策略或设定的离线策略应用于控制实际发生的低频振荡.通过小干扰稳定计算得到电网的弱阻尼模式,分别计算将各弱阻尼模式的阻尼提高到不同档位的控制措施.在电网发生低频振荡时进行在线分析,采用实测主导模式的频率筛选出候选的模式集,根据振荡中心的信息在小干扰稳定性分析中对设备进行分群,并根据设备分群信息确定与实测主导模式对应的模式,根据实测主导模式阻尼与临界安全阻尼门槛值的差值确定对应的小干扰稳定计算得到的控制措施.若没有与实测主导模式对应的模式,则从离线策略表获取辅助决策信息.最后通过自动发电控制(AGC)系统或调度员命令实施相应的控制策略.  相似文献   

针对虚拟同步发电机(VSG)控制的电压源型逆变器接入交流系统,建立含VSG的单机无穷大系统的线性化模型,分析VSG控制的新能源接入对电力系统低频振荡的影响。采用阻尼转矩分析法揭示VSG接入对电力系统机电振荡模式的影响机理,并利用DIgSILENT/PowerFactory仿真软件进行仿真验证,结果表明:VSG通过向系统中同步发电机的机电振荡环提供阻尼转矩改变系统的整体阻尼,进而影响电力系统的振荡稳定性。  相似文献   

基于线性化等面积法则和小干扰分析方法,提出储能系统抑制电力系统低频振荡的原理和方法.通过对装有储能系统的单机无穷大系统进行理论分析和仿真测试,结果表明储能阻尼控制能够提供系统阻尼,且控制储能系统和电力系统之间的有功功率交换获得阻尼的效果比控制无功功率交换获得阻尼的效果要好的多.  相似文献   

引入无功-转速型传递函数,推导了双馈风电场无功功率对系统贡献的阻尼系数大小和性质的表达式,并基于分析获得的提供系统正阻尼条件,优化设计无功功率环附加阻尼控制策略抑制次同步振荡。以双馈风电场接入IEEE第一标准测试系统为例,基于Dig SILENT/Power Factory仿真平台对双馈风电场无功功率附加阻尼控制时的系统运行性能进行仿真比较。理论分析和时域仿真结果表明,推导的阻尼系数表达式以及得到的正阻尼范围条件可以有效分析双馈风电场无功功率对系统次同步振荡的作用,提出的风电场无功功率附加阻尼控制策略能在全次同步频段内提供最优正阻尼,且抑制效果优于有功功率附加PSS阻尼控制。  相似文献   

本文从多机电力系统总阻尼的概念出发,证明了多变量励磁控制并不增加电力系统总阻尼.在AVR的基础上附加转速、功角、功率,乃至于附加远方机组任意信号的复杂多变量励磁控制方式下,电力系统总阻尼保持守恒,其数值与单纯AVR控制时相等.由于电力系统所有模式阻尼之和为常数,所以在试图增加某一模式阻尼时必然导致削弱其他模式的阻尼.这是设计多变量励磁规律时的阻尼竞争现象.附加励磁控制的实质仅仅是在各模式阻尼相互竞争、彼此消长中寻求协调与平衡.当系统满足阻尼守恒条件时,给所有模式增加阻尼的企图是不可实现的.  相似文献   

HHT在电力系统低频振荡模态参数提取中的应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
针对目前电力系统低频振荡的分析局限于用线性化方法来处理而导致的分析结果不精确,甚至不尽合理,提出基于希尔伯特-黄变换(HHT)的提取电力系统低频振荡模态参数新方法。首先运用HHT中的经验模态分解(EMD)实现各低频振荡模态分量的有效分离,并对各模态分量进行希尔伯特(Hilbert)变换、计算其相对应瞬时幅值、瞬时频率及相位;其次运用该文推导的阻尼比计算公式提取各振荡模态分量阻尼比,从而实现低频振荡模态参数的有效提取。同时对超低频振荡的产生机理给出一种新的解释,该方法有助于分析电力系统强非线性振荡模态及阻尼控制器的设计研究。数值仿真及实例分析均表明该方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

Subsynchronous oscillations in a power system with series-compensated lines can be amplified and sustained because of interaction between the electrical power system and the turbine generator system. Recently, it has been found that an HVDC link may have a similar effect. A subsynchronous resonance study is described for an EHV series-sompensated ACDC transmission system performed on a digital computer which includes mathematical modelling of a synchronous machine with torsional dynamic representation. Owing to the fast controllability of HVDC transmission, a simple DC current regulator can be incorporated into the rectifier current control system to modulate the DC power whereby the rather fast (10–20 Hz) torsional oscillations can be damped out. This power mudulation can be used for the damping of oscillations caused by the series-compensated AC line as well as by an HVDC link.  相似文献   

Ali  Sara  Ali   《Electric Power Systems Research》2009,79(11):1511-1520
This paper proposes a reinforcement learning based backstepping control technique for damping oscillations in electric power systems using the generators excitation systems. Decentralized controllers are first designed using the backstepping technique. Then, reinforcement learning is used to tune the gains of these controllers to adapt to various operating conditions. Simulation results for a two area power system show that the proposed control technique provides better damping than (i) conventional power system stabilizers and (ii) backstepping fixed gain controllers.  相似文献   

针对送端电网大规模风电接入可能加剧火电机组次同步振荡的问题,提出一种基于改进遗传算法的自抗扰附加阻尼控制方法。利用基于总体最小二乘法-旋转不变技术的信号参数估计(TLS-ESPRIT)算法对系统进行次同步振荡特性辨识,根据主模比指标选择合适的控制反馈信号,得到系统在次同步频段内各振荡模式对应的低阶传递函数;结合时间乘绝对误差积分准则(ITAE)指标与极大极小值原理确定被控系统控制目标,并利用改进遗传算法寻优确定多通道自抗扰控制器参数。在PSCAD上搭建含大规模风电的测试系统模型,仿真结果表明基于改进自抗扰控制的附加次同步阻尼控制器在送端电网多种运行方式和不同故障情况下都能有效抑制汽轮发电机组的次同步振荡,鲁棒性较强,同时低阶自抗扰控制器也具有令人满意的控制效果。  相似文献   

Large-capacity adjustable speed machines (ASMs) at pumped storage power stations have been put into full operation and their operating characteristics have been highly evaluated from the viewpoint of power system operation. The output power (input power) of ASMs can be controlled very quickly by applying a vector control scheme to the excitation control. This quick responsive feature of ASMs can make it possible to improve the stability of the neighbor subpower system. For improvement of transient stability, the output power of ASMs is reduced very quickly in order to control the acceleration of neighbor generators during and after transmission line faults. For improvement of dynamic stability, the output power of ASMs is modulated in accordance with the stabilizing signals detected from the swing of generator rotor or the power flow fluctuation on the transmission line. This paper describes the design concepts and method of control system for improving the transient and dynamic stability and proposes a power system stabilizing control system. The effects of the proposed stabilizing control system have been verified by a power system simulator. © 1997 Scripta Technica, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 121(2): 27–36, 1997  相似文献   

This paper documents research conducted to investigate the use and tuning of power system stabilizers (PSSs) to improve small-signal dynamic performance of the Mexican interconnected system (MIS). The analysis focuses on the control of a critical inter-area mode associated with the interaction between the southeastern and western regions of the system and a critical local mode. Study results include the determination of critical system modes more controllable by existing PSSs and the use of supplementary control actions to damp low-frequency inter-area modes of oscillation. Results for both, small and large perturbations are presented to illustrate the placement and tuning of PSSs at several appropriate locations throughout the system.  相似文献   

广域电力系统中时滞控制信号的选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对广域电力系统时滞控制问题,提出通过选择合适的时滞控制信号可以简化控制设计过程,避免论证/采用复杂的时滞控制理论.提出一种简单有效的时滞敏感程度指标(TDSI)评估控制信号对时滞的容忍程度,论述了在实际电力系统中的计算方法.采用新英格兰测试系统进行了常见扰动方式、候选信号的TDSI评估、有/无控制器的系统动态响应仿真,结果表明:采用TDSI值较小的广域信号作为输出反馈信号,根据常规无时滞控制理论设计的控制器在快速有效抑制低频振荡的前提下,具有较好的抗时滞性能.  相似文献   

为了提高电力系统机电暂态控制能力,提出了以主导轨迹断面阻尼比灵敏度条件来分析仿真关键参数的方案,从而将轨迹特征根处理思想引入工程分析中。系统通过二个典型模式发生振荡,仿真测试后以Prony方法处理发电机的功角曲线生成振荡变化的特征量组,判断模式二属于主导仿真模式。通过时段主导模式得到的轨迹断面阻尼比灵敏度更高。在相同的模式下,当参与因子提高后,机组控制系统可以形成更高的轨迹断面阻尼比灵敏度。对于复杂多机系统,可以利用轨迹断面阻尼比灵敏度来诊断控制系统的各项参数,从而更高效地处理复杂振荡模式并降低计算量。经过3.5 s仿真后,考虑到Dy比规定门槛值更大,机组励磁控制系统具有增幅振荡的特性。当T_A上升后能够达到更高的稳定性,参数T_A提高形成了更平稳的励磁电流与功角曲线。  相似文献   

苏渊 《中国电力》2006,39(2):10-13
介绍了三峡左岸电站电力系统稳定器(PSS)的选型过程,主要介绍了PSS2A模型的构成和工作原理。对PSS2A模型进行了现场试验,分别在投入PSS和退出PSS的条件下,采用电压阶跃响应、强迫振荡和无功反调等试验以验证其阻尼能力。试验结果表明,PSS2A模型能有效地抑制低频振荡,且不会产生无功反调现象,满足国家电力调度中心对三峡左岸电站机组并网发电的要求。  相似文献   

This paper considers the vibration control of a motor system which has a motor and a load connected with a flexible shaft. However, this system often generates a shaft torsional vibration. Traditional methods of treating this problem to adjust the PID controller so that the closed-loop frequency response is slower than that of the vibration mode. On the other hand, one method has already been proposed in which the vibration is suppressed by a disturbance observer. This paper proposes a new approach based on H control theory. For comparison, a PI control system based on classical control theory also is constructed. The results of several experiments show that compared with the PI control system, the H control system is effective in suppressing the vibration. Further, the H controller obtained in the study consists of a PI controller and a series compensator that functions as an active vibration controller.  相似文献   

特高压试验示范线路建成投运后,华中电网内部发生故障时有可能引起特高压线路发生低频振荡。电力系统稳定器等传统防止电力系统功率振荡的措施并不能有效抑制华中电网和华北电网间可能存在的超低频振荡现象。考虑到华中电网中交直流并联运行的特点,利用直流系统快速调节能力,采用直流附加阻尼控制方法,提出适用于华中-华北互联系统的控制策略,并基于PSASP仿真平台对华中电网内部各种典型的交流大扰动故障进行暂态稳定仿真研究。仿真结果表明直流附加阻尼控制能有效抑制特高压线路功率振荡,提高互联系统稳定性。  相似文献   

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